Treatment of the endometrial polyp without surgery: effective medicines
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Today, one of the central problems of gynecology are various modifications and inflammations of the endometrium. For various reasons, it can develop inflammatory, infectious, hyperplastic processes. A frequent phenomenon is the formation of polyps, cysts, tumors. At present, treatment of the endometrial polyp remains quite urgent. Among the scientific researchers and practitioners are numerous discussions aimed at finding the best way to solve the problem. Some tend to conservative methods, using popular means, while others believe that the optimal solution to the problem is a radical method.
What should I do with the endometrial polyps?
If polyps are present, the gynecologist should be observed regularly. If there is a possibility to wait with surgical methods of treatment, the doctor will prescribe conservative treatment. If a polyp is found, the diagnosis is immediately carried out, since it is impossible to select the right treatment without diagnosing it.
First of all, it is necessary to differentiate the malignant tumor from benign. The tactics of further treatment depend on this. For this, a biopsy is performed. During the hysteroscopy with the help of special instruments, a tissue sample is taken for further histological examination. After collection in sterile conditions, the material is sown to special nutrient media intended for the cultivation of tissue samples. Place in specially created conditions that are optimal for a given culture. Incubate for a certain period of time.
After the material has grown, it is subjected to further research and interpretation. By shape, size, cell location, nature and direction of growth, you can determine whether the tumor is benign, or malignant. A further plan of action depends on this. If the tumor is malignant, or there is a risk of degeneration of the polyp into a cancerous tumor, surgical removal of the tumor is performed as soon as possible. With a benign character, conservative treatment can be used.
Polyp is always a benign neoplasm, but it is easily confused with a cancerous tumor. Therefore, the only reliable method that confirms the structure of the neoplasm is the histological examination. In addition, if there are abnormal cells in the polypeptide, or its damage, there is a risk of its transformation into cancer. Polyp is a proliferation of endometrial tissue that has arisen for various reasons. Endometrium inflames, increases in size. Gradually, a small portion of the hypertrophic mucosa is localized, forming a polyp.
With polyps, there are many different options for action. It can be removed surgically. There are many different methods: open operative cavity, hysteroresectoscopy, endoscopic removal.
To the cavitary operation is currently very rarely used, because its use is not justified. It carries a lot of risks associated with the fact that a complete dissection of the abdominal wall, the uterus, after which the masses of the polyp are removed. This operation has a long recovery period, since an open wound with a sufficiently large surface area is formed. This significantly increases the risk of infection, postoperative complications, bleeding. The operation requires serious preparation and has a number of contraindications. Today it is considered an outdated way. Nevertheless, in many hospitals where there is no high-tech equipment and highly qualified specialists, this method continues to save the lives of many women.
More often, endoscopic surgery is used, in which the incision of the abdominal cavity is not done. At the same time with the help of special equipment (endoscope) several punctures are made through which a tool with a camera is inserted, which allows to assess the state of the endometrium, examine the polyp, and identify the optimal method for its removal. The image can be visualized on the screen, which greatly facilitates the work of the surgeon. Then, with the help of surgical instruments that are inserted through the opening of another endoscope, the neoplasm is removed. The tools are removed, after which the holes are usually pasted with an adhesive plaster (seams are required extremely rarely).
This method has a number of advantages that make it more in demand and often used. Almost eliminated the risk of bleeding, postoperative complications, infection. Recovery is rapid, postoperative pain is minor.
The method of hysteroscopy is the most sparing. Implied the introduction of a special tool - a hysteroscope. It is injected through the cervix, naturally. After this, an operation is performed to remove the polyp. The tool is equipped with a camera that allows you to visualize the image. Damage is minimal, risks are also minimized. Recovery is much faster.
In addition to surgical methods, apply and physiotherapeutic, medicamental. Laser exposure has proven successful. In this method, the affected areas are cut out, while the intact ones remain untouched. Complications are rare, healing occurs within 5-6 weeks.
The method of choice is cryodestruction, during which the affected areas are cauterized with liquid nitrogen. Nitrogen crystallizes water and leads to the destruction of damaged areas. It is used mainly for damaged polyps, bleeding. This method can be used only in relation to giving birth to patients, as it leaves scars on the uterus. It is characterized by soreness and a long rehabilitation period.
If necessary, amputate damaged areas, apply radio wave methods and the conization method. Usually these methods are used in the event that the process of malignant transformation of the polyp has begun.
Treatment of the endometrial polyp without surgery
Today, treatment of the endometrial polyp is almost the main problem of gynecology. The frequency of occurrence of this pathology increases with each year. The main reason for the formation of polyps is a violation of the normal hormonal background, in which estrogen predominates and a sharp deficit of progesterone is detected. When polyps are formed, excessive compaction of the mucous membrane of the inner layer of the uterus occurs, as a result of which the compacted area gradually separates. Individual blood vessels form, the polyp acquires its own innervation. This contributes to its further growth.
In some cases, polyps are treated with traditional methods. The main method is hormone therapy. If the conservative therapy is ineffective, surgical methods are prescribed. Treatment is required, because polyps are a serious threat to the health of women. Polyps can grow very large in size. The shell can become so swollen that it gradually oversteps the uterus and fills even the vagina.
Moreover, the polyp in the endometrium is able to intensively divide and form multiple polyps that cover the entire uterine cavity. Gradually, such polyps degenerate into malignant neoplasms, gaining the ability to uncontrolled division.
Drug therapy involves the use of hormonal and non-hormonal drugs that promote resorption of the polyp and reduce areas of hypertrophy. Also apply symptomatic therapy: pain killers, anti-inflammatory drugs, if necessary - antipyretic, antispasmodics. Widely used alternative methods, homeopathic remedies and herbal medicine.
Medicines for polyps should be taken with caution, observing the precautionary measures. Be sure to consult a doctor before using any, even the most innocuous means. Self-medication can be dangerous with its consequences and side effects, the most dangerous of which is transformation into a cancer tumor.
With the development of an infectious-inflammatory process and the progression of the disease, streptomycin sulfate is prescribed for 1 gram per day. This drug has antibacterial properties, quickly eliminates inflammation, reduces endometrial hypertrophy. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the prescribed dosage and treatment regimen, to undergo a full course of treatment, otherwise the infection can develop resistance. In addition, the progression of the disease is possible.
In any hypertrophic process, it is recommended to take drugs that help reduce the inflammatory process, resorption of the compartments, normalization of vascular permeability and tissue metabolism. It is recommended to take Acetylsalicylic Acid 2-3 grams per day, Voltarenum 0.1-1.5 grams per day.
If you have a severe pain syndrome take painkillers. It is recommended to take ketanol at 50 grams per day. Also, no-shpa acts well, which additionally relieves spasm.
Duphaston with endometrial polyps
Dufaston is one of the most effective remedies that have traditionally been used to treat polyps. It belongs to the group of gestagens (hormonal agent). It is a synthetic analogue of the female hormone, which normalizes the structural and functional state of the reproductive organs. The drug should be prescribed only by a doctor, having previously checked the hormonal status. Self-medication can result in a worsening of the condition and excessive overgrowth of the polyp, its malignant degeneration.
Also, the drug normalizes the menstrual cycle, helps maintain a pregnancy. The main indication is the formation of polyps due to a lack of progesterone. It is mainly used for treatment of glandular and fibrous polyps. It is a good alternative to surgical methods of treatment, promotes resorption of polyps. Often assigned to nulliparous girls and when it is impossible to carry out the operation.
Accept in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, according to an individually selected scheme. The minimum course of treatment is 3 months. Sometimes treatment can be delayed for several years. The duration of therapy and its effectiveness is monitored by hormone assays.
The drug does not cause any side effects. There is even the development of secondary sexual characteristics (excess hair), which are often observed with the use of other hormonal drugs. Produced in the form of tablets, respectively, the drug is administered orally. The highest level of hormone concentration can be achieved within a few hours after taking the drug. The medicine is combined with almost any drug.
The main advantage of this drug is that it is not an obstacle to conception. Can be used even during pregnancy. The drug is contraindicated in the syndrome of Rotor, Dabin-Johnson. Also not applicable for individual intolerance of individual components of the drug. Caution should be taken to people with kidney disease. Side effects are manifested in the form of headache and migraine. Less often there are itching, burning, skin rashes.
Norkolut is often prescribed for glandular hyperplasia of the endometrium. Thanks to the hormone, which is part of the drug, the tablets affect the condition of the uterine mucosa, that is, the endometrium. The drug is not prescribed during pregnancy, attempts at conception.
