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Antifungal medications for thrush in men
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Thrush in men is not a sentence. There are many ways and methods of its treatment. The pharmaceutical industry represents an increasing range of medicines that can be successfully applied for treatment. Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages.
If there are not enough swabs, medication is recommended. Only when taking medication, you must always take precautions. In no case can you prescribe yourself a treatment yourself, because you can only worsen the condition, get complications, which then will be difficult to get rid of. It is important to take any medication only after consulting a doctor, and only after the exact cause of the pathology is determined is the main precaution. Deterioration can occur with improper selection of the drug, there may be co-morbidities if the treatment regimen is not adhered to. That's why the doctor's consultation is needed.
In the treatment of thrush in men, antifungal agents such as pimafucin, fluconazole are used. They prevent the development of fungal infection, normalize the microbiocenosis of the urogenital tract, relieve inflammation, relieve such uncomfortable sensations as itching, burning, irritation, pain. These drugs can be used in the form of suppositories for rectal administration, as well as for severe progression and severe disease - in the form of systemic therapy (in the form of tablets).
With the development of dysbiosis it is advisable to conduct a study on dysbiosis, determine the condition of the urogenital microflora. Microbiological screening aimed at detecting the state of normal microflora can also be carried out. Based on the analysis, if necessary, prescribe probiotics, which restore the microflora. They replenish free "cells" with a normal microflora, which actively multiplies, as a result of which it displaces the pathogenic microflora. Thus, based on antagonism, you can get rid of a fungal disease.
It is advisable to use anti-inflammatory drugs, sometimes using antibiotics, folk remedies.
Candiderm with thrush in men
It is a cream that is used for external use. Apply to the skin, or mucous membranes. It has antibacterial, antifungal action, removes the inflammatory process. Has anti-allergic effect.
The active substances are beclomethasone, gentamicin, clotrimazole. It is worth noting that all active substances act together, mutually reinforcing each other. Clotrimazole is a preparation of an antifungal action, the mechanism of its action is directed at disrupting the synthesis of ergosterone. This process ends with the death of the cell of the microorganism, which is the causative agent of the disease. Ergosterone is the most important agent that is part of the cell wall of the microorganism. In this case, its destruction entails the death of the cell wall.
The essence of the action of beclomethasone is to provide anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic action. Promotes resorption of exudates, eliminates itching, burning, relieves puffiness. The main advantage is that the drug prevents excessive formation of exudate by resorption of leukocytes, eliminating inflammation. Helps prevent the formation and release of lysosomal enzymes, mediators of the inflammatory process. All this prevents further formation of the inflammatory process, reduces the level of vascular and tissue permeability.
Terbinafine from thrush for men
A drug that belongs to the group of antifungal drugs. Intended for oral administration, as well as for external use. In water it practically does not dissolve, but it dissolves well in ethyl alcohol.
The spectrum of the drug is wide: it is used to treat various groups of fungal infections. Effective in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary tract, as well as for the treatment of various candidiasis, dermatomycosis. They are also active in the case of mold fungi, yeasts, which progress quite rapidly and entail the generalization of the process.
The mechanism of action is to suppress the biosynthesis of sterols in the fungal cell. This entails a violation of biochemical processes in the fungus, resulting in death. Also, the mechanism of action of the drug is to suppress the activity of cellular enzymes, inhibitors of catabolic processes. The drug accumulative action, that is, its maximum activity will be observed only if the drug is taken within a few days. Accumulation in the blood (in plasma) of the optimal concentration of the drug has a therapeutic effect.
Can be applied orally, as well as topically. With topical application, the probability of systemic exposure is 5%, that is, about 5% of the substance is absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes into the body, spreading with blood. It is used for bacterial and fungal infections of mucous membranes by applying a thin layer, until completely absorbed. Forms a film on the surface, as a result of which the duration of the therapeutic effect increases.
