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Nystatin from thrush
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Nystatin is a drug that has a strong antifungal effect. This allows it to be classified as effective against yeast-like fungi, in case of excessive reproduction of which candidal infection can be provoked.
The main component of the medicine is represented by the antibiotic component of the polyene group. A polyene antibiotic is characterized by the fact that it affects the fungal cells in a certain way, without affecting the bacterial cells.
The mechanism of action is that as a result, it forms bonds with the styrene molecules that are present in the fungal cell membranes. This causes a significant weakening of the cell protective membrane of the fungus, and access is opened for uncontrolled intake of free ions, which in turn leads to its death.
Proceeding from this, it follows that, even in an insignificant amount, Nystatin from thrush can significantly reduce the speed and intensity of the fungus multiplication processes, and at high concentrations it contributes to the complete elimination of it. It should also be noted that Nystatin from the thrush has a selective effect, which manifests itself in providing a targeted effect especially for Candida fungi, without causing destruction among other microorganisms.
Indications Nystatin from thrush
The presence of candidiasis lesions of the genital organs of women - actually thrush, in the phase of exacerbation or in the chronic stage.
It is advisable to use a medication for candida disbacteriosis, which can develop due to surgery or be provoked by prolonged courses of antibiotic therapy.
The scope of the drug also covers the disease with candidiasis of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, the gastrointestinal tract in its lower parts, the vagina, and in addition, in cases of skin lesions.
Vaginal nystatin is used mainly for the treatment of the disease, it is also one of the main curative remedies for bacterial vaginosis of the type in which the fungal flora predominates.
Indications for use suggest its use as a preventive tool to prevent the occurrence of complications associated with the fungus, after antimicrobial therapeutic measures.
It is advisable to apply the ointment when skin is affected by candidiasis, and also to protect yourself and minimize the likelihood of infection by the fungus when visiting public places such as swimming pools, saunas and baths.
Release form
The form of release can be various, also it can differ on concentration of active substance in a medicine and under the price. Most often for the treatment of illness medical specialists prescribe rectal or vaginal suppositories, in the composition of which there is a content of 250 - 500 thousand units of active substance. Packaging often contains 10 candles.
The form of the release in the form of tablets has exactly the same amount of active substance in its composition (250 - 500 thousand units) and accordingly tablets containing 250 thousand units of the active substance are sold in 20 pieces per pack. Tablets containing 500 thousand units of active substance are offered in 10 pieces per pack. Tablets are less popular and are prescribed by doctors very rarely, as a complex therapy for the treatment of candidiasis.
The medication is also available as an ointment, the composition of which contains 100 thousand units of active substance and is available in tubes of 15 g. The ointment has a smaller amount of active substance and, accordingly, has a more sparing effect on the body. Ointment is mainly prescribed by specialists for men as an aid in the complex treatment of both partners.
Tablets from the thrush Nystatin is an antibiotic from the group of polyenes, for the first time this medication was introduced in 1950 in the now defunct USSR. The tablets have a yellowish tinge and are covered with a protective coating on top. Medication in tablets is usually prescribed by a doctor in case of candidiasis of the intestine, for the therapy of vaginal candidiasis, infection of the oral cavity and skin. Tablets are used not only for therapy of an existing disease, but also for its prevention.
It is not recommended to use tablets from thrush Nystatin as a self-treatment, due to the presence of a number of contraindications to their use. Medication in tablets is contraindicated during pregnancy, patients suffering from a duodenal ulcer or stomach. Medication is also undesirable to take with pancreatitis, any kind of allergy, during lactation and liver disease.
Medication in tablets can cause side effects, for example, vomiting, nausea, intestinal distress and even allergic reactions may occur. If any of the described side effects occur during the reception, stop taking the medication and be sure to contact your doctor.
Suppositories with Nystatin from thrush are effective in the treatment of vaginal candidiasis. Suppositories, act locally on the intestinal mucosa or vaginal mucosa.
Suppositories with Nystatin from the thrush are prescribed by a medical specialist only after examining the patient and analyzing the secretions with the help of bacteriological culture, which will help to find out how sensitive the controversy to the effects of the Medication is. For complex therapy of candidiasis simultaneously with the use of suppositories use ointment, which is applied to the skin of the inner side of the thighs and external genitalia. Before applying suppositories at the first and all subsequent times, patients are advised to thoroughly wash the perineum, using soap, and only after this procedure the suppository can be administered intravaginally. As a rule, the suppository in the treatment of candidiasis is recommended to apply from 10 to 14 days. Therapy must necessarily be carried out simultaneously for both partners and during the reception of the medication it is necessary to refrain from sexual intercourse. After a lapse of two weeks, you should resubmit the swabs for analysis. These suppositories can also be used for prevention, in the event of a possible increase in pathogenic microflora on the mucous membrane of the vagina.
