Prevention of thrush: ointments, creams, suppositories, pills
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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What is the prevention of thrush, or candidiasis? The main task of preventive measures is to create conditions in the body that are unfavorable for the growth and reproduction of a fungal infection. The list of such measures includes changes in nutrition, hygiene, etc.
Recommendations for prevention should be especially carefully followed if there are frequent episodes of development of thrush. The risk group also includes people with weak immunity, patients undergoing treatment with antibacterial agents or hormones, as well as women during pregnancy.
Prevention of thrush in women
Preventive measures to prevent the development of thrush should begin with changes in nutrition. Many note a significant decrease in the frequency of recurrence of the disease after correction of the diet. After all, it is known that many products contribute to the growth and reproduction of fungal flora, so their exclusion from the diet is already becoming the first preventive step.
What products should be discarded:
- from yeast baking;
- from any confectionery, sugar, sweets;
- from cheeses with mold (Dor Blue, Brie, Camembert, Roquefort, Epuass, etc.).
The emphasis in nutrition is recommended to put on plant foods (fresh and stewed vegetables and fruits, herbs, berries), as well as other products:
- fermented milk products, yoghurts;
- garlic, onion;
- propolis;
- vegetable oils;
- legumes, cereals.
In addition to food, women must comply with special hygienic rules. First of all, you need to be attentive to the choice of products for intimate hygiene: soap or shower gel should not provoke dry skin or cause allergies. It is important to pay attention to other important points:
- Underwear should be chosen as natural as possible, capable of passing air and not causing excessive sweating.
- When choosing lubricants it is advisable to stop your choice on water-soluble agents that do not affect the quality of microflora. If thrush occurs with the use of latex barrier agents, then they should prefer condoms on a neutral polyurethane basis.
- Hygiene of the genital organs should be carried out twice a day - at least, but not more often. As a hygiene product, you can choose soap with anti-fungal activity. It is not recommended to use detergent products with antibacterial components such as triclosan and triclocarban, which grossly disrupt the normal microflora of the human body.
Drug preventive measures are appropriate during the period of antibiotic therapy or hormonal treatment. Acceptance of powerful antibacterial and hormonal drugs can cause unfavorable reorganization of the microbiome not only in the intestinal cavity, but also on the mucous tissues. To avoid this, treatment is often supplemented with prophylactic anti-fungal drugs.
Prevention of thrush during pregnancy
It is better to start prevention of thrush before conception, by contacting a doctor and conducting a diagnosis or appropriate antifungal treatment. If the pregnancy has already come, then the woman should strictly follow all the recommendations of the doctor to avoid recurrence of thrush.
Special attention during pregnancy requires the diet of the future mother. With extreme caution a woman should use all kinds of sweet pastries, sweets and simple sugar: it is optimal to completely eliminate these products from the daily menu. Fast carbohydrates, especially in large quantities, easily provoke a recurrence of a fungal infection.
Drug prevention of thrush during pregnancy is not carried out, so as not to expose the child to unnecessary risk.
What additional preventive methods are relevant and applicable to the expectant mother:
- regular examination and diagnosis by a doctor;
- adherence to a healthy lifestyle;
- proper genital hygiene procedures;
- strengthening and maintaining immune defenses;
- wearing high-quality and comfortable underwear.
Prevention of thrush before childbirth
Prevention of thrush in future mothers on the eve of the upcoming birth consists of several basic nuances. The first is the observance of the rules of intimate hygiene. The second is to support your own immune defenses. The third is diet and protection from contact with sick people.
There is no question of any self-treatment during pregnancy. All such issues are resolved exclusively with the attending doctor.
When planning precautions, it is necessary to take into account that thrush can be caused by such factors as the use of a large amount of sweets, the use of unsuitable detergents, deodorants, pads with flavors. That is why pregnant women are recommended to pay special attention to the diet, carefully choose cosmetics. It is undesirable to use novelties of cosmetics and detergents during pregnancy and before childbirth: it is better to leave experiments with any new drugs for later. Use proven products that will not cause any unpleasant reactions from the body.
