Discharge in thrush is the most important diagnostic factor
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024
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The female body has a complex and very delicate organization. Any negative influences from the outside or uncontrolled processes inside the body negatively affect its microflora. Women feel such changes in the internal environment is particularly acute, because the violation of microflora contributes to the activation and multiplication of opportunistic microorganisms on the internal genitalia, and in particular fungi Candida. Such a violation in the body has its own name - candidiasis or thrush. The discharge in thrush most often has a whitish color and resembles cottage cheese mass, so the disease and has such an unusual name.
Mechanism of thrush development
In our body on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes in the norm there is a great number of safe, pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms (a total of about 3 kg). The first do not cause disease and organ dysfunction under any conditions, the second are not dangerous only with strong local and general immunity and the absence of violations of the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes. But the latter - opportunistic microorganisms - can for a long time be quiet our neighbors, not reminding of themselves, but it is worth only to appear a micro wound, and immunity to give slack, and they begin to actively multiply, the products of their vital activity poisoning the body, provoking inflammatory processes.
Conditionally pathogenic microorganisms include many types of bacteria and the yeast fungus Candida. Single elements of fungi are always present in the body. Female vagina, where it is warm and moist, for them a truly heavenly place. But only to grow them into large colonies do not allow them to grow into large colonies of lactobacilli, which are just responsible for immunity, for maintaining the constancy of acidity and microflora. In the intestine they also help bifidobacteria.
Lactobacilli are special microorganisms that produce lactic acid and thus change the acidity in the vagina. The acidic environment is ideal for the Lactobacillus themselves, but not comfortable for others. In addition, Lactobacillus produce special substances that are destructive to pathogens.
Lactobacilli control the content of other microorganisms in the vagina (in a healthy woman there are about 300 species), but they themselves are not immortal. The pathogenesis of thrush is based on an imbalance between lactobacilli and other vaginal inhabitants.
Some substances, including medications, overly sensitive hygiene procedures, diseases and hormonal changes can cause that the number of lactobacilli (and they should be much more than other microorganisms combined) decreases, the acidity of the vagina changes, and conditions in it become comfortable for pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms.
Curd discharge in thrush is one of the most indicative symptoms of the multiplication of yeast fungi Candida. And the causes of their appearance can be very diverse. [1]
Causes of the thrush discharge
Candidiasis is an infectious disease that is provoked by fungal infection. The main cause of the pathology, like any other infection in the body, can be considered a decrease in immunity (general and/or local). Mucous membranes with their delicate delicate structure are particularly sensitive to this kind of changes, so weakening of local immunity is no less dangerous than the general. It is here that most often there is a multiplication of Candida fungi, although such pathology as skin candidiasis is not excluded.
Anything that lowers our immune system can be considered a possible cause of candidiasis. Any infectious diseases in the body, and even more so chronic ones, are a big burden on the immune system. Not to mention STIs that kill local and general immunity.
It receives no less of a blow when treating bacterial infections with antibiotics. Most of them do not have a selective action, so together with pathogens destroy and useful bacteria. Moreover, the number of lactobacilli after such treatment is restored slower than the growing population of pathogens and fungi.
Antibiotic therapy is often complicated by fungal infection, because most of these drugs are not active against fungi.
A serious test for immunity are any metabolic disorders associated with inadequate work of the endocrine system. So thrush with severe excruciating itching of the genitals is characteristic of diabetes mellitus.
And since the work of all body systems is controlled by the CNS, then stress as a factor of imbalance of the nervous system also leads to weakened immunity and can give rise to the development of candidiasis.
Immunity is directly dependent on hormonal balance. Imbalance of hormones during pregnancy, menopause and even menstruation can provoke a decrease in immunity and, accordingly, improve conditions for the life and reproduction of opportunistic microorganisms.
The hormonal background can be changed and intentionally, if a woman regularly uses hormonal contraceptives, undergoes treatment with hormones.
Genital hygiene is very important, but it should not be overdone. For example, sprays can be considered as an effective cleansing and healing procedure, but daily sprays for a healthy woman can not. So washed out useful microflora, and fungi concentrated on the surface of the mucosa, remain and multiply, provoking the appearance of discharge with thrush and other unpleasant symptoms.
It is worth paying attention to the hygiene products used. Some of them violate the natural pH of the skin and mucous membranes, cause irritation, allergic reactions with the formation of micro-wounds - a breeding ground for pathogens. The composition of detergents may include dubious dyes, fragrances, other additives that negatively affect the skin, and therefore the local immunity.
Considering the question of what are the causes of candidiasis, it should be understood that some of them themselves do not cause the disease, but become a trigger in combination with others. For example, sprays are considered only as a risk factor for the development of candidiasis, because if the procedure is carried out with the frequency prescribed by the doctor, the disease is unlikely to occur.
