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Fruits of the juniper
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The fruits of juniper are represented by a juicy berry-shaped cone. Medicinal properties are the fruits of ordinary juniper tree, other representatives of this species are poisonous. The medicinal juniper has globular berries, a bluish-black color with a waxy coating. The flesh has a pronounced flavor, the taste is sweet-spicy. Collect berries in the autumn period, for the purpose of independent harvesting, the berries are dried in open space or in dryers, but the temperature should not exceed 30 degrees.
The medicinal substances that make up the fruit have a multifaceted effect-they remove inflammation, act as a natural antibiotic, improve metabolism, and act as diuretics, which is especially important at elevated blood pressure. On the basis of berries prepare decoctions, tinctures, syrups, add as a seasoning for meat dishes, put in syrups, kvass, in a small amount berries are consumed and in fresh form.
Decoction of fruits and young shoots is used for health baths. This helps to remove the skin itching, irritation, beneficial effect on the state of the respiratory system. In epidemics of influenza and acute respiratory disease, even fumigate the premises with juniper - it partially disinfects the air and eliminates viruses and bacteria.
Indications of the juniper fruit
Indications for use are diverse, berries have a pronounced effect in different directions and act as:
- Diuretic
- Hypotensive drug
- An antidiabetic agent
- Antiviral agent
- Anti-inflammatory, expectorant
- Antiallergic agent
Juniper tea helps with problems with digestion, lung diseases, bronchi, trachea. In addition, tea has a positive effect on kidney function, is effective in urinary tract diseases.
Syrup from juniper berries helps to remove harmful substances from the body, strengthens the nervous system, has a tonic effect with high physical and mental stress, lack of vitamins.
Decoction of juniper fruit has proven itself in diseases of the kidneys, kidney stones, liver problems, inflammation of the appendages, rheumatoid arthritis, heart diseases. Also, with infections of the oral cavity and peptic ulcer of the stomach can chew on berries a day (according to the scheme). With rheumatoid arthritis and gout, baths and wraps based on decoction of juniper fruit are shown. But before using the fruits to treat a particular disease, you need to consult a doctor.
Release form
The form of release is the ripened fruit of juniper tree (Vassae Juniperi, Fructus Juniperi). Are sold for 50 grams, packaged or in boxes. Also in medicine, the juniper root, rootwood and young juniper shoots are used. The most common form of release is juniper berries, they contain a lot of glucose and fructose, resin, apple, formic, acetic acid, wax, mineral salts, also phytoncides and other compounds that are no less useful to the body. Fruits are used to make juniper oil, which is actively used as an additional component in a complex of medicines for the treatment of skin diseases, with rheumatic pains; as an active ingredient in inhalant mixtures for colds and other diseases of the respiratory system.
Essential oil based on juniper berries is used as an additional therapeutic agent for diseases of the respiratory system, also essential oil helps to cleanse the body of toxic compounds, salt formations of uric acid. It also has a beneficial effect on the outflow of bile, acts as an anti-inflammatory agent in chronic inflammatory pathologies of the urogenital system in women, and also normalizes blood circulation.
Berries of juniper can be eaten raw, brewed like tea, make broths and tinctures, syrups and tinctures.
Pharmacodynamics is expressed in the beneficial effects of components on the body as a whole and its individual systems. Depending on the preparation prepared, the scheme of action of the main active substance also changes.
Juniper broth (mainly, a decoction of berries) has established itself as an effective remedy for the treatment of diseases of the urinary system (urolithiasis, etc.), liver diseases, rheumatic pains, inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries in women. The broth can be consumed only in the neo stage of the disease.
The use of fresh berries has a bactericidal effect in diseases of the mouth and stomach. When using fresh berries, a special regimen is prescribed: the first day - 4 fetuses, the second day - 5, the third - 6 and so on until 12 days, after which to reduce the daily intake of berries for 1 every day.
A syrup of juniper berries is useful for lack of vitamins, especially in the autumn-spring period, with prolonged nervous and physical overstrain, as it improves memory and increases the overall tone of the body. Syrup is indispensable as an addition to the main therapy in the treatment of colds, bronchitis, as well as their prevention. In addition, the syrup can be used to purify the body of toxins and to reduce the level of cholimerin.
