Last reviewed: 19.10.2021

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Therapy is referred to the basic clinical disciplines. This science studies diseases that affect various internal organs of the human body, and the therapist, respectively, is a graduate doctor, who is engaged in this particular direction of medicine.
And more specifically, when answering the question, who is a therapist ?, it is worth turning to a dictionary or medical encyclopaedia that voice the fact that the word originated from the Greek word therapeia (care, supervision, healing) or therapeutes (caring for the patient, doctor) . Even in these few phrases one can understand that the therapist is a qualified specialist who has received academic knowledge of the cause and effect mechanisms of the emergence and development of a wide range of internal diseases, the skill for qualified diagnosis, treatment and prevention to prevent the onset and progression of such diseases.
But it is worth noting that the therapist is a fairly wide-ranging specialist, therefore within this area of medicine there is a more specialized division. A number of doctors who underwent internship on therapy subsequently chose narrower areas of diagnosis and treatment as their profession, for example, by cardiologists, proctologists, rheumatologists, gastroenterologists, pulmonologists, and so on. Others, on the contrary, do not want to direct their knowledge and skills only to "one internal body", remain specialists of a broader profile.
When should I go to the therapist?
Most people do not like to visit medical institutions, putting off such trips as possible for a longer period. But this attitude to your health is unacceptable. After all, the minimal amount of measures that can lead to a positive result in the early treatment can lead to severe therapy and a long rehabilitation period if the patient, being afraid of doctors, turned late, when the destructive process is already started and gone too far. In this case, to restore the former health is not always possible due to the irreversibility of certain processes.
Therefore, the answer to the question, when should I go to the therapist? There can be only one - as soon as possible! This should be done after the first signs of malaise. Much better if the doctor tells you that the panic is false, than tighten with the diagnosis and treatment of the disease.
The reason for addressing a doctor may be:
- Unexplained weight loss.
- High degree of fatigue.
- The appearance of physical and psychological discomfort.
- The appearance of the first signs of the disease. For example, with a cold, it can be a runny nose, fever, throat swelling and so on.
- Feeling pain in this or that part of the body.
- If there is a feeling of heaviness, bursting or pressure.
It is worthwhile to analyze in more detail the most dangerous symptoms, which definitely should not be ignored by a person, and which should prompt him to seek advice from his doctor as soon as possible.
The first is if, against a background of stable nutrition and the absence of radical changes in lifestyle, a person begins to lose weight.
This characteristic is mainly characteristic in the presence of developing malignant neoplasms in the human body. A particularly sharp loss of body weight can be associated with an oncological disease affecting the organs of the digestive tract, most often - stomach cancer. In women - it can be a malignant tumor on the ovaries.
The second. If a person has a sensation of noise in the ears, the condition of the feet, general weakness, numbness of the upper limbs.
One of the reasons for this symptomatology may be an impending stroke. Therefore, if a person begins to feel something like this, immediately call an ambulance, because this disease is very dangerous and can lead to irreversible processes in the brain tissues or even to death. If the therapist is called in time or the patient receives medical help from the ambulance (where the therapist is on duty), it is quite possible to avoid an attack and further negative consequences.
The third criterion that should force people to seek medical help from their district or other specialist is that they do not have intoxication due to poisoning the presence of a black shade of feces.
This rather alarming symptom can talk about internal bleeding. Already the very loss of blood, especially intense, in itself is a danger to human life. But this sign can indicate an exacerbation of a number of such diseases, for example, as an ulcer or cancerous formation in the area of the digestive tract. Thus time can go on minutes. The sooner a diagnosis is made and effective measures to stop the problem are taken, the higher the chances of the patient to save life.
The fourth "dangerous" sign - severe pain in the head, passing into the neck and cervical vertebrae, manifested against a background of increasing body temperature.
A complex of data by a sign can talk about the defeat of an organism by such a dangerous disease as meningitis. Therefore, it is not necessary to postpone the trip to the doctor, and under certain conditions it will be right to call him at home. With timely therapy, this disease is perfectly docked with antibiotics.
Another sign is the appearance of severe painful headaches, similar to which, before that, a person did not have to worry.
