Itching and discharge in women
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Today in medicine there are more and more problems that are quite difficult to treat and cause significant discomfort. For example, in gynecology, such a problem can be called itching and discharge in women.
Causes of the itching and discharge in women
There may be many reasons: these are various pathologies of internal organs, and violation of normal adaptation processes, and the course of the recovery period. Often itching is accompanied by various infectious diseases, thrush. Discharges can appear after antibiotic therapy, after childbirth during the recovery period. It is also necessary to distinguish between physiological (natural) and pathological discharge.
Natural discharge can increase during a certain period of the cycle, under stress, with disorders in the body, decreased immunity, hormonal adaptations and imbalances. It is often a sign of pregnancy, or be an early harbinger of any disease.
The reason for the development of discharge and itching can be a violation of hygiene rules. This happens after long trips, when flying, after a vacation at sea, with a sudden change of climate. Also often the discharge increases in the case if you stay in the sun for a long time, or bask in the bath, sauna. The cause of the development of such unpleasant disorders can become and violation of vaginal microflora, which develops after a woman has had some infectious, viral disease, colds. Often the cause is also excessive sexual excitement due to the proximity of a partner, or a prolonged lack of intimate relations.
If we are talking about pathological discharge, then they can develop with various diseases of the reproductive system, with hypothermia, as well as with concomitant diseases of the genitourinary system, for example, with cystitis, nephritis, pyelonephritis. Sometimes wearing stiff underwear, from a fabric that causes allergies, can also provoke excessive discharge. This can be observed in pregnancy, before childbirth.
It can also be caused by trauma, mechanical injury, violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane, erosions.
Risk factors
In the risk group fall people who suffer from disorders in the field of gynecology, who have not completely cured and chronic diseases of the genitourinary system. Also the main risk group are women who have taken antibiotics, recently suffered colds or viral diseases. Also abundant discharge appears after childbirth, and after undergone surgical operations, after abortions, miscarriages. In the risk group fall people with disturbed microflora, after taking antibiotics or chemotherapy.
In the basis of the pathogenesis of copious discharge and itching, lies, first of all, a violation of the state of the mucous membrane of the urogenital tract. Also, the submucosal layer can be involved in the pathological process. All this is accompanied by a violation of the synthesis of the normal amount of mucosal immunoglobulin. Violates the normal composition of the microflora. In most cases, the number of representatives of normal microflora decreases and the number of opportunistic and pathogenic flora increases. Also in place of normal microflora can develop fungus. Especially dangerous is the fungus of the genus Candida, because it causes thrush.
The main symptoms are itching in the genital area, burning, irritation, discomfort. Also appear discharge of different color and consistency. In normal discharge is colorless, odorless, slightly liquid, mucous consistency. With pathology, they can have a different unpleasant odor, and also acquire a different shade - from yellow to dark brown, green and even black. Sometimes there is bloody discharge, or with bits of caked blood. There are also flaky and curd-like discharges, which are observed mainly in thrush. The color depends on the cause. For example, with a bacterial infection, they will be green in color. Purulent discharge most often has a yellow or brown shade. Black shade appears with a fungal infection. Most often, irritation and itching are painless, but sometimes they are accompanied by pain in the genitourinary tract.
At first, there is discomfort, a feeling that your underwear is getting in the way, pressing or rubbing, or a burning sensation, pressure or fever. Then there may be an unpleasant odor, and only after that usually appears itching, discharge, and less often - pain. Sometimes it happens that all this is accompanied by weakness, drowsiness, a feeling of loss of strength. In rare cases, body temperature rises.
Itching can be of different nature and intensity. It can be mild, mild and affect only the external areas, the perineal area. In some cases, there is a burning sensation in the rectum, in the vaginal area. The sensation can be burning, tingling, rubbing.