Drug prophylaxis for pregnant women is not indicated in most cases, however, in certain situations, topical medications may be prescribed - for example, Epigen intimate spray. This drug is based on the properties of glycyrrhizic acid and was originally intended for the treatment and prevention of human papillomavirus and herpevirus infections. However, from practice, the tool is successfully used as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent for nonspecific colpitis, vaginitis and candidiasis.
Prevention of thrush in men
Most people tend to associate thrush only with the female sex. However, men no less often suffer from candidal infection: however, almost always thrush in a strong half of humanity proceeds without any special symptoms, so there are practically no visits to the doctor about the disease.
Compliance with preventive measures for men is very important, and not only to maintain their own health: an asymptomatic course of thrush leads to the fact that a woman who is next to a male carrier, is almost doomed to constant relapses of the disease. That is why thrush should be treated in both partners, then the chances of self-infection can be reduced to zero.
Prevention of thrush at a partner is based on such activities:
- observance of individual hygienic norms (regular water procedures, change of linen, use of personal clean towels, etc.);
- respect for intimate culture, the exclusion of promiscuous sex life;
- timely access to doctors if you detect any suspicious symptoms, including those that are characteristic of thrush;
- strengthening immune protection, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, good quality nutrition, avoiding alcohol and smoking.
Prevention rules are simple, but they greatly reduce the likelihood of getting thrush, as well as the possibility of infection of your partner.
Prevention of thrush in newborns
There is a certain risk group, which includes newborns that require special attention from doctors in terms of prevention of thrush. So, prophylactic measures are necessarily carried out in relation to such children:
- babies who were born to women suffering from thrush, or those who have any gynecological pathologies of an inflammatory and infectious nature;
- newborns born during complicated labor;
- premature babies, premature babies with various physiological or physical disorders or developmental defects;
- infants with impaired respiratory capacity, diagnosed with encephalopathy, as well as those who have had birth injuries of the central nervous system.
Fluconazole may be prescribed to prevent thrush in such newborn babies. The calculation of the dosage is carried out from a proportion of 3 to 5 mg per 1 kg of baby weight, once a day. The daily amount of the drug depends on the likelihood of the disease, as well as on whether the baby is under antibiotic therapy or not.
Prevention of thrush after intercourse
What if one of the partners has thrush? Is it possible to have sexual intercourse, and are additional preventive measures necessary?
Thrush is a disease caused by opportunistic fungus, because Candida is also present in the microflora of a healthy person. Just under certain conditions, its development is accelerated, there is a massive reproduction of fungal infection. However, prevention of infection is useful: doctors advise the use of barrier remedies for exacerbation of the disease. In most cases, a condom is sufficient, and no additional events are required.
By the way, medical specialists do not advise women to have sexual intercourse during the exacerbation of thrush. The mucosa in the acute period of the disease is very vulnerable, it is easily damaged, which can lead to aggravation of the problem.
If the partners are worried that after the sexual intercourse the disease is exacerbated, then you should immediately wash the genitals immediately after sex and change your underwear. Additional use of tablets, suppositories, or other medicines is optional.
Prevention of thrush in the mouth
Since a fungal infection can affect most mucous tissues in the body, and not only the genitals, it makes sense to mention the prevention of thrush in the mouth. Such prevention is generally simple and consists of the following points:
- systematic appeal to the dentist, examination and rehabilitation of the oral cavity;
- prevention of self-treatment with antibacterial drugs;
- immunity support, timely treatment of any diseases in the body, an active lifestyle;
- rejection of bad habits;
- proper nutrition, with the use of the minimum amount of sweets and yeast baking;
- regular oral hygiene, teeth and denture care.
Rinse your mouth periodically: for example, after each meal, as well as after cleaning your teeth (a special rinse is used, which can be purchased at any pharmacy).
Prevention of thrush with antibiotics
Taking certain medications to prevent thrush after antibiotic therapy is a common situation. Medicines are also prescribed to restore the balance of microflora in the body - on the mucous tissues, inside the intestines, etc.
The most common prophylactic drugs in such cases are:
- Diflucan (Fluconazole), Pimafucin;
- Nystatin, Levorin;
- Laktiale, Laktobakterin, Bifidumbakterin and so forth.