The same can be said for hormonal treatment or antibiotic therapy. A short course of treatment may not cause candidiasis. In addition, taking probiotics during antibiotic therapy is designed to protect the body from imbalance of microflora both in the intestines and in the vagina, so there is an opportunity to avoid fungal infestation.
Another situation. Unprotected sex with a partner who has on the penis left traces of the presence of fungi from another partner with thrush. Men are predominantly carriers of "contagion", and a woman can get seriously ill. During sex on the vaginal mucosa microcracks are formed, which weakens the local defense. If in addition, and the general immunity is not ideal, there are all chances to get thrush. But it is worth in this situation to use a condom, and the risk of infection will be minimal.
Sex itself can only be a risk factor for thrush, because the disease will be the result of infection if the man is a carrier of the fungus.
Men can also get genital candidiasis. Most often during sexual intercourse with a partner infected with fungi. But for the disease to develop, there must be predisposing factors:
- diseases of the endocrine system (most often caused by the thyroid gland or impaired absorption/production of insulin),
- Pathologies that depress immunity (HIV infection, cancer and autoimmune diseases),
- avitaminosis, impaired digestion,
- existing venereal diseases that weaken the body and significantly depress local immunity,
- taking antibacterial drugs,
- hypothermia, overheating,
- chronic infections are the enemy of immunity,
- stresses,
- hyperhidrosis,
- wearing tight underwear, underwear made of synthetic fabrics that create a greenhouse effect (fungus actively multiplies where it is warm and humid).
Under the influence of any of these factors, the male body becomes more vulnerable to fungal infection. Although in most cases, he is able to safely cope with Candida.
Symptoms of the thrush discharge
Someone this question will seem silly, because the disease even got its name because of the specific type of discharge. In fact, discharge in thrush is not the only symptom of pathology.
Many women complain of intolerable itching in the genital area, unpleasant burning. Itching is also one of the main symptoms of thrush.
Burning and even pain may appear during the act of urination, during sexual intercourse. Fungal infection causes inflammation of tissues at the site of its localization, increases their sensitivity and causes irritation of nerve endings.
All these symptoms can appear in a woman and in the absence of vaginal discharge. The clinical picture of candidiasis depends on the resistance of the body. Candida fungi can be found in the vast majority of women, but not all of them have candidiasis. Many are carriers of the infection. But this is the case as long as the body manages to control the situation. The slightest fluctuation in immunity, and there may be thrush without discharge.
In fact, the discharge is present, but has a look not similar to the usual curd-like discharge in thrush. It may be transparent or yellowish mass: mucous or semi-liquid. In parallel, there is itching - one of the specific signs of candidiasis.
In general, the picture resembles the clinic of one of the infectious-inflammatory diseases of the genitals. Accordingly, a woman begins to treat the infection with antibiotics without a doctor's prescription (although a doctor in such circumstances may make a mistake with the diagnosis). Antibiotics are not active against fungus, but kill the useful microflora and thus complicate the situation.
The fungus begins to actively multiply and then there are already traces of its presence. Improper treatment, weakening the immune system, leads to chronicization of the process. Now thrush in a woman will appear periodically at any fluctuation of immunity.
Thus, thrush without discharge, but with itching can be considered as the first sign of weakening of the body's defenses. But discharge with thrush is an indicator of an active infectious process. And their color can tell a lot about the nature of this process and possible complications. [2]
What is the discharge like when you have thrush?
The most familiar color of discharge in thrush is white. But this is not a simple white discharge that appears with inflammation, but a mass that resembles cottage cheese and contains similar particles. Curd-like white discharge and itching - a classic picture of candidiasis.
But in real life, purely fungal infection is rare. It usually develops against the background of an infectious process or some disease, so instead of white discharge, a woman may find green, yellow, pink, etc. Spots of this color on the underwear confuse a woman who does not understand what is happening to her. Knowing what can indicate the color of discharge in thrush, it is easier to orient in further actions (although the exact diagnosis can only be made by a doctor).
Yellow discharge in thrush. Such a shade of discharge from the vagina does not necessarily indicate acute inflammation, although do not immediately reject some STIs, which are characterized by such a shade of vaginal discharge. A striking example is gonorrhea.
The same symptom can be observed with infectious inflammation of the appendages or ovaries in combination with candidiasis (fungi get along well with bacteria), exacerbation of chronic inflammation in the reproductive system, as well as with cervical erosion. In general, the presence of any infection can change the color of discharge, it all depends on the type of bacteria and the duration of inflammation. In chronic inflammation, there is an active destruction of leukocytes, which stain the vaginal secretion yellow.
Women taking vitamins or antibiotics may also notice yellow stains on their underwear. Some of these medications contain coloring agents.
