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Pimafucin with thrush
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The causative agent of yeast infection are yeast-like fungi of the Candida species, which form a conditionally pathogenic microflora of the vagina, in small quantities inhabit the intestinal mucosa and the oral cavity. The impetus to the development of the disease is not necessarily direct infection. For the appearance of disease-causing symptoms, it is sufficient to weaken the defenses of the body, stress or the course of antibiotics that disrupt the balance of the vaginal environment. The frequency of recurrences of vaginal candidiasis can be caused by the growth of pathogenic flora not only in the mucosa of the reproductive system, but also in the digestive organs. In this regard, therapy of the yeast infection of the genital area should be carried out in parallel with the inoculation of the intestine with lacto- and bifidobacteria.
One of the most popular and effective antifungal drugs is pimafucin with thrush. The broad-spectrum antibiotic is well tolerated by patients, does not affect the body as a whole, as it "works" directly at the infection site without penetrating the bloodstream.
Indications Pimafucin with thrush
Indications for use with thrush
The antimicrobial effect of pimafucin is characterized by the ability to suppress metabolic processes of cells of fungal flora with local penetration into the superficial layers of the dermis and the patient's mucosa. Thus, the drug destroys cells of pathogenic microorganisms with minimal interference in the vital activity of the body.
Forms of the release of the drug can get rid of fungal lesions of various locations in obstetrics and gynecology, dermatovenereology and general practice. Pimafucin is developed on the basis of natamycin - an antibiotic of the macrolide series, active against:
- yeast-like fungi;
- molds of the aspergillus and penicillium groups;
- yeasts of the species torulopsis, rhodotorum;
- dermatophytes - microsporium, epidermophyton, trichophyton.
Indications for use:
- fungal infections on the skin and mucous membranes
- candidiasis of the genital organs in women and men;
- reproduction of yeast fungi against the background of antibacterial therapy, after the use of cytostatics and glucocorticosteroids;
- defeat of the middle ear (otomycosis);
- nail, intestinal candidiasis;
- treatment of vulvitis, vaginitis, trichomoniasis;
- disease with dermatomycosis.
Release form
The active substance of the drug pimafucin with thrush is Natamycin. Auxiliary components differ depending on the form of release of the antifungal agent.
Composition and form of antibiotic release:
The form |
Admissible shade |
Amount of natamycin |
Additional components |
Suppositories (packing 3 / 6pcs) |
Cylindrical, pointed on one side |
White or yellowish, pale yellow with brownish tint |
In one suppository 100 mg |
Cetyl alcohol, sodium hydrogen carbonate, adipic acid, fat solid, sorbitan trioleate, polysorbate 80 |
Tablets (pack of 20pcs in blisters) |
Round, white in shell |
White |
100mg in each tablet |
Potato starch, talc, lactose, beeswax, titanium dioxide, kaolin, gelatin, sucrose and the like |
Cream 2% in tube 30 g |
White or yellowish |
20mg per 1 gram |
Organic spirits, sodium lauryl sulfate, decyl oleate, purified water, etc. |
Extremely rare is a suspension of 2.5% topical application (20ml bottle with a pipette) containing natamycin 25 mg per 1ml. Liquid pimafucin for thrush is recommended for diseases of the oral mucosa. The defeat of the oral cavity with yeast-like fungi is diagnosed in infants, elderly people, as well as in patients after severe infectious diseases and immunodeficiency. Mucous mouth swells, becomes inflamed, acquires a red shade, it appears cheesy type white or yellowish plaque. For treatment, recommend a suspension of pimafucine, which is held for as long as possible in the mouth. Adults show 1ml, babies - 1 / 2ml 4-6 times a day.
Suppositories of pimafucin for thrush
Vaginal suppositories are indicated for the treatment of genital sphere diseases caused by Candida fungi. Suppositories of pimafucin with thrush are used one at a time for sleep. Enter them in the supine position on the back deep in the vagina. The average duration of treatment is a week. Curd type discharge, itching, discomfort often disappear on the third day of use. However, it is important to conduct the entire therapeutic course, recommended by a gynecologist. The fact is that the yeast-like fungi easily spread throughout the body and the untreated thrush is able to transform into a chronic form.
During the period of menstruation, treatment is impractical, since the drug is washed away with blood. If there are symptoms of candidiasis on the external genitalia, you can additionally use a cream of pimafucin. The sexual partner should use pimafucin cream, even if it does not have clinical manifestations of the disease. Only in this case gynecologists resolve sexual relations.