If this intensity occurs, pain should be treated immediately. The cause of such a painful condition may well be cerebral hemorrhage. Another cause of the headache is the excessive expansion of cerebral vessels (or as physicians call an aneurysm of blood vessels). In both cases, the probability of a lethal outcome is high.
But these are just some of the most common signs that should become a urge to visit a therapist, but there are many more. Therefore, it is better not to delay with a campaign to the doctor and at the first signs of the disease it is necessary to consult a specialized clinic.
What tests should I take when I go to a therapist?
Visiting a medical institution, one examination of a specialist is not enough. In order to correctly diagnose a doctor, one must have "on hands" a complete picture of the disease, which some laboratory studies can clarify. So what tests do you need to pass to the therapist when you contact the therapist so that the doctor can get a complete picture of the patient's state of health.
One of the first, the patient will have to pass such tests:
- Clinical examination of urine, allowing to assess the status of the excretory system of the patient.
- Density of a liquid.
- Its transparency and the presence of impurities.
- The presence of sugar in the urine.
- Protein.
- On acetone.
General clinical analysis of blood. It is taken from the phalanx. It makes it possible to determine the presence or absence in the body of the inflammatory process, anemia, blood diseases and so on. Allows you to define numerical values:
- Leukocytes.
- ESR (sedimentation rate of erythrocytes).
- Other parameters.
Analysis of fecal masses for the presence of helminths (if necessary).
A blood test for sugar is done on an empty stomach. It makes it possible to determine the level of sugar in the blood (refusal or confirmation of the presence in the history of a patient with diabetes mellitus).
If necessary, the specialist has the opportunity to appoint additional tests and studies.
What methods of diagnosis does the therapist use?
But in addition to laboratory studies, a complete picture of the disease allows the doctor to get other methods of functional diagnosis. And the completeness of the information depends on how fully the patient's body is surveyed. So what methods of diagnosis does the therapist use?
The most popular survey methods are:
- Ultrasound examination of internal organs.
- An electrocardiogram shows the condition of the heart.
- Mandatory presence of fluorography. Helps to diagnose tuberculosis, changes in the pleural zone, the presence of neoplasms of a benign or malignant nature.
- Digital radiography.
- Digital mammography.
- CT scan.
- Magnetic resonance imaging.
All these studies, and some others, are now put on the service of human health and allow the therapist to ascertain the correct diagnosis in a shorter period of time and begin to stop the disease in a timely manner.
What does the therapist do?
We have already received an answer to the question: what is therapy and who is an expert in this field of medicine? But nevertheless it is necessary to disassemble in more details, what does the therapist do? What is in his power? It turns out that almost everything that relates to conservative methods of healing, not expending the issues of surgical treatment.
Such an expert should have a wide monumental knowledge. Its advantage is that an experienced doctor of this profession treats a person, and not his illness, as often narrow-minded doctors do, sometimes forgetting that the human body is a subtle mechanism in which everything is interconnected. And if you treat one without paying attention to the other, then the body, on the contrary, you can bring more harm.
This specialty is the most ambitious in medicine. It requires unprecedented luggage of knowledge and experience. Having received the education of a classical medical school, this doctor continues to study for the rest of his life. Only with this approach to your specialty can we speak about its high qualification professional level.
But not only knowledge is important. They say "the doctor from God", it is assumed and high intuition of the physician. Without it, there is no need to talk about 100% quality treatment. But intuition, not backed by knowledge, is nothing. Only a combination of knowledge, excellent memory, intuition and experience allows achieving in the diagnosis and treatment of the expected positive result.
The therapist should know the names of the mass of medications, their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Always be aware of pharmacological novelties. In his practice, he has to use a variety of methods of treatment and rehabilitation: various diets, physiotherapy procedures, a combination of different drugs and their effect on the body, and much more.
With any discomfort, it is with a specialist of this profile that we, the common people, have to face first. And it is from the initial examination of the district doctor (his knowledge and experience) that the timeliness of the correct diagnosis depends on, and the adoption of adequate measures to stop the problem, referring, if necessary, to a more narrowly focused doctor.
It is this doctor who first meets the patient's problems, and he sometimes takes a "fateful" decision about the direction and scope of the research, determines the timing, schedule and completeness of the subsequent diagnosis of the treatment process.
It is such a specialