Nabotric gland cysts: how to treat?
Last reviewed: 17.10.2021

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With a complicated and recurrent course of cysts, complex therapy is used. Initially, drug treatment of nabot cysts is carried out, drugs are prescribed depending on the complexity of the pathology. Usually, anti-inflammatory treatment is preceded, then the neoplasms are removed, and at the final stage the existing functional disorders are corrected. Standard therapy is aimed at preventing the ascending spread of infection and the development of complications such as suppuration, sepsis, infertility, etc. [1]
If nabotovy cysts are combined with colpitis and cervicitis , then local antibacterial and antifungal drugs, antiseptic agents are used. After laboratory identification of the infection, therapy is supplemented with specific targeted drugs. [2]
To stabilize the monthly cycle, oral contraceptives are used with estrogen-progestogenic effects. If there are pronounced menstrual irregularities in the form of anovulations, luteal insufficiency, low-dose monophasic drugs are prescribed. To maintain immunity, the use of immunomodulators, adaptogens (tincture of ginseng, lemongrass, etc.) is appropriate.
Cefotaxime (Claforan) |
The antibiotic is administered intramuscularly in the amount of 1.0-2.0 g from 2 to 4 times a day. When using the drug, some patients experience allergic reactions, eosinophilia, nausea, and abdominal pain. |
Revitax |
Suppositories with a combined composition, 1 suppository is prescribed daily in the evening for 10 days. Contraindications: individual sensitivity to drug components (hyaluronic acid, calendula, aloe, tea tree oil, Asian centella). |
Miramistin (Infamed solution) |
Local antiseptic, which is used for irrigation and setting tampons (exposure of a tampon with 50 ml of solution - 2 hours, course - 5 injections, once a day). During treatment, a slight burning sensation may occur in the area of application, which disappears on its own within 20 seconds. Allergic reactions are less common. |
Genferon |
Vaginal suppositories with antiviral, antibacterial and immunomodulatory effects. Suppositories are put in one piece per day, at night (500 or 1 million IU), daily for ten days. Possible side effects: itching, chills, loss of appetite, headache. |
Betadine |
Antiseptic agent based on povidone iodine. Suppositories are inserted deep into the vagina, 1-2 times a day, for a week. Treatment can be carried out regardless of the day of the monthly cycle. During the use of suppositories, itching, redness of the mucous membranes, contact dermatitis, and acne may be disturbing. |
Vitamins for nabotny cysts
The female reproductive system needs a constant supply of nutrients and vitamins. In order to normalize hormonal function and prevent the re-formation of nabotovye cysts, the body needs regular vitaminization. The necessary vitamins will smooth out the consequences of stressful situations, prevent overwork of the body, normalize the work of the whole body as a whole.
Vitamin preparations are usually prescribed by a doctor. Most often, multivitamins include ascorbic acid, tocopherol, group B and vitamin D.
B 6 helps to balance the level of male and female hormones, stabilize adrenal function. The natural "supplier" of B 6 is fish and meat products, bananas.
Vitamin D deficiency, which can be observed with a lack of ultraviolet exposure to the skin, can cause metabolic disorders. You can fill the gap by taking a liquid and encapsulated drug, which is sold in pharmacies. Dairy products can be considered natural sources. [3]
Tocopherol (Vit. E) helps to normalize the level of estrogen in the body, stimulate the synthesis of progesterone. Due to its antioxidant properties, tocopherol prevents the formation of benign and malignant neoplasms, including cysts. The drug can be taken in capsules or as a liquid oily solution. [4]
Vitamin therapy allows you to bring the staggering hormone level back to normal, normalize metabolic processes, and accelerate the elimination of residual harmful substances from the body.
Physiotherapy treatment
Physiotherapy is an effective treatment for many diseases of the female reproductive system. Physiotherapy is especially often prescribed to relieve acute or chronic inflammatory processes, or to accelerate tissue recovery in the postoperative period.
Physiotherapy helps to shorten the term for treating diseases, increases the effectiveness of other therapeutic methods, and can be used to prevent complications and recurrent exacerbations. [5]
However, this type of treatment is not used with nabot cysts: contraindications to physiotherapy are cysts, as well as other benign or malignant neoplasms.
