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Cough Sprays
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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In the off-season, colds are everyday companions of all people. Get rid of unpleasant symptoms will help spray from cough, drops from the nose and other special drugs. You can treat the disease with alternative methods, but in this case there is a high probability of aggravation of the situation. With the development of a runny nose, coughing and fever, it is necessary to start complex therapeutic measures.
Indications of the cough Sprays
To date, there are a lot of sprays designed to fight all the hardships of colds. Despite its diversity, the indications for use are almost the same.
Preparations for cough control are used in the following cases:
- acute inflammatory processes in the airways;
- in the presence of infectious lesions;
- with the development of laryngitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and sinusitis;
- acute inflammatory diseases, provoked by fungi of the genus Candida;
- for elimination of tracheitis and bronchitis;
- as a preventive tool for infectious lesions.
Modern drugs correctly affect the lesion, and eliminate a lot of unpleasant symptoms. However, it is undesirable to use them independently. Dosage is assigned individually.
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Release form
Modern pharmacological companies offer a mass of effective drugs. To date, an optimal tool can be selected for each patient. The best cough sprays have the following names:
- Inhaliptus;
- Chlorophylitis;
- Tantum Verde;
- Lugol;
- Tharyngept;
- Shunam;
- Bioparox;
- Hexoral.
Details regarding side effects, indications and contraindications will be provided below.
Hexoral in the fight against bothersome cough
The drug is highly effective, but only if it is used correctly. Geksoral well watered the throat and eliminated unpleasant symptoms. They can not only wet the mouth, but also rinse. Do not swallow the solution, it can lead to poisoning. When a spray enters the lungs, there is a high probability of developing bronchospasm.
The drug is prescribed for relief of symptoms of pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis and elimination of diseases, bacterial and fungal origin. The drug has a pronounced local effect. After its use, there is a decrease in pain, a decrease in the severity of cough and the healing of ulcers. To achieve maximum therapeutic effect, the remedy is used in the morning and evening. The duration of treatment is agreed upon individually.
Contraindications to use are allergic reactions, and children under 4 years old. Overdose is possible if too high a dose is used. In this case, there are deviations from the gastrointestinal tract, namely nausea and vomiting. The likelihood of developing convulsions and trembling of the limbs is not ruled out. In severe cases, cardiac arrest is possible.
Bioparox: Clever Cough Spray
The agent is used as a local therapy, in the presence of acute inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract. Bioparox helps to eliminate tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis and diseases caused by bacteria and infections.
The drug is well tolerated by patients, and rarely causes side effects. Despite this, cases with the development of negative symptoms were still recorded. On the part of the respiratory system, drying of the mucous membranes, asthma and bronchospasm may occur. The gastrointestinal tract reacts to the effect of the drug, in the form of nausea. It is not excluded the development of allergic reactions, including skin itching and rash. If there is a negative clinical picture, it is advisable to consult a doctor.
The optimal dose is 2 injections up to 4 times a day. Dosage is assigned individually. The duration of treatment should not exceed 7 days.
Use of the spray is not recommended for children under the age of 2.5 years, for women during childbearing, and during lactation. For people with allergic reactions, the drug is administered with caution.
Tantum verde from the first signs of a cold
The agent is widely used to eliminate infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Tantum Verde is used to treat:
- stomatitis;
- pharyngitis;
- laryngitis;
- parodontosis;
- Candidiasis;
- calculous inflammation of the salivary glands;
- It is used as a preventive measure after trauma and surgical interventions.
In the form of a spray, the drug is used every 1.5-3 hours, but not more than 8 doses per day. For children under 12 years of age, the optimal dosage is 4 sprays.
Use the drug is not recommended for children under 4 years old, and people suffering from allergic reactions. There is a chance of developing side effects, namely anemia, dry mouth and burning. Cases of insomnia appeared.
Ingalipt - the best antiseptic in the fight against coughing
The product has disinfecting and anti-inflammatory properties. Inhalipt is used to treat pharyngitis, laryngitis, inflammatory processes in the larynx and ulcerative stomatitis.
Use the spray is not possible with increased sensitivity to its main components. In the presence of an allergic reaction, it is advisable to consult with a specialist before use.