- Itching without discharge and odor in women
In most cases, itching is really not accompanied by any discharge. This is due to the fact that the development of an infectious or inflammatory process in the body does not occur. Most often there is no discharge only if it is a natural process that is not accompanied by any pathology
- Burning, itching and discharge in women
As practice shows, this can indicate the development of thrush. In this case, there is the development of an infectious process in which fungal microflora predominates. The normal ratio of microflora is disturbed, including a decrease in the number of microorganisms that are representatives of normal microflora, and which actually provide protection of the urogenital tract from colonization by pathogenic species.
- Heavy discharge and itching in women
There may be many reasons, and it is impossible to determine the cause without a comprehensive examination. First of all, you should be examined by a gynecologist for erosions, tumors, inflammatory processes. Also during the study is taken mandatory smear for cytology. Then you may need an ultrasound study, which will show the presence or absence of pathology. Only on the basis of the results of this study can occur any conclusions, a study can be prescribed.
- Thick discharge in women and itching
The density of discharge is determined by many factors, in particular, the composition of mucus. The more glucose, amino acids, protein components are contained in the mucous membrane, blood, the thicker the discharge will be. It is worth noting that the density of discharge can also depend on the amount of fluid drunk.
- Lumpy, flaky discharge and itching in women
This may be a sign of thrush, in which fungal microflora develops (fungus of the genus Candida). It is also worth noting that flakes can form with increased bacterial infection, with inflammatory processes.
- Itching, pain and discharge in women
To determine the cause, and even more so, to eliminate pathological phenomena of this kind can only visit a doctor (gynecologist). It is impossible to determine the cause, prescribe treatment without being examined. There may be many reasons, each of them is individual.
- Fluid discharge and itching in women
In addition to pathological changes in the urogenital tract, such discharges often reflect various conditions, by which it is possible to draw conclusions about the health of the whole body. For example, itching, discharge can be not only a local process, but also a skin reaction to various irritants, unfavorable factors, ultraviolet light, cosmetics. In this case, it is not necessary that the genital area or reproductive organs are exposed exclusively.
The impact can be on the whole organism as a whole, or on its individual parts. For example, even working with reagents in the production, with pharmaceuticals in the pharmacy, with radioactive substances at chemical plants, or even in the radiologist's office, can cause the development of excessive discharge. In women, a general violation of the hormonal background, metabolic disorders, imbalances, can provoke such reactions. Often it is a reaction to stress, or a sign of any disease.
- Sour discharge and itching in women
Only a doctor can determine exactly what disease has caused this condition. For example, it may be a sign of a mild cold, or hypothermia, or a consequence of severe intoxication, allergic reaction, or worse - a malignant process.
For example, there is a phenomenon of malignization, in which malignant degeneration of cells of the skin and mucous membranes of the female genitourinary system occurs. This is mainly due to the negative impact of new technologies, skin care products, intimate hygiene products, hair removal techniques.
- Sticky discharge and itching in women
Various diseases of internal organs can cause the development of itching and discharge of sticky consistency. Thus, in diseases of the kidneys, liver, adrenal glands and pancreas, such processes can develop.
- Dark, cloudy discharge and itching in women
Such discharge and itching are a consequence of hypovitaminosis. Especially pronounced, with a lack of vitamins A, PP, C, neurofibromatosis, variegated or shingles, viral infection, including herpes, cytomegalovirus, chlamydia, rickettsia. Sometimes they appear against the background of diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis.
- Itching and odorous discharge in women
Quite often the cause is allergic reactions, irritation by synthetic fabrics, lace underwear. This can be especially pronounced in women who wear capron tights. Dense synthetic clothing can disrupt microcirculation and air exchange, resulting in such disorders. This should also include improper nutrition, frequent stress, metabolic disorders.
- Itching and white discharge in women
Often the cause is metabolic disorders at the systemic level (at the level of the whole organism). The causes can also be found at the local level: when local blood circulation is disturbed, when certain areas are squeezed by tight clothing. As an etiologic factor, even such incredible reasons are considered, such as frequent trauma, microdamage, violation of the integrity of blood vessels, excessive sweating.
