Hypertension of the 2nd degree
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Hypertensive disease, unfortunately, is today one of the most common pathologies. Especially it concerns the population of industrial countries. In recent years, doctors have also stated that the disease has become significantly younger. Pathological abnormalities today can be found even in a teenager. In this article, we will try to understand the question, what is hypertension of the 2nd degree, how dangerous and sensitive is it to adequate therapy?
Causes of the hypertension 2 degrees
Traditionally, high blood pressure is associated with people of retirement age. To some extent this is correct, because with age, a narrowing of the lumen in small blood vessels occurs in the person, as a result of which the passage of blood through them is slowed. The heart muscle has to exert more effort (pressure) to pump the blood fluid - hence the growth of blood pressure. But there are many more sources capable of provoking such a situation. What are the main causes of hypertension of the 2nd degree?
- For these reasons, we refer already specified age-related pathological changes associated with the loss of vessels of elasticity (atherosclerosis).
- High blood pressure may also be a hereditary predisposition.
- A sedentary lifestyle can lead to a pathological situation.
- Bad habits: addiction to nicotine or alcohol.
- Overweight.
- Diabetes mellitus, thyroid problems.
- Complicated pregnancy.
- Tumors of different genesis.
- Increased salt intake, which slows the withdrawal from the body of the fluid.
- Severe vascular problems.
- Not a rational diet, weighed down with fatty foods, foods with high cholesterol.
- Pathology in the functioning of the kidney and urinary system.
- Changes in the hormonal background.
- Prolonged stressful situations.
- The intense, accelerated rhythm of modern life, the socium of a megacity.
Initially, a mild form of AD is observed in a person, which is caused by a slight increase in pressure (only twenty to forty units). As a rule, the indicators on the tonometer change in jumps: the pressure that takes off, then returns to normal. Man is essentially amorphous and does not always react to minor discomfort. If no measures are taken, the body adapts and gets used to live with a new load. Against the background of consistently high blood pressure, all organs and systems of the body respond to a greater pressure. This situation can lead to hypertensive crisis, which, in turn, can cause myocardial infarction, stroke, cerebral edema or lungs.
Risk number 2 for hypertension 2 degrees
Medical workers divide the hypertensive disease according to the degrees of risk that it is able to bear. In assessing, such criteria are considered as factors aggravating the patient's health situation, as well as the likelihood of irretrievable damage to the thinking organs (the brain and the blood supply system), target organs (eg, the heart, eyes, kidneys). Target organs are those organs that suffer the most from high blood pressure, even if it does not cause any unpleasant symptoms.
To the factors that aggravate the situation can be attributed:
- Age criterion: for members of the stronger sex - this is the age of 55 years and above, for women - this rubicon is 65 years old.
- The level of cholesterol in the plasma exceeds the index of 6.5 mmol per liter.
- Long period of smoking.
- Pathologically burdened hereditary anamnesis.
- Overweight, obesity.
- Diabetes.
- Inactive way of life, hypodynamia.
To the most easily category carry hypertension of the first degree, not burdened by accompanying factors. In the background of such hypertension, the risk of oppression of target organs during the decade is less than 15%.
Risk number 2 with hypertension 2 degrees - in this case, aggravating parameters are either completely absent or the patient's history is burdened by one or two of the above-mentioned factors. In such a situation, the possibility of obtaining changes in the target organs is characterized by the numbers 15-20%.
The third degree of risk is diagnosed if there are three burdening categories. The probability of inhibiting the body can be estimated from 20 to 30%.
The last fourth degree of risk is when against a background of four or more burdening factors diagnosed in a patient's anamnesis, hypertensive pathology develops. The probability of burdening the condition is more than 30%. When the disease of this category of risk is clearly manifested associated clinical conditions.
"Hypertension 2 degrees, risk 2" - this diagnosis is made to the patient, if at the time of diagnosis he did not have a stroke, there is no pathological changes in the endocrine system (including diabetes), that is, the patient, at the moment, worries only arterial hypertension. At the same time, excessive body weight markedly increases the risk of irreversible pathological changes in the human body.
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Risk number 3 for hypertension 2 degrees
If the doctor estimates the possibility of developing regressive changes in the heart area, presumably by 20 to 30 percent, in this case a diagnosis is made of "grade 2 hypertension, risk 3". Most of these patients have a history of diabetes mellitus, symptomatology is burdened by atherosclerotic plaques that affect small vessels. In such a situation, kidney filters are most likely to progress, and kidney dysfunction is observed. Against this background, the steadily worsening coronary circulation leading to coronary heart disease, even in 30-40 years, allows to detect hypertension of the 2nd degree risk 3.