Dosing and administration
The way of application and the dose of juniper depends on the form in which the drug will be taken. Infusion of juniper fruit is prepared from the calculation: 10 grams of ground berries per 200 ml. Boiling water. The berries are placed in enamel or glass containers, poured with water and heated on a water bath for about 15-20 minutes. Then the resulting broth is cooled for 45 minutes, after which the broth is filtered, the precipitate in the form of fruit is squeezed. The resulting broth is diluted with warm boiled water to the required volume, 200 ml. Ready medicine can be consumed no more than two days, in a dark cool place. The received medicinal preparation is ingested 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day, strictly after a meal.
You can also eat juniper fruits and fresh, but strictly follow the scheme. On the first day, 4 fruits are chewed, in the second - 5 fruits and so continue until the twelfth day of admission, then the daily dose is reduced by one berry. But it is important to remember that the treatment period for juniper should not exceed 45-60 days, as long-term administration can provoke the development of renal failure and serious poisoning.
The method of application and dose should also be specified by the attending physician and not self-medicated, which can cause irreparable harm to health.
Use of the juniper fruit during pregnancy
Use during pregnancy is quite contradictory, because the active substances that make up berries can adversely affect the developing fetus and cause a loss of pregnancy. Not allowed to use both fresh fruits and medicinal forms, which include its fruits - infusions, syrup, tea, dishes, seasoned with juniper fruits. Often during pregnancy, women develop inflammatory processes in the kidneys, which is very dangerous, since it can provoke the development of renal failure, severe intoxication, puffiness, hypertension. If you still use a decoction of berries and other medicines based on it, then kidney bleeding can begin, which can lead to a serious condition and loss of pregnancy.
Also included in the composition of juniper fruit essential oils and active substances lead to hypertonicity of blood vessels and blood flow to the pelvic organs, which is undesirable at any time of pregnancy. An intense flow of blood to the small pelvis leads to uterine bleeding, an increase in the tone of the uterus, and this is the most common cause of abortion. In order not to lose pregnancy and not to harm the health of the child and his own, the use of juniper fruits during pregnancy should be eliminated completely.
Contraindications, even despite the positive effect of components on the body as a whole, there is still. First, you need to know what kinds of juniper are non-toxic, so that the collected medicine does not turn into poison. About 70 species of juniper are known, and only one of all the species is medicinal. To avoid this kind of problems, fruits are best bought in pharmacies.
It is also contraindicated in certain diseases, as it can provoke a complicated course, which is unacceptable in certain diseases. Thus, the use of juniper fruit is contraindicated in the acute course of diseases of the urinary system - cystitis, pyelitis, nephritis; with pathologies of the duodenum, peptic ulcer, gastritis and colitis. With prolonged intake of drugs based on juniper blood coagulability decreases, which can provoke hemorrhage and irritation of the kidney parenchyma. To avoid this, taking medicines based on juniper should not last more than 45-60 days.
Also, in no case should one engage in self-medication and start using medicinal forms on the basis of juniper without informing the doctor. Some diseases, in which the reception of juniper is completely contraindicated, can proceed without rapid clinical manifestations, and after taking the medicine to exacerbate or lead to death.
Side effects of the juniper fruit
Side effects of juniper develops in exceptional cases. As a rule, if the dosage is observed and there are no contraindications, serious side effects can be avoided. Do not take juniper fruit, dosage forms and preparations on the basis of juniper by own decision, without informing the attending physician. Do not take medicine based on juniper if you have a history of:
- diseases of the urinary system in the acute period (nephritis, nephrosis-nephritis);
- ulcer of the stomach, duodenum;
- inflammation of the mucosa of the large intestine;
- pregnancy. At pregnancy on any term reception of a juniper is inadmissible, as he influences intensity of a circulation in a small basin. Increased blood flow, in turn, can provoke severe uterine bleeding and cause loss of pregnancy.
- allergic reactions and individual intolerance of medicines based on juniper fruit.
Also, when taking a large dose, poisoning is possible. The first signs: the stomach, throat starts to ache, vomiting with blood veins, intestinal distress, severe urination is associated with the effect of the components of juniper berries on the renal parenchyma. In especially serious cases, it is possible to develop renal failure, convulsions, impaired consciousness.
Also, any medicine based on juniper can not be taken more than 45-60 days. Prolonged reception is fraught with the appearance of bleeding and the defeat of the renal parenchyma, so before starting to take it, you need to consult a doctor.