- Itching and white, odorless discharge
Such pathology is mainly caused by fungus. Most often it is onychomycosis, candidiasis, and other fungal diseases. Infection occurs mainly by contact, during sexual contact, or in the bath, sauna, when bathing in contaminated water. But sometimes there is an autogenous pathway, which develops a violation of the microflora, reducing the number of normal microflora, as well as increasing the number of pathological microflora.
- Curd-like discharge and itching in women
Mostly indicates the presence of a fungal infection. Infection usually occurs from the outside environment. It is even possible to have an intra-family infection if family members wash in the same bathroom. They use the same towel, the same hygiene products. Infection also often occurs in public places: baths, saunas, swimming pools. Therefore, it is important to use only personal hygiene items and towels when visiting public places.
It should be taken into account that fungus is a very persistent infection and requires long-term treatment. Measures should be taken as early as possible, this is the key to successful treatment. It is necessary to follow all recommendations and complete the full course of treatment, because if the infection remains, at least partially, it will quickly spread to neighboring areas, which will lead to further progression of the disease.
- Yellow discharge and itching in women
Can occur as a result of trophic disorders. They are the result of a violation of blood composition, in which oxyhemoglobin begins to predominate, and the amount of oxygen is significantly reduced. Gradually the blood circulation is disturbed, the degree of saturation of blood with oxygen and nutrients changes. This leads to a violation of local mucosal immunity, and also becomes the cause of dysbacteriosis.
- Itching and purulent discharge in women
The appearance of such symptoms may indicate the development of internal diseases. The more pus, the more severe the pathology. This usually indicates a neglected purulent-inflammatory process, in which the focus of infection is progressing. It can also be a sign of tissue necrosis, in which under the influence of inflammatory and infectious processes, the tissue undergoes destruction.
- Itching and green discharge in women
This indicates a severe bacterial infection, which is most likely already in an advanced, possibly chronic form. It is necessary to seek medical attention as a matter of urgency, as tissue necrosis, in which tissues die off, may develop. This causes putrefaction, decomposition of tissues. It is also worth noting that in this case there is a high risk of developing bacterial and viral infection, as well as intoxication. The most dangerous is considered bacteremia, sepsis (blood poisoning), as well as peritonitis. Surgical treatment may be required.
- Brown discharge and itching in women
It can also be a sign of putrefaction and severe purulent-infectious processes, in which tissue decay develops, necrosis (dying off) occurs. It needs to be treated urgently, because sepsis and bacteremia may develop, which is fraught with serious consequences, up to lethal outcome.
- Pink discharge and itching in women
It is impossible to unambiguously determine the cause of such a condition, since it requires careful analysis, examination to identify pathology. This can be a bloody blood, which occurs when the mucous membrane is thin and permeable, increased permeability of blood vessels. It is also worth noting that this can be a sign of damage to the mucous membrane, the development of erosions, ulcers, severe inflammation, which is accompanied by bleeding. Also pink discharge can indicate that polyps, cysts, or small neoplasms are developing, which are damaged under the influence of various factors.
- Itching and red bloody discharge in women
Most often it is a sign of either mechanical damage to the mucous membrane, or a sign of the development of polyps, tumors of benign or malignant nature. This can be with myomas, fibromas, fibroids. Often the cause is early miscarriage, bleeding, spontaneous abortion. During the recovery period after childbirth, after undergone surgical interventions, abortions, invasive therapeutic and diagnostic procedures can also develop discharge of a bloody nature.
- Itching and gray discharge in women
Without diagnostics, it is impossible to unambiguously determine the cause of this condition. This can occur against the background of pregnancy, hormonal disorders, after trauma and during the aging of the body. Pathology can be genetically determined.
Itching and discharge in pregnancy
Usually in pregnancy, the discharge is transparent in color, and quite abundant. But sometimes they can acquire a white tint. This is within the acceptable norm. But the appearance of itching can not be considered as an indicator of the norm. Therefore, it is necessary to consult with a doctor. In pregnancy, every detail can be important.