Risk number 4 for hypertension 2 degrees
If the patient already has a "whole bunch" of diseases, including diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis - this is an unambiguous indication for the diagnosis of "grade 2 hypertension, risk 4". In this situation, hypertension only exacerbates the already difficult situation with human health. A similar diagnosis is also made for patients who have survived one or two myocardial infarctions, no matter in what area of the myocardium the ischemic necrosis of the site occurred and what is the area of the lesion.
It should be understood that the risk is prognostic, and not an absolute parameter. He assumes the possibility of developing complications and if the patient understands what is his disease, then, having taken preventive and therapeutic measures, he can reduce the likelihood of progression of complications, but the diagnosis itself can not change.
It is necessary to know that people with arterial hypertension, leading a healthy lifestyle and taking care of their health, live a sufficiently high quality life and for a long time. Whereas with a burdened history and high risk, the life span is significantly reduced. Timely diagnosed and effectively conducted treatment aimed at reducing blood pressure indicators, makes it possible to extend the number of years lived.
Symptoms of the hypertension 2 degrees
In case of hypertension of this category, the tonometer shows the systolic pressure figures - 160 - 180 mm Hg. Art. And above, diastolic - 100 - 110 mm Hg. Art. This parameter is observed almost constantly and at this stage become more intense. Symptoms of hypertension of the 2nd degree are somewhat blurred in their manifestation and are determined by such phenomena:
- Dizziness.
- Face and eyelids edematous.
- Hyperemic skin of the face, can appear capillary mesh.
- In the temples, there is pain and ripple.
- Pain symptomatology in the occipital region.
- In the morning, a person wakes up broken, feeling lethargic and apathetic throughout the day.
- Swelling of the upper extremities.
- There may be fits of "flickering midges", in the eyes darkens.
- There is a tachycardia (palpitation).
- There are problems with memory.
- A constant noise background is heard in your ears.
- Emotional instability: tearfulness, irritability, high excitability.
- Expansion of the vessels of the eye proteins (sclera).
- To compensate for the resistance to blood flow there is a thickening of the wall of the left ventricle of the heart.
- Problems with urination associated with pathological changes in the vessels of the kidneys.
Pressure for hypertension 2 degrees
The second degree of hypertension is attributed to moderate hypertension. Indications of systolic pressure fall in the limit of 160 - 180 mm. Gt; Art. (sometimes higher), the diastolic pressure, mainly, is indicated by numbers from 100 to 110 mm. Gt; Art. Compared with the first degree, the pressure for hypertension of the 2nd degree shows a longer increase in blood pressure. Normalization of indicators is quite rare. The pathological characteristics of arterial hypertension become constant, stably high. The patient has frequent headaches, often accompanied by severe dizziness, loss of spatial orientation. Thus the person can feel loss of sensitivity in phalanges of the top and bottom extremities. The patient is overcome by flushes of blood to the face, provoking puffiness and "flickering of midges" before the eyes.
Against the background of the negative changes taking place in the body, the patient begins to experience constant fatigue, there are problems with sleeping, daytime activity and disability decline. If the disease does not begin to be intensively treated, then the pathology continues to progress, risking a shift to a more severe degree.
If the pressure for hypertension of the 2nd degree did not stop in time, the pain behind the sternum gradually begins to manifest, the heart failure starts to develop, the atherosclerosis progresses progressively, there is a non-progressing malfunction in the functioning of the kidneys.
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Pregnancy and hypertension 2 degrees
Pregnancy and hypertension 2 degrees - these two concepts are not the best allies in the way of bearing and giving birth to an infant. But even in such a situation, the future mother is able to endure and produce a completely healthy child. It should immediately be stipulated that with hypertension of the third degree pregnant and giving birth to a woman is categorically contraindicated (this can become a threat to the life of the mother directly).
If the second degree of pathology is diagnosed, then the successful period of gestation and obstetrics is a very real event, but only if before the onset of conception the woman's heart and kidneys worked normally, and there were no hypertensive crises.
It is not necessary to remind that in case the woman's history is burdened with hypertension, during pregnancy and delivery, the pregnant woman should be under the constant control of the cardiologist. A constant monitoring of the fetal condition is also necessary. The specialist more closely monitors how correctly his development is going on, and reflexes are formed. In case of medical necessity, the obstetrician-gynecologist or cardiologist appoints a course of treatment, which should include drugs that improve the condition of the woman, but do not have a significant pathological effect on the embryo.
