

Itching without discharge and odor in women

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Among the many nonspecific symptoms of itching without discharge in women in the genital area, often accompanied by burning and redness - one of the most unpleasant.

Causes of the itching without discharge

When considering the causes of this symptom, it is necessary to exclude the main diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact, as they have a discharge of different nature. And only in cases of infection with HPV (human papillomavirus, due to which in the intimate area grow condylomas) can be itching without discharge and odor in women. And in genital infection caused by the herpes simplex virus, that is, genital herpes, the symptoms that women complain of include itching and burning without discharge.

Pruritis not accompanied by vaginal discharge (often with swelling of the tissues of the external genitalia) is also a sign of allergic vulvitis and contact dermatitis (arising from irritation by detergents, sanitary pads, underwear, etc.); this symptom appears in dermatologic diseases, such as atopic dermatitis.

After menopause, itching of the genitals in women without discharge is the leading symptom of atrophic vaginitis, also called vulvar kraurosis. This condition is discussed in detail in the article - Vaginal dryness at menopause.

Not associated with any infection, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urethra (urethritis) causes itching in the urethra in women without discharge. Often the same complaints in diabetic patients. In addition, the etiology of persistent irritation of the urethral mucosa, provoking itching, may be due to increased acidity of the urine with excessive oxalates in the urine or salt diathesis (urate, that is, uric acid).

Frequent urges, burning and subsequent itching when urinating without discharge may indicate acute and chronic recurrent cystitis in women.

Also read - Burning and itching in the urethra after urination

Risk factors

Predispose to the appearance of itching without discharge such factors as involutionary processes in the tissues during menopause, ovarian diseases, diabetes mellitus, viral infection (HPV, herpesvirus), imbalance of thyroid and parathyroid hormones, metabolic disorders or acid-base balance, excess or deficiency of vitamins A and D, lack of magnesium and zinc in the body, weakened immunity.

And, of course, irritation with intimate hygiene products or neglecting the rules of intimate hygiene.


In atrophic changes of the genital epidermis and its mucous membranes in postmenopause, the pathogenesis lies in the decrease in estrogen levels in women and a more alkaline environment (pH) in the vagina at menopause. More in the publication - Itching, burning skin in the intimate zone at menopause.

In diabetes, the trigger for itching is different, see - Itching in type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

And the increase in the number of salts in the urine - the result of metabolic disorders (endocrine nature or associated with congenital enzymeopathies), as well as problems with kidney function - insufficient filtration.

Diagnostics of the itching without discharge

Diagnosis of genital itching begins with a gynecologic examination of patients and collection of anamnesis.

Laboratory tests of biological materials are necessary - blood tests (general, biochemical, STD); clinical and biochemical urinalysis. A smear is taken and a analysis of the microflora from the vagina, as well as PCR (for HPV) is performed.

Instrumental diagnosis includes coloscopy, ultrasound if necessary.

Based on the results of the examination, a differential diagnosis is performed with possible involvement of a dermatologist or other specialists.

Treatment of the itching without discharge

Severe itching is relieved with systemic antihistamines.

A doctor-prescribed itch ointment, corticosteroid or non-hormonal itch creams may be applied topically.

Etiologic treatment for genital herpesvirus infection consists of external application of Acyclovir and other special herpes creams.

For HPV and genital warts, condyloma ointment with podophyllin is used.

In cases of itching in atrophic vaginitis gynecologists prescribe vaginal remedies with moisturizing effect, suppositories for vaginal dryness. All details in the publication - Treatment of postmenopausal atrophic vaginitis: suppositories, folk remedies.

Treatment of cystitis requires antibiotics.

In metabolic disorders and endocrine diseases, diet therapy is mandatory.

Complications and consequences

First of all, complications are caused by scratching: the damaged epidermis opens the way for infections, due to which local inflammation occurs, which further aggravates the problem.

The burning and itching of cystitis is complicated by pain on urination and hematuria.

High acidity of urine and excess salts in it create conditions for the formation of crystalline precipitate, and the consequences of metabolic pathology in this case include renal stone disease with the formation of oxalate or urate stones, as well as the deposition of calcium salts in the joints and connective tissues.

And oncogenic types of human papillomavirus can cause malignant tissue changes.


One of the preventive measures is annual checkups with a gynecologist, as well as protected sexual contacts to prevent infection with the above viral infections. Control of blood glucose levels in diabetes, adequate nutrition and immune system strengthening play an important role.

However, prevention of age-related atrophic changes is not possible.


The nature of the disease or condition and the efficacy of treatment directly affects the prognosis for the appearance/elimination of its symptoms. For example, in women with chronic metabolic and endocrine problems, itching without discharge may recur permanently, while in the case of contact dermatitis, removal of the irritant permanently eliminates the symptom.

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