
Information about doctor

The professor Ehud Raanani is a world-famous cardio and thoracic surgeon with professional experience of more than 25 years. His specialization includes such medical areas:

  • Treatment of aortic aneurysms.
  • Correction of heart valves.
  • Coronary artery bypass surgery with connection and without an artificial blood circulation apparatus.
  • Endoprosthetics of heart valves.
  • Removal of heart tumors and many other types of surgery.

Ehud Raanani experienced surgeon and international expert. The professor is the head of the Israeli Association of Cardiothoracic Surgery, a member of the European and American Association of Cardiac Surgeons.

The doctor specializes in the treatment of atrial fibrillation with the newest method MAZE, the therapeutic efficacy of which is more than 90%. It also Ehud Raanani carries out complex operations on the chest and chest cavity organs. Operations take place in a hybrid operating room, equipped with the latest medical technology. This allows you to perform minimally invasive procedures with minimal trauma and high efficiency. Due to this, the risk of postoperative complications is significantly reduced and the rehabilitation period is shortened.

Under the direction and with the participation of Ehud Raanani international groups of scientists, research is being conducted in the field of cardiac surgery. The doctor teaches at the University of Tel Aviv. Author of more than 173 scientific papers published in leading medical journals. The professor has been many times awarded prestigious awards and prizes for his enormous contribution to the development of world cardiac surgery.

Education and work experience

  • He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Tel Aviv University, Israel.
  • Graduate of the Medical Faculty of the Technical University "Technion", Haifa, Israel.
  • He received a specialization in aortic surgery at Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, USA.
  • He completed an internship under the direction of Professor David Teyron in the field of surgery of aortic aneurysms and correction of heart valves at the University of Toronto, Canada.
  • Professional courses for doctors on surgical ablation in the hospital of the University of Bochum "Bergmannsheil", Germany.
  • He took courses in improving surgical interventions on the thoracic aorta at the Bologna Hospital of Sv. Ursula, Italy.
  • Internship in cardiothoracic and chest surgery at the Medical Center. Rabin, Petah Tikva, Israel.

Membership in international organizations

  • Head of the Israeli Association of Cardiothoracic Surgery
  • European Heart Surgeons Association
  • American Heart Surgeons Association
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