Colic in pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Cats in pregnancy, unfortunately, happen in expectant mothers often enough, causing unpleasant pain in various parts of the body: the side, abdomen, lower abdomen, groin, vagina, etc.
The word "colic" in translation from the Greek "kōlikē" means "intestinal disease", "pain in the abdomen". However, in modern medicine, almost any pain of a sudden nature characterized by a sharp spasm is considered to be this term. In other words, colic is a sudden cramping pain, a sharp attack of intense pain, developing as a result of prolonged spasms of the muscles of the abdominal cavity. Sometimes this attack is accompanied by mild nausea, which is not associated with eating.
Causes of colic in pregnant women can be both physiological features of the change in the female body during childbearing, in particular, the location of the fetus in the womb of the future mother, and diseases of the abdominal cavity. In any case, colic delivers a lot of torment to pregnant women, as well as causes for anxiety and excitement.
Causes of colic during pregnancy
Colic during pregnancy are attacks of cramping pain in the body of a future mother (most often in the abdomen), which occur suddenly and can have a permanent character.
Causes of colic during pregnancy are very diverse. They can be associated with exacerbated chronic diseases of internal organs that are located in the abdominal cavity, as well as rapid development of the fetus in the womb of a pregnant woman. Sometimes colic occurs due to the displacement of the internal organs of a pregnant woman due to the growth or unusual arrangement of the fetus. A similar condition develops when the muscles are in a state of prolonged spasm. Colic can cause some food products: for example, soda and some herbal teas.
There are several types of colic during pregnancy:
- colic, arising from the hormonal restructuring of the female body;
- colic, developing as a result of implantation of the egg into the wall of the uterus;
- intestinal colic;
- colic in the groin;
- vaginal colic;
- hepatic colic;
- renal colic, etc.
Whatever the reason for the occurrence of colic in a pregnant woman is the body's signal about malfunctions in his work. Especially dangerous is the situation when the colic disturbs the expectant mother often and lasts painfully long. In this case, she needs to immediately seek help from a doctor.
Colic during pregnancy at an early stage of fetal development is most often manifested by weak cramping pain that is localized in the lower abdomen. The general state of health of a pregnant woman remains normal. The reason for this condition is in the restructuring of the organism of the future mother. Sometimes colic occurs very early, when the very fact of pregnancy is not yet confirmed. The fact is that on the 6th-8th day after conception a fertilized egg, reaching the uterus, is attached to its inner wall, and this process can be accompanied by barely noticeable colic in the abdomen. In addition, the appearance of colic can be directly related to hormones (estrogens, progesterone), which provoke the expansion of the uterine walls to prepare for the future development of the fetus. In this case, colic is like a light contraction, dull aching pain can be felt in the lower abdomen and accompanied by very slight bleeding. This pain is partly comparable to that which a woman experiences when menstrual periods begin.
Often the cause of colic during pregnancy is an increase in the level of the hormone progesterone, which affects the intestines, causing relaxation of his muscles. As a result of this process, food stagnation occurs in this organ, and a large amount of gases accumulates, which causes colic. This condition can also be associated with a malnutrition of a pregnant woman, a violation of the daily routine, eating at night, eating foods that increase gas production (in particular, legumes, chocolate, carbonated drinks, fermented vegetables).
The cause of the occurrence of colic in the abdomen at late gestation of the child is a significant increase in the uterus, which literally "propels" the intestines, resulting in constipation and bloating. In addition, nervous overexertion, stress, sleep disturbance and anxiety contribute to increased swelling, resulting in intestinal colic occurring even more often. In any case, when such a symptom arises for a future mother, it is best to consult a doctor.
Colic in the abdomen during pregnancy
Cats in pregnancy represent unexpected fights, severe attacks of pain, so they give future mothers a lot of trouble. This symptom can be triggered by several factors: rapid growth of the fetus in the womb, diseases of internal organs, hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman, malnutrition, etc.
Colic in the abdomen during pregnancy can occur even in the first stages of bearing a baby. Already in the first week after conception, the future mother may experience mild aching pain in the lower abdomen, which is associated with the "attachment" of the egg to the inner wall of the uterus, and also by the increased production of the "main" hormone, progesterone. Cramping pains in the lower abdomen of a pregnant woman can be caused by rapid growth of the uterus due to a constant increase in the size of the embryo. As a rule, such pains cease in a few weeks and can arise again only as a result of hypertension of the uterus.
Another kind of colic in the abdomen is intestinal. Usually they chase a pregnant woman throughout pregnancy and most often occur when a recommended diet is violated and food rules are ignored. For example, such cramps appear if the future mother has disregarded the advice of a doctor and ate spicy, fried foods, or introduced into her diet sour vegetables and flour products, certain types of fruit, as well as fizzy drinks.
Colic in the abdomen during pregnancy can be associated with impaired kidney or liver function. In the period of bearing the baby, the kidneys experience a tremendous load, and if pregnancy malfunctions have been observed, this fact increases the possibility of the appearance of renal colic. Hepatic colic, as a rule, occurs against the background of exacerbation of chronic liver or gallbladder diseases, as well as due to improper adherence to the diet of a pregnant woman.
It should be taken into account that the colic in the pregnant woman can be caused by the production in her organism of the hormone progesterone, which is necessary for the timely suppression of the muscular contractions of the uterus. If progesterone is produced in insufficient quantities, then uterine contractions increase, and there may be a threat of spontaneous miscarriage. In this case, the pregnant woman feels strong cramping pains (colic) in the abdomen. They can have an increasing character and "give" to the groin or lower back. This often causes bleeding, which signals a miscarriage. However, if a pregnant woman is hospitalized in time, the pregnancy can still be saved.
Colic in the stomach during pregnancy
Cats in pregnancy occur suddenly, so they often frighten women and make them think about possible health problems. However, most often such a symptom is associated with a malnutrition of the pregnant woman, as well as an increase in the uterus due to the rapid growth of the fetus. Usually, colic during the period of gestation is localized in the pregnant woman in the abdomen, in particular, the intestine or stomach.
Colic in the stomach during pregnancy are felt like cramping pains that occur in the epigastric zone. Most often this symptom is manifested after eating and is associated with functional gastric insufficiency. In general, the development of gastric colic in pregnant women occurs against the background of exacerbation of gastroenterological diseases (gastritis, chronic pancreatitis, etc.). The main cause of their occurrence is the use of food products, which contribute to irritation of the gastric mucosa. Among such products you can note sharp, spicy and smoked dishes. Attacks of stomach colic are often associated with overfilling of the stomach, when a pregnant woman has eaten too much, or drank a large amount of liquid. If this happens, stomach cramps can be tried with normal rest in a prone position. When severe pain occurs, many resort to antispasmodics, however, only a doctor should prescribe such medications. Of the preventive measures to prevent the development of gastric colic, it can be noted fractional meals (5-6 times a day), the distribution of fluid intake in moderation, the refusal to eat sharp, fatty, fried foods, as well as preventing the overload of the digestive system with "heavy" food.
Colic in the stomach during pregnancy is a pain syndrome that can occur due to a number of changes taking place in the female body. So, in the first trimester, expectant mothers are more often concerned with such unpleasant symptoms as nausea, heartburn, stomach pain, flatulence, constipation. This is due to the increased production of the hormone progesterone, which "relaxes" the intestines, thereby leading to disruption of the digestive tract, as well as the gallbladder and liver. Colic in the stomach can be prevented by eating small portions, drinking herbal preparations and calling for help in time in case of any unpleasant symptoms associated with malfunctions in the digestive system.
Colic in the lower abdomen during pregnancy
Colic during pregnancy often disturbs a woman in the lower abdomen. These painful feelings arise for a number of reasons. Most often, stitching pains in the lower abdomen appear due to a strong sprain of the ligaments that hold the ever growing uterus. The peculiarity of such colic is that the pain intensifies depending on the change in the position of the pregnant woman: when she gets up or sits, she lies on her side in a lying position, and also when she sneezes and coughs.