Rectal Candles
Rectal suppository Nystatin from thrush is usually prescribed by a medical specialist in case of severe defeat with Candida large intestine fungus.
Rectal suppositories that contain drugs in their composition are usually prescribed by a doctor in conjunction with other medications for complex treatment.
Due to the very poor absorption of the active substance contained in the rectal suppositories through the intestine, usually as an adjuvant in the complex treatment of candidiasis, tablets are also prescribed.
Actually, the course of therapy for candidal infection of the large intestine lasts from 10 to 14 days, after which it is necessary to repeatedly pass the analysis for bacteriological culture. In connection with the content of the antibiotic Nystatin in the rectal suppository, they cause a side effect in the form of an allergic reaction to the active substance and should be prescribed by a doctor only after receiving the results of careful studies.
There is a number of contraindications. Rectal suppository Nystatin from thrush is not recommended for candidiasis therapy in pregnant women, during lactation and in case of individual intolerance of the components of the medication.
Ointment Nystatin from thrush in most cases can be prescribed by a doctor as an aid in the complex treatment of candidiasis, along with tablets and suppositories. Often Nystatin ointment from thrush is prescribed for men in the complex treatment of candidiasis in both partners, due to the fact that this drug can equally well be used, both in men and women. The use of ointment does not require any complex skills, it is enough to apply it in a moderate layer on the skin, in the morning and in the evening. If the ointment is applied to the external genitalia and to the inner side of the thigh, before applying it, it is necessary to rinse these areas of skin and mucous membrane with warm water with the addition of soap and only then apply the ointment. Usually, the course of ointment treatment runs from 7 and in severe cases to 14 days. In cases where infection with candidiasis is chronic, the course of treatment will need to be repeated after 21 days. LS contained in the ointment can provoke allergic reactions in the form of hives, redness on the skin or the occurrence of burning and itching. In case of any of the listed side effects, treatment with ointment should be immediately stopped and immediately consult a doctor.
Nystatin from thrush has its manifestation of antimicrobial, antifungal action. The medicine helps stop the growth and spread of fungi in the body, destroys their structure, and helps to destroy them. Nystatin is an antibiotic that belongs to a polyene group. The structure of the active substance is saturated with molecules with a large number of double bonds, which contribute to the destruction of the structure of stearin formations of the fungal cell membrane.
At its core, the pharmacodynamics of nystatin from thrush is manifested as follows.
Thanks to the double bonds, the molecule of the active substance Nystatin is able to integrate into the structure of the cell and forms a huge number of channels through which uncontrolled ingress of water, electrolytes, and also non-electrolytes begins in the cell of the fungus. In this regard, the fungal cell stops the protective function from external influences and it gradually dies. The drug is very effective in fighting yeast-like Candida fungi and aspergillas. Protection and addiction to the active substance Nystatin in fungi develops rather mediocrely.
The drug has an extremely weakly expressed resonant effect. Pharmacokinetics Nystatin from thrush primarily manifests itself in insufficient absorption of drugs throughout the gastrointestinal tract.
In the case of topical application of the drug in the form of suppositories, rectal suppositories or ointment, the likelihood that the drug will enter the blood vessels through the skin or through penetration through the mucous membranes appears very small.
The pharmacokinetics of nystatin from thrush can also be characterized by such a positive moment of the drug as the fact that the drug does not tend to accumulate in large quantities in the body. That is, in essence, the medicine does not possess cumulative properties, does not settle in the organs and cells of the body, and then almost completely discreetly leaves it.
The medicine is easily excreted by the body. The release of this drug is as follows.
The bulk of it after taking the inside eventually leaves the human body as part of the feces, and in addition, a small amount of the drug can be excreted in breast milk during lactation.
Dosing and administration
Doses for adults is 500000 units. 3-4 times a day or 250,000 meals 6-8 times a day. If the disease has developed into a severe generalized candidiasis, the dose of the drug per day can be increased to 4,000,000-6,000,000 units. Per day.