Taking the drug inside is recommended in case the disease is constantly progressing, as well as in severe disease. Indications for internal use of the drug is a severe, chronic form of pathology, the spread of the infectious process. It is not recommended to use in case of impaired functional state of the kidneys, as well as in cardiac and hepatic insufficiency. Also, the drug is contraindicated in the violation of hematopoiesis, in bone marrow diseases, in autoimmune diseases, including with red systemic lupus. Violation of metabolic processes, in particular a violation of protein or carbohydrate metabolism, entails the need to abandon this drug.
As side effects, various violations of the blood function are considered: anemia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia. However, in most cases, such disorders are of an incoming nature, and may disappear when the drug is withdrawn.
Also, there may be disturbances from the nervous system, with long-term admission, immunity may decrease, the system of local resistance. Sometimes vision may be impaired. Care should be taken for patients suffering from hepatobiliary disorders, renal dysfunction. Also, some patients begin to make noise in the ears when taking this drug. It is known that the drug interacts with other drugs, enhances the effect of many antimycotics, antibacterial drugs. With the combined use of cimetidine, fluconazole, the action of terbinafine is significantly enhanced. When taken together with rifampicin, on the contrary, the effect of the drug is weakened.
An overdose can be disturbed by a headache. Nausea, pain in the gastrointestinal tract, impaired bowel function. Overdose can be observed only when taking tablets (orally). However, when applying drugs externally, such effects are not observed.
When taking it, you should take precautions. So, before you start taking it, you need to examine the function of the liver, because the drug has a high degree of hepatotoxicity. It is also recommended to periodically monitor liver function during the treatment with this medication, as various damages may occur.
The first control must be performed 4-5 weeks after the start of treatment. It must also be taken into account that the drug is able to change the function of the blood. In case of external application it is necessary to monitor the composition of the product. If it contains alcohol, a side effect may occur in the form of irritation and a slight burn of the skin and mucous membrane. With increased sensitivity of the skin, it is necessary to apply alcohol-containing solutions cautiously, or discard them with the benefit of funds that do not have alcohol in their composition.
According to patients who have already used this drug, with external use of terbinafine, thrush in men takes about 2-3 days. However, treatment should be continued for up to 14 days or more to prevent relapse.
Acyclovir for thrush in men
It is a medicinal product that has antiviral properties. Produced in the form of tablets, the active ingredient of which is aciclovir in the amount of 400 mg. There are also some excipients and supplements that do not have a therapeutic effect.
Acyclovir is an analogue of a purine nucleoside, created synthetically. Has activity against the herpes group viruses. Under the action of substances that penetrate into the viral cell, triggers a series of consecutive reactions that transform the viral cell, as well as reduce its viral activity. This contributes to the fact that acyclovir is converted into acyclovir monophosphate. This leads to further integration of the molecule of acyclovir into the viral DNA chain, which leads to inhibition of the DNA polymerase of the virus. Accordingly, the virus concentration in blood decreases, the activity of viruses also becomes.
Acyclovir is active against genital herpes. With a decrease in viral load, respectively, there is a decrease in the main symptoms of thrush. It is also known that there is a correlation between the amount of fungal infection and viruses in the blood. The higher the concentration of the Herpes Group virus in the blood, the greater the burden on the body. Accordingly, there is a decrease in immunity. The intensity of immunity increases, the colonization resistance of the mucous membranes, including the urogenital tract, decreases substantially. It is known that with the reduction of colonization resistance, dysbacteriosis develops, the protective properties of the mucous membrane are violated, which leads to the fact that the growth of pathogenic microflora, including fungal infection, begins.
The biological availability of acyclovir is 15-30%. There is good penetration of acyclovir into all organs and tissues, including, in the brain, and in the skin. Acyclovir is capable of binding to blood plasma proteins in an amount of 35%. Concentration in other biological fluids can reach 50% of the active substance. Has the ability to accumulate in the body. It is deduced with a liver. This produces a pharmacologically inactive compound. It is a substance that has almost no antibiotic activity.