Overdose with juniper can be observed when the reception scheme is violated and the uncontrolled use of medicinal forms based on juniper or its fruits in fresh form. As well as overdose, long-term use of drugs based on juniper (more than two months), is the cause of kidney dysfunction, which at the initial stage manifests itself in the form of irritation of the parenchyma of the kidney, which in a short time leads to bleeding and hematuria.
- the first signs of an overdose of juniper:
- the appearance of allergic reactions;
- behavior changes;
- impaired bowel function, acute diarrhea;
- severe tachycardia;
- the appearance of auditory auditory hallucinations;
- convulsions;
- puffiness in the area of wrist joints and ankle;
- oliguria, hematuria, urination practically ceases.
Overdosing also occurs after a single-stage ingestion of not only concentrated broth, but also fresh berries in quantities of more than 50 pieces. Symptoms of acute food poisoning: pain in the abdomen, pharynx, diarrhea, bloody vomiting, frequent profuse urination. With a more severe course, loss of consciousness, muscle spasm, is possible. If certain signs are present, you should ask for qualified help as soon as possible and call a team of resuscitators.
Interactions with other drugs
The interaction of juniper with other medicines is possible, but beforehand, all the nuances of treatment need to be clarified by the doctor. Drugs and dosage forms based on juniper are not allowed to combine with drugs that have toxic effects on the liver, urinary system, as well as drugs that irritate the stomach mucosa, the small and large intestine. This is due to the fact that with prolonged use of drugs based on juniper often suffer from kidneys - irritating renal parenchyma, which leads to a violation of normal excretory function of the kidneys, provokes renal bleeding. In a complex, this leads to a gradual disruption of metabolism, water-electrolyte imbalance, which makes it difficult to remove toxins from the body.
Preparations that irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa, when used concomitantly with juniper-based medicinal forms, lead to an aggravation or development of peptic ulcer of the stomach, duodenum, aggravate or exacerbate the course of colitis.
The interaction of juniper fruits with other medicines should not be checked individually, but consult a physician beforehand. A qualified and timely consultation will become the key to a speedy recovery and help prevent the development of severe consequences of self-treatment.
Storage conditions
Conditions of storage of juniper fruits practically do not differ from features of preparation and storage of fruits of other plants. Collect juniper fruits in autumn, in the last decade, when the berries have the most maximum concentration of resins and nutrients. The collected juniper tree fruits are picked, evenly laid out and dried on natural fabric exclusively in the shady zone, under the awning, in drying, but under a strict temperature regime not exceeding 30 degrees. In ovens to dry the fruits of juniper is undesirable - under such conditions, the quality of the harvested product is significantly reduced, and most of the medicinal properties are lost.
Correctly harvested juniper fruit is a little rough, smooth, more often with shine. The color is black, sometimes with a brownish-purple tint, a waxy coating. To taste, the berries have a sweet spicy taste, the smell is a bit harsh, but fragrant. To preserve the aroma of berries and their taste, the finished dried product should be stored in a sealed box or a darkened glass jar with a tightly screwed lid. It is preferable to store workpieces in a cool place, closed from direct sunlight. Harvested fruits are stored no more than 3 years, every six months the berries need to be sorted out to exclude the possibility of molding and development of moth larvae.
Shelf life
Shelf life is 3 years. After the expiry date, the berries harvested or purchased at the pharmacy are better not to use, since there will be too few useful substances in them. As for other medicinal forms prepared on the basis of juniper fruit, their term is even shorter. The broth can be stored for no more than two days, but it is better to prepare such a quantity of solution so that before each application it is fresh. In the freshly prepared decoction the greatest concentration of essential oils, organic acids (malic, acetic, formic), vitamins, phytoncides. Under the action of oxygen, some of these substances are oxidized and gradually destroyed, which makes the solution not only not useful, but also dangerous for the body.
The shelf life of the juniper tree harvested or purchased at the pharmacy can be reduced if it is later improperly stored. In particular, with constant sunlight on them. When the fruit is not stored tightly and the humidity is high, berries may appear on the berries and moth larvae may start to multiply, which will make the medicinal raw material completely unfit. When re-drying over 30 degrees, the percentage of drugs will also decrease.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Fruits of the juniper" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.