Colic in the abdomen during pregnancy can also indicate a digestive problem. Most often this is manifested by intestinal colic. A sudden sharp tingling in the lower abdomen (in the intestinal region) is the main symptom of this symptom, which arises from constipation and the accumulation in the intestine of a large number of gases. To improve her condition, a woman should revise the diet and enter into the menu products containing fiber: vegetables and fruits, cereals, nuts, bread with bran. In later terms, such colic can be the result of squeezing the intestine because of the constant movements of the baby in the womb. If swelling occurs, the expectant mother should limit fluid intake - this will lead to the disappearance of the state of discomfort.
For the first time colic in the abdomen during pregnancy can manifest on day 6-8 after conception. This is a natural process that occurs in the body of a future mother due to changes at the hormonal and physiological level. It is during this period that the egg is "transplanted" into the uterine walls. At the same time, the hormone progesterone is intensively produced in the pregnant body, which promotes the expansion of the uterus and prepares it for the bearing of the child. At the same time, the blunted nature of the pain is noted, as well as a slight bleeding. Tingling in the lower abdomen can be accompanied by frequent urge to urinate. This indicates the growth of the fetus, which may result in the squeezing of the bladder, which leads to the appearance of unpleasant painful sensations. After a while, attacks go away, especially if during this period a woman rests more and takes care of herself. However, if the colic continues, is given up in the lower back and becomes stronger, while there are bloody discharges, a woman should always consult a doctor to find out the causes of such ailment.
Colic in the groin during pregnancy
Colic during pregnancy occurs quite often and worries expectant mothers. Especially unpleasant, when attacks of colic regularly repeat and intensify, because it becomes a real cause for alarm. Therefore, it is so important to turn to a medical specialist in time to find out what is the main reason for the development of unpleasant pain. Colic can appear in various places of the body, but more often in the abdomen. However, there are other types of colic in pregnant women, for example, inguinal (in the lower part of the abdominal zone, which abuts the thigh). Usually, their appearance is associated with the anatomical structure of the female body - it is through the inguinal canal that blood vessels lie, and there is a round ligament of the uterus. Intestinal loops also descend into the inguinal canal, which under certain conditions can form a hernia.
Colic in the groin during pregnancy most often occur for the following reasons:
- Hernia. Colic in the groin of a pregnant woman may indicate the presence of a hernia, the formation of which is associated with the fact that the supporting tissues weaken and provoke the penetration of the intestinal loops into the inguinal region. Visually, a hernia can be seen in a standing state: this is a kind of swelling in the groin. However, it happens that the hernia is invisible, but the pain does not pass. If this is so, then you need to make sure that the hernia is not restrained. This can only be done in a medical institution. An injured hernia occurs if the opening of the tissues is small, and the intestinal loop is very large in size, so it may not pass through the hole, but remain "captured", as if "strangled" in it. This is a dangerous condition that requires urgent surgical intervention, as in the strangulated gut there is a violation of blood circulation, which subsequently leads to its gradual destruction.
- Infection. Penetration of infection in the pelvic area causes the appearance of strong stitching pains in the groin in a pregnant woman. This may be the manifestation of endometritis, adnexitis, proctitis, parametritis, as well as various urinary infections and inflammation. Often in such a situation swelling of the lymph nodes located in the groin is observed.
- Kidney stone. Paroxysmal pain in the groin in a pregnant woman can cause a stone located in the kidney too low or stuck in the ureter. In this case, a pregnant woman complains of sharp, acute pain in the lower back, which can "give" to the inguinal zone, bladder and even external genitalia. Accompanying symptoms are increased body temperature, frequent painful urination, as well as the presence of blood impurities in the urine.
- Osteochondrosis. If an attack of colic in a pregnant woman is not accompanied by an increase in lymph nodes, and a medical examination has excluded the presence of kidney stones, the main cause of colic in the groin in a pregnant woman may be osteochondrosis of the spine, or rather, of its lumbar spine. The result of this ailment is the squeezing of the vertebral disc of nerves leading to the inguinal zone, which causes an attack of colic.
Strong painful sensations in the form of colic in the small pelvis and groin in a pregnant woman can be a consequence of increased muscle tone of the uterus. Physiological changes in the body of the future mother (weight gain, abdominal growth, increased load on the muscles of the back and pelvis), too, can be the main cause of the occurrence of colic in the inguinal zone.
Colic in the groin during pregnancy can also appear due to the development of genital herpes in the female body, the presence of a varicose node in the leg of the subcutaneous veins. An attack of colic in the inguinal region can cause an aneurysm of the femoral artery, as well as any groin injury. In any case, if there is any pain in the groin of a pregnant woman, it is recommended that you immediately contact your obstetrician-gynecologist in order to establish the exact cause of colic and in time to prevent possible dangerous consequences.
Colic in the vagina during pregnancy
Colic in pregnancy is one of the frequent symptoms that occur in expectant mothers. Many pregnant women complain of colic in the abdomen, side, groin, and sometimes even in the vagina. Why is this happening?
Colic in the vagina during pregnancy can be caused by various causes, among which are the following:
- Tingling is the first sign of the modification of the uterus as a result of hormonal restructuring of the female body. This symptom may appear from 5 to 8 weeks of pregnancy, and sometimes later. The fact is that the muscles that support the uterus, with its growth, stretch, resulting in the pulling and stitching pains in the lower abdomen, as well as colic in the vagina. Do not worry, if the tingling is weak and short-lived, this is a natural process, and after a while the pain will pass.
- Abundant gas formation as a result of malnutrition is another sign of the appearance of colic in the lower abdomen, as well as in the vagina. Painful sensations can also occur because of constipation, which torment the pregnant woman. In such cases, it is necessary to revise the diet and completely eliminate from it foods that increase gas formation in the intestine, or blocking phenomena. The future mother should take more fruits, berries and vegetables, as well as remember about sour-milk products.
- Approaching childbirth can cause tingling and drawing pains in the vagina. Especially such a symptom is observed in pregnant women at the 37th week, when intrauterine "preparation" of the baby for the upcoming birth takes place. In this case, the expectant mother should not worry, she just needs to tell about this symptom to her obstetrician-gynecologist.
- Hypertension of the uterus is another reason for stitching (and sometimes - pulling) pain in the vagina, which can be accompanied by various discharge, including bloody. The final diagnosis can be made only by a doctor, so a pregnant woman should contact him as soon as possible.
The mild and short nature of colic in the vagina during pregnancy is no reason to worry. But if this symptom is accompanied by other unpleasant signs, or a pregnant woman watches his gain, it is best to consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary examination and will reveal the main causes of the pain.
Colicles in the side in pregnancy
Colic during pregnancy can catch a woman by surprise and deliver very unpleasant sensations and discomfort. In whatever place there is pain, it is better to immediately tell the observing doctor. Thus, some dangerous consequences can be prevented, which can negatively affect the health of the mother and the child.
Colicles in the side during pregnancy usually disturb a woman if there are abnormalities in the work of internal organs: liver, gall bladder, intestine. A sudden pain, which lasts more than half an hour, is a very unpleasant indicator. The future mum is best to immediately seek help from a doctor, since colic in the right side can indicate a serious illness, in particular, inflammation of the liver, problems with the pancreas or gall bladder. Usually, if the cause is a malfunction of the pancreas, the colic in the side is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, as well as an increase in body temperature.
Often the cause of an attack of colic in the side may be dyskinesia biliary tract or cholelithiasis. The main symptom of hepatic colic is a nicking-stitching pain in the right upper quadrant, giving in the back. It is difficult for a woman to take a deep breath, because the respiratory process provokes a new attack. Such problems arise if the future mother does not adhere to the diet and eats harmful food: spicy, fried, smoked, fatty. Renal colic usually occurs in women who previously had problems with biliary tract. Certainly, a doctor's consultation is needed in any case, it is he who will prescribe the necessary examination for the pregnant woman and, based on the diagnosis, will write out antispasmodics and other medications that are optimal in a particular case.
Colic in the right side may be caused by an attack of appendicitis. In this case, it is rather difficult to make an accurate diagnosis, because During pregnancy many internal organs are slightly displaced. The pain that occurs with inflammation of appendicitis, can be localized in the side, as well as give in the hypochondrium, the lower abdomen, the groin area. The attack should not be taken with spasmolytic drugs. If the gestation period is 4-12 weeks, the operation to remove the appendix is usually carried out sparingly, using laparoscopy. If the period is longer, they carry out the usual surgical operation, keeping the pregnancy.
Colicles in the side during pregnancy, caused by a violation in the gall bladder, can be "pacified" by a proven method - walking barefoot. Thus, the points on the soles of the feet are stimulated, which affect the relaxation of the musculature and duct of the gallbladder. Painkillers for future mothers are strictly forbidden, especially with hepatic colic, when any medicine creates an additional burden on the diseased organ.
Colic in the uterus during pregnancy
Colic during pregnancy is found in many women and can cause anxiety and fear for the health of the baby, especially if the attack is taken by surprise and characterized by prolonged pain. Colic in pregnant women is a symptom that indicates both changes in the physiological character that occur in the female body and diseases of the abdominal cavity.
Colic in the uterus during pregnancy is a very common phenomenon, which in most cases is associated with the growth of the uterus. The usual tingling, which is felt in the uterus from the first weeks after conception, is felt by almost all women. This is one of the clear signs that the pregnancy has come.
"Safe" colic in the uterus, reminiscent of weak spasms, usually accompany the entire pregnancy, starting from the 5th week, as the uterus is constantly growing, increasing in size and shifting from place. The ligaments that hold the uterus tighten strongly, causing a sensation of discomfort in the abdomen, an attack of sudden, painful pain that increases with sudden movements. It should be emphasized that such a state is absolutely natural for a pregnant woman, if at the same time the painful sensations in the uterus are not supplemented by any other, more serious symptoms.
Tingling sensations can be localized directly in the uterus, as well as the suprapubic zone and perineum. Usually, painful feelings go away quickly, especially if the pregnant woman has a rest lying down. The general state of health at the same time remains stable, and the nature of colic is unobtrusive and short-lived.
"Dangerous" tingling in the uterus is characterized by strong pain sensations, more prolonged in time, sometimes having an increasing character. In rare cases, such cramps are a real symptom of a probable threat of premature termination of pregnancy. If the pain is accompanied by bloody discharge, the risk of miscarriage increases, and the pregnant woman should urgently call an ambulance for hospitalization in the hospital.
Colic in the uterus during pregnancy can indicate an increase in the tone of the uterus, which is also a real threat to the baby. Usually, pain feels like tightening or cramping, sometimes a woman feels that the uterus becomes "heavy", "hard", as if it were "stone". In this case, urgent consultation with a doctor is needed. There is no cause for concern as such, as often the uterus "calms down" at home, however, in order to prevent a possible danger, consultation with an observing obstetrician-gynecologist will not prevent. Fulfillment of the prescriptions of an experienced physician will in many respects help to avoid many troubles in the difficult and very important period of bearing a baby.
Colic in early pregnancy
Colic during pregnancy is often a cause for concern, sometimes - unreasonable, and sometimes - requiring medical advice and immediate medical attention. Attacks of colic can occur at different stages of bearing the baby, both at the very beginning of pregnancy, and directly in the last weeks before childbirth.
Colic in the early stages of pregnancy can be triggered by increased production in the body of a woman's hormone progesterone, which helps to "relax" the intestines. As the immune system of a pregnant woman weakens, the risk of inflammatory processes and infectious diseases increases. For example, colic in the bladder may well provoke cystitis. To such a symptom as colic, you need to be treated with special care, because it is at an early stage of bearing a child that the probability of a miscarriage reaches the highest level.
Often, from the first days after conception, the woman's belly becomes very sensitive, both to touching and the slightest changes from within. If the pain is not strong, quickly passes and does not bring the pregnant discomfort, there is no cause for concern, since at the 5th-6th week the uterus increases considerably in size, as a result of which the ligaments holding it are stretched. This process causes mild colic in the lower abdomen, drawing pains, tingling. However, if the pain intensifies, becomes acute, unbearable, and accompanied by a poor state of health, this is a very disturbing symptom, which may indicate the presence of an ectopic pregnancy or the threat of miscarriage (depending on the period). If the egg is "stuck" in the tube, its division and growth provokes a rupture of the uterine tube, and often the symptom of this process is an attack of colic in the lower abdomen, as well as an increasing intense pain. In this case, a pregnant woman may lose consciousness. Often accompanying signs of an ectopic pregnancy are nausea, frequent urination, fever. This condition is very dangerous for a woman, and the ectopic pregnancy itself requires immediate surgical intervention.
Colic in early pregnancy, which manifests as an attack of severe cramping pain, can signal a spontaneous abortion (miscarriage). In this case, the pain is intense, pulling, localized in the lower abdomen, as well as "giving" the lower back, the area of the sacrum, groin. Bloody discharge is another symptom that indicates a threat of spontaneous abortion. In this case, the woman needs urgent hospitalization in a medical institution.
According to medical research, women who experience pain during menstruation may complain of similar symptoms during pregnancy. Colic in the abdomen is caused by physiological changes in the organism of the future mother. The main thing is to pay attention to the intensity and frequency of colic. If the pain increases, it becomes cramped, acute, then the doctor can not do without the help.
Diagnosis of colic during pregnancy
Colic during pregnancy is manifested in the form of a sharp pain and are the result of a prolonged muscle spasm. Causes of colic can be various factors: both the physiological changes in the body of a woman on the background of pregnancy, and various diseases. Regardless of the reasons for the appearance of colic, a pregnant woman needs medical advice.
Diagnosis of colic during pregnancy consists in examination of the patient (including abdominal palpation, gynecological examination), medical examination (delivery of tests) and identification of factors provoking this symptom. It can be a normal hormonal alteration of the body during child bearing, which increases the level of progesterone. The hormone affects the intestines, relaxing it and causing mild colic. The increase in the uterus and, as a result, the sprain of the ligaments that hold it, is one of the main causes of colic in the early stages of pregnancy. Malnutrition in the form of intractable food can cause intestinal colic. In this case, the pregnant woman will need to change the diet, adding foods rich in fiber.
Diagnosis of the causes of colic can only a doctor, so a pregnant woman is so important in a timely manner to seek medical help. The precise establishment of the diagnosis directly determines the success of the treatment. Especially dangerous are renal and hepatic colic, which are characterized by a severe attack, intense pains and concomitant symptoms. When they occur, a pregnant woman needs urgent hospitalization.
After diagnosis, a pregnant woman is usually prescribed antispasmodics, as well as recommendations on nutrition, the regime of the day, an individual set of exercises is selected. If necessary, in the treatment of colic, the doctor prescribes medicines taking into account the possible risks to the health of the future mother and her baby. Duration of reception of drugs will be prescribed by a doctor, and a pregnant woman should strictly follow all of its prescriptions and recommendations. Only in this way can she get rid of unpleasant symptoms and protect herself and her child from possible dangers.
Who to contact?
Treatment of colic in pregnancy
Colic during pregnancy can have a different nature of their origin. When this symptom is associated with hormonal reorganization of the female body on the background of conception and development of pregnancy, a special treatment for a future mother is not required. Usually, light tingling in the lower abdomen is a common sign of a pregnancy that has occurred. However, if the cause of manifestation of colic during childbearing lies in the disease of the internal organs, a pregnant woman needs a consultation of a medical specialist who will prescribe the examination and choose the optimal method of treatment.
Pregnant women are strongly advised not to engage in self-medication and take any measures when colic occurs prior to the examination of the doctor. Even uncontrolled use of pain medication can harm both the future mother and her child, because such drugs "smear" the clinical picture of the disease, because of which it will be more difficult for the doctor to identify the cause of the disease. The best way is to call an ambulance.