With frequent recurrences of vaginal candidiasis, it makes sense to drink funds with live strains of fermented milk bacteria and to irrigate similar cultures of the vaginal walls. Of course, suppositories of pimafucin for thrush are a proven and effective drug that brings quick relief, but only the balance of microflora and strong immunity can be a pledge of re-infection.
Pimafucin tablets for thrush
Intestinal candidiasis manifests itself as weakness, lack of appetite, constant malaise, inability to concentrate on work. Often patients report stool disorder, nausea, flatulence, pain of varying intensity in the abdomen, and colic. Reproduction of fungi of the species Candida provokes a violation of the digestive function and, as a result, avitaminosis, neurotic disorders, allergic manifestations, inflammation of the oral cavity. Against the background of intestinal lesions, foci of infection often erupt in the genitals, kidneys, urinary canals. For example, chronic vaginal yeast infection can be caused by yeast-like fungi that have colonized the mucosa of the digestive tract. On the other hand, candidiasis of the vagina is often the cause of the multiplication of pathogens in the intestinal mucosa. Exit the vicious circle with pimafucin tablets with thrush, used in conjunction with candles. Relapses of the disease occur after antibacterial treatment, so it is important to maintain the microflora of the intestine and vagina in normal.
Pimafucin tablets with thrush are covered with an enteric coating that delivers the drug exactly to the site of infection. The agent based on natamycin acts solely on the mucous membrane and the skin, not penetrating into the bloodstream.
Pimafucin Cream for thrush
Pimafucin cream for thrush is applicable in the treatment of male and female patients. The paste-like consistency of natamycin is recommended for thrush in girls and girls.
When balanoposthitis in men, accompanied by itching, burning and inflammation of the glans penis, the cream is treated with infected skin areas several times a day. Candidiasis of the stronger sex can occur intensively with impairment, pain in the process of urination and coition or without severe symptoms. Blurred, latent defeat by yeast-like fungi entails severe consequences. In general, reproduction of Candida fungi in men indicates a catastrophic decrease in the body's defenses against a background of urological pathology or venereal disease.
Cream pimafucin with thrush used by girls, lubricating the external genitalia until the disappearance of clinical signs of candidiasis. Infection of babies occurs during childbirth, and a cream with natamycin helps to cure a newborn from a life-threatening disease (microorganisms are able to penetrate into the internal organs).
Pimafucin in the form of a cream found application in the ENT-practice (treatment of the external ear). When detecting yeast-like fungi, the auditory meatus is treated with an antifungal cream up to four times a day, after which the ear is closed with a cotton swab.
Pimafucin ointment with thrush
The Dutch and Japanese pharmacological companies producing pimafucin do not release pimafucin ointment for thrush, they supply only ointment in the plastic or aluminum 30 gram tube to the market.
Antibiotic pimafucin for thrush is referred to as antifungal polyene drugs of the macrolide group. The drug based on natamycin is characterized by a wide spectrum of action and high efficiency. The substance has pronounced fungicidal properties. Natamycin penetrates the cell membrane of pathogenic microorganisms, disrupting metabolic processes, thereby provoking the death of yeast colonies.
Pharmacodynamics of pimafucin for thrush is based on the sensitivity of the fungal flora to the antibiotic. The drug is active against yeast-like fungi such as Candida, dermatophytes (Microsporum, Trichophyton, Epidermophyton), pathogenic fungi (Penicillium, Aspergillus) and yeast (Rhodotorula, Torulopsis). Clinical practice does not indicate cases of resistance to natamycin.
Dosing and administration
Dosing and Administration:
Disease |
Adults |
Children |
Duration of treatment |
pills |
Intestinal candidiasis |
Tablet 4p / day |
Tablet 2p / day |
About a week |
cream |
Vulvovaginitis, balanoposthitis, vulvitis |
Inflict on infected sites minimally once per day |
Until the disappearance of clinical signs of the disease |
Mycosis of external ear |
The previously cleaned ear canal is lubricated up to 4p / day and covered with turunda |
Is set individually |
Dermatomycosis |
The skin and nails are treated with 1-4 r / day |
Is set individually |
candles |
Vulvitis, vaginitis, vulvovaginitis |
Suppository is injected deep into the vagina at night |
3-7 days |
With frequent recurrences of candidiasis of the genitourinary sphere, as well as with the aim of sanitizing fungi in the intestine, it is recommended to take the tablet form pimafucin concurrently with thrush. Assign the tablets up to 4 times a day for 10-20 days.