When thrush is recommended to take aciclovir in the amount of 200 mg 5 times a day. In patients with hepatic insufficiency, more intensive processing of the substance takes place, which leads to the fact that the amount of the drug in the blood drops sharply. Approximately 84% is excreted with the kidneys unchanged. 2% of the substance is injected through the intestine.
Applied for treatment as part of complex therapy, or as a monotherapy. In general, the drug is designed to treat various diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, with the persistence of viruses in the blood. It is a reliable tool for the prevention and treatment of herpesvirus infection. Prevents the development of immunodeficiency, promotes the maintenance of immunity in the treatment of AIDS.
It is important to begin treatment at the first sign of infection. Tablets are taken orally. Dosage is determined individually. The main criterion on the basis of which the treatment regimen is developed is the degree of severity of the pathological process, the degree of viral load the state of immunity, and also the local system of nonspecific resistance. Assign 200 mg three times a day for 5 days. There should be a break between at least 4 hours between meals, at an interval of 8 hours at night. For prevention, 400 mg per day is used. It is recommended to take with food, or after eating. It is important to drink plenty of water. Contraindicated drug with individual intolerance and hypersensitivity to individual components of this drug.
With caution take against a background of hepatic and renal failure, with dehydration and neurological disorders. Long-term treatment can eventually become ineffective due to the fact that bacteria or viruses will develop resistance against this drug. When used together in immunostimulants, the activity of the drug increases.
Zalain for thrush in men
The drug is released in the form of suppositories, the active ingredient of which is sertaconazole, which is an antifungal agent used to treat fungal infections, candidiasis. It has fungistatic and fungicidal action. Additionally has a bactericidal effect, affecting various bacteria, mainly Gram-positive. The essence of the effect is that the drug depresses the synthesis of ergosterol, as a result of which the permeability of the cell wall of fungi increases, as a result of which its complete dissolution occurs.
The drug is used topically for the treatment of mucous membranes. It is known that systemic absorption occurs. The level of which is insignificant. With insufficient effectiveness of local drugs, use systemic drugs in the form of tablets.
Contraindicated drug in the case of hypersensitivity to it, or to individual components. Side effects include burning, itching. But usually these symptoms pass right away, as soon as the drug is canceled. In exceptional cases, side effects may occur. The drug e is recommended to use in the event that a man has an active sexual life. It is recommended to abstain from sexual activity during the treatment period, because the drug is inactivated, and its activity is significantly reduced from sperm. Also the use of any contraceptives, intimate lubricants can lead to a decrease in the activity of the active substance.
Before using the medication, you should wash yourself with medicinal herbs. Then one suppository is administered rectally, in the supine position. Usually one day of treatment is enough to relieve the symptoms of the pathology. If the clinical symptoms persist, you can re-insert the suppository after 2-3 days.
No overdose has been reported for this drug. If they make themselves felt, or there are repeated symptoms, you need to see a doctor.
For the prevention of thrush, you can apply Zalain cream. It is applied a thin layer on the previously washed and dried mucous membrane. No cases of overdose have been reported. As side effects sometimes marked burning, redness, itching. Usually, to eliminate these symptoms, it is sufficient to cancel the drug. It is not recommended to apply the drug to people who are prone to allergic reactions.
Ketoconazole for thrush in men
Produced in the form of tablets, the active substance, which is ketoconazole. Usually the dosage in the preparation is 200 mg. Refers to the group of antifungal pharmaceuticals.
Ketoconazole has activity against various fungal forms, in particular it can kill or reduce the activity of fungal forms of microorganisms. It shows activity against various microorganisms, including Candida, which is the causative agent of thrush.
Take one tablet once a day. At the same time, the maximum concentration of the drug in the blood reaches 3.5 mg / ml and reaches these values within 2-3 hours. After 8-10 hours after taking the drug, it is removed from the blood. Up to 15% of the substance is excreted from the body with urine unchanged, Up to 5% is excreted in the bile, and over 92% remains bound to plasma proteins.