Prophylactic administration of complex preparations containing beneficial microflora is overwhelmingly justified. These tools help to maintain the balance of the immune and nervous systems, improve the composition of the microbiome, which was disrupted during antibiotic therapy. As a rule, treatment with probiotics lasts about a month: this is quite enough to restore the microflora in the body and prevent thrush.
But the admission of antifungal medications for prophylactic purposes is not approved by all medical specialists: many doctors consider this step unreasonable and even dangerous. Prophylactic medication may provoke the formation of resistant fungal strains, which, over time, may require more complex, lengthy and expensive treatment. Doctors say: thrush after antibiotic therapy should be treated already "in fact", when the disease has already entered into force.
The names of drugs for the prevention of thrush
The main indication for prophylactic administration of drugs from thrush is frequent recurrence of the disease. But it must be borne in mind that even prevention may be accompanied by the development of undesirable side effects - for example, an allergic reaction.
Prevention of thrush medicine can be done by using vaginal suppositories or tablets. Less rarely resort to the use of external funds such as ointments or creams.
Before embarking on the use of antifungal agents, it is highly desirable to first discuss this topic with the doctor.
As for the names of the most popular medicines, then we can talk about these drugs:
- Nystatin tablets, vaginal suppositories, as well as an ointment - this drug was actively used 15-20 years ago, but today there are more powerful anti-fungal drugs.
- Pimafucin (Natamycin) in tablet, ointment form, or in the form of suppositories is indicated for use with virtually no restrictions, even for pregnant women.
- Livarol ketoconazole-based suppositories are considered a classic version of the antifungal drug.
- Mikozon - miconazole drug, refers to a modern and effective anti-fungal drugs.
- Gyno-Pevaril suppositories on the basis of econazole - perfectly perceived by the body, can be used in the second half of pregnancy, but are banned for use in childhood.
- Zalain Serpaconazole-based suppositories are a powerful antifungal agent, used once (the effect is fast and effective).
- Candid vaginal cream on the basis of clotrimazole is a common antifungal drug of local action. Its counterparts are Canisone, Clotrimazole.
- Lomexin vaginal capsules are a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory medicine that is effective against fungi and is well accepted by the body. The active ingredient is fenticonazole.
- Ginofort cream preparation is a powerful anti-fungal agent, which after a single application can persist on the mucous surface of the vagina for up to five days. The tool is prohibited to use by pregnant and lactating patients.
- Fluconazole-based medications: Mikomax, Diflucan, Flucostat, Mikosist, Fluconazole, Diflazon, etc.
- Drugs based on intraconazole: Irunin, Rumikoz, Itrazol, Orungal, Orungamin.
You can find out more about some of these medicines below.
Ointments and creams for the prevention of thrush
Ointments or creams are local remedies, and the most well-known of them are Pimafucin, Clotrimazole, Ketodine. The most frequent active ingredient of such agents are clotrimazole, natamycin, ikonazol, nystatin.
The prophylactic course of use is usually not more than ten days, but this period may vary at the discretion of the doctor.
Ointments or creams are always safer than pills, since they have virtually no overall effect on the body. However, most often they are prescribed to prevent thrush in men: this is due to some inconvenience of using this dosage form on the female genital organs.
There is one more disadvantage: prophylaxis with ointments should be carried out more often than by other means - for example, suppositories or tablets. This is due, primarily, to the small extent of the antifungal effect of external preparations.
The tablet form of medication is rarely prescribed for the prevention of thrush, due to the systemic effect on the entire body and the increased likelihood of side effects.
In rare cases, according to the recommendation of the doctor, the following categories of anti-fungal tablets can be used :
- polyene preparations;
- triazole-based products;
- imidazoldioxalan-based agents;
- agents with imidazolone.
Meanwhile, prevention with pills has several advantages:
- pills work faster and more extensively;
- prevention of fungal infection is carried out not only in the genital area, but also in all tissues of the body;
- sometimes for prevention it is enough to take a single pill.
In any case, the decision about which preventive medicine is preferable is made only by a medical specialist.
Suppositories for prophylaxis
In most cases, drug prevention of thrush is reduced to the use of vaginal suppositories. The only point is that suppositories will not have the desired effect on the thrush present inside the intestines or on the oral mucosa.