Green discharge with thrush unambiguously indicates a bacterial infection. Their appearance indicates purulent inflammation, which can provoke some types of opportunistic and pathogenic bacteria. Ignore such a symptom in no case should not be ignored,
Green discharge can indicate both the accession of secondary infection (if the discharge was first white curdy, and then changed its color and structure), and the neglected gynecological pathology (in this case, the discharge initially has a mucous structure, greenish tint and often unpleasant odor).
A fungal infection is indicated by the white color of the discharge, which resembles cottage cheese both in consistency and smell (sour). If the color and smell of the discharge from the vagina has changed, this is a warning symptom. Stinky odor (e.g., the smell of rotten fish) is characteristic of some STIs, which should be treated as soon as possible.
Pink discharge with thrush is a symptom that can have several different explanations, so it should be considered based on the specific situation. The cause of pink discharge may be:
- The beginning of menstruation. Sometimes a little blood is released in the first days of menstruation, so it looks like pink-colored discharge in candidiasis.
- Erosion of the cervix. A woman may not be aware of it, but the wound sometimes starts to bleed, especially after sexual intercourse or heavy physical exertion. Blood is usually released a little, so the color of the discharge changes insignificantly.
- Other gynecologic diseases.
With cervical erosion and other female problems (endometriosis, uterine myoma, ectopic pregnancy, cervical dysplasia hormonal imbalance) in the general curd mass of candidal discharge can be seen blood streaks.
It should be said that if the coloring of discharge is not associated with periods, this is an occasion, without delay, to check the health of the reproductive system.
Brown discharge with thrush can be both a variant of the norm and a manifestation of pathology. Much depends on the period of their appearance. So, on the eve of menstruation and the last 1-2 days after menstruation, a woman may have ointment - discharge of brown color, which is admixed with curd-like discharge with thrush. That is, the brown shade is the color of clotted blood.
Slight ointment can occur in women and outside of menstruation - during ovulation. This is not a pathology, but during this period, discharge with thrush can also change color, which scares women.
Another reason for a change in the color of discharge is pregnancy. During the period of implantation of the fetal egg, some women experience scanty discharge of brown or pink color. This is normal, except for concerns about the color of the discharge when you have thrush.
Brown, pink and even reddish curd mass in women with candidiasis on underwear can be found after vigorous sex or the use of dildos, which is explained by microtrauma to the delicate mucous membrane of the genitals.
A serious cause for concern can be considered brown discharge that appeared at other times, when there is no reason for hemorrhage. Such a symptom can speak of:
- inflammatory process in the uterus and vagina,
- hormonal disorders,
- sexually transmitted infections,
- cancer in the genital system.
If the discharge from thrush remains brown for a week or more, it is very likely to indicate chronic inflammation.
What's worth paying attention to?
Discharge in thrush in women is a familiar manifestation of candidiasis. In other words, the very appearance of discharge is not something unusual, disease. But the nature of discharge with thrush can be different, which should become an object of close attention of a woman.
Candidiasis itself is not as dangerous as a bacterial infection. The disease does not cause severe inflammation of tissues and intoxication of the body, does not become an obstacle to pregnancy. It can be considered not as an independent disease, but as a signal that everything is not all right in the body. And yet it is one of the factors that reduce local immunity and pave the way for bacterial infection, which is accompanied not only by unpleasant symptoms, but can also affect the functionality of the affected organs and the state of the body as a whole. Therefore, it is impossible to ignore the symptoms of candidiasis.
Curd-like discharge in thrush is considered normal. This is how the yeast fungus manifests itself. The discharge itself is a white (in small quantities, they occur in healthy women), which under the influence of the products of fungal activity as if squashing. Hence the resemblance to cottage cheese or lumps of sour milk.
The odor of discharge in thrush is also due to the fermentation caused by fungi. Sour odor in candidiasis is considered normal, but its change is more likely to be pathology. Purulent odor is a symptom of purulent inflammation. Purulent discharge usually has a slightly different consistency (mucous), color (yellowish-green or green).
As for bloody discharge in thrush, given the variety of reasons for their appearance, ignore the symptom is certainly not worth it. It is important to understand whether they are associated with physiological processes in the woman's body, injuries to the mucosa or it is still a symptom of the disease.
Liquid clear discharge with thrush may indicate either an active inflammatory process or high estrogen levels. Heavy discharge of this nature may be a symptom of cervical ectopia.
In principle, transparent discharge is just a secretion of the reproductive glands that keep the vagina optimally moisturized. Their volume may increase on the eve of menstruation or during ovulation. They are not associated with fungal infection. Moreover, if abundant transparent discharge is accompanied by itching, it may be a manifestation of other pathologies: genital herpes, papillomavirus infection, uterine prolapse, some infections, including STIs.
If the discharge from the vagina with thrush differs from normal and is not associated with physiological processes, they must be treated without fail. But also curd-like discharge with its characteristic companion - itching, causing a woman so much trouble, it is also better to treat.