Repeatedly, there have been cases when blood pressure indicators have independently reduced their rates at an early pregnancy or, conversely, a woman first encountered hypertension precisely in this period. In this case, doctors note in pregnant women who suffer from hypertension, toxicosis in late pregnancy, which is unacceptable for both mother and future man. During this period, the pregnant woman may have problems with the eyes, headaches intensify, frequent nausea and vomiting. But there are also more serious complications: detachment of the eye retina and hemorrhage in the brain.
A constant, vigilant control of a woman's condition from a gynecologist and a cardiologist is necessary. A pregnant woman should very scrupulously comply with all of their prescriptions if she wants to give birth to a normal healthy baby.
What's bothering you?
Diagnostics of the hypertension 2 degrees
Diagnostic techniques for determining any disease distinguish between instrumental methods of research and physical. The first thing that each doctor does is listen to the patient's complaints. On their basis the doctor gets a certain idea of the pathology. But great information can not always be obtained from this, especially if the disease is not of an essential (hereditary) nature, but manifests itself only in certain symptoms. With this, the diagnosis of hypertension of the 2nd degree also begins.
Poor state of health of the patient and symptomatic of negative manifestations allow the doctor to initially assume the presence of hypertension of the 2nd stage. The next step is usually monitoring blood pressure, which is measured twice a day (in the morning and in the evening) for two weeks. If the patient is already observed in a doctor with hypertension 1 degree, then the "new" diagnosis becomes almost automatic, in the case of ineffective therapy and further increase in blood pressure with additional symptoms.
The physical methods of research include:
- Regular measurement of blood pressure with a tonometer.
- Research of the state of peripheral vessels.
- Assessment of the skin: the presence of swelling and hyperemia.
- Percussion of the vascular bundle is performed.
- Listening with a stethoscope of the heart and lung.
- Percutaneous (by tapping with phalanges of fingers) determination of the configuration of the heart.
A qualified specialist with such a technique, even at the inspection stage, is able to put forward a guess about the complications of the vascular system, heart and kidneys.
Instrumental methods make it possible to conduct both direct studies and indirect evidence of developing pathology.
- Ultrasonic examination of the kidneys, liver, glands of the endocrine system, pancreas is carried out. This method allows you to assess the state of organs, discovering the cause of the pathology, to assess the consequences of complications.
- Heart ultrasound, echocardiography. Using the technique, you can visually examine left ventricular hypertrophy, and in case of its dilatation (dilatation), assess the level of cardiac decompensation.
- In parallel with the echocardiogram, an assessment is also made of the electrical activity of the heart muscles, which is obtained by ECG (electrocardiograms). This method allows you to get a clinical picture of the changes affecting the body.
- Dopplerography allows you to assess the situation with stenosis of the renal arteries. It suffices to narrow one vessel in order to begin to progress arterial hypertension. With thrombosis of the blood vessel, the indications corresponding to hypertension of the 2nd degree are indicated almost instantaneously. The therapy of this pathology is long enough and can not give the expected result. The response of the body to this situation is the activation of the renin-aldosterone-angiotensin system. The humoral indicator is basic in the functioning of these systems, and it can be called the most powerful and long-lasting mechanism aimed at stimulating the growth of blood pressure.
- Analysis of urine and blood.
Hypertension 2 degrees - a pathology that is the result of failures in the functioning of the endocrine glands, the kidney system, or a morphological or functional impairment in target organs (for example, the heart). On the recognition of these abnormalities and directed diagnostics of hypertension of the 2nd degree.
How to examine?
What tests are needed?
Who to contact?
Treatment of the hypertension 2 degrees
Only after carrying out all necessary researches it is possible to receive a full picture of pathological changes in a status of an organism on a basis to which the diagnosis is made. Only after this it is possible to begin treatment of hypertension of the 2nd degree. Therapy, mainly, is painted by the district therapist. To clarify and adjust the treatment schedule, you may need to consult a cardiologist or a neurologist.
The traditional strategy of treatment of hypertension of the 2 nd degree includes:
- Diuretics, or diuretics. They include veroshpiron, ravel, thiazide, furosemide, diver and others.
- Mandatoryly prescribed antihypertensive drugs: bisoprolol, physiotherosis, artil, lisinopril and other drugs of a similar effect.
- Drugs that reduce cholesterol in the blood. It can be zovastikor, atorvastatin.
- Appointed and drugs that reduce the density of blood: cardiomagnesium, aspidic.
It is worth knowing that special importance in the quality of therapy is given to the timing accuracy of the medication: it is necessary to take medicines strictly by the hour.
Scheme of treatment of hypertension 2 degrees
It must be remembered that it is not worthwhile to treat hypertension alone. Such liberty can significantly complicate the situation, including disability, and even the threat of life. The treatment regimen for grade 2 hypertension is strictly individual for each patient. Therapy, usually, is appointed complex, which includes not one, but several different drugs. This approach to treatment allows you to act purposefully at once on different processes that provoke a high level of blood pressure. In addition, this approach to treatment makes it possible to use drugs with reduced dosages, since some drugs, when tandem, increase the pharmacodynamics of each other.
But there are problems with this purpose. When complex therapy is necessary to carefully select the drugs, because they not only "help" to activate the pharmacological properties of the "neighbor", but can not combine, being antagonists. In the end, instead of improving the situation, you can get additional complications.
The treatment regimen for hypertension of the 2nd degree is written down specifically the sex of the patient. When compiling it, the attending doctor should take into account: •
- Age qualification.
- Propensity to hypodynamia.
- The violations in the endocrine system are assessed:
- Diabetes.
- Excess weight.
- Having problems with the cardiovascular system.
- Angina pectoris.
- Tachycardia.
- Dysfunction of the heart.
- Failures in the functioning of other target organs.
- High amount of cholesterol in the blood plasma.
Only those medications prescribed for which the patient does not have contraindications are prescribed and who have shown themselves well in tandem work. But even in this case, for the first time, close monitoring of the patient's condition is necessary, in order to avoid unwanted reactions. If necessary, the preparations are changed to other, similar characteristics.
The doctor takes into account the specificity of each medicine. To date, the most complete data on the effects are on diuretics and beta-blockers, which have long been used in medicine. Doctors know that the maximum therapeutic result from them can be obtained only at the initial stage of the disease. Innovative drugs are not yet thoroughly studied, although there are already some positive indicators. A qualified doctor is able to accurately predict the expected effectiveness of a combination of drugs.
One of the main rules of the scheme therapy is the clarity of maintaining time indicators and the continuity of medication.
Medicines for hypertension of the 2nd degree
To stop high pressure apply different methods of exposure to the body and their combinations. The doctor can prescribe medicines for hypertension of the 2nd degree in a complex. Such therapy may include:
- Medications:
- Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are drugs that relieve blood vessel tension by reducing the production of a hormone that leads to their narrowing.
- Inhibitors of ARB - their action is akin to previous drugs - they inhibit the receptors of angiotensin II.
- Calcium channel blockers allow you to monitor the effect of calcium on the state of blood vessels and the myocardium. The drugs relieve muscle tension, relax the blood vessels.
- Beta-blockers are drugs that have a direct effect on the cardiovascular system. They reduce the rate of contractions of the heart muscle, thereby relieving the heart. O
- Renin inhibitors reduce blood renin activity, providing cardioprotective and nephroprotective efficacy.
- As medicines for hypertension of the 2nd degree, the prescriptions of our ancestors are also used. In general, herbal compositions with sedative properties are used: chamomile, peppermint, valerian, hawthorn, melissa. Products of beekeeping, citrus fruits are actively used.
- Mandatory power adjustment.
Tablets with hypertension 2 degrees
In the process of therapy, the treating therapist ascribes tablets for hypertension of the 2nd degree in different directions. Necessarily appointed diuretics. For example, a thiazide, which effectively removes excess fluid from the body of the patient. For adults, the drug is administered in a dosage of 0.6 to 0.8 g daily, divided into three to four doses. Children prescribed a medicine at the rate of 10 - 20 mg per kilogram of the weight of the baby. In the case of pronounced side effects, the amount of medication taken is reduced: adults up to 30 mg, children - up to 5 mg per kilogram. Duration of treatment is controlled by a doctor.
Contraindications for prescription include leukopenia and individual intolerance to the drug.
Together with diuretics the doctor also prescribes medicines of a different orientation. ACE inhibitors: captopril, lisinopril, trandolapril, enalapril, quinapril, cilazapril, ramipril, fosinopril, perindopril.
Captopril is administered orally an hour before meals. The starting dose is 25 mg, administered twice per day. In case of medical necessity, the amount of medication with a period of two to four weeks can be raised, until the necessary result is obtained. If the patient is diagnosed with impaired renal function, the starting dosage is lower. And only through a longer interval is allowed an increase in the dose.