Diagnostics of the itching and discharge in women
In order to diagnose the disease, when the first signs of itching appear, and when unusual discharge appears, you need to visit a gynecologist as soon as possible. Naturally, the main method of investigation will be a gynecological examination. Usually the doctor first interviews the patient, collects general information about him, anamnesis of life. Provide the doctor with maximum information, try to remember when the itching appeared, what contributed to it. Make your assumptions about what could be the cause.
The doctor needs to know if there has been any treatment, how effective it has been, and what other measures have been taken. Then the doctor conducts a gynecological examination of the patient. It is obligatory to take a smear for further cytologic examination. Sometimes classical methods of research are used, such as palpation, percussion, auscultation. Most often it is palpation that is most often used: the abdominal area, the small pelvis is palpated. This can be a source of valuable information about possible foci of inflammation, seals, inflammatory processes. If necessary, laboratory and instrumental methods of research are prescribed.
Let's consider the main laboratory tests in the order of their importance for diagnosis in gynecology.
Cytologic analysis (smear for cytology) ranks first in terms of importance and frequency of appointments. This is a smear from the walls of the vagina and cervical canal, which is taken directly during a gynecological examination. Then the smear is applied to a slide and sent to the laboratory for further examination. It is examined for foci of inflammation, as well as degenerated cells that are precursors of cancer cells.
In second place are clinical tests: blood, urine, feces. They allow you to assess the general direction of the processes occurring in the body, and also show where exactly the pathology is localized, what is its severity. Based on these general data, it is possible to determine the course of further diagnosis.
In third place are various specific methods of research, such as allergy tests, immunogram, immunoglobulin analysis, virological, microbiological, serological methods of research. If the disease of unclear etiology, it is advisable to conduct a study for latent infections, parasitic diseases.
Instrumental diagnostics
It depends on what is suspected to be the cause of the disease. For example, if there is a suspicion of an oncologic process, a targeted hysteroscopy with biopsy is performed. During this study directly into the cervical canal is introduced hysteroscope, which allows you to examine the uterine cavity, the walls of the canal, to identify the state of tissues, mucous membranes. The main advantage of this method is that during the study, various pathologies can be detected and can be immediately eliminated.
For example, polyps and tumors can be detected in the early stages of their formation. Polyps can be immediately removed, cauterized. Another plus is that during the study, if there is such a need, it is possible to make a tissue slice (take a biopsy) for further cytologic, as well as microscopic and bacteriologic examination. At the same time, a scraping of tissues and mucous membranes can also be done to assess the state of the wall microflora. Usually prescribed after a preliminary examination and interview of the patient, when the doctor already has a presumptive diagnosis, or a presumptive cause of pathology.
No less important and informative method of research is ultrasound of the small pelvis, which allows you to visualize possible pathologies, as well as to track the ongoing processes in dynamics.
A CT or MRI scan may also be required to assess the condition of the bone system and soft tissues and to detect possible pathologies at the earliest stages of their formation. Since these are the most expensive procedures, they are usually performed when there is a suspicion of an oncologic process.
Differential diagnosis
This diagnosis aims to distinguish the signs of one disease from another, even if they are very similar. First of all, it is necessary to determine whether itching or discharge is an independent manifestation of any disease, allergic or other reaction, or whether it acts as a symptom of another, serious disease. For this purpose, laboratory and instrumental diagnostics is carried out.
Then it is necessary to differentiate between diseases that can cause similar pathological processes. At this stage of diagnosis, mainly instrumental methods are used, consultations with other specialists may be required. It is also necessary to accurately determine the cause of the pathology. In this case, observation in the dynamics, as well as interviewing the patient can help.
Treatment of the itching and discharge in women
Diverse and multifaceted, determined, first of all, the cause of pathology. Most often complex, medication. The therapy consists mainly of various drugs, therapeutic procedures, which can be carried out both on an outpatient basis and in hospital. In case of damage to the mucous membranes, or the appearance of neoplasms (benign in nature), cauterizations, cryoprocedures, various physiotherapeutic procedures are carried out. It may also require surgical treatment, scraping in the presence of various pathologies, including neoplasms, ruptures, lesions. A modern method of treatment is laparoscopy, hysteroscopy (microsurgical methods). Sometimes laser therapy is used.