But only the cleanliness of the laundry after treatment is not yet evidence of recovery. Fungus in our body is always present, but once activated, it can remind of itself every time the immune system will give weakness.
It is not uncommon for women to complain that thrush has passed, but the discharge remains. There may be several reasons for this:
- The woman has undergone an incomplete course of treatment (the absence of itching does not mean that the disease is gone). Curd-like discharge is a characteristic sign of candidiasis, and if they remain, it is too early to lay down arms. Fighting the symptoms of the disease is not equal to its full treatment.
- In addition to candidiasis, a woman has other gynecological pathologies. In this case, the discharge will no longer be similar to cottage cheese, but may be mucous or watery, with an unpleasant odor. Accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen, discharge of blood and pus.
- The diagnosis was inaccurate. White discharge after treatment of thrush may indicate that initially there was no differential diagnosis between the whiteness, which increases with inflammation, and discharge in candidiasis. Antifungal drugs are not active against bacteria that cause inflammation in the reproductive system, so the treatment was unsuccessful.
The discharge of thrush is an indicator that the immune system is not coping with its protective function, which allows fungi to multiply. But the immune system is affected not only by diseases and disorders in the body, but also by quite natural processes, such as aging and menopause, menstruation and pregnancy, provided by nature for the continuation of the human race.
This suggests that the probability of candidiasis in men is lower than in the fairer half of humanity. Women, on the other hand, are at risk much more often, in fact on a monthly basis.
Discharge in thrush in pregnant women
Pregnancy can be safely attributed to one of the common risk factors for thrush. Fungi are present in the female reproductive system constantly and are part of the normal microflora of the vagina. And since the holy place is not empty, in their absence, the free place could be occupied by more dangerous microorganisms. So fungus in some ways is the lesser of evils, especially if we take into account that its impact on human health is insignificant.
A woman for a long time has inside herself such a tenant, and not having serious failures in the immune system, may not suspect the neighborhood. But the desire to have a child often reveals all the cards.
Pregnancy is a wonderful and joyful period in a woman's life. But she has to pay for the pleasure with her health. Changes in the hormonal background make adjustments in the work of many organs and systems, plus more stress on the body, weakening it. All this in combination often leads to a decrease in immunity, ie resistance to infections. And fungus - it is also an infection, which under favorable conditions tends to actively multiply. This explains the popularity of thrush in expectant mothers.
Discharges with thrush can be as in pregnancy, and before its onset, if the mom in time has not been treated. Normally, it is white or brownish curdy discharge. But the brown color is not always considered normal, because after the attachment of the fetal egg bleeding should not be. The exception is a small percentage of women who have periods even in pregnancy (usually in the form of ointment).
Brown or pink discharge, especially in the 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy, may indicate placental abruption or abnormalities, intrauterine fetal death or the risk of premature delivery. Brown discharge is also characteristic of ectopic pregnancy.
Green and yellow discharge with thrush is very likely to indicate genital infection and active inflammation. Although in the first months of pregnancy, the yellow color of discharge may be just evidence of hormonal restructuring of the body.
White curdy discharge brings a future mom a lot of unpleasant minutes, without posing any particular danger to her. That is why women do not want to be treated before the onset of labor, fearing to harm the baby with toxic drugs. But is it safe for the baby, which in natural conditions comes into the world, having passed through the birth canal, which includes the vagina of the mother.
Complications and consequences
Activation of fungal microflora for women has such consequences as constant discomfort in the form of itching and specific odor, pain during sexual intercourse and urination. All this negatively affects the psycho-emotional state.
Oral and intestinal candidiasis is also accompanied by discomfort (white plaque in the mouth and hypersensitivity of mucous membranes, hyperemia of oral tissues, stool disorders, more often diarrhea or change of constipation and diarrhea), reducing the quality of life of the patient.
The person may feel that everyone around him or her knows or suspects about his or her problem. Sexual activity ceases to be pleasurable and conflicts between sexual partners arise.
Another danger of discharge with thrush is waiting for happy moms. If the disease is not treated during pregnancy, there is a high risk of infection of the fetus at the time of delivery (usually diagnosed candidiasis of the oral mucosa). The immune system of the child is imperfect, so fungi will actively multiply on the mucous membranes and skin of the child, causing anxiety, deterioration of sleep and appetite, weight loss in the baby.
One of the most dangerous complications of thrush can be considered an increased risk of bacterial infection, because even a slight inflammation opens the gate to microbes inside the body. The secondary infection is evidenced by a change in the color and odor of discharge.
Fungal infections increase the risk of allergic reactions. It will be more difficult than usual to reduce the severity of allergic reactions.
If left untreated, the fungus can spread to the urinary system. This danger exists for both women and men.