If the patient underwent surgery for the nabotovaya cyst, then later - at the postoperative stage - it is possible to use the following procedures:
- magnetotherapy (to speed up healing);
- electrotherapy, ultrasound therapy (to eliminate pain and vasospasm);
- laser therapy (promotes reparation and regeneration processes, activates cellular immune defense).
Alternative treatment
Alternative methods, or the so-called "grandmother's" recipes, can be used as an aid for nabotovye cysts. There are quite a few of them, but we suggest you familiarize yourself with the most effective ones.
- Prepare lemon peel tincture on their own. Take 200 g of freshly cut peel, pour 0.5 l of vodka, keep in a dark place for 14 days. Next, the agent is taken in 1 tbsp. L. Three times a day before meals. Duration of treatment is 4 weeks.
- Prepare tampons from onions and honey. In the morning, take one medium onion, chop finely and cover with honey. In the evening, honey onions are placed and well wrapped in cheesecloth, shaped into a tampon and inserted into the vagina. Leave it overnight and remove it the next morning. This is done daily for ten days.
- Make sedentary soap baths. Rub baby soap on a grater and mix with raw egg whites (you need to take four proteins for one bar of soap). The resulting mass is poured into a bowl with heated water, mixed. The baths are repeated daily, for 15 minutes, for one week. Such treatment should not be carried out during menstrual bleeding.
- Tampons with pharmaceutical white clay are inserted into the vagina. The procedure is carried out in the evening, and the next morning the tampon is removed. The duration of treatment is from ten days to one and a half months.
Herbal treatment
The development of nabotovye cysts can be stopped with the help of medicinal plants.
The most successful and affordable is the use of fresh juice from large burdock leaves. Such juice is drunk in 1 tbsp. L. Three times a day, between meals. The most healing juice is May. [6]
In addition, it is quite effective to douche with celandine infusion. To prepare such an infusion, you need to brew 1 tbsp. L. Plants in 500 ml of boiling water, insist and filter thoroughly. The course of therapy is one week, after which they take a break (also one week). Pharmaceutical suppositories with celandine are also successfully used (we will talk about this below).
There is another popular recipe that helps get rid of almost any cyst. The main ingredient in this recipe is red mushroom tincture. The remedy is taken dropwise, starting with one drop (drink 200 ml of water), with a daily increase in the dosage by one more drop. The dose should be brought to 20 drops, after which a decrease in the amount begins - again by one drop daily. After completing the course, take a break - about 2 weeks. Repeat the treatment if necessary. The remedy is drunk every day, in the evening, before going to bed. If, at a dosage of 10 drops, the patient begins to feel discomfort, then she should remain at this amount for several more days - until her well-being returns to normal. After the normalization of the condition, the increase in dosage is continued, bringing to the required twenty drops.
It is very important not to stop treatment early. On average, it takes 2-3 months of intensive herbal medicine to get rid of nabotovye cysts.
Treatment of nabotovye cysts with celandine
Celandine is an almost universal plant for many diseases. In particular, celandine successfully cures skin problems, stops the development of inflammatory processes, digestive disorders, etc. Alternative medicine includes celandine in mixtures for the treatment of the liver, to correct metabolic processes. This plant is also used in the fight against cysts. [7]
In almost any pharmacy, you can buy candles, which include a thick celandine extract. Such a remedy has a pronounced antispasmodic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect, stops the growth of various formations - both benign and malignant, has a bacteriostatic and fungicidal effect.
Among the basic indications for the use of suppositories, you can find polyposis, uterine fibroids, adnexitis and cysts.
With a nabotovaya cyst, suppositories are administered vaginally, one piece once or twice a day. The duration of treatment is from ten to twenty days, depending on the complexity and neglect of the disease.
Celandine suppositories are not only effective, but also affordable and affordable. Nevertheless, their use is still required to be agreed with the doctor.
Homeopathy is a specific and unconventional method of treating many pathologies using specially prepared means. Homeopathic medicines contain extremely small amounts of active ingredients. Specialists who practice this type of therapy indicate that the action of such funds supports and stimulates the defenses of the sick organism, which allows him to almost independently defeat the disease.