Doses for children are prescribed depending on the age of the child. For children under 1 year, the dose of the drug is 100,000 - 125,000 units. Per day. Children from one year to 3 years are prescribed 250,000 meals 3-4 times a day, for children over 3 years of age the drug is prescribed from 1,000,000 to 1,500,000 units. 4 times a day. On average, the drug continues for 10-14 days. Tablets should be swallowed without chewing.
In case of mucosal lesions with candidiasis, for example, the oral mucosa, nasopharynx or esophagus, therapy is carried out by placing on the cheek tablets 500,000 units. For two weeks 3-4 times a day after meals. If candidiasis has taken a generalized form or if a relapse occurs, a second treatment course of two to three weeks is necessary.
To treat candidiasis, which affects the mucous membranes or skin integument is often used ointment. It must be applied a thin layer on the affected areas before washing them with warm water and soap.
Suppositories and rectal suppositories containing LS at 250,000 and 500,000 units. Combined with the use of tablets and with the application of Nitatin ointment during the treatment of vaginal inflammations, candidiasis of the genital organs or candidiasis of the lower intestine. Suppositories and suppositories need to be administered twice a day in the vagina or rectum, on average the course of treatment can last from ten days to two weeks.
Use Nystatin from thrush during pregnancy
The opinions of different medical specialists on whether it is permissible to use nystatin from a yeast infection during pregnancy can vary greatly.
If you carefully read the instructions for this medication, you can see that along with the categorical statement that is contraindicated to pregnant women, there is also a clarification that if the benefit from such treatment is more important for the mother than the risk for the child, then the medicine can be appointed by the doctor.
But, today among medical specialists, drugs are considered not particularly aggressive, due to its remarkable quality of minimal absorption by the gastrointestinal tract. It is this feature of the drug that makes it possible to prescribe it for the treatment of candidiasis in women during pregnancy.
And if the use of Nystatin from the thrush during pregnancy is in question, then breastfeeding the baby with the admission of the mother of the medicine is definitely prohibited. The use of this medication by pregnant women in the first trimester of pregnancy is also strongly discouraged, since during this period any even the least seemingly minimal negative impact on the baby's beginning organism may lead to irreparable and global consequences.
Contraindications to use are quite contradictory. In particular, the instructions to the medication have a clear indication of the prohibition of the use of this medication during pregnancy, but the same instruction contains the statement that the drug can be taken by pregnant women on the recommendation of a doctor and only if the benefit of the medicine exceeds the harm caused to the fetus.
In any case, medical specialists categorically do not recommend taking the drug to pregnant women in the first trimester of pregnancy. Antibiotics are detrimental to the body of a pregnant woman and can threaten the health and even life of the fetus. That is why it is worth refraining from taking such complex drugs during pregnancy.
Contraindications to the use of nystatin from thrush also affect children under the age of one year, although sometimes this drug is used to treat severe mycosis in newborns only on the advice and under the supervision of a doctor or a district pediatrician.
Do not recommend people suffering from gastric ulcer, suffering from pancreatitis or patients with impaired liver function.
Side effects Nystatin from thrush
Often insignificant. However, if the receiving person has an individual sensitivity or intolerance to the drug, he may feel chills or nausea, often the body temperature may rise, vomiting or diarrhea may occur. In case of appearance of any of the above symptoms, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor who can determine if you should continue therapy with this drug.
Side effects of nystatin from thrush are also manifested in the form of allergies to the drug. Allergies to drugs can manifest themselves following symptoms. It can be rashes on the skin, fever, redness of the eyes or swelling of the mucous membranes.
The drug is a fairly loyal and non-toxic antibiotic, and often the patient transports it superbly. However, in rare cases, when taking the drug inside in the form of tablets, there may be a change in taste.
During the use of suppositories or rectal suppositories, there may be an allergic reaction in the form of edema or redness of the mucosa of the anus or vagina.
Also, a very dangerous side effect when taking medication is the occurrence and rapid multiplication of fungi that have zero sensitivity to the drug. In this case, the doctor usually immediately abolished therapy and another drug is prescribed.
An overdose of drugs, no matter how strange it may seem, depends entirely on the form of release of this drug. This is due to the fact that when used in the form of suspensions or tablets with drugs, this can be associated with the occurrence of all kinds of digestive system disorders, such as diarrhea, heartburn or vomiting, and in addition, body temperature may increase.
Overdose during the application of ointments, rectal suppositories or vaginal suppositories was not observed. However, patients who used during the treatment with the above dosage forms of the drug, complained of such side effects as the occurrence of allergic reactions, manifested in the form of redness, rash or itching.