Treatment of colic during pregnancy is, first of all, in the identification of diseases that provoke this symptom. It can be:
- pyelonephritis (inflammatory process in the kidneys);
- cholecystitis (inflammatory process in the gallbladder);
- urolithiasis (formation of stones in the kidneys, bladder or ureters);
- cholelithiasis (formation of stones in the gallbladder);
- stenosis (constriction) of the urinary tract, resulting in increased renal pressure and development of colic;
- viral hepatitis (inflammation of the liver) - A, B, C or D;
- tumors of the digestive tract, pancreas, as well as kidneys or liver.
The treatment should be as safe as possible for the fetus, so the doctor has a difficult task - selecting treatment methods that will be effective and at the same time will not cause harm to the child. Usually attack colic is removed with spasmolytic drugs (No-shpoy, Baralgin, Spazmalgon). After conducting an additional examination and obtaining the results of the tests, the doctor will prescribe a treatment for pregnant women, taking into account the detected disease. When intestinal colic, doctors often attribute to pregnant Espumizan - a drug that has proved to be an effective and safe remedy for flatulence.
Treatment of renal and hepatic colic is carried out exclusively in a hospital under the supervision of a physician. Pregnant can be placed in the maternity ward, because such complications are fraught with premature birth. Urolithiasis is treated with drugs that "dissolve" stones, because surgical intervention during pregnancy is highly undesirable. In this disease, diuretic herbs also help. If colic is caused by an inflammatory disease, pregnant women are prescribed gentle antibacterial drugs, in extreme cases - antibiotics. If the spasm can not be eliminated, a special procedure is used - stenting the ureter. In this case, an expanding tube is inserted into the urethra, which helps restore the natural passage of urine.
One of the important recommendations of the doctor for the occurrence of colic associated with abnormalities of the digestive tract, is the control of the diet of the pregnant woman. To avoid intestinal colic, a future mother should be excluded from the diet of "heavy" food (sharp, fatty and fried dishes, smoked meat, pickles, carbonated drinks). It is best to give preference only to "light", natural food, useful for the stomach and the whole body: fruits and vegetables, sour-milk products, cereals, lean meat, stews.
Preventing colic during pregnancy
Colic during pregnancy can be prevented if you follow the advice and recommendations of the doctor about proper nutrition during the period of bearing the baby, and also take full care of yourself and the baby.
Prevention of colic during pregnancy is the prevention of diseases that most often cause this symptom: cholelithiasis, acute intestinal infections, cholecystitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, stenosis and other painful conditions.
To avoid the occurrence of colic, a pregnant woman should follow simple preventive principles and rules:
- Doing a healthy lifestyle without bad habits.
- Moderate physical and psychological stress.
- Regular visit to the observing obstetrician-gynecologist.
- Rational, balanced, divided meals without harmful food for the body.
- Refusal from excessive consumption of mineral waters, which contain a large number of salts and minerals.
- Complete rest.
In order to avoid intestinal colic due to the formation of gases, the future mummy needs to be careful that there are not too many legumes, cabbage, raw vegetables, some fruits in her diet. New foods should be introduced into the diet carefully, in small portions. Adjusting the work of the stomach and intestines will help the daily performance of moderate exercise.
Daily walks in the fresh air are also necessary, because they promote good health, maintain muscle tone and strengthen the body of a pregnant woman. If the future mother has exacerbated chronic gastritis, anti-inflammatory therapy is recommended. If renal colic occurs, the main preventive measure is the consultation of the nephrologist and the timely diagnosis of the disease.
As for the colic in the lower abdomen, often found in the early stages of bearing a baby, they do not require prevention, because they are caused by physiological processes in the female body. If there are colic, do not panic, but if the attacks increase, and the intensity of pain and spasms increases, the pregnant woman is best to contact her doctor. If episodic gastric and intestinal colic can be stopped at home, then if there is a suspicion of renal colic, you should immediately go to the hospital.
Colic during pregnancy should in no case be ignored, even if it is a question of weakly expressed pain symptoms. The best method to protect yourself and the child is to seek the advice of an experienced medical professional, and, if necessary, to undergo a thorough examination and inpatient treatment. Timely consultation with a doctor and effective treatment will help to prevent the threat of miscarriage or premature birth.