Discharge with thrush in women is only a symptom of malaise in the body. Topical treatment kills the fungus in the vagina, but does not pose any particular danger to the fungal flora of the GI tract.
In the presence of erosive processes in the tissues of the cervix, the fungus will only inhibit the healing of the wound, increase the risk of its infection with bacteria.
There is bad news for those who are just planning to become a mom. Molluscum contagiosum increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy and infertility. Chronic inflammatory process in the reproductive system can cause degenerative changes in the tissues, adhesions that interfere with the patency of the fallopian tubes.
During pregnancy, fungal irritation of the vaginal and cervical walls can cause increased uterine tone, and this increases the risk of miscarriage.
So, seemingly harmless disease can actually carry a certain threat, which speaks in favor of its timely treatment after qualified diagnosis. [3]
Diagnostics of the thrush discharge
Molluscum contagiosum is a specific disease. Diagnosis usually does not cause much difficulty. With oral candidiasis, which is most often diagnosed in children, a dense white plaque appears on the oral mucosa. If the plaque is localized only on the tongue, it is necessary to make a differential diagnosis with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory infections. But in most cases, plaque can be seen on the inner surface of the cheeks, palate, tonsils and even the pharynx of the patient.
The plaque itself is granular or in the form of white films. The mucosa becomes red, swollen, the patient may feel burning and itching, especially when eating, complain of dry mouth.
The disease is diagnosed by a general practitioner or family doctor, but more detailed information about the disease can be given by a dentist. In addition to physical examination of the patient and studying the anamnesis, the doctor conducts a scraping of the oral mucosa, which is sent for analysis. To identify the cause of candidiasis, additional studies are prescribed: clinical blood tests, blood sugar, general urine analysis. All prescribed tests have not only diagnostic value, but also help in choosing safe methods of treatment.
White curdy discharge combined with itching - a typical clinical picture of genital candidiasis. In men, the disease is not so pronounced, so the specific discharge of thrush can be found mainly under the foreskin or absent altogether. In this case, the doctor pays attention to the hyperemia of the penile tissues, their swelling, unpleasant odor, the presence of purulent secretion, complaints of discomfort during sexual intercourse, burning of the mucosa, especially during urination, the presence of ulcers under the whitish plaque.
The patient is examined by a urologist or andrologist. A venereologist can also detect thrush in patients (of either sex) with STIs. In this case, the detection of elements of yeast fungus on the mucosa of the genital organ in men in the absence of other symptoms of the disease does not require serious treatment, because it indicates that the patient's body is able to resist the infection on the skin. It is enough to perform regular hygienic procedures and caution in the choice of sexual partners (use of protective equipment).
Genital candidiasis in women is diagnosed by a gynecologist. During the initial appointment, he carefully listens to the patient's complaints, paying attention to the color and nature of discharge with thrush, accompanying symptoms, the time of their appearance. This gives certain ideas about the cause of activation of fungal microflora and determines the tactics of treatment, because in the presence of pathology, which is included in the list of risk factors for candidiasis, the fight against fungi will not be effective. It will be necessary to treat not only the symptoms of thrush, but also the disease-cause (in chronic course - to minimize the risk of recurrence).
The main diagnostic method for detecting genital candidiasis in patients of either sex is a nipple (smear) from the surface of the mucosa, which is subsequently sent for bacterioscopy. This allows you to identify both fungal spores and its pathogenic neighbors: bacteria, protozoa. If necessary to differentiate pathogens, PCR analysis is performed.
Since both bacteria and fungi have strains that are insensitive to some specific drugs, it is advisable to perform a culture for the sensitivity of identified pathogens to medical drugs.
With uncharacteristic for thrush color and consistency of discharge should be differential diagnosis with other infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital sphere, and primarily with STIs, genital herpes. If the discharge is nonspecific and scanty, and the patient complains mainly of itching in the genital area, the cause may lie in such diseases as diabetes mellitus, hepatitis, leukemia. Sometimes the cause lies in pathologies of the rectum (anal fissures, inflammation of the mucosa), ovarian dysfunction, age-related changes (coarsening of the vaginal mucosa, decreased secretion production, etc.).
Treatment of the thrush discharge
Despite the fact that thrush is not a life-threatening disease, doctors take the treatment of the disease very seriously, preferring a comprehensive professional approach. Treatment is prescribed taking into account the localization of the lesion and the severity of symptoms.
Modern doctors consider candidiasis as an immunodeficiency state, accompanied by a violation of the body's microflora. That is why they offer a comprehensive approach:
- local treatment for the infection,
- systemic antifungal (and if necessary, antimicrobial) therapy,
- restoration and normalization of the immune system.
For local treatment, antiseptics and anti-inflammatory agents are used, as well as specific drugs (antifungal drugs in forms for external application). Oral candidiasis is treated with irrigations (sprays) and rinses.