Homeopathic remedies are prescribed individually for each patient. In this case, not only the remedy itself is selected, but also its dosage, and the frequency of administration.
Treatment of nabotovye cysts is started as soon as possible after the problem is detected. As a rule, the course of therapy is long, but in most cases it allows to reduce the size of neoplasms, or even to achieve their complete elimination.
With nabotovy cysts, the following homeopathic remedies are often prescribed:
- Apis;
- Bovista;
- Bufo;
- Colocyntis;
- Iodium;
- Lachesis;
- Palladium;
- Phosphorus;
- Platinum;
- Podophyllum;
- Silicea;
- Thuja.
This is a list of basic drugs that are always considered for women with different types of cystic neoplasms. When choosing this or that remedy, the homeopath will definitely pay attention not only to the main diagnosis, but also to accompanying complaints, to the constitutional and temperamental characteristics of the patient. For most women, concurrent traditional and homeopathic treatments are recommended.
After a full-scale diagnosis, the doctor individually decides whether it is necessary to remove nabotovye cysts. If the neoplasms are single, small in size and do not bother the patient, then they can not be removed: in such a situation, dynamic monitoring of the pathology will be assigned. [8]
Removal of the nabotovaya cyst is mandatory in such cases:
- if a purulent process has begun;
- if there are large or multiple cysts;
- if the pathology negatively affects the quality of life, complicates the onset of pregnancy;
- if there is reason to assume a malignant degeneration of the formations.
In medical practice, the following methods of removing nabot cysts are most often used:
- Ablative techniques, minimally invasive procedures are prescribed in uncomplicated cases of nabotal cysts. Such treatment methods include cryodestruction, laser treatment, and radiofrequency ablation.
- Surgical intervention is indicated for patients who are at the pre or postmenopausal stage, who do not plan to have children in the future, or when complications develop (for example, if nabot cysts are complicated by dysplasia, pronounced violation of the configuration of the cervix, suppuration). In such situations, cone-shaped amputation of the neck is performed. This type of surgery minimizes the risk of cysts recurring.
Any removal, including cauterization of nabotovy cysts, can be performed immediately after the completion of menstrual flow. Before the procedure, special training is carried out, including:
- routine examination by a gynecologist;
- Ultrasound;
- examination for the presence of sexually transmitted infections;
- examination of a smear for microflora;
- oncocytology;
- biopsy followed by histology.
The method of electrocoagulation is the effect of high-frequency current on the tissues. Local anesthesia is used to conduct "cauterization". After removal, scabs form, which are eliminated after a while. In the first days of the postoperative period, yellowish discharge may appear.
Laser resection involves the non-contact removal of neoplasms. This allows you to completely exclude secondary infection of wounds, with exceptional accuracy of tissue processing (healthy tissue does not suffer). The use of a laser is a bloodless procedure, after which no scarring remains. [9]
Cryodestruction involves the use of liquid nitrogen. A sharp, intense cold allows you to block the nerve endings, so this procedure is completely painless. Cooling causes vasoconstriction, so there is no risk of blood loss.
Radio wave therapy is based on the use of a special radio wave "knife": the surgeon removes the contents of the nabotovaya cyst and destroys the walls of the capsule. The procedure is safe and takes relatively little time. [10]
The rehabilitation period after surgery lasts about 1-1.5 weeks. The prerequisites for the early healing of tissues are as follows:
- sexual rest;
- compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene;
- exclusion of thermal procedures (hot baths, baths, etc.);
- refusal to swim in the pool, open reservoirs;
- exclusion of lifting and carrying weights;
- moderate physical activity;
- elimination of douching, refusal to use tampons.
After removal of the nabotovaya cyst, ichthyol ointment, anti-inflammatory suppositories and drugs that accelerate tissue repair are used:
- Vagiferon;
- Acylact;
- Hexicon;
- Depantol, etc.
Competent removal of nabotovye cysts is a guarantee of recovery and significantly increases the patient's chances of successfully conceiving a baby.