Promysan with polyps of the endometrium
The drug is a herbal medicinal product. A distinctive feature is the anticancer activity and the ability to resorb neoplasms of any origin. Contains a large number of antioxidants. Means of non-hormonal origin, so the side effects are minimal and very rare. The drug is unique because it can prevent cancerous transformation of cells and ovaries. It also prevents repeated dysplasia of the cervix after surgical intervention. Starts the processes of reverse development of endometriosis proliferation. It also prevents inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity, normalizes metabolic processes in the endometrium, eliminates the inflammatory process. It is used as a biologically active food additive, and also as a preventive agent.
Produced in the form of capsules. The composition, in addition to antioxidants include trace elements, such as iron, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese. The treatment is quite long - 2 capsules are used 2 times a day during meals. The duration of therapy is at least 6 months.
The drug may have a specific odor. This is due to the fact that the composition of the shell includes special substances that have a peculiar smell. Their neutralization is not carried out, flavors are also not added. The effectiveness of the drug is due to the fact that they have an effect on the molecular level, include mechanisms for the timely inclusion of apoptosis. As a result, pathological processes in cells do not develop, which is a reliable antitumor protection. Treatment is quite long, which is due to the fact that biochemical processes, growth and multiplication of cells in the body occurs constantly.
Zhanin with endometrial polyps
The drug is prescribed for the growth of the endometrium, polyps, tumors. Also shown with polycystosis. The mechanism of action is that the drug prevents the lack of female sex hormones. At the heart of the drug is an analogue of the hormone - dienogest, as well as estradiol. Due to the composition of the drug, but it provides active growth of follicles in the ovaries, prevents pathological changes in the mucous membrane of the ovary, normalizes the menstrual cycle. The closest analogue of this remedy is djufaston.
The drug has almost no side effects. If you follow the scheme and the regimen of admission, there will be no side effects and complications.
It is a combined preparation in which various components of plant and animal origin combine. Has anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates edema, flushing, reduces pain. It is also known for its powerful immunomodulating and analgesic action. Active substances are enzymes, which are the basis of vital activity of the body. They take part in various metabolic and biochemical processes.
Significantly reduces the risk of autoimmune processes, allergic reactions. Positively affects the immunological reactivity, increases the overall resistance of the body. It provides reliable neutralization and elimination of toxins from the body, lysing necrotic tissues, normalizes blood condition.
Often this drug is prescribed in combination with hormonal drugs, as it reduces side effects from hormonal drugs, normalizes metabolic processes, especially lipid metabolism, relieves inflammation, reduces cholesterol synthesis, resulting in increased absorption of fatty acids, reduces the risk of blood clots, normalizes circulation. Increases the concentration of antibiotics in the blood plasma and inflammation focus, resulting in faster recovery from infectious processes.
Applied as part of complex therapy in the treatment of various inflammatory and hyperplastic processes, for the prevention of infectious and inflammatory processes. Scheme and duration of treatment, dosage is determined by the doctor individually. Usually it is 5 to 10 tablets three times a day. It is recommended to take about 30 minutes before eating. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor and ranges from 14 days to 6 months or more. Side effects are rare, except for cases when the treatment is carried out for a long time. In such cases, skin rashes, hives, a change in the consistency of color, odor, appearance of urine and feces are possible, some biochemical indicators of blood change. The drug is contraindicated only with individual intolerance.
It is a drug that normalizes the hormonal background of the body. Has a complex action. The composition includes phytoestrogens, as well as vitamins and minerals. Belongs to the group of progestogens. Eliminates various pathological processes at the cellular and tissue levels. Oppresses the activity of sex hormones, while normalizing the state of the endometrium. It is used to treat polyps, since with proper treatment it can cause the reverse development of endometrial overgrowth. Eliminates pathological processes and pain in the uterine region, significantly reduces the risk of bleeding.
Produced in the form of tablets, the duration of the course is approximately 6 months. It is used regardless of the meal and the phase of the menstrual cycle. Contraindicated in various vascular diseases, thrombi, allergic reactions, as well as in the pathology of the liver.
Side effects are observed when the treatment regimen is not adhered to. The main side effects are headache, nausea, vomiting. Also, weight may increase, drowsiness, depression and abdominal pain may appear. Anemia can also develop. The correct choice of dosage allows eliminating the risk of side effects.