Applied with thrush, as well as other similar diseases that affect the genitals (mucous membranes, skin). It is quite effective for any skin lesions, including deep ones. One of the few drugs that are recommended for patients suffering from chronic diseases of the urogenital tract: chronic thrush, recurrent candidiasis, fungal lesions of the perineum, genitalia, and is also recommended for the progression of the infectious process.
The drug is contraindicated in the event that a person has impaired renal function, liver, since it is these organs that are the main load. Usually, doctors prescribe medications that are softer, more gentle. If they are ineffective, heavier drugs, such as ketoconazole, are used. The recommended dose is 200 mg per day. Sometimes you can increase the dosage to 2 tablets per day (400 mg).
Side effects are rare. Exceptions are the reactions from the gastrointestinal tract. In particular, there are reactions such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, dyspepsia, diarrhea. In exceptional cases, there is headache, kidney and liver disease. People with a tendency to allergic reactions can experience an allergic reaction in the form of skin rash, hives, irritation. Some patients have a reaction from the blood, in particular, thrombocytopenia, neutrophilia. The patient may have increased irritability, fever, insomnia. One of the side effects that occur primarily against an overdose is increased intracranial pressure, impotence, decreased libido, infertility.
In case of an overdose, the patient needs first aid. For example, you need to call an ambulance as soon as possible. Before her arrival, you should induce vomiting, provide the patient with a large amount of fluid, rest. After the ambulance arrives, it is recommended to wash the stomach in a hospital. The patient needs inpatient care, it is recommended that he be hospitalized. In addition to poisoning, an overdose of this drug entails a temporary decrease in testosterone levels in the blood. Despite the fact that this decrease is temporary, infertility may occur. The problem is that there is no antidote for ketonazole.
Under the influence of other drugs, you can change the properties of ketonazole. Thus, rifampicin, isoniazid, phenytoin significantly reduce the bioavailability of the drug, so combining them is not recommended. Ritonavir, on the contrary, improves the bioavailability of ketoconazole. Therefore, with the joint administration of two drugs, it is recommended to reduce the dosage of ketoconadosis. Some substances can enhance or prolong the action of drugs.
Exoderate with thrush in men
It is an antifungal agent, the main active ingredient of which is naphthyfine. It is applied externally. Has a smell of ethanol. Penetrating the cage of the fungal infection, it destroys it, thereby reducing the fungal burden on the body.
High activity is noted for representatives of the genus Candida, who are the causative agent of thrush. In addition to fungicidal and fungistatic activity, it has an anti-inflammatory effect, as a result of which the inflammatory process quickly disappears, the state of the microflora is normalized, the mucosa and skin are restored.
The drug is different in that it penetrates quickly enough into the body, passes through the skin. Quickly removes inflammation and eliminates such side effects as itching, inflammation, burning. Apply a thin layer on the affected area. In the presence of wounds and damage can not be applied. The mucous membrane can be applied if it is not prone to erosion.
Side effects are minor. Sometimes, dry skin, hyperemia, burning, irritation may occur. In some cases, there is a strong irritation, pain, so treatment should be discontinued. No further action is required.
Apply a thin layer on the skin after pre-treatment with sterile wipes, or after washing with anti-inflammatory decoction. Treatment is from 2 to 4 weeks. In severe, neglected cases, treatment can be prolonged up to 6 months.
Irunin with thrush in men
Produced in the form of capsules, which contain 100 mg of active ingredient - itraconazole pellets. Has antifungal activity, it acts against many microorganisms, including, and against fungi of the genus Candida.
The active substance is a synthetic agent that has a wide spectrum of action. The mechanism of action is that the drug destroys the cell wall of the fungus, as a result of which they die. It also acts against other fungi, particularly against molds, yeast-like fungi.
The maximum bioavailability of the drug is achieved after 3-4 hours. Approximately in 1-2 days the equilibrium concentration of the drug in the blood comes. The drug is withdrawn in two phases, complete elimination occurs 3-4 days. This means that the drug is prolonged action, so take it strictly according to the scheme. It should also be taken into account the fact that the maximum effect can be achieved only after the optimal dosage in the blood accumulates, which can provide the necessary therapeutic effect.
Duration of treatment can range from 2 weeks to 3-4 months, depending on the severity of the disease. The drug is prescribed for dysbacteriosis, thrush, with deep and superficial candidiasis, fungal lesions of the mucous membranes and skin. Also used for mixed infections, other active fungal and bacterial microflora.
The drug is contraindicated for individual intolerance of the drug, with increased sensitivity to it, or its individual components. It is also worth noting that the drug is not used for severe cardiac, renal, hepatic insufficiency. Accepted mainly in an amount of 200 mg 2-3 times a day, depending on the amount of fungal flora and the severity of the pathological process.
Side effects can be manifested in the form of anorexia, excessive weight loss (exhaustion), decreased immunity. Remove the drug from the blood is difficult. Almost impossible. Rapidly affects the kidneys and liver, absorbed into the heart muscle. In this regard, immediate first aid is required, immediate withdrawal and neutralization of the drug.
Thermicon for thrush in men
It is an antifungal agent, which contains approximately 250 mg of the active ingredient (terbinafine). Also included are excipients, but they do not have therapeutic effects. Produced in tablets, as well as in the form of a spray and cream.
The therapeutic effect of drugs is based on their ability to influence the main metabolic processes occurring in the fungal cell. They also inhibit the activity of the basic enzymes that protect the cell from death.
Most fungi have fungicidal action, that is kills them completely. Has a wide range of activities. Basically, for the treatment of thrush, a cream or spray is prescribed to apply directly to the affected area. To tablets resorted only in the event that the action of a cream or a spray did not bring the necessary result. In any case, first you need to try a spray or a cream, and if within a few days there has not come an improvement, it is recommended to prescribe tablets. The recommended dosage is 1 tablet once a day. The course of treatment is from 1 to 12 weeks. The cream is applied directly to the affected areas, as well as to the nearest zones around this site. Spray is recommended to spray at a distance of 7-10 cm from the affected area, and then the remnants should be soaked with a tissue. Apply 1-3 times a day, depending on the severity of the pathology. Tablets should be taken after a meal.
Side effects are not common, however, such phenomena as anorexia, lack of appetite, allergic reactions, nausea, vomiting, and other reactions from the digestive system can be noted. Sometimes there is neutropenia, a perversion of taste.
As contraindications consider hypersensitivity and individual intolerance of drugs or individual components. With caution should prescribe the drug for liver, kidney, alcoholism, tumors of various nature and localization, with diseases and defects of the bone marrow, especially if they occur against the background of circulatory disorders. Also, contraindication is the violation of metabolic processes, diseases associated with occlusion of the lower limbs.
In case of an overdose, there are violations from the gastrointestinal tract, as well as colic, nausea, vomiting, pain in the stomach.
This is one of the most common drugs that are traditionally prescribed for thrush. The drug is referred to the group of antifungal drugs, that is, drugs that have an effect against the fungus. As is known, it is the fungus of the genus Candida that causes thrush development in both men and women.
To reduce the amount of pathogenic microflora (fungus) will help fluconazole. It is used in the form of suppositories, or in the form of tablets. With a slight manifestation of the disease, you can try using suppositories (suppositories), which are inserted rectally (into the rectum). Duration of treatment is 3 days. Suppositories are placed at night, before bed, while in a horizontal position.
If the suppository is ineffective, the disease progresses, it is advisable to use fluconazole in the form of tablets. The course of treatment also requires three tablets. But with a mild form of thrush, one tablet is allowed. Also fluconazole in tablets is used for severe pathology, especially if the fungal infection spreads and covers several microbiocenoses.
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Clotrimazole for men from thrush
Clotrimazole is an effective antifungal agent that shows high activity against the fungus of the genus Candida, which is the causative agent of thrush.