With genital candidiasis in men are used mainly ointments and creams, regular hygienic procedures are mandatory.
Female thrush is treated with antifungal suppositories, vaginal tablets, ointments, creams, gels (Pimafucin, Ifenec, Livarol, Mycosoral, Candide, Zalain). Carried out a regular spritzing. It is obligatory to keep the genitals clean, frequent change of underwear.
In the case of bacterial infection, which is indicated by discharge in thrush, use potent agents that have a complex antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect (Lomexin, drugs based on clotrimazole).
In case of a severe course of candidiasis of any localization, systemic therapy with antifungal or complex agents (Diflucan, Diflazol, Orungal, Mycomax, Mycosist) based on fluconazole, introcanosol and other antimycotic drugs is prescribed.
Many antifungal drugs stop the growth and reproduction of fungi from the first application. But it should be understood that they are effective only when the disease is mild, first detected infection without pronounced symptoms.
Topical treatment of fungus (especially long-term) can cause disruption of the body's microflora. In this case, additionally prescribe drugs that restore the microflora: probiotics based on lacto- and bifidobacteria), prebiotics that increase the number of beneficial microorganisms.
Since the very development of thrush is associated with a decrease in immunity, there is no way to do without means that stimulate the active work of the immune system (immunostimulants, vitamins, vitamin and mineral complexes). This helps to avoid recurrences of the disease.
Echinacea, elleuterococcus, ginseng, rhodiola rosea, lemongrass are considered to be effective immunostimulants. Useful for immunity vitamins: C, A, E, some B vitamins, but it is more important for the body to maintain the necessary balance of vitamins and trace elements, so when choosing such preparations, it is also better to rely on the recommendations of a doctor who has sufficient information about the patient's condition after examination.
Physiotherapeutic treatment for thrush is carried out only in case of persistent, constantly recurrent thrush. Laser and magnetic therapy, mud treatment, electrophoresis with zinc help to increase the body's resistance to infection.
Surgical treatment of thrush is not practiced (it is not necessary). But a change in lifestyle is very even shown in chronic thrush. We are talking about compliance with genital hygiene (washing with warm water twice a day without the use of antibacterial agents), wearing underwear made of natural ("breathable") fabrics, refusal of regular use of daily sanitary pads (they also create conditions for the multiplication of microbes and fungi), the use of pads during menstruation mainly with a natural cotton layer.
Genital candidiasis is a contagious disease, so doctors insist on treating both sex partners at the same time.
Consider specific antifungal drugs that can be prescribed to patients for topical and systemic treatment. They help not only to remove itching and discharge in thrush, but also to stop the growth of fungal microflora.
"Candide" is a popular antimycotic for topical application based on clotrimazole. It has a wide spectrum of action. In addition to fungi, it also destroys some types of bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci, bacteroides, gardnerella, trichomonads). It is used in the treatment of candidiasis of any localization. It is available as a solution (for irrigation of mucous membranes), powder, ointment and vaginal gel.
The gel is inserted as deeply as possible into the vagina before going to bed. The daily dose is 5 g. Course of treatment - 6 days between menstrual periods. Treatment should not be interrupted.
The drug is not used in case of hypersensitivity to its components, as well as in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, when there is a high risk of miscarriage. In addition, antifungal agents are quite toxic, which can cause abnormalities in the development of the fetus during the formation of its vital organs and systems.
Side effects when using the drug are rare. These may be allergic reactions and local irritation accompanied by burning and reddening of the mucosa.
"Lomexin" - an effective drug that has a destructive effect on yeast fungi, dermatophytes, protozoa, gram-positive bacteria. The active ingredient is fenticonazole.
It is available as vaginal capsules and creams, a cream for external use used in the treatment of men.
Capsules with a dosage of 200 and 60 mg are used for 3 days (if symptoms persist, the doctor prescribes additional treatments), with a dosage of 1000 mg - once. The soluble capsule is inserted deep into the vagina before going to bed once a day.
Vaginal cream is equipped with a special applicator that facilitates dosing and delivery of the medicine to the destination. It is used in the evening and, if necessary, in the morning. For one application use 1 fully filled applicator with cream.
The cream is applied to the dry mucosa of the penis, paying special attention to the folds. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a day after hygienic procedures.
The drug is not used in case of hypersensitivity to its composition, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, in children. It is not combined with barrier methods of contraception (can damage latex).
Among the side effects are noted: burning, itching, hyperemia of mucous membranes. Erythematous rashes are possible.
"Livarol" - a classic drug for candidiasis in women based on ketoconazole. It is available in the form of vaginal suppositories. Active against fungal flora, dermatophytes, streptococci, staphylococci. It is used when fungal strains sensitive to nystatin and clotrimazole are detected.
