Intestinal colic during pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Causes of intestinal colic in pregnancy
Colic during pregnancy most often occur in the intestines, and at the very beginning of the period of bearing the baby their manifestation is caused by the migration of the egg into the uterus. A few days after conception, mild symptoms of intestinal colic may appear due to an increase in the body of the future mother of progesterone, which relaxes the walls of the intestine.
If such symptoms do not go away, but, on the contrary, the woman worries more and more often, even while eating or during defecation, it is necessary to tell your doctor about it immediately.
Medical practice shows that intestinal colic in pregnant women have pronounced signs that are almost impossible to confuse with some other:
- the periodic nature of spasms in the intestine;
- rumbling in the abdomen, its turbulence, swelling and a feeling of "bursting";
- flatulence;
- nausea and vomiting;
- a feeling of "heaviness" in the abdomen;
- deterioration of appetite;
- problems with bowel movement, or frequent defecation.
Intestinal colic during pregnancy is often observed in stressful situations, malnutrition (the presence of fatty, acute, "heavy" food in the diet), because of a sedentary lifestyle. In expectant mothers who are prone to nervousness, or are constantly in a state of fear, anxiety and excitement, intestinal colic manifests itself in full.
It should be noted that cramping abdominal pains occur not only at the beginning of pregnancy, but also especially often in the last months of childbearing. And this is not surprising, because the constant growth of the fetus causes displacement of the internal organs of the pregnant woman, in particular, deforms the walls of the intestine, provoking colic, and also making it difficult to empty.
If a pregnant woman has intestinal colic of an allergic nature, then this can be determined using laboratory analysis of feces for the presence of eosinophils and pointed crystals. In any case, only the doctor will be able to perform an accurate diagnosis, so when a colic occurs, the pregnant woman is best advised to go to a medical facility.
Symptoms of intestinal colic in pregnancy
Colic during pregnancy delivers to future mothers discomfort and very unpleasant sensations. Some of the most common colic in pregnant women are intestinal. Usually, they occur with malnutrition, the use of acute, fatty, hard-to-digest food, as well as carbonated drinks that cause bloating.
Symptoms of intestinal colic during pregnancy are usually pronounced:
- sudden cramping aching pains in the lower abdomen, often having a growing character;
- flatulence, turbulence and bloating;
- decreased appetite due to dyspeptic disorder (sensation of "heaviness" in the abdomen, nausea and vomiting);
- various violations in the formation of feces (diarrhea, constipation, the presence of mucous discharge in feces);
- dizziness and general weakness.
The duration of intestinal colic during pregnancy can be several hours, or several days. In this case, exacerbations are often replaced by remissions. Painful and sharp, can pierce the body in the lower back, then move to the abdominal and groin area. Sometimes an attack of intestinal colic is accompanied by dysuric phenomena: pain and burning during urination, frequent urge to the toilet. This is explained by the fact that the growing uterus squeezes the internal organs of the small pelvis and the abdominal cavity, and with bloating the situation is complicated.
Symptoms of intestinal colic during pregnancy can be supplemented by increased blood pressure, especially if the attack lasts a long time. To prevent the development of complications, the expectant mother should promptly consult a doctor for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.
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Treatment of intestinal colic in pregnancy
Colic in pregnancy caused by abnormalities in the intestine is most often encountered in the period of gestation and is associated with hormonal and physiological changes in the body of the future mother, in particular, the "relaxing" effect of progesterone, the growing uterus, the position of the fetus. Often, the cause of the appearance of intestinal colic is the malnutrition of a pregnant woman, whose diet is dominated by "heavy" food for the digestive system.
Treatment of intestinal colic during pregnancy is reduced to the elimination of this symptom with the help of antispasmodics - for example, No-shpy. Espumizan, which is characterized by inertia and is not absorbed into the digestive tract and blood, will ease the condition of the pregnant woman, therefore it is an absolutely safe remedy. The dosage of Espumizan should be determined by the attending physician. Usually it is a three-time intake of 2 capsules of this drug. The main factor aimed at reducing intestinal colic and getting rid of them, is diet. In order to avoid unpleasant symptoms for a future mother, it is recommended to adhere to a diet that excludes from the daily menu fried, sharp, fatty dishes, smoked foods and pickles, flour products - in short, everything that makes the process of digestion hard.
Alternative means of treatment of intestinal colic is the reception of decoctions of medicinal plants that have analgesic and soothing effect, and also relieve intestinal cramps and reduce gas formation. This is peppermint, lemon balm, valerian, fennel seeds, etc. Before applying any form of alternative medicine to a pregnant woman, it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to avoid negative side effects.
Good tea helps in the treatment of intestinal colic tea from fennel, for the preparation of which seeds of a special type of dill are used. Usually such tea can be bought in a pharmacy, it is also widely used in pediatrics to eliminate colic in newborns. Pregnant women should simply brew stronger tea to achieve the desired effect.
You can try a long-proven and very common method of treating intestinal colic in pregnant women with a decoction of fennel seeds cooked in milk (1 tablespoon of seeds per glass of milk). Freshly squeezed carrot juice is an excellent remedy for improving intestinal peristalsis. It should be taken 1 glass before meals.
Broth from the bark of oak, angelica and aura perfectly removes spasm and eliminates bloating. To make it, mix (1 tablespoon of each ingredient), pour 1 liter of boiled water and insist for an hour. Take 2 tbsp. Spoon three times a day.
Decoction of chamomile is a universal remedy that has an anti-inflammatory effect and can help to eliminate the symptoms of colic in the stomach and intestines. A teaspoon of chamomile should be poured a glass of boiling water, defend, drain and take 1 teaspoon every 2 hours.
The motherwort juice removes intestinal spasms. To prepare a healing agent, 1 teaspoon of juice should be diluted in 100 g of water and taken before meals. To prevent bloating of the future mother, it is recommended to include in the diet raw pumpkin, apples and artichokes.
Treatment of intestinal colic during pregnancy should be rational; while medications are prescribed to a woman only after consulting a doctor. If, in addition to colic, a pregnant woman has constipation, it is necessary to include more liquid in the diet: natural juices, tea, herbal decoctions. In this case, it is best to use fractional meals in small portions (5-6 times a day), including the use of fermented milk products. Pregnant should monitor the chair daily, and also ensure that food is always freshly prepared and varied. In addition, the future mother needs to adjust the regime of the day. Often, violation of the regime, frequent insomnia, stress, fatigue and experience lead to a malfunction of the nervous system, and also contribute to increased flatulence, which leads to new attacks of colic.