Candida is a microscopic fungus, which refers to opportunistic representatives of normal human microflora. That is, it means that in normal this fungus is a part of normal human microflora. Its number should not exceed a certain acceptable threshold. Nevertheless, there are situations in which the amount of fungi increases sharply and goes beyond the allowable limits. As a result, thrush develops, or as it is commonly called in medicine, candidiasis
The reason for such a sharp increase in fungus may be a decrease in immunity, a violation of normal microflora, in which pathogenic microflora is immediately activated. Also, the cause may be a violation of the hormonal background. Often fungus growth and microflora disorders can occur after taking antibiotics, or against a background of severe chemotherapy.
Clotrimazole is taken on a tablet once a day. The duration of therapy is three days. It is important to complete the course of treatment completely, because otherwise the infection will not be completely killed, and in the future the drug will not be effective. In addition, the disease will inevitably progress, as the surviving microorganisms will become resistant (mutated).
Pimafucin from thrush for men
This drug, which has an antifungal and anti-inflammatory effect. It not only kills the fungus, but also normalizes the microflora, restores the normal state of the mucous membrane. Pimafucin acts very gently. Virtually no side effects. Proof of this is the fact that this drug is the only drug approved for use in pregnant women.
Produced in the form of candles, as well as in the form of tablets. First appoint candles, because they have a local effect, can accurately eliminate the infection, and, accordingly, have a therapeutic effect. Introduce the suppository rectally once a day, one candle. It is recommended to pre-wash, then go to bed, and in the horizontal position, insert a candle. The advantage of this tool is that it consists of an oil base that melts under the influence of body temperature. The suppository melts, flows out and forms a foam that envelops the perineum, and continues to have a curative effect. The course of treatment is three days. Usually one suppository is enough to stop the symptoms from disturbing. But this does not mean that treatment should be stopped. It is necessary to continue treatment within three days, otherwise there will soon be a relapse that will be more severe. In this case, pimafucin will already be ineffective, as the fungus will become resistant to it.
Pimafucin is also produced in tablets. It also has an antifungal effect, only at the systemic, organismic level. Take pimafucin in tablets is if the suppository is ineffective. Also, with a severe and progressive infection process, a suppository and tablets are used. In other cases, it is better to choose candles. Also, pimafucin is prescribed in tablets if there are several different foci of infection in the body, or with a severe form of the pathological process, with a high degree of contamination with fungi of the genus Candida, and against a background of severe dysbacteriosis. The course of treatment consists of three tablets that are taken within three days (on a pill).
Metronidazole for thrush in men
Metronidazole - almost universal antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal. It even manifests antiparasitic activity. The advantage is that it not only has antibiotic activity, but simultaneously it normalizes metabolic processes and is actively involved in metabolism. It effectively stimulates the production of immunoglobulin A by mucous membranes, promotes local, and indirectly, and systemic immunity.
However, metronidazole is not a panacea for all ills. This is a very strong substance, with high activity and the ability to be integrated into the metabolic chain of the body. And this means that along with a positive effect and a high therapeutic capacity, there are some disadvantages: it can have unpredictable side effects, individual reactions. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to take this medication on your own without first consulting a doctor. Dosage, duration of treatment and the scheme prescribed by the doctor strictly individually for each patient. With caution should be taken people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, as well as pathologies of the kidneys, liver.
It is a fairly strong substance that has an antifungal effect. It is available in capsules of various dosages. Capsules with a dosage of 150 mg prevail. The active substance is fluconazole. There are also auxiliary substances, which, however, do not have a significant effect. It is used to treat various fungal infections, including generalized infections. It is shown for various types of mycoses, including, and with candidiasis. At change also for some specific, including endemic mycoses. For example, it is effective against cryptococcal infection.
The drug is used for a long time. Everything depends on the purpose of treatment, the etiologic factor that caused the disease. For example, with mycotic brain damage, the course of treatment can be from 6 to 8 weeks. In our case, with a fungal lesion of the mucosa of the urogenital tract, appoint at the rate of 3 mg / kg of the body weight of the patient. On the first day, the dosage can be increased 2 times.