The optimal dose is one injection 3-4 times a day. Keep the drug in the mouth is necessary for 7 minutes. Swallow it is prohibited!
Cameton - a combination drug against coughing
The drug is combined, it performs a number of functions, including anti-inflammatory and disinfecting. Kameton is used to stop acute attacks of chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The drug has a pronounced effect in the treatment of nasal passages.
The optimal dose is 3-4 sprays per day, the duration of inhalation is equal to 2 minutes. Use Cameton can not more than 2 days.
The main contraindications are children under 5 years of age, and increased sensitivity to the main components of the drug. Perhaps the development of adverse reactions in the form of skin rashes.
Lugol spray - a local remedy for inflammatory processes
Spray is used to eliminate diseases of the upper respiratory tract, including infectious origin. Lugol gel can be used by children from 12 years of age.
The agent is applied topically, by spraying on the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat. The spray should be applied directly to the area of inflammation. The maximum number of applications per day should not exceed 6 sprays. The duration of therapy is selected individually.
Use of aerosol is not possible with increased sensitivity to its main components, and people with kidney and liver diseases. It is not recommended to use a spray for herpetiform dermatitis, and violations of the endocrine system.
Perhaps the development of adverse reactions, including skin rashes, hives and acne.
Cough Spray for Children
For today it is possible to choose the optimum agent, without special problems. However, when choosing a cough spray for treating children, it is worth to be cautious. Use of aerosols up to 4 years is highly prohibited. Such an effect can lead to the development of bronchospasm, which entails a threat to the life of the child.
Some drugs can be used from 2.5 years old, but without consulting a pediatrician do not. Certainly, aerosols are the most effective means of achieving a positive therapeutic effect in a short time. But with improper application, there is a high probability of developing serious adverse reactions.
The most common negative symptom is an allergic reaction. Without the provision of skilled care, it is possible to develop anaphylaxis, and the flight outcome. Therefore, in the issue of treating children, it is necessary to rely exclusively on professionals.
How to get rid of a dry cough with a spray?
Dry cough is often called unproductive. It simply irritates the mucous membranes, but the sputum does not come out. In this case, you need to choose an effective spray that will help get rid of not only dry cough, but also to translate it into a productive stage.
Aerosols proved to be effective several years ago. Due to its consistency and the way of application, the medicine gets directly to the area of inflammation, stopping negative symptoms.
When choosing a remedy, preference should be given to those options that act directly on the focus of inflammation. The variety of medications complicates the situation. Despite this, several main drugs are being isolated, which are very popular due to their high efficiency. Among them are:
- Tantum Verde;
- Bioparox;
- Chlorophyllipt;
- Tharyngept;
- Hexoral;
- Inhaliptus;
- Salbutamol.
Correct influence on the inflamed area, will allow to stop symptoms within 1-2 days.
Cough Spray Based on Antibiotics
Antibiotic drugs are among the most effective medicines. However, they can not be used by everyone, particularly children. Cough spray based on antibiotics, is used to remove upper respiratory infections.
The most popular and common is Bioparox. During the spraying, it enters the inflammatory focus, and actively influences the pathogenic microorganisms in it. Due to this, improvement of the condition is observed after the daily use of the drug.
Details of its properties, indications, contraindications and dosage were presented above.
Sprays are inhalants that have a local effect on the inflammation focus. Pharmacodynamics implies the rapid elimination of infectious-inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
At the heart of many drugs based on antibiotics is the active ingredient Fusafungin. It has a pronounced bacteriostatic effect against many dangerous microorganisms. The product has an anti-inflammatory effect. The mechanism of action of the drug is based on its ability to be embedded in the cellular membrane of a pathogenic microorganism. Due to this, irreversible changes take place in its structure and the disease recedes.
Active exposure to the focus of inflammation leads to a decrease in the severity of symptoms after the first use. In many cases, a severe clinical picture disappears 2 days after the start of the treatment.
After the inhalation application of the drug, the distribution of its components occurs throughout the surface of the mucosa. The pharmacokinetics of the drug consists in the active action on the inflammatory focus. The agent practically does not enter the blood plasma, its concentration is minimal. Due to this the medicine is considered completely safe.