Local use of suppositories usually lasts one week: the drug is administered daily at night.
The advantages of this type of prophylaxis are the following:
- the use of suppositories provides the maximum concentration of a therapeutic substance in the zone of primary fungal infection - on the mucous tissues of the vagina;
- suppositories have a strong antifungal effect even on sleeping infection;
- there is no overall effect of the drug on the body, and the severity of adverse events is reduced to zero.
Known and disadvantages of using suppositories for prevention:
- such tools are effective only for the prevention of vaginal thrush;
- often during the entire prophylactic period, sex has to be excluded.
The classic antifungal medication - Fluconazole - is characterized by a pronounced effect, inhibiting the production of sterols of fungi. Fluconazole is available for use in many fungal infections, as well as to prevent them. Most often the drug is taken orally, once a day (the average daily dosage is 200-400 mg). The possibility of prophylactic administration of an agent should be discussed with the doctor, since it is prescribed primarily to get rid of the infection already present.
Fluconazole is generally tolerated by the body without difficulty. In rare situations, dyspepsia, skin rashes may occur.
For the prevention of thrush, Pimafucin is very often prescribed - intravaginal suppositories with natamycin. Pimafucin does not have a sensitizing effect, does not cause allergies, and can be given to pregnant and lactating patients.
Standardly used one suppository for the night, for three days in a row. Rarely there is a slight sensation of vaginal burning, which passes quickly and does not require the abolition of the medication.
Contraindications to the use of suppositories are children’s age and the presence of hypersensitivity to natamycin.
A common drug, Clotrimazole is a typical representative of the imidazole category, with an extensive spectrum of antifungal activity. To date, known mass of various drugs based on clotrimazole: they are used for the treatment and prevention of mycoses, candidiasis.
Clotrimazole may be administered in a greasy or pill form, as an aerosol and vaginal agent.
The ointment is usually spread over the affected area of skin (vulva and perineum), twice a day, slightly rubbing.
Inside the vagina, you can also enter special vaginal tablets (according to an individual scheme drawn up by a doctor).
The capsule drug Diflucan is one of the many medications whose action is based on the activity of fluconazole. Diflucan is effective against yeast, yeast-like, mold fungi and can prevent the development of not only candidiasis, but also mycosis, onicomycosis.
For the prevention of vaginal thrush in most situations, it is enough to take a single dose of 0.05-0.4 g of the drug. However, it is better to clarify this point with the doctor. Higher dosages of the drug are used with an increased risk of the spread of a fungal infection in the body.
Frequent side effects on the background of taking Diflucan: pain in the head, dizziness, allergies, dyspepsia. An analogue of the drug is Flucostat.
Fungistatic and fungicidal agent Livarol is based on the properties of the active ketoconazole - antimycotic imidazoldioxolan. The drug can be used for the prevention of thrush against the background of reduced immunity, treatment with antibiotics, disruption of the normal balance of the vaginal microflora.
Suppositories are administered intravaginally once a day, for 3-5 days in a row.
Livarol is allowed for use in the second half of pregnancy, under the supervision of the attending doctor. Use the tool carefully, as in some cases it can cause an allergic reaction.
Known to many antifungal drug Nystatin at the time was considered the "number one tool" for thrush and other fungal infections. The drug is available in various dosage forms, so each patient can choose the most convenient medication for himself: suppositories, tablets or ointment.
Nystatin is successfully used for the prevention and elimination of diseases such as vaginal thrush, oral cavity, skin, internal organs, etc.
Nystatin tablets are used most often: for the prevention of thrush after antibiotic therapy, the appointment of the drug in a daily amount of 1,500,000 ED is appropriate. The average duration of prophylactic administration is 10 days. Tablets are swallowed without chewing.
You can also use rectal or vaginal suppositories, which contain 250,000 U. Their introduction is repeated twice a day (unless the doctor has appointed otherwise).
Complex vaginal tablets of Terzhinan are represented immediately by a number of active ingredients: trichomonacid Ternidazole, antibiotic Neomycin, antifungal agent Nystatin and glucocorticoid Prednisolone.
Terzhinan is successfully used for the treatment of most varieties of infectious vaginitis: bacterial, nonspecific, fungal, mixed.
