

Gynecological diseases (gynecology)

Yellow discharge in women

Yellow discharge in women can be caused by a variety of reasons. Some of them may be completely normal, while others may indicate a medical problem.

Intrauterine septum

The intrauterine septum (or interuterine septum) is a structure inside the uterus that divides it into two cavities or parts.

Hyperandrogenism in women

Hyperandrogenism is a condition in which the levels of male sex hormones, or androgens, in the human body are too high.

Cervical endocervicosis

Endocervicosis is a rare pathological condition characterized by the presence of mucous membrane (endocervical tissue) outside its usual location in the cervix

Hot flashes

Hot flashes, also known as "sudden hot flashes," is a condition in which a person feels a sudden and intense rise in body temperature and a strong feeling of heat.

Itching and clear discharge

Clear discharge produced by the cells of the vaginal walls and glands of the cervix are physiological, but if itching and clear discharge are combined, it may be a sign of a pathological condition or disease.

Itching after intercourse

Quite often patients turn to an andrologist, urologist or gynecologist with such a problem as itching after sexual intercourse.

Itching without discharge and odor in women

Among the many nonspecific symptoms of itching without discharge in women in the genital area, often accompanied by burning and redness - one of the most unpleasant.

Itching and discharge in women

Today in medicine there are more and more problems that are quite difficult to treat and cause significant discomfort. For example, in gynecology, such a problem can be called itching and discharge in women.

Discharge in thrush is the most important diagnostic factor

The female body has a complex and very delicate organization. Any negative influences from the outside or uncontrolled processes inside the body negatively affect its microflora.


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