Use Pimafucin with thrush during pregnancy
Advantages of the drug pimafucin for thrush is high efficiency with local exposure with a minimum of risk to the health of the whole organism. The agent is not toxic, does not affect the development of the embryo, does not cause teratogenic effects and is therefore allowed to pregnant women at all stages of gestation.
With the preventive purpose, it is advisable to use pimafucin for thrush during pregnancy three consecutive days before the forthcoming birth, if within 9 months the vaginal candidiasis was diagnosed. Thus, there will be no infection of the child passing through the birth canal.
Side effects Pimafucin with thrush
Negative phenomena that occur during the first days of therapy with the drug pimafucin in thrush should not cause concern in the patient. As a rule, they pass quickly enough together with the symptoms of candidiasis itself. Doctors say that the following unpleasant conditions on the part of the gastrointestinal tract do not serve as an excuse for stopping treatment even by pregnant women. An exception will be only allergic manifestations, for the purpose of prevention of which it is necessary to carefully study the composition of the antifungal agent.
Common side effects of pimafucin for thrush:
- nausea;
- digestive disorders;
- loose stools;
- reactions of hypersensitivity from the side of the skin (discomfort, burning, dryness, irritation, etc.).
Before using, it is recommended that you consult a specialist.
An overdose of pharmacological substance pimafucin in thrush was not observed. Any drug form of the drug can be used long enough without harm to the mucous membranes and skin. The use of a large number of tablets with natamycin does not entail poisoning, since the substance is not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and does not enter the blood.
Interactions with other drugs
To date, medicine does not have the facts of interaction of pimafucin with thrush with other drugs.
Special instructions
Pimafucin with thrush in men
Candida fungi cause Candida balanoposthitis in representatives of the stronger sex. Inflammation covers the glans penis and the skin of the prepuce. When revealing the pathology in men, the treatment scheme is built according to the results of the examination, since the symptoms of thrush often indicate a more serious problem - a sharp decrease in immunity. In case of signs of the disease, 2% cream of pimafucin is used topically in case of thrush in men, which treat affected areas of the genitals several times a day. Other medicinal substances are prescribed by the attending physician on an individual basis.
If one of the sexual partners is a milkmaid, then both should be treated. Men who do not have clinical manifestations of the disease, apply ointment on the penis with a preventive goal for as long as the duration of therapy of vaginal candidiasis in women.
The cost of the antifungal drug depends on the manufacturer, the price policy of the pharmacy network and the duration of the treatment course. The greatest disadvantages of the drug pimafucin in thrush are its relative high cost. This is especially noticeable in cases of chronic course of the disease, when therapy is stretched for months and requires simultaneous administration of vaginal suppositories with natamycin tablets. Unfortunately, one can not think of saving if the recurrence of candidiasis leads patients to nervous exhaustion in view of frequent negative, uncomfortable manifestations that disrupt the habitual way of life.
The price of pimafucin for thrush:
- tablets 20pcs - from 90grn to 250grn;
- cream 30g in a tube - from 50grn to 125grn;
- vaginal suppository - from 60grn to 220grn.
Suppositories are sold in packages of 3 and 6 pcs, which also affects the final amount. For example, suppositories No. 3 and No. 6 of the same manufacturer, Yamanouchi Pharma, cost 125,50 UAH and 214,25 UAH, respectively.
Doctors and patients note a quick and lasting positive effect in the treatment of candidiasis with natamycin, which is possible due to fungicidal action of the drug substance. In the period of gestation and lactation, pimafucin remains indispensable, not having a toxic effect on the development of the baby, a means for getting rid of vaginal candidiasis.
Negative reviews of pimafucine for thrush are due to the fact that patients violate medical prescriptions, often self-interrupt treatment. Of course, each organism is individual and someone can not help the drug. However, it should be borne in mind that chronic forms of candidiasis are difficult to treat and get rid of them, applying only local treatment will be impossible. "Old-aged" pathologies require mandatory strengthening of the body's immune forces. In most cases, attention should be paid to the balance of lactic acid bacteria in the intestinal mucosa and vaginal environment.
Vaginal candidiasis is a real scourge of modern times. Get rid of it helps not only pimafucin with thrush, but also compliance with simple rules:
- inclusion in the diet of fermented milk products;
- decrease in consumption of sweets and baking;
- refusal of synthetic linen;
- avoid using gels and soaps for intimate hygiene.
Shelf life
The shelf life of suppositories of pimafucin for thrush is two years from the date of manufacture, the cream and tablets are stored for four years. At the end of the period indicated on the packaging, the drug should not be used.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Pimafucin with thrush" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.