However, for a purely preventive purpose, Terzhinan is not suitable: its use without appropriate indications may lead to the development of resistance of microorganisms and superinfection caused by these microorganisms. The drug is prescribed only for treatment, and the duration of therapy should be as short as possible.
Known antimicrobial drug and antiseptic Polygynax is a combination of an antibiotic of the class of aminosides, an antibiotic of the class of polypeptides and a polyene fungicidal antibiotic Nystatin.
Polygynax can be used both for medicinal purposes and for prophylaxis:
- treatment involves the use of capsules intravaginally one by one for the night, for 12 days in a row;
- Prevention of thrush is intravaginal administration of the capsule at night, daily for six days.
The question of the need for preventive measures at the sexual partner is solved in each individual case individually.
Miramistin is, in fact, a universal antiseptic and disinfectant. It has a strong antimicrobial effect against Gram-positive and Gram-negative microorganisms, aerobes and anaerobes, hospital strains, genital pathogens, herpesvirus, and fungal infections (yeast, yeast-like fungi, dermatophytes, ascomycetes, etc.).
For prophylactic purposes, Miramistin is used in the form of vaginal irrigation or the introduction of tampons soaked in the product. The duration of the prophylactic course is usually five days.
With local use, Miramistin is not absorbed through mucous tissues, so it can be used even by women during pregnancy and lactation.
Lactacid is a cosmetic product that is able to normalize the acid-base balance on the mucous tissues of the genital organs, as well as to prevent the appearance of signs of thrush.
In the pharmacy network, you can buy different products from the Lactacid series. For the prevention of thrush, a special antifungal variant is suitable - Lactacid with antifungal effect. Such a tool can prevent the development of the inflammatory process and suppress the increased reproduction of fungal infections.
To obtain the desired effect, the agent is squeezed out in a small amount on the palm of the hand, mixed with water and gently applied to the genital area, washing it with a stream of water. At the same time the flow of water must be directed from front to back: this is done in order to prevent the ingress of microbes from the anal region to the genitals and into the vagina.
In addition to detergent, for the prevention of thrush, periodically, you can use special wet wipes of the same name.
Depantol is a vaginal suppository with antimicrobial and regenerating effects, which is caused by the presence of chlorhexidine and dexpanthenol in the preparation. This medicine is not suitable for the prevention of thrush: it has no effect on spores, fungi, and acid-resistant pathogenic microbes, so its use in this situation is meaningless.
Application Depantol can be justified only after unprotected sexual intercourse, when it is necessary to destroy the possible pathogenic microflora that fell into the vagina. In such a situation, the active components of the drug affect the mixed pathogenic microflora: local protection is enhanced, and beneficial bacteria inhibit the development of yeast and fungi of the Candida genus.
The suppository is introduced into the vagina up to two times a day, throughout the week.
Prevention of thrush alternative means
Alternative means have always been very popular among people: first of all, due to its availability and effectiveness. However, not many people know that prescriptions for alternative medicine can be used not only for medical purposes, but also for prophylactic purposes. For example, for the prevention of thrush such means are excellent:
- Dissolve in one liter of warm boiled water 1 tsp. Baking soda. This solution is used for washing the genital organs after sexual intercourse, or in courses: every five to two months a five-day course of soda washings is carried out (once a day in the evening).
- For washing away, a more complex solution can be prepared: 1 tsp is dissolved in one liter of warm boiled water. Baking soda, 1 tbsp. L salt and 10 drops of iodine tincture. Washing away is repeated every evening, for five days in a row.
- Fresh carrot juice is drunk daily, 200 ml 2-3 times a day before meals.
- Prepare an infusion of one tablespoon of an equivalent mixture of such herbs as sage, chamomile and calendula flowers, yarrow. The specified amount of raw material is poured 500 ml of boiling water, infused for half an hour, filtered and used for washing (three-day courses monthly).
If the disease recurs frequently, then prevention of thrush should line up in a complex. There is no reason to believe that periodically drinking tablets, you can save yourself from this problem. Eliminate the trouble will not work without making changes in the diet, without optimizing lifestyle and compliance with basic hygienic rules. Only in the complex following all the recommendations, you can cope with thrush.