Thrush is a disease that develops in response to decreased immunity and disruption of the normal microbiocenosis of the urogenital tract. There are other types of thrush, for example, thrush of the oral cavity, thrush of newborns.
Very often, such growths appear on the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity. An eruption can be spherical, branchy or mushroom-shaped. It consists of a network of branching glands on the endometrium.
The growth of tissues above the endometrial mucosa is a polyp. Consider the main causes of its appearance, symptoms, types, methods of diagnosis and treatment.
In some cases, removal of the endometrial polyp can be accompanied by endometritis - an inflammation of the endometrium, which can develop for various reasons, including: infection attachment, intensive recovery.
Conservative methods include treatment aimed at reducing the endometrium, preventing further growth and development of the polyp, relieving symptoms and alleviating the condition as a whole.
Today, one of the central problems of gynecology are various modifications and inflammations of the endometrium. For various reasons, it can develop inflammatory, infectious, hyperplastic processes.