Contraindicated captopril in the case of pronounced renal and renal failure, stenosis of the aortic aorta, with angioedema, cardiogenic shock, during pregnancy and lactation, patients younger than 18 years.
BRA inhibitors are used in complex therapy: losartan, candesartan, eprosartan, telmisartan, irbesartan, olmesaran, valsartan.
Candesartan is administered orally once a day in a dosage of 4 mg - this is the starting amount of the drug. The maximum permissible daily dose should not exceed 16 mg, in the case of maintenance therapy - 8 mg. For patients with impaired renal and / or liver function, the starting amount of the drug is 2 mg.
Candesartan is not allowed for use in the case of a baby carrying and breast feeding.
In complex therapy, beta-blockers are used - tablets with hypertension of the 2nd degree - such as acebutolol, metoprolol, pindolol, oxprenolol, atenolol, sotalol, bisoprolol, propranolol, timolol.
Metoprolol is administered orally with food or immediately after a meal. The starting amount of the drug is 0.05 - 0.1 g, spaced by one or two doses. If the desired therapeutic result is not observed, the dosage gradually rises to 0.1-0.2 g, or another antihypertensive agent is administered in parallel. The amount of medicine taken should not exceed 0.2 g
Contraindications to this drug are quite extensive and must be very carefully taken into account. Do not enter this medication in the protocol of treatment with severe bradycardia, decompensational heart failure, angina pectoris, cardiogenic shock, during pregnancy and lactation, with increased sensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as persons under 18 years of age.
Calcium channel blockers: amlodipine, lacidipine, nisodipine, lekranidipine, diltiazem, nicardipine, verapamil, felodipine, nifedipine, isradipine.
Lecranidipine is used with a small amount of fluid 15 minutes before the planned meal. The drug is prescribed for 10 mg once daily throughout the day. In the event that it is not possible to achieve therapeutic efficacy, the dosage, gradually increasing, can be brought up to 20 mg per day.
Do not prescribe a drug to a patient if he has a history of chronic heart failure, decompensation, liver and kidney dysfunction, unstable angina and bradycardia, individual intolerance to the constituents of the medicine, as well as lactose, pregnancy, lactation, galactosemia, age up to 18 years, syndrome of impaired absorption capacity of galactose-glucose.
Renin inhibitors, for example, are aliskiren. This drug is administered to the body regardless of the time of ingestion. The recommended starting dosage is 0.15 g once a day. A positive antihypertensive result can be observed after two weeks of therapy. If there is no or insufficient effect, the dosage can be increased and adjusted to 0.3 g, taken once a day.
Contraindicated drug for admission with severe disruption of the kidney and liver, if the patient is on hemodialysis, with increased sensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as persons under 18 years of age.
In case the therapy does not bring tangible results, the doctor replaces the medicine, for example, with alpha-blockers. These drugs are classified as strong vasodilating drugs of central action. But the use of alpha-blockers is burdened with serious side effects.
Herbs for hypertension of the 2nd degree
It is not superfluous to consider herbs and herbal preparations, which are quite effective against grade 2 hypertension.
- You can prepare such a collection (the herbs are taken in equal proportions): motherwort, marsh swine, horsetail field, valerian root medicinal. A decoction from this combination shows itself perfectly well with single BP races in a stressful situation. Has diuretic properties.
- In equal parts: peppermint, gooseweed, chamomile, crust bark, yarrow.
- Effective and such herbs for hypertension of the 2 nd degree: two parts - herb Leonurus, hawthorn flowers, marsh swine; on one part - horsetail field, birch leaf, adonis spring.
- The listed fees are prepared as follows: one teaspoon of the formulation is poured 200 g of boiling water and for 15 minutes it is kept in a water bath. Then it cools and strains. The resulting liquid is divided into two and drink half an hour before meals during the day.
- You can also prepare such a collection: three parts of ashberry and four berries of wild rose and hawthorn, two parts of dill seeds. Lit with hot water (boiling water), pour three tablespoons of the collection. Two hours in a thermos. Drink a glass three times a day.
- Good efficiency is shown by the juice of the viburnum, taken one fourth of a glass three to four times a day.
Nutrition for hypertension 2 degrees
Not the last place in therapy is taken and nutrition with hypertension of the 2nd degree. People suffering from this disease should understand those products that are not strictly worth eating:
- Foods high in fat: fatty meats and fish.