Treatment at home
Treatment depends on what the results of the examination showed, what diagnosis is made. It is also largely determined by the reasons that provoked such complaints in the patient. It is worth noting that treatment can be varied, and is determined by many factors and their combination. Without analyzes and the results of instrumental studies, it is impossible to determine the cause of the pathology, and certainly not to choose an effective treatment. Moreover, it can only worsen the condition. Therefore, with the appearance of any complaints, it is necessary as soon as possible to contact a doctor who will prescribe adequate treatment. Self-treatment always leads only to a worsening of the condition.
The main precautionary measure for any form of drug therapy is strict compliance with the instructions and recommendations of the doctor. Therefore, before starting any treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor beforehand and undergo appropriate treatment. Only a correctly diagnosed and adequately selected therapy, in accordance with the causes, symptoms and pathogenesis, can be the key to successful therapy. Otherwise, a number of complications may arise, ranging from increased complaints to the development of bleeding or neoplasms.
Dicinone tablet 1-2 times a day is prescribed for bleeding, as well as discharge of bloody color (especially if it is discharge of scarlet, bright color), which may indicate the development of uterine bleeding.
Aminocaproic acid is prescribed one sachet 3-4 times a day at the appearance of weak bloody discharge, mostly dark in color.
Suprastin is prescribed for severe itching, especially if the presumed cause of its development is an allergic reaction, hypersensitivity of the skin and mucous membranes. It is recommended to take a tablet 1-2 times a day, depending on the severity and severity of symptoms. It should be borne in mind that this drug as side effects significantly reduces concentration, and entails drowsiness. It is better not to take it for people whose work requires high concentration, as well as the need to drive vehicles and mechanisms.
If a bacterial infection is suspected, if the discharge is green, yellow, brown, antibiotic therapy is prescribed. Various antibiotics can be used, mainly broad-spectrum antibiotics. You can recommend, for example, amoxiclav, amoxicillin, azitrox, ciprofloxacin. These are very convenient means, the course of treatment for which is designed for 3 days. Every day you need to drink one tablet (500 mg of the active substance). You can not interrupt the course, it is necessary to be treated for exactly 3 days, otherwise there may be a relapse of the disease, and worsening of the condition.
For local treatment, suppositories may be prescribed, for example, pimafucin. They are administered daily in the evening intravaginally 1 suppository. The course of treatment is also designed for 3 days. Safe and effective drug, which can be treated even during pregnancy. There is also pimafucin in tablets, but it is better to take it only with a severe progressive infection, and only after prior consultation with a doctor.
It is recommended that vitamins be taken in the following daily concentrations:
- Vitamin PP - 60 mg
- Vitamin A - 240 mg
- Vitamin E - 45 mg
- Vitamin C - 1000 mg.
You can buy complex vitamins, which contain not only a complex of essential vitamins, but also minerals (macro- and microelements).
If bacterial infections are suspected, vitamins are excluded, as they act as growth factors for microorganisms and contribute to the progression of infection. During the period of bacterial infection, only vitamin C can be taken, as it has immunostimulating, antioxidant properties, prevents the risk of bacterial intoxication, removes free radicals.
Folk treatment
The most famous remedy, which is used to treat gynecological diseases, even of unclear etiology, is krasavka. Krasavka root is used for the preparation of decoctions, infusions and taken internally. It is recommended to adhere to the following proportions: 2 tablespoons of crushed root to a glass of boiling water or vodka (alcohol). After the remedy is insisted, drink 30-40 ml 2-3 times a day.
Positively affects the female reproductive system and red brush. This is a herbal remedy that is recognized as an official plant material, authorized for use in gynecology. From it, decoctions are prepared: 2 tablespoons of plant material per glass of boiling water. Drink a glass a day.