It is a medicinal product that is widely used to treat benign and malignant neoplasms of female reproductive organs. It helps to overcome the neoplasm, while retaining the uterus. The active ingredient is Hippocampus, which affects the receptors that produce progesterone. It is often used to treat myomas, contributing to their complete resorption. It also significantly prevents the risk of bleeding, infertility and menstrual irregularities.
The principle of the drug is that it stops the formation of the endometriosis layer of the uterus. Thus, a woman stops monthly bleeding for the entire period of taking the drug. In the first month of bleeding may be scarce, then cease altogether. Treatment lasts from 3 months.
This drug has proved to be a good one, as one of the means that allows you to effectively prepare for surgery to remove polyps, tumors. It reduces the blood supply to the uterus, thereby making the operation more safe. In addition, the polyps are structured, become more defined, which makes them easier to remove.
Esmia is prohibited for patients with bronchial asthma, as well as for patients under the age of 18 years. For hepatic and renal diseases, the drug should be taken with caution.
The drug can cause side effects, in particular, a violation of the psychoemotional state, headaches. In some cases, there may be a headache. There are side effects from the digestive tract - nausea, vomiting, constipation, flatulence, dry mouth. There is an increase in urination, pain in the pelvic region.
Flaraxin in the treatment of the endometrial polyp
It is an effective antitumor and antiviral agent that is used in the treatment of various diseases, including gynecological ones. Stimulates the tumor necrosis factor, increases the human immune system. The advantage of this drug is that it removes toxins and the products of tissue breakdown outside, thereby reducing the intoxication of the body. Applied as a protective agent, which provides protection of cells during chemotherapy. Has a pronounced antioxidant properties, reduces the general intoxication of the body.
In most cases, it allows regression of tumors, prevents the risk of developing metastasis, prevents relapse of the disease. Usually well tolerated by patients, side effects are rare. It is used mainly if other drugs have proved ineffective in treatment, with inoperable forms of the disease, as well as for people with a reduced immune system.
The mechanism of action consists in binding to onco-associated proteins, contributing to their death, contributes to an increase in natural killers, stimulates the production of interferon, normalizes the immune status of a person, and also the ratio of immunocompetent cells.
The drug is a plant of plant origin. The main component are plant polyphenols, as well as tannins, potassium iodide. In addition, the preparation is enriched with a complex of vitamins and minerals, due to which it has a wide spectrum of biological activity. Usually the dosage and duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, because it depends on the history, severity of the disease. Typically, the daily dosage is about 2 mg / kg of the body weight of the patient. Dosage, if necessary, can be increased 2-3 times, which will not cause side effects. It is administered intravenously. Usually the course of treatment is at least 14 days.
As you can see, treatment of the endometrial polyp can be carried out with the use of medicines. Surgical methods are used only as a last resort.
For successful treatment of polyps, you need to have all the necessary vitamins in your body. They participate in metabolic processes, normalize the condition of tissues, including the endometrium. They have different properties, stimulate the immune processes in the body, increasing its resistance and ability to withstand various diseases. It is recommended to take vitamins in the following daily dosages:
- Vitamin PP - 60 mg
- Vitamin H - 150 μg
- Vitamin C - 1000 mg
- Vitamin D - 45 mcg
- Vitamin K - 360 mg.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
Physiotherapy can contribute to the treatment of polyps. Apply light rays of different wavelengths. Thus, ultrasound is able to penetrate deeply into tissues, providing them with an anti-inflammatory, stimulating effect. Infrared light can normalize the microflora, eliminate stagnant phenomena, respectively, reduces edema of the tissues, hyperemia, hyperplastic processes. With the help of the laser, it is possible to localize areas of necrosis, remove the affected parts of the endometrium, leaving intact tissues intact. With the help of electroprocedures, it is possible to stimulate certain areas of the uterus, the endometrium, causing activation of the cells of the mucosa, the immune system.
Electrophoresis, phonophoresis allows you to accurately enter the desired drug directly into the tissue of the endometrium. In this case, the daily dosage is significantly reduced. The drug penetrates through the skin or mucous membranes under the action of microcurrents. This eliminates the systemic effect on the body, thereby significantly reducing the likelihood of side effects, overdose.