In fact, such anomalous reactions to drugs are mostly due to factors associated with the individual characteristics of each particular organism and depend on the strength of the reaction in each specific case. Often, their occurrence takes place in the early stages of treatment. Nevertheless, despite all these facts, drug overdose did not occur and was not documented.
Interactions with other drugs
The interactions of nystatin with thrush with other drugs may have manifestations in a number of factors that are not currently comprehensive and have been sufficiently studied.
In this connection, first of all, it is necessary to consider the peculiarities of the joint action of medicines containing medicinal products at the same time as preparations, the use of which is also directed at combating fungal infection.
As an example of the interaction of Nystatin from thrush with other drugs, let us take its use together with Clotrimazole. This drug is one of the most common antifungal medicines. It is used for both external and local (which also implies intravaginal) methods of application.
Nystatin from thrush, interacting with clotrimazole, is marked by the appearance of a pronounced tendency to decrease the activity of its therapeutic effect and to reduce the effectiveness of its use.
Proceeding from this, in order to ensure the possibility of a successful course of treatment for infection with the use of medication in conjunction with other drugs requires specialist advice.
Storage conditions
Storage conditions are determined by a combination of environmental factors that can be crucial to ensure that, from their adverse effects, this drug does not lose its healing properties throughout the course of treatment with its use.
Ideal for storing drugs in tablets is a place that is characterized by a minimum level of humidity and excluding light. The temperature regime in this case must correspond to a range from 18 to 20 degrees Celsius.
Conditions for storing nystatin from thrush presented as an ointment, or in the form of vaginal or rectal suppositories, assume a temperature optimum not exceeding 5 ° C. The place intended to store the drug in it must be dry and protected from penetration of light rays.
Creation of these storage conditions, as a result of which the product is protected against adverse factors, prevents possible premature loss of efficacy or complete loss of therapeutic properties throughout the claimed shelf life.
Special instructions
Nystatin from thrush in children
Nystatin from thrush in children should be used only with close supervision of the family doctor, or the district doctor of the pediatrician.
The causes of damage to the child's body by yeast fungi from the genus Candida, may be decreased immunity, the effects of aggressive or prolonged antibiotic treatment, improper diet, stress factors of a different origin, sleep disturbance and even excessive physical exertion.
In adolescent girls, candidiasis can occur as a result of a failure of the hormonal system, or as a cause of prolonged hypothermia or a catarrhal disease.
All this huge amount of negative influences creates an acidic environment in the child's body that is suitable for appearing as an ideal springboard for intensive reproduction of fungal infection.
In any case, whatever the cause of the onset of the disease, Nystatin from thrush in children should only be used solely for the purpose of a specialist, since self-therapy can be of considerable danger even for an adult, not to mention the fragile and not yet fully developed organism of the child.
Nystatin from thrush in newborns
Nystatin from thrush in newborns is used in the treatment of candidiasis of the oral cavity. The problem of candidomycosis stomatitis in infants appears quite often. In many cases, the newborn has a white coating on the tongue, which is considered normal. But, however, if this coating begins to look like cheesy masses, or looks like white round spots - it's candidiasis.
It is not necessary to perceive infection in infants without seriousness, despite the fact that the plaque is removed quite easily and quickly, under it are small, sometimes bleeding, sores, through which germs and bacteria can freely enter the child's body. This can be disastrous for the unsettled immune system of the newborn. If you have this type of symptoms, you should contact a pediatrician who can prescribe medications for you to treat a fungal infection.
Nystatin from thrush in newborns is used in the form of a suspension that any mother can easily prepare.
The suspension is prepared from a tablet, which must first be crushed and diluted with water in the proportion of 250,000 units per 5 ml of boiled (not hot) water. The procedure is usually alternated with a 5% solution of soda.
Initially, the mouth is wiped from the plaque and washed with cotton wool with a soda solution, after which the affected areas are treated with a slurry. Procedures should be performed every 6 hours. This should be done very carefully.
During lactation, the mother must necessarily wash the nipples and the skin around them before and after feeding. At first, the breasts are washed with warm boiled water, and after 2% with a soda solution. Therapy of the disease in infants usually lasts for two weeks, or is determined by the attending physician.
Nystatin from thrush in men
Often, candidal infection is usually considered a disease of newborn children and women and in the times of the former USSR from candidiasis was treated, as a rule, only a woman. It was believed that her partner therapy is not necessary.
However, it is already known today that this practice of treatment of candidiasis is ineffective, because both partners suffer from candidiasis, only in men it can pass asymptomatically. In the male body, candidiasis can be localized in the mouth or on the external genitalia, and in some rare and severe cases, a fungal infection can enter the blood and spread throughout the body.
Nystatin from thrush in men is used as an antifungal agent and is an antibiotic of a group of polyenes. The drug is very active against fungi of the genus Candida, it destroys the membrane of the fungal infection cells, which leads to the death of the fungus.
Often Nystatin from thrush in men are used in the form of ointments. This form of production of drugs, is effective in case of treatment of skin candidiasis, which is manifested by redness, wet sores, swelling. In this case, the ointment is applied to the skin with a thin layer twice a day. Also, the ointment is used as a complex treatment when both partners are treated. In this case, the man is prescribed an ointment, which must be applied a thin layer twice a day to the penis and the skin around him. Before the procedure, a man must necessarily wash his genitals, using warm water and soap.
In the event that the candidiasis disease in a man has developed into a severe or chronic form, the specialist writes the same medicine in tablets.
Name |
Seller |
Address |
Price |
Nystatin tablets. 500000 OD №20, Borschagovsky HFZ ZAT NPC |
Pharmacy MAXIMUM |
City of Chernivtsi, st. Komarova, 13b |
8.84 UAH. |
Nystatin tab. 500. №20, Borschagovsky HFZ |
Pharmacy "Intelx" |
Kiev oblast. Vishnevoe, st. October, 35 |
8.14 UAH. |
Nystatin Supp. Rectal. 500000 ED strip, in pack 10, Monfarm SA |
Pharmacy "Viva" |
Odessa, st. Rishelyevskaya 41 |
11.12 UAH. |
Nystatin tablets. P / o 500 thousand units No.20, Borschagovsky HFZ |
Pharmacy №4 "Pharmacy" Pharmacy " |
Donetsk, Avenue Ilyich, 19A |
8.90 UAH. |
Nystatin ointment 100 thousand ED / g tube 15 g 1, |
Pharmacy "Annushka, Heals Kea" |
City of Illichivsk, st. Danchenko, 12 |
9.20 UAH. |
Nystatin Supp. Rectal. 250000 ED strip in pack 10, Monfarm SA |
Drugstores NTS |
Kiev, Krasnoarmeyskaya 81 |
9.22 UAH. |
Nystatin Supp 500TED N10 |
Network of Pharmacies "Do not Boley" |
9.90 UAH. |
Nystatin Supp 500TED N10 |
Pharmacy №3 "Pharmacies" Pharmacy " |
Odessa, st. Small Arnautskaya, 113 |
10.90 UAH |
In many cases, they are not very enthusiastic about its application, and many women claim that they are not fully satisfied with the results achieved.
As practice shows, the treatment course using this drug does not seem to be effective enough even against a banal candidiasis infection.
Reviews about nystatin from thrush often contain doubts about the very expediency of using this drug. Women who want to share their personal experiences in this matter, appeal to the fact that the risk associated with the use of an antibiotic may sometimes not be fully justified. After all, the progress of the disease does not reduce its intensity, and its course is accompanied by the occurrence of all relapses.
Thus, many of those who are interested in the possibility of effective cure for candidiasis, are mainly inclined to conduct a course of treatment with the use of other drugs showing greater than this drug consistency.
This is largely true of the treatment of candidiasis.
The drug in this case is an unconditional outsider in its pharmacological group.
Shelf life
The shelf life of drugs can be characterized as an indicator of how long the drug retains its medicinal properties, and its use can have an appropriate positive effect on the body.
Depending on the form of release of the drug containing drugs, the time interval in which the use of nystatin from thrush presumes the maximum possible degree of its effectiveness for treating this disease is different.
Nystatin from thrush, released in the form of tablets, as well as suppositories for intravaginal application and rectal suppositories, under optimal conditions of storage in a dry place, excluding light, can be used for two years from the date of manufacture.
Ointment, which contains nystatin from the thrush, to stay safe low requires temperature, and in the refrigerator can be stored for 3 years without significant loss of its medicinal properties.
When considering such a question as the shelf-life of medicines, there is no way to ignore the fact that overdue drugs, instead of their beneficial effects aimed at getting rid of the disease, can pose a considerable threat to health, and in some cases, life itself.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Nystatin from thrush" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.