A decoction of chamomile, calendula and sage is used for spritzing and diapering. These are herbal components that are used to relieve inflammation and eliminate irritation and itching. Also, these plant components have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. To prepare a decoction take a little plant components in equal parts, pour a liter of boiling water, insist. Before use, you can dilute with cold water.
Herbal treatment
Common acacia is a female plant that is used to treat obstetric and gynecological diseases. It is worth noting that it should be used in small quantities, since the flowers can cause overdose and poisoning. Used in the form of a decoction: a small twig, along with bark, leaves, flowers, is poured a glass of boiling water. Drink in small sips for twenty-four hours.
Decoction of mint is used to treat inflammatory processes, pain, itching of various etiologies. Can be used in unlimited quantities, as a tea. Brewed to taste: you can adjust the amount, concentration of tea, depending on your own preferences. In such a decoction you can add sugar, honey. It should be borne in mind that additionally mint has a calming effect, harmonizes well, normalizes the female hormonal system.
Stevia not only normalizes well-being, relieves itching, eliminates discharge, but also eliminates the very cause of their appearance. Thus, it has antiviral, immunostimulating and antibacterial action. It is recommended to take it in the form of a decoction: a tablespoon of grass per glass of boiling water. Drink it within a day.
Nettle is often prescribed. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, restorative action. Normalizes the condition of the mucous membrane, restores microflora. Appointed: a tablespoon per glass of water (boiling water). Drink for a day. Nettle is not taken with bleeding, or any bloody discharge, because it increases bleeding, thinning the blood.
Nettle in combination with stevia is also quite effective. A decoction is prepared in a ratio of 1:1. These plant components mutually reinforce each other's action, as well as complement each other.
Complications and consequences
Complications can be various. It is also impossible to predict the severity of the pathology accurately, without examination and tests. Such symptoms can have serious consequences if they are a sign of a serious internal disease. If in such a case, if you do not start treatment in time, the consequences can be unpredictable.
Even discharge that appeared for some non-serious reasons, for example, as a consequence of ordinary irritation as a result of rubbing or squeezing by clothes that have become small, lacy lingerie, can lead to serious consequences. Thus, prolonged rubbing and squeezing of the skin can disrupt trophics and blood circulation in it, resulting in a disruption of the normal functioning of the mucous layer and the circulatory system, which can lead to a persistent disruption of blood circulation and innervation, disruption of the normal functioning of the mucous and submucous layer. The result, if untreated, can be deplorable - up to complete atrophy of muscles and mucous membrane, complete loss of sensation and loss of organ functions.
The consequences can be chronic and stagnant inflammatory process, tissue necrosis, progression of infection, formation of new foci of infection. If there are any neoplasms, in the absence of treatment, they can degenerate into a tumor, both malignant and benign. It should be remembered that any benign tumor at any time can show signs of growth and transform into a cancerous tumor. Therefore, regular examination is required.
The basis of prevention is, first of all, compliance with the rules of hygiene, as well as timely diagnosis at the first signs of pathology. It is important to identify any pathology at an early stage of its formation and take the necessary measures. This will prevent the progression of the disease.
It is also important to eat a proper and nutritious diet, get all the necessary vitamins and minerals, drink enough water. It is necessary to have routine preventive check-ups with a gynecologist - every 6 months.
It is also important to lead an active lifestyle, avoid stress, exercise, eat right and follow a daily regimen. Clothing should be natural, should not irritate the skin and should not cause excessive compression and squeezing of the skin. This applies especially to underwear.
If you identify the cause in time and carry out the necessary treatment, the prognosis will be favorable. Itching and discharge in women can be completely and without trace eliminated. If the diagnosis and treatment is delayed - the prognosis may be unfavorable, up to worsening of the condition and even death. You can run a serious pathology of internal organs, since discharge is often a reflection of the processes that occur in the body, especially in the reproductive organs of women. There are cases when ignoring such discharge, later led to the development of uterine bleeding, development and progression of various neoplasms, including, and cancerous tumor, precursors of which they were.