Use the drug daily 1 suppository at night for a course of 3-5 days. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated. Treatment of exacerbations of chronic candidiasis may take 10 or more days, because the drug has a preventive use.
Candles are not used in the treatment of children and people with hypersensitivity to the composition of the drug. There is insufficient information on the safety of use during pregnancy and lactation.
Side effects are usually limited to local reactions: vaginal irritation and itching, but systemic symptoms are also possible: nausea, abdominal pain, allergic and anaphylactic reactions.
"Zalain" - a modern antifungal drug for topical application with a powerful action. Active against most strains of Candida, streptococci, staphylococci. It is available as a cream and suppositories.
In the treatment of vaginal candidiasis, preference is given to suppositories that are inserted once before bedtime deep into the vagina. If the effect is insufficient, the treatment is repeated after a week.
If the focus of the lesion extends to the labia, treatment is supplemented with the use of cream.
It is indicative that a woman can be treated at any time. Menstruation is not a contraindication.
The drug is not prescribed in hypersensitivity to it. In pregnancy and lactation it is allowed to use the drug (has low absorption) as prescribed by a doctor.
Side effects from the use of the drug are noted rarely in the form of burning and itching that do not require withdrawal of the drug or additional treatment.
"Diflucan" is a popular antimycotic for systemic use based on fluconazole. It is prescribed for severe and severe course of candidiasis of any localization, if local treatment does not help to reduce itching and discharge with thrush or shows insufficient effect. It is available in the form of capsules with different dosage (50, 100 and 150 mg) and solution for drip injection. Capsules with high dosage are prescribed for vaginal candidiasis in women and candidal balanitis in men in the absence of effect from topical therapy.
In most cases, a single application of the drug (150 mg capsules) is sufficient, but much depends on the severity of the disease.
In candidiasis of oropharynx and esophagus, the drug is prescribed for 1 day in a dose of 200-400 mg, then prescribe maintenance treatment for 1-4 weeks in a dosage of 100-200 mg per day.
In chronic course of the disease, treatment is carried out with doses of 50-100 mg for 4 weeks.
Genital candidiasis in acute form is treated with a single intake of 150 mg of the drug. In recurrent forms the same dose of the drug is prescribed according to the scheme: 1, 4 and 7 days. After that, the patient should take a maintenance dose of the drug (150 ml) once a week for six months.
Children are prescribed the drug once a day in a dosage not exceeding 400 mg.
The drug is not prescribed in hypersensitivity to it. Caution is observed in renal and hepatic insufficiency. May interact with other drugs.
In pregnancy and lactation, the use of the drug is limited to critical cases. The use of the drug in children under 6 months of age is limited.
Among the side effects of the drug can be distinguished: deterioration of appetite, nausea, stool disturbance. It is possible occurrence of headache, dizziness, increased fatigue, allergic reactions. There is information about the occurrence of seizures.
In any case, treatment of discharge with thrush and other symptoms of candidiasis should be prescribed by a specialist. Self-treatment in most cases leads to the fact that the disease passes into a chronic form.
Folk treatment
Since thrush is more unpleasant disease than dangerous, many patients are not in a hurry to be treated with drugs, especially after learning about the certain toxicity of antifungal drugs. Assurances that with topical application of drugs their absorption into the blood is small, not much works, especially since for many centuries folk medicine has accumulated a wealth of experience in treating thrush without medication.
Especially popular method of treatment of thrush in women at home is considered to be sprinceps. For this procedure, herbal decoctions are used, as well as solutions that change the acidity of the vagina and thus create unfavorable conditions for the reproduction of fungus:
- The solution of baking soda changes the pH of the vagina in the direction of alkalization. For 1 liter of water it is enough to take 1 tsp. With a slide of baking soda. The composition is well broken up until the powder is completely dissolved, otherwise the grits can burn the mucous membrane of the vagina.
- Solution of soda and iodine (1-2 drops per liter). Alkalizes, disinfects, heals.
- Lemon water. Pour 2 lemon slices in 1 tbsp. Boiling water. Use strained after cooling. Shifts the pH to the acidic side, which is also destructive to fungi, increases local immunity. Course of application - 10 days at night.
Spritzing is carried out twice a day in the supine position, so that the warm composition is retained in the vagina. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.
You can also treat the vagina with honey water. The ratio of water and honey is 10:1. It is important that you are not allergic to bee products.
Herbal infusions (calendula, birch buds, poplar, chamomile) are not bad for sitting baths.
With candidiasis in the mouth, you can gargle with a soda solution (with or without the addition of iodine). It is also good to smear mucous membranes with chlorophyllipt oil solution or use the above herbal tinctures for irrigation, diluting them in water.
Celandine, chamomile, calendula, nettle, oak bark, sage, yarrow, St. John's wort, rosemary, juniper, and spores have proven to be good herbal remedies. All these herbs have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and soothing effect. Infusions and decoctions of herbs are used to rinse the mouth with oral candidiasis, spritzing with thrush in women and washes and lotions with genital candidiasis in men.
