Physiotherapy with arterial hypertension
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Arterial hypertension is a multifactorial disease whose main clinical manifestations are persistent chronic increase in systolic and / or diastolic blood pressure, which is based on the genetic polygenic structural defect, which determines the high activity of long-acting pressor mechanisms.
When the course of the pathological process worsens, complex treatment is performed in stationary (hospital) conditions. Physiotherapy with arterial hypertension is very diverse and corresponds, in the first place, to the stages of the course of the disease. According to some authors, physiotherapeutic methods used in the treatment of patients with essential hypertension are divided into 4 groups.
- Group I - methods (factors) acting on neurophysiological and hemodynamic processes in the central nervous system: electrosleep, drug electrophoresis, galvanization, magnetotherapy (exposure to PeMP).
- II group - methods (factors) stimulating peripheral vasodepressor mechanisms. This effect on the sinocarotid area by diadynamic currents or on the collar region and the projection zone of the kidneys by sinusoidal modulated currents (amplipulse therapy).
- III group - methods (factors) that act on renal hemodynamics: inductothermy, ultrasound therapy, galvanization, amplipulse-therapy and magnetotherapy (the effect of PMP on the area of the projection of the kidneys).
- IV group - methods that have a common effect. This method of galvanizing in Vermel and Scherbak, various methods of hydro- and balneotherapy. To the above, it is necessary to add a physiotherapeutic method, such as the influence of OR - laser (magnetolaser) therapy. It is most effective in the initial stages of hypertensive disease, with essential hypertension, when neuroreflex mechanisms are the leading ones in pathogenesis.
For these purposes, it is possible to use both red (wavelength 0.63 μm) and infrared laser radiators (wavelength 0.8 - 0.9 μm). Affect the naked skin of the patient, the technique of exposure is contact, stable.
Fields of exposure to the irradiator with the area of the irradiated surface are about 1 cm 2 : I-IV - Paravertebrally along the vertebral column, two fields to the right and left at the level of CIII-ThIV; V - VI - area of the shoulder-blades; VII - VIII - supraclavicular areas at the midpoint of the clavicle.
The fields of action of the matrix radiator: I - III - along the middle along the spinous processes of the vertebrae at the level of CIII - ThIV; IV - V - area of the shoulder-blades; VI - VII - supraclavicular areas at the midpoint of the clavicle.
With the possibility of frequency modulation of the NLI, the optimum frequency is 10 Hz, but the effect is also effective in the continuous (quasicontinuous) radiation regime. Induction of the magnetic nozzle 20 - 40 mT. Time of exposure to one field is 2 minutes, for a course of treatment 10 to 15 procedures daily 1 time per day in the morning.
Given the etiopathogenetic conditionality of this pathology, instead of electrosleep procedures for many reasons, it is more advisable to use the information-wave action with the help of the Azor-IK apparatus to project the frontal lobes of the brain contact, stably, 2 times a day. The frequency of EMP modulation in the morning hours after waking up 21 Hz and before a night sleep of 2 Hz. Time of exposure on the field is 20 minutes, for a course of 10 to 15 daily procedures.
In the period of stable course of the disease in the presence or possible psycho-emotional and physical stress at home or at the patient's workplace, it is advisable to conduct the following physiotherapeutic courses! Effects (at least 10 daily procedures).
- Laser (magnetolaser) therapy in the morning hours at the workplace by the method described above.
- Magnetotherapy (PeMP) collar area also in the morning. It is advisable to use the portable device "Pole-2D". The technique is contact, stable. Effectively consecutively two fields on the area of the shoulder for 20 minutes on the field.
- Information-wave impact on the frontal lobes of the brain with the Azor-IC apparatus before the beginning of the working day (in the morning on waking) and in the evening (before bedtime) by similar methods of medical treatment.
It is possible to consistently perform procedures in one day with hypertension in outpatient and outpatient settings and at home:
- laser (magnetolaser) therapy + information-wave action on the frontal lobe of the brain 2 times a day (in the morning - 21 Hz, in the evening - 2 Hz) with the help of the Azor-IC apparatus;
- magnetotherapy (PeMP) of the collar area + information-wave action on the frontal lobe of the brain 2 times a day (in the morning - 21 Hz, in the evening - 2 Hz) with the help of the Azor-IC apparatus.
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