Dosing and administration
Drugs are used exclusively in the form of inhalations in the mouth or nose. Before use, it is necessary to activate the cylinder by 2-4 presses on it. Then it is put on a special nozzle, which comes complete with the drug. The tip is inserted into the mouth or nose, after which the injection is performed. This is the main methods of using a spray from a cough.
Inhalation in the nose is carried out with a closed mouth, and you need to take a deep breath. If the lesion is in the upper respiratory tract, the procedure is carried out through the mouth. To do this, the tip is inserted into the mouth and by pressing on the balloon, the inflamed area is irrigated. It is advisable to hold your breath briefly after the injection.
Specialists recommend disinfecting the nozzles after use. It is advisable to do this with ethyl alcohol. Duration of treatment is prescribed by a doctor. For children older than 12 years, 4 injections per day are sufficient. At the age of 2.5 years, no more than 2 irrigation. The duration of the course is a week.
Use of the cough Sprays during pregnancy
Most inhalation drugs do not have reliable data on the safety of their use. Therefore, use of sprays to treat cough during pregnancy is not recommended. When appointing a remedy, the doctor must compare the positive result for the mother, with possible side reactions to the child.
There are no data on the penetration of active ingredients into breast milk. If it is necessary to use the remedy, the issue of stopping the baby's natural feeding is solved.
During the use of the drug, a small amount of it penetrates into the blood plasma, which can affect the overall condition of the child.
Inhalations in any case should not be used in the presence of hypersensitivity to the main components of the drugs. This is the main contraindication to use, without listening to which, a person can cause a severe allergic reaction.
Aerosols are not used at the age of up to 2.5 years, due to the high likelihood of development of suffocation and death. There is a risk of laryngospasm.
People who suffer from allergic reactions, the drug is administered with caution. Do not allow the product to come into contact with the eyes, otherwise wash them quickly. This will avoid burns.
Side effects of the cough Sprays
Means for inhalation in many cases, well tolerated by patients. However, the likelihood of side effects is still there.
On the part of the respiratory system, drying of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat is not excluded. Perhaps the development of sneezing, burning, coughing, asthma and breathing disorders.
On the part of the organs of the digestive tract, the appearance of nausea is not excluded.
From the senses can change the taste, the appearance of an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, lacrimation and redness of the eyes.
The most common adverse reactions are allergic manifestations, including itching and urticaria.
It is not recommended to try to eliminate symptoms on your own, it is advisable to inform the attending physician about it.
Negative reactions after use of sprays do not occur often. However, water is influenced by some factors, it is possible to develop an overdose. Unpleasant symptoms can result from improper use of the drug. Often this is due to an independent increase in dosage.
As a result of improper application of the human body, blood circulation may be disturbed, dizziness and burning in the throat will appear. Together with this there is an increase in pain and numbness in the oral cavity.
When a large amount of the drug enters the stomach, a wash is shown followed by symptomatic therapy.
Interactions with other drugs
Special studies were not conducted. Therefore, there is no data on the interaction of drugs with other drugs. Despite this, it is forbidden to use several aerosols at the same time. This can cause an increase in the effect of each other, and lead to the appearance of symptoms of an overdose.
There are certain recommendations regarding the use of drugs, compliance with which will avoid many negative consequences. So, the maximum duration of treatment is not more than a week. At the end of the course, the patient should consult a doctor to confirm the effectiveness of the therapy.
Aerosol can not be sprayed on the eyes, stored near heat sources and exposed to high temperatures. Improper application can lead to irritation of the skin.
Storage conditions
To ensure that the drug has served its allotted time, it is necessary to comply with all the rules of operation. An important criterion is the storage conditions.
The preparation should be in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight. The maximum storage temperature is 30 degrees. The can should not overheat, but it is forbidden to keep it in the refrigerator. Do not pierce the aerosol, even if the vial is empty.
Shelf life
The drug must be stored under the special conditions described above. The shelf life of most sprays is 2 years. With proper observance of all operating conditions, the device will serve the designated period.
It is important to monitor the integrity of the can, and the consistency of the drug itself. Spray from cough after the expiry date can not be used.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Cough Sprays" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.