Renal colic
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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A sharp attack of pain localized in the lumbar region, the so-called renal colic caused by embolism of the upper urinary tract, a pathological change in the hemodynamics in the kidney. Why does this pain syndrome occur and how to quickly and competently curse it? These and other questions will be answered in this article.
Causes of the renal colic
To fight a disease or effectively stop a painful attack, first of all, it is necessary to know the causes of renal colic, the catalyst of the problem.
This pain syndrome is able to manifest itself at any age without making distinctions and on the sex of the patient, although monitoring the problem shows that most patients still represent a strong half of humanity.
- The most part of the source of pain is urolithiasis. This pathology can be present either directly in one or more parts of the kidney itself, as well as in other organs belonging to the genitourinary system: urethra, bladder, ureter. This variety of places of localization of sand and stones is due to the fact that after their formation in one of the kidneys, they, by means of urine, are able to migrate along the outlying systems. With a positive layout of a small size, the stones are able to leave the patient's body independently, but if the stone has a significant size, then it is likely that the ureters can be blocked.
- The cause of the blockage of the urinary tract, and consequently the pain, can be an inflammatory process affecting this system. When it flows with urine fluxes, the leukocytes that make up the epithelium, fibrin (a non-globular protein formed from plasma fibrinogen) and the mucus that forms as a result of this process can leave the body. This situation is formed as a reaction of the body to the acute or chronic course of pyelonephritis.
- Due to the development of tumoral neoplasms (both benign and malignant). Overlap the ureter are capable of blood clots or products of cell necrosis.
- Tuberculosis, which flows in the kidneys.
- Occlusion of the urinary canals can provoke and pathologies of the gynecological nature. For example, the uterine myon or adnexitis, adhesion processes.
- Wandering (lowered) kidney. In this situation, the pain syndrome is caused by a "fracture" of the ureter. The indicator in favor of this cause is the fact that pain occurs after shaking in the bus, sudden movements, physical exertion, and so on. Discomfort prevails in a standing state and subsides when the patient lies down.
- Other inflammatory diseases affecting the organs close to the urethra.
The statistical age of this pathology is maximum manifested in the period from 30 to 50 years.
The appearance of renal colic indicates that occlusion of the upper urinary canals, which can be caused by internal overlapping of the passageway or its external squashing. The pathogenesis of renal colic is the blocking of the passage capacity of the ducts, leading to a rapid increase in compression in the calyx-pelvis system.
Against the backdrop of the inflammatory process, an increase in the synthesis of prostaglandins occurs, an edema begins to develop around the stone, causing spasm of the smooth muscle wall of the upper urinary tract, which provokes pain.
Further, the increase in the intrarenal pressure occurs, after which the parenchyma begins to swell and the fibrous capsule of the kidney lengthens, leading the tissue structures to enlargement. It is this factor that intensifies the pain manifestations even more.
Symptoms of the renal colic
To understand what the pathology considered in this article is, it is necessary to study the symptoms of renal colic carefully. As doctors explain, the attack of pain begins suddenly, regardless of the time of year or day, regardless of resting person or on the eve of being subjected to high physical or emotional stress.
The main indicator is the sudden appearance of sharp spasmodic pains that arise in the lumbar region and begin to be given to the inguinal zone. In this case, the pain manifestations do not depend on the motor activity of the patient. A person changes the position of the body in order to find one that will bring him at least minimal relief, but this does not happen.
The localization of pain in many ways depends on the place where the occlusion occurred. If the urethra is blocked in the kidney of the kidney, the pain symptomatology is felt in the upper lumbar region of the costal-vertebral angle from the side of the affected kidney. It is often enough pains are given and in area of a peritoneum and an intestine. With this symptomatology, the patient begins to experience difficulties in the process of defecation, which also passes painfully.
With obstruction of the ureter, pain symptoms spasmodically manifest in the lumbar region or slightly sideways toward the affected urinary canal. Against the background of this picture of the lesion, the pain symptoms can be felt by the recoil along the way of the location of the urinary duct into the inguinal zone, the external genital organs and the urino-emission channel.
Enough part of such attacks are accompanied by nausea, provoking a vomiting reflex, which after the release of the contents of the stomach does not bring relief.
Another of the symptoms of renal colic can be considered the appearance of blood inclusions in urine (hematuria). It can be either explicit (can be seen with the naked eye) or hidden (defined under a microscope in the process of laboratory research).
If the channel overlap occurs in the lower part of the ureter, the patient may face the problem of painful urination and pain when urinating urine.
When you connect an infectious disease of the body, it is possible to observe the growth of body temperature, high fever with chills. Perhaps a disorder in the digestive system, caused by irritation of the posterior parietal wall of the peritoneum, which "adjoins" the outer shell of the fatty capsule of the kidney.
In the event of an attack, pain in renal colic is cramping, independent of any external factors. Contractions occur reflexively when the smooth muscles of the ureteral wall are spasmodic, which occurs as a response to clogging of the passageway and an obstruction to the outflow of urine. This causes a malfunction in the microcirculation of the flow in the kidney, which leads to the bursting of the affected organ and an increase in intra-local pressure, which provokes an increased tension of the innervated capsule.
The whole mechanism of the development of pathological changes is accompanied by extremely severe pain.
When the outflow of urine is disturbed, an intoxication of the organism occurs, which manifests itself in its symptoms. Vomiting in renal colic usually has a one-off character that does not bring relief to its host, as opposed to multiple vomiting reflexes when the intestines turn.
The obstruction of the urethra and the violation of urine outflow from the kidneys and bladder causes a general intoxication of the body, poisoning it with toxins. Therefore, nausea in renal colic is one of the main symptoms of the emerging pathology, along with a severe pain syndrome. It is not effective to stop nausea with such a clinical picture of manifestation is not obtained.
If a patient begins to pester frequent renal colic, this may indicate that a fairly large stone with urolithiasis has shifted from the spot and walked along the ducts to the exit. In such a situation, the patient is tormented by acute severe pain and urgent medical attention is urgently needed.
This pathological symptomatology can manifest itself on the one hand, so it can manifest itself both ways. Left-sided renal colic during urgent medical therapy begins with the introduction of an analgesic to the patient, to reduce pain symptoms. Already after hospitalization, the nephrologist or urologist will conduct a more detailed examination of the patient and will write out the necessary treatment.
In contrast to the left-sided pathology, right-sided renal colic when an ambulance is called is not stopped by an anesthetic. Such precautions by ambulance doctors are maintained because a similar pain picture can be observed and with inflammation of appendicitis. If the pain syndrome is removed, diagnosing appendicitis will be much more difficult. Therefore, the pain stops only the field of how the diagnosis excludes appendicitis.
Attack of renal colic
This pathology is characterized by its suddenness, an attack of renal colic usually occurs without a preliminary prelude. Overlapping of the urethra occurs suddenly, disrupting the outflow of urine. Therefore, pain arises simultaneously, on an equal footing. A minute ago, a man felt completely healthy, and a minute later begins to writhe from a strong cramping pain.
The increase in intracenial tension irritatively affects the sensitive nerve receptors of the gate and fibrous layers of the affected organ. Against the background of a failure in the normal flow of fluid, the hypoxia of the tissues of the affected organ begins to develop. Pathological changes also affect nerve endings innervating the kidney.
The attack begins suddenly, often after active walking or intense exercise. But this fact is not a direct source of catalysis of the problem. Simply during movement or load, the stone also more actively migrates through the channels, which can lead to clogging of the passageway. This happens if the size of the foreign body exceeds the channel cross section. To provoke a sudden occurrence of pain syndrome can also a copious fluid intake, which activates the work of the kidneys and, accordingly, the urinary system.
In the region of the lower back and the hypochondrium there is a sharp pain, which in a fraction of a second is able to spread to the entire affected half of the patient's body. Parallel to this, another symptomatology is associated with the pain syndrome, corresponding to renal colic.
The patient does not find a place, any position of the body does not bring at least a partial reduction in the intensity of the attack. The pain is so strong that the patient is unable to tolerate it. He moans and even screams.
This behavior of the victim is quite typical and it is this fact that makes it possible to presume a diagnosis even from a distance.
This symptom of the disease according to the international classification has its own code on microbial 10, which sounds like "n23 renal colic, unspecified" and belongs to the group of pathologies - "urolithiasis (n20-n23)".
Renal colic in women
As with any renal attack, renal colic in women gives pain symptoms to the inguinal ligament and to the patient's external genital area. In such a situation, the diagnosis should be made by a qualified and experienced doctor. After all, a similar symptom arises against the background of rupture of the fallopian tubes. Provoke a similar situation in the representatives of the weak half of humanity can apoplexy of the ovaries, twisting the legs of the ovarian cyst and other pathologies of the gynecological nature. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to exclude these diagnoses first (this fact especially concerns the rupture of the fallopian tubes - from the speed of the establishment of the cause, in this situation the woman's life depends), and then, if they were not confirmed, we must consider the possibility of the appearance of renal colic.
But there is also some difference in the symptoms. With gynecological problems, a woman usually has blood pressure, the skin turns pale and becomes covered with a cold sweat, while the localization of renal colic is akin to being diagnosed with intercostal neuralgia and radiculitis.
Renal colic in pregnancy
In most cases, renal colic during pregnancy occurs due to exacerbation of the chronic form or development of the acute stage of pyelonephritis. The predominantly painful symptomatology in a woman who expects a baby arises from the right side, spreading from the waist into the groin, the outer labia and the inner thighs. Depending on the localization of the obstruction of the duct, the pain can be given in the direction of the urinary tract. At the same time, the woman begins to feel sick, there is an emetic reflex, there can be a temperature increase and a feverish chill. Against the backdrop of such a clinical picture, urge to urinate in a pregnant woman becomes more frequent.
If the outgoing stone has sharp edges, then a trace of blood may appear in the urine. Ignore this symptomatology is not necessary, because it is extremely difficult to endure such pain, and this situation can provoke premature birth. Therefore, if this situation occurs, the pregnant woman should call an ambulance.
Renal colic in men
The symptomatology of the examined pathology in the sexual plan has its differences. Renal colic in men, as well as in the weak half, begins to manifest with pain symptoms in the lumbar region, from the side of the "sick" organ, but then a strong spasmodic pain diverges from the movement of the urine to the peritoneum, and then into the groin and scrotum, accentuating the glans penis.
Concomitant symptomatology are:
- Changing urge to urinate.
- When emptying the bladder, the man experiences acute pain, akin to knife strokes.
- Dizziness.
- After the attack has passed, in urine it is possible to observe bloody traces.
- The man experiences increased irritation, affecting the area of the abdominal cavity and solar plexus.
- Nausea, single vomiting.
- Frequent urge to defecate.
Renal colic in children
Mostly this syndrome is diagnosed in school-age children. Renal colic in children begins with a spasmodic pain symptomatology that surrounds the perimeter, hitting the lower back, the navel, the ventral edge of the peritoneum. The complexity of diagnosis in children is that there is no clear localization of pain. Against the background of the attack, the child is given leukocyturia (urinary excretion of leukocytes in excess of the norm), microhematuria (the presence of erythrocytes in urine only when microscopically examined) or macrohematuria (the presence of blood in the urine visible to the naked eye).
Diagnostics of the renal colic
When a patient arrives for examination to a specialist, the diagnosis of renal colic begins with a doctor's examination of his patient. Palpation of local zones is carried out. The same doctor holds:
- Analysis of anamnesis of the patient.
- Mandatory general urine analysis, which reveals an increased content of protein and white blood cells, the content or absence of blood in the urine.
- An ultrasound examination of the kidneys and the genitourinary system is performed. This study is quite informative.
- Excretory urography or cystography is the X-ray of the kidney and bladder with contrast medium, a method of urinary tract research based on the ability of the kidney to excrete.
- Computer tomography makes it possible to obtain images that allow you to obtain the density of kidney stones and the state of the urinary tract. These parameters are simply necessary when preparing a patient for an operation to remove them.
Urine with renal colic
Experts believe that the level of sensitivity of the study in question is commensurate with 80%. In the analysis, the urine of renal colic is susceptible to examination to determine its acidity (pH).
If this figure is less than 5, the urologist diagnoses the presence of stones that have uric acid characteristics. For indicators above 7, urea decomposition products.
If the stone has sharp edges, then most likely in the urine will be observed traces of blood, which is an additional confirmation of the presence of stones. In the study of excreted fluid under microscopic magnification, the laboratory assistant is able to establish the presence of pyuria - a sign of inflammation in the patient's body, which presupposes the presence of infection.
What do need to examine?
What tests are needed?
Differential diagnosis
Symptoms that occur when the pathology in question occurs are so specific that differential diagnostics of renal colic for an experienced specialist is not very difficult. The dominant cause of this pathology is urolithiasis, but other sources of the disease can not be ruled out. If necessary, the attending doctor appoints a consultation with such specialists as an oncologist, gynecologist, phthisiatrist.
Only after getting a complete picture of pathological changes can we speak about the correct diagnosis, and, consequently, about the complete disposal of the problem.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the renal colic
With pain syndrome, the treatment of renal colic sets two main goals:
- Rid the patient of pain.
- Identify the source of obstruction and eliminate it.
The first stage of therapy involves the use of antispasmodics, which relieve spasms of smooth muscles. For example, platyfilin, halidor, atropine, marelin, drotoverine, but - spa, spasmalgin, indomethacin, papaverine, diclofenac, papazole, spasmol and others.
In the protocol of therapy, analgesics (codeine), ibuprofen, tramadol, ketoprofen, paracetamol, piroxicam, phenazole, metamizole sodium, indomethacin and others are included in the protocol of therapy.
Then they proceed to determine the extent of obstruction and the site of blockage. If the source of the problem is urolithiasis, the technique of therapy largely depends on the amount of calculus. If its size is insignificant, then it will be possible to dispense with medicamental methods that allow partial dissolution of the stone and remove it from the body. But if the stone is large enough, then it is impossible to do without surgical intervention. Modern medicine is ready to offer such patients and more innovative methods of coping the problem, for example, crushing stones with ultrasound or a laser. This method makes it possible to refine the stone into sand, which facilitates its withdrawal.
Suffice it to actively use the methods of alternative medicine that allows you to "drive the sand." Only you should immediately warn that self-medication should not be dealt with. If the stone is large enough, and the patient takes the diuretic, the situation will only worsen, leading to a blockage of the ureters.
Emergency care for renal colic
If the pain syndrome is observed on the left side, then the physicians immediately inject the patient with drugs that remove spasms of smooth muscles, as well as analgesics relieve the pain syndrome. If the pain affects the right side, then it is first necessary to remove the diagnosis of appendicitis, and only then it turns out to be an emergency aid for renal colic. But in any case, such a patient is subject to hospitalization, a full-scale examination and a course of treatment corresponding to the picture of the disease.
First aid for renal colic
The man "twisted the attack" - it is urgent to call an ambulance. But before her arrival, you can carry out some activities that will ease the condition of the sufferer. But it should be remembered that pre-medical care for renal colic is carried out if there is no doubt in the disease. Otherwise, the patient's condition can only be hurt.
The first thing you need to do is conduct a thermal procedure: a hot water bottle, a warm bathroom, hot sand in the sacking, which is applied in the area of the lower back or the hypochondrium.
The second is to offer a person an abundant drink.
The third is to give the patient an analgesic and anti-spasm agent. For example, 10 - 20 droplets of cystenal, tablet of baralgina, 0.5 - 1 g of avisane, 0.04 g of papaverine.
What to do with renal colic?
The attack happened, so what to do with kidney colic? The only answer is immediately call an ambulance. If the patient and his environment are confident in this diagnosis, then it is necessary to apply dry heat to the sore spot and wait for the doctors. Such a patient is subject to emergency hospitalization in the following cases:
- Two-sided renal colic.
- The patient has one body.
- If there is no therapeutic positive dynamics.
- Presence of factors that indicate complication.
- The patient's elderly age.
- There is no possibility of monitoring the patient's condition in polyclinic conditions.
Hospitalization of the patient is carried out lying down. If the diagnosis is in question, the patient is taken to the reception room of the multi-site hospital.
Drugs for renal colic
Drugs with renal colic have two directional effects: antispasmodics, which allow you to relax the smooth muscles, removing spasms (platyfilin, papaverine, diclofenac, but-spa, atropine, drotoverin, spasmalgin and others); analgesics, pain relievers (codeine, paracetamol, ibuprofen, tramadol, phenazol, indomethacin and others).
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Injections with renal colic
Higher efficacy in terms of speed show injections with renal colic. This form of drugs is quickly absorbed into the blood, bringing the patient quick relief. For example, relieve the pain syndrome helps baralgin injected intramuscularly or by intravenous infusion, in an amount of 5 ml. Spazmolitik atropin 0.1% solution in a dosage of 1 ml is administered to the patient subcutaneously.
A similar method is prescribed 1 - 2% solution of promedol or pantopone, administered subcutaneously in a volume of 1 ml. Instead, the attending physician can assign a 0.2% solution of platyphylline (1 ml) to the patient - the injection is also done under the skin.
Use of painkillers
Drugs of this group should be used cautiously, especially if the right disease is not yet established, since painkillers with renal colic can significantly change the clinical picture of the pathology. But without drugs this group can not do with the coping of the problem in question.
An analgetic diclofenac in renal colic is used in a different form of release. In tablets, adult patients are administered in a dosage of 0.1 - 0.15 g, separated by two to three doses.
To small patients this preparation is appointed at the rate of 1-2 mg per kilogram of the baby's weight, divided into two or three approaches.
The drug is contraindicated in patients with a history of ulcerative lesions of the mucosa of the digestive tract, internal bleeding, severe kidney and liver pathology. Third trimester of pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity to the components of the medication.
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The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug ketorol with renal colic has a pronounced analgesic effect.
Once you can give the patient 10 mg of the drug. If the expected effect does not occur, then repeated administration of the drug in the same dosage is allowed, but no more than four times a day. The course of treatment is no more than five days.
This medication is not allowed if the patient suffers from angioedema, hemorrhagic stroke, hematopoiesis disorder, has an individual intolerance to ketorolac or other NSAIDs, ulcerative erosive lesions of the mucosa of the digestive tract in the phase of exacerbation.
The drug is administered both in the form of tablets administered orally as well as a solution for injection into the muscle and vein. Baralgin with renal colic is assigned to an adult patient one by one - two tablets two to three times a day.
In case of acute pain, preference is given to injections: 5 ml each, which are done every six to eight hours. After stopping the attack, the form of the injected drug is changed to tablets or rectal suppositories, applied two to three or four times a day (the amount is set by the attending physician).
This group of drugs is used to relieve spasm of smooth muscles. Spasmolytics for renal colic are prescribed necessarily, because the pain syndrome makes the muscle spasmodic, and they in turn increase the pain.
To relax the muscles, papaverine in renal colic is administered with a single dose:
- adults of 40 - 80 mg,
- adolescents (10 to 14 years) 15 to 20 mg each,
- children 10 to 15 mg (5 to 10 years),
- to kids on 5 - 10 mg (from 0,5 till 4 years).
Throughout the day, three to four times are administered.
It is taken intramuscularly or subcutaneously in adults 1 to 2 ml of a 2% solution.
The drug is not assigned to a patient whose atrioventricular conduction is impaired.
Adult patients with a noctail in renal colic are recommended daily dosage of 0,12 - 0,24 g. Children from one year to six - 0,04-0,12 g, and over six - 0,08 - 0,2 g. Dosages are divided into two - Three receptions.
The drug is contraindicated for administration to patients with severe dysfunction of the heart, liver and kidneys, as well as with increased intolerance to drotaverin or any excipient of the drug.
A sufficiently strong spasmolytic platyphylline in renal colic is administered to the patient subcutaneously, 2 to 4 mg three times throughout the day. The maximum permissible single dose is 10 mg, the daily dosage is 30 mg.
Contraindications of platyphylline are dysfunction of the liver and kidneys, as well as glaucoma.
Nutrition with renal colic
If a patient develops a pathological tendency toward this problem, nutrition in renal colic plays, if not predominant, an important role in preventing the formation of kidney stones. Correction of the patient's diet can be attributed both to preventive and therapeutic activities.
What can you eat with renal colic?
Against the background of the problem discussed in this article, it is necessary to understand what can be eaten with renal colic?
The adjustment of the permitted products largely depends on the nature of the stones formed. If the basis of their formation is urea (urate), the food should be shifted towards alkalization. In such a situation, juices, dairy products, fruits and vegetables will be useful. In this case, the attending physician appoints the patient a dietary table number 6.
When forming oxalates, the diet of such a patient should contain foods rich in magnesium. These include products from wholemeal flour, dried fruits, rye and wheat bran, cereals (millet, oats, pearl barley, buckwheat).
Diet with renal colic
If the source of the problem under consideration is not fully understood, the diet for renal colic corresponds to table No. 10. This selection of foods and dishes is prescribed to patients who need to support and optimize the work of the whole organism, metabolic processes.
This diet involves reducing the proportion of carbohydrate and fatty foods in the human diet. Significantly reduces the amount of salt consumed. Dishes are prepared without it. From the table of such a patient, heavy, poorly digestible dishes are excluded. Removed foods that can cause flatulence, those that are irritating to the mucosa of the digestive tract and the nervous system.
It is necessary to remove muffin and fresh bread.
If the source of renal colic is established, the diet is adjusted directly for this disease.
The diet menu
If such a problem exists, therefore, the patient needs to learn how to make up his diet so that it meets the requirements of the diet, but it was full and tasty. We want to offer one of the menu options for renal colic.
Breakfast: pearl barley porridge, dressed with a slice of butter.
Lunch: pear.
- Vegetable or on cereal soup.
- Mashed potatoes with steam chop.
- Green tea with biscuits.
Snack: fresh fruit or fruit jelly with drying.
- Vegetable stew.
- Hibiscus tea.
Before going to bed, low-fat yogurt.
Treatment of renal colic at home
This pathology can also be treated as an outpatient. It should immediately be stipulated, then the treatment of renal colic at home, perhaps, only after a correct diagnosis. At home, such a patient is attributed to a bed or half-bed regime. Also in the protocol of therapy, the attending physician introduces analgesics, antispasmodics and dietary food, which is stipulated by the table №10. If the diagnosis determines urate urolythiaz, then the diet is adjusted by the diet table No. 6.
During the day, such a patient should take thermal procedures (bathrooms, a heating pad or a bag of sand in place of pain).
A constant monitoring of the amount of liquids and liquids is necessary. But if the patient's condition worsens, call an ambulance immediately.
Hot bath with renal colic
If the diagnosis is established, one of the emergency methods can be a hot bath with renal colic, which show an analgesic effect.
Primarily it is necessary to put a hot water bottle on the place of pain, if after half an hour the pain does not abate, it is necessary to take a hot bath. Water is poured into the container (+ 40 ° C) in volume so that when the patient enters the bathroom, it reaches the shoulder blades. Gradually, the temperature of the liquid is adjusted to + 50 ° C. The whole procedure takes 15-20 minutes (no more). During this time, the patient's face (you can head) is dipped in cold water.
Throughout the procedure, a medical worker must be present near the patient.
But this procedure is contraindicated in patients aged and those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases.
Alternative remedies for renal colic
There are also recipes that allow you to dissolve and remove stones with sand from the body:
- For example, you can make 7 pancakes out of 70 peppercorns (crush them). Eat one per day.
- Twenty-minute baths with infusion of field horsetail help.
- For a long time, alternative means for renal colic have been called an effective means of watermelon, which must be supplied in unlimited quantities during their mass maturation.
Effective and herbal tinctures. Patients with a good therapeutic effect take such herbs in renal colic: alteyka seeds, laurel rhizome, bitter wormwood, Ceylon cinnamon, wild cucumber, rose hips, asparagus, Venus daisy hair and many others. Decoctions and infusions from these natural components, and their complex combination, brewed in a classic way, came to the aid of more than one patient.
Moderate physical exercises with renal colic contribute to better excretion of calculi.
Having a genetic or acquired predisposition of the body to the formation of stones in the organs of the genitourinary system or the presence of other factors capable of causing the seizure in question, a person should not neglect the recommendations of specialists. Prophylaxis of renal colic involves some activities.
- It is necessary to establish a source of stone formation or other diseases that can lead to an attack.
- Timely and until the end to treat these diseases.
- Avoid overheating.
- If there are no contraindications, you should significantly increase the fluid intake: up to 3 - 4 liters per day. Here include medicinal herbal infusions, mousses.
- Required to adjust the power supply.
- To prevent relapse, the patient should take preventive doses of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
- It is necessary to minimize the use of salt.
- Moderate physical activity is required.
Faced with the problem, the patients are interested in the forecast of renal colic, and it largely depends on the size of the formed stone (if the cause is in it). Education up to 5 mm have good chances to get out of the patient's body independently, without causing their owner big problems. Operative intervention is necessary in two cases out of a hundred. After a fit, a dull pain can pester for a while.
In the future, the result of therapy depends on the source of the pathology and timely treatment, but in most cases it is favorable.
Renal colic is not only unpleasant, but also quite dangerous symptomatology. In addition, the patient has to endure extreme pains, and the pathology itself, with timely failure to provide the necessary stopping measures, can lead to quite serious complications. For example, if the cause of the pain syndrome is a kidney stone that has clogged the ureter, moreover, if it is provided with sharp edges, the patient may have internal bleeding, a sharp increase in the intrarenal pressure. Therefore, it is necessary to know exactly what should be done urgently in the event of such an attack.