Many doctors adhere to the following treatment regimen: on the first day a slaughter dose (double) is prescribed: once 400 mg. Then take daily 200-400 mg per day. Everything depends on the severity, localization, duration of the pathological process, and even the peculiarities of its localization. Duration of treatment can range from 7 to 30 days.
This drug, which can be used to prevent fungal infections in people with immunodeficiencies, AIDS.
The half-life is 30 hours, that is, only after 30 hours the drug is partially excreted from the body. It is excreted through the kidneys, creating an additional burden on them. Therefore, caution should be given to people suffering from kidney disease. Also not recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers, since the concentration of the drug in milk is equal to its concentration in blood plasma. However, the drug can also be given to a pregnant woman if there is a risk of intrauterine infection of the fetus, and the infection continues to progress. The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood is observed after 2 hours after intake (up to 90%). The maximum accumulation of the drug in the plasma occurs in 2-3 days, so it can be argued that the main therapeutic effect is observed only after 3-4 days.
The drug should be taken with caution to people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system. In particular, this applies to patients suffering from heart rhythm disturbances, arrhythmias. In old age, the use is justified only in the case of a high risk of fungal infection, the progression of mycosis. Preliminary it is necessary to check up function of kidneys. Children under the age of three are not appointed.
With other drugs is combined, with the exception of drugs that affect the rhythm of the heart. Absorption from food is not observed, so you can take regardless of the intake of food. Need to write down a lot of clean water.
With the help of this remedy thrush in men takes 1-3 days. It is used not only for treatment, but also for preventive purposes. Can be used for the chronic form of thrush to prevent relapse. It can also be used if the partner has a thrush.
This is the closest analog of the flucostat. The active substance of this drug is also fluconazole, the concentration of which is no different from the concentration in the flucostat. Flucostat - a domestic drug, Diflucan is produced in France. The difference is in the degree of purification of the substance, and the auxiliary components that make up the composition. This makes it possible to use the drug for children. He is appointed even for the treatment and prevention of mycosis in premature infants. Also prescribed for pregnant women, nursing mothers.
Also should be taken with caution to persons suffering from kidney pathologies, since approximately 80% of the drug is excreted unchanged in urine, which creates an additional burden on the kidneys.
The drug shows a peak of its activity on the 4-5 day of treatment. The maximum concentration in the blood is 90% after 1-1.5 hours after ingestion. It is prescribed for the treatment of various types of mycoses, including endemic ones. Take 200-400 mg per day. Duration of treatment - from 10 to 60 days, depending on the severity of the pathology, the attendant factors. On the first day, the dosage can be increased.
Has numerous side effects, such as dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, gastrointestinal disorders, pathological phenomena from the kidneys, liver, increased heart rate, respiratory movements, pulse, blood pressure. In case of an overdose, confusion is noted, hallucinations, paranoid behavior are observed.
Nystatin for men from thrush
It is an effective antifungal agent that acts on the cell wall of the fungus, destroys it, penetrates the cell. It is recommended for the treatment of fungal infection. Effective against Candidiasis of different localization and genesis. The main spectrum of activity is against Candida and Aspergillus. Accordingly, the main indications for the appointment are diagnoses such as candidiasis and aspergillosis.
The drug is used for a long time. When thrush is used both topically and systemically in the form of tablets. Contraindicated in diseases of the stomach, especially with ulcers. It is also not recommended for kidney disease, if the heart is disturbed.
Produced in the form of tablets (capsules), granules for the preparation of suspensions, ointments and suppositories. The optimal scheme of treatment can be chosen only by a doctor, since it depends on the individual characteristics of the course of the disease, and also on the degree of its severity.
Can be used in conjunction with some other antibiotic drugs. In particular, a combination of nystatin and clotramazole, nystatin and amoxiclav is known. In such a composition, the drugs mutually reinforce each other's action. With this combination of drugs, thrush in men is quite fast.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Antifungal medications for thrush in men" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.