Renal colic in pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Renal colic during pregnancy is dangerous because it provokes an increase in the tone of the uterus, and this, in turn, can lead to premature birth.
That's why when this dangerous symptom occurs, the pregnant woman should immediately call an ambulance and go to the hospital. The main task is an urgent withdrawal of the pain syndrome and the elimination of spasm with the help of spasmolytic drugs prescribed by a doctor (baralgin, papaverine, no-shpa, etc.). Spasmolytics contribute to the gradual relaxation of the walls of the ureter and improve the passage of urine, which will ease the condition of the pregnant woman and reduce pain symptoms. Of course, if there is a kidney colic in a woman who is carrying a child, there can be no question of independent treatment and taking any pain medication without prescribing a doctor.
Causes of renal colic in pregnancy
Colic during pregnancy can be a sign of a very dangerous disease, for example, exacerbation of pyelonephritis or development of urolithiasis. If the pain sensations are localized on the right side of the abdominal cavity, "giving" while in the thigh, groin and external genitalia, there is a possibility that the pregnant kidney attacks have renal colic. This symptom can also be accompanied by chills, fever, nausea and even vomiting. A pregnant woman may have frequent urge to urinate, and if the walls of the ureter are injured because of the sharp edges of the stone, impurities appear in the urine.
Renal colic, manifested during the period of gestation, has its own peculiarities: during pregnancy, the body of a woman against a weakened immune system is predisposed to the development of urolithiasis. At this stage, women often have an exacerbation of chronic kidney disease, which increases the chance of renal colic. If the pain is caused by the presence of urinary stones that block the lumen of the ureters, then doctors often resort to serious methods of treatment: nephrostomy (percutaneous puncture urine drainage) or surgical intervention (removal of stones).
Renal colic during pregnancy most often overtakes suddenly, while the attack develops very quickly and is characterized by sharp raspiruyuschie pain that "give" to a certain part of the body, depending on the location of the stone in the urinary tract. In the course of an attack of renal colic, there is often a slowdown in the frequency of cardiac contractions, intestinal paralysis, hypertension, and fainting of a pregnant woman. The duration of the attack can be as several minutes, and several hours.
Contraindications in the occurrence of renal colic are hot baths and warmers, taking any painkillers. A future mother should urgently consult a doctor to avoid dangerous consequences.
Symptoms of renal colic during pregnancy
Colic in pregnancy is a problem that often troubles many expectant mothers. Most of the attacks of colic occur suddenly, giving pregnant women a feeling of discomfort and unpleasant pain. Especially dangerous for the health of the future mother and her baby are renal colic, which are harbingers of a serious disease.
Symptoms of renal colic in pregnancy indicate a violation of the passage of urine. Muscles can respond with a sudden contraction in the event that in the kidneys, bladder, or ureters obstruct the natural outflow of urine. Kolika in this case is cramped in character and does not allow a woman to lie down or sit down freely - so strong and sharp is pain.
Among the main symptoms of renal colic can be noted:
- suddenness and severity of the attack (the pains increase, become intense, have a cramping character and can "give" to different parts of the body: the lower back, the thigh, the groin, and the external genitalia);
- chills;
- nausea, sometimes - vomiting;
- frequent urge to urinate;
- temperature increase;
- admixture of blood in the urine (if there are stones in the ureter).
Such symptoms can occur with obstructive urinary tract disease. If a pregnant woman develops urolithiasis, the stones can create obstructions in the urinary tract or the renal pelvis, as well as "get stuck" in the bladder. This provokes the woman the occurrence of severe pain in the form of colic. Obstacles to the natural outflow of urine can be not only stones, but also mucus and blood clots that appear in the development of inflammatory diseases, such as pyelonephritis.
Renal colic is very dangerous for a pregnant woman, as muscle contraction causes uterine stimulation, and this can provoke premature birth. Sometimes renal colic is similar to labor contractions, which is why there were cases when pregnant women were delivered to the hospital, believing that they had started childbirth.
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Treatment of renal colic during pregnancy
Colic during pregnancy, caused by violations in the work of the kidneys, have a sharp paroxysmal character. They may be accompanied by other symptoms indicating the presence of stones in the organs of the urinary system: fever, impurities of blood in the urine, painful urination.
Treatment of renal colic during pregnancy is strictly in a hospital. Usually arresting an attack in many pregnant women is achieved by antispasmodics. However, if the size of the stone reaches 10 mm or more, urgent surgical intervention is required, since waiting for the release of the stone naturally leads to serious functional impairment of the kidneys. The main indication for the operation is the patient's serious condition, in which there are very strong painful sensations with which neither analgesics nor antispasmodics can cope. In this case, surgical treatment is combined with the introduction of uroantiseptics and the most sparing antibiotics.
The first help in the occurrence of renal colic in a pregnant woman is the admission of permitted antispasmodics, in particular, No-shpy and Nitroglycerin, which promote relaxation of smooth muscle muscles and are safe for the child. Before the arrival of a doctor, a pregnant woman should collect the urine in a separate container. Categorically contraindicated in such cases, the use of warmers, compresses, hot baths, painkillers. To reduce the pain syndrome, you can try to change the position of the body.
Of course, before starting treatment of renal colic, the doctor must establish the main reasons for their occurrence. For this, a medical examination is carried out for the presence of urolithiasis in a pregnant woman. After diagnosis, the disease is eliminated with drugs that dissolve stones. Among such drugs can be identified Kanefron, Tsiston, Urolesan, Phytolysin, as well as the grass of half-pala, bearberry, fir oil, etc. Surgery is in itself undesirable for a pregnant woman, so it takes place only in extreme cases. Lysis is carried out by pharmaceutical and alternative means. It is recommended that pregnant women take diuretic herbs that restore the flow of urine and effectively relieve inflammation.
Treatment of renal colic during pregnancy with the help of alternative medicine such as decoction of cowberry leaves, birch buds, leaves of bearberry, horsetail of the field, leaves of orthosiphon stamen, as well as mint, fruits of viburnum, linden flowers, gives effective results.
Decoction of leaves and fruits of cranberries is prepared very simply: 2 tbsp. Spoons of raw material are poured into a glass of boiled water, after which the mixture is kept in a water bath for 30 minutes. Cool the ready-made broth for 10 minutes at room temperature. Then it must be wrung out and strained, and add the water to the resulting liquid until a volume of 200 ml is obtained. When urolithiasis is pregnant, it is recommended to take the broth once a day in a volume of ¼ cup.
Pregnant women who have suffered renal colic are required to prescribe a diet whose purpose is to prevent the symptom and avoid relapse. From the diet, it is necessary to exclude foods that are risk factors for the formation of urolithiasis: salt, fried foods, animal proteins, by-products. It is recommended to drink liquid up to 3 liters a day, if the future mother does not suffer from swelling, and there are no other contraindications.