- Positive feedback from women with thrush has a procedure of spritzing with a composition of chamomile and calendula. 1 tbsp. Chamomile and 2 tbsp. Calendula from the evening pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave to infuse until morning. Strain and warmed to warm infusion should be spritzed 2 times a day. This will reduce discomfort without seriously affecting the beneficial composition of the vaginal microflora.
- For diapering with candidiasis recommended and such a collection: yarrow, rosemary, sage (1 part each), oak bark (2 parts). For 3 liters of boiled water take 100 g of vegetable raw materials. The mixture is boiled, strained, add 1-1.5 cups of clean boiled water and used in a warm form for the purpose. The composition is suitable for spritzing, and for washing the penis in men.
Giving preference to folk treatment should always remember the risk of passing thrush into a chronic form. In addition, "herbs" may also be unsafe if they contain allergens to which the patient has sensitivity. Particularly cautious to this kind of treatment should be pregnant women, because some herbs can cause uterine contractions or have a toxic effect on the fetus (juniper, ergot, celandine, sage in high concentrations). Apply folk recipes even for local treatment considering the localization of the lesion site future mothers can only after consultation with a doctor.
Homeopathy - one of the directions of alternative medicine, where the individual characteristics of the patient are put in line with the symptoms of the disease, and based on them, homeopathic doctor prescribes special drugs. Properly selected homeopathic treatment can not only relieve the patient of discharge in thrush and other symptoms of the disease, but at the same time and increase the body's defenses, because the goal of homeopathy - to make the patient's body fight the disease and defeat it by its own forces, giving only a small push in the form of a microscopic dose of the active ingredient.
The following homeopathic remedies are used in the treatment of thrush:
- For oral candidiasis - Mercurius Solubilis in 6, 12 or 30 dilutions. Requires strict adherence to the dosage, since the active ingredient is mercury.
- For oral and genital candidiasis - Natrium muriaticum. Take orally.
- In vaginal candidiasis: Borax, Sepia, Sulfur. Borax is an excellent antiseptic, comes in the form of a solution and is used in diluted form for syringes (water and the drug - 6:1). Sepia anesthetizes and reduces discharge, promotes the regeneration of mucosal tissues (granules are taken 2 times a day for 7 pieces). The latter drug is prescribed for severe itching and painful sensations below the abdomen, as well as in the case of an unpleasant odor indicative of bacterial infection.
- Calendula and Echinacea preparations in the form of ointment or tincture are indicated for severe inflammation. Echinacea also increases immunity.
Borax (in 6 dilutions), Aloe, Calium Murivaticum, Calcarea carbonica, etc. Have been used in the treatment of children.
Homeopathic treatment is effective in mild forms of the disease, but in the case of a complicated course it is better to use the instructions of doctors of traditional medicine.
In general, the prognosis of treatment of thrush is favorable. Regular implementation of the doctor's recommendations allows you to forget about itching and discharge with thrush, return to normal life. If you engage in self-medication or perform appointments on an ad hoc basis, there is a high probability of transition of the disease into a chronic form. Then the symptoms of thrush will remind of themselves every time the immune system of the body will fail or will experience increased stress. Thus, itching and discharge in the genital area, the patient may feel even during a cold or flu, after hypothermia, etc.
What should be done to avoid thrush? First, observe hygienic requirements, because the cleanliness of the skin and mucous membranes - one of the most important factors of good local immunity. But do not overdo it, so as not to disrupt the natural balance of the body's microflora. After showering or washing it is necessary to dry the perineum with a towel, so that the moist environment does not attract fungi living on the skin.
Avoid genital candidiasis will help regular change of underwear, wearing underwear made of natural fabrics. Intimate deodorants, flavored pads and hygiene products, and constant sprays are not the best way to avoid thrush.
Secondly, treat any diseases in a timely manner, not allowing them to pass into the category of chronic diseases that weaken the immune system. People with high blood sugar should control the level of glucose and correct it with special drugs. And in general, advice for everyone: do not get addicted to carbohydrate foods.
Third, carefully choose sexual partners, do not forget about barrier methods of contraception, which at the same time protect against infections.
Fourth, it is very important to monitor both local and general immunity, keeping it at a high level. To do this, you should try to avoid stressful situations, eat rationally, lead a healthy and active lifestyle, if necessary, take vitamins and herbal immunostimulants, hormonal treatment (including the use of contraceptives) should be carried out only after consultation with a doctor and under his supervision. [4]
If itching and discharge with thrush still appeared, you need to go to the doctor, and not self-treatment. Only in this way you can defeat both the disease and its cause, so that in the future the symptoms do not recur and do not affect the quality of life. Symptomatic treatment can not give such a result.