- Confectionery, ice cream, cake, buns, crackers, chips.
- Production of fast food.
- Alcoholic beverages.
- Drinks are high in caffeine.
- Spicy and spicy foods, smoked products, salting and preserving.
- Limit the amount of salt consumed.
- Reduce the intake of animal fats (sour cream, butter).
- Minimize the use of easily digestible carbohydrates: jam, sweets, jams, sugar.
- Get rid of smoking.
That it is possible to recommend:
- It is necessary to eat a lot of parsley - it is an indispensable assistant of blood vessels of the circulatory system.
- It is not bad to introduce nuts and dried fruits into your diet - they are just a storehouse of vitamins and microelements, especially potassium (which supports the function of the heart and takes part in the induction of fluid from the body) and magnesium (vasodilating properties).
- Do not ignore garlic in the diet. Daily intake of several teeth will spur the work of the heart.
- The first is better to cook vegetable, cereal or milk soups. On meat broth to consume no more than once a week.
- A day to drink no more than 1.5 liters of fluid.
More information of the treatment
A person is obliged to monitor his health. Therefore, the prevention of hypertension of the 2nd degree is an excellent opportunity to maintain health and prolong the quality of life longer. The rules of prevention are fairly simple and will not force a radical change in the habitual way of life. This especially affects people who are hereditarily burdened with hypertension. If the relatives were ill with arterial hypertension in the family, such a person should be taught the right way of life from an early childhood.
Let's single out a few basic recommendations, adhering to which you can maintain your pressure on the permissible values.
- First of all, food. It should be balanced, with a high content of vitamins and trace elements. Limitations on animal fats and foods with a high content of easily digestible carbohydrates.
- Exclude from their lives bad habits: nicotine, drugs and alcohol.
- Hypodinamy is hypertonia of the 2nd degree, movement is a normal full life: easy jogging in the morning, charging, daily walking, swimming.
- Complete rest.
- Watch your weight, avoiding obesity.
- Change of loads. Alternation of work and rest.
- It is necessary to avoid excitement and stressful situations.
- Do not ignore preventive examinations by specialists.
- At the first unpleasant symptoms, without delaying, to address to the qualified experts.
- The tonometer should be in every house, so that, if necessary, you can always independently measure your blood pressure.
It is worth noting that hypertension is not completely curable, but even in this situation it is possible to live fully and happily for many years. But this happens only on one condition: if hypertension is treated, adequately maintain blood pressure on normal figures and lead a healthy lifestyle. Then the prognosis of hypertension of the 2nd degree can be considered uniquely favorable. If some of these items are not fulfilled, the life time is significantly reduced.
Hypertension 2 degrees and the army
Many patients who are prone to this disease are interested in whether hypertension of the 2nd degree and the army are combined. Quite often we have to deal with this conflict of interests. The army does not want to lose an extra soldier, but a person does not want to spoil health even more.
Relying on the legislative base, we can state that hypertension of the 2nd degree is a contraindication to military service. A joint act of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Defense stipulates the correctness of confirmation of the diagnosis. If the disease is confirmed, such person is either commissarized or referred for treatment therapy, after which the question of the person's ability to continue military service is raised again.
Medical examination, according to the article of the Act, must be held in the hospital, where the draftee is subjected to a full medical examination. Based on its results, and on the basis of previous dispensary or outpatient observations for six months, a decision is made by the Military Medical Commission about the suitability or inadequacy of the conscript for military service.
Hypertension 2 degrees and disability
If the profession of a person with a diagnosis of hypertension of the 2 degree is associated with emotional - psychological or increased physical exertion, such an employee must be transferred to a more sparing regime. But if the disease is severe, frequent crises are observed - a disability is necessary. Hypertension 2 degrees and disability in this case go hand in hand. Such patients, usually, are transferred to the third group of disability, and with its further progression, despite the ongoing therapy, on II. With the stabilization of the disease and improvement in indicators, disability can be withdrawn or transferred from group II to III.
The decision on the appointment or removal of a disability is made by WTEC. Periodically, the patient undergoes a re-examination, according to the results of which a new decision is made.
Attacks of pressure surges today often enough worry not only people of advanced age. The disease is significantly younger. It is connected with the environment in which we have to live, but, above all, this situation depends on the person himself. In many ways, hypertension of the 2 nd degree is the result of a negligent attitude towards one's body. Only a healthy diet, an active lifestyle and timely treatment for help to doctors can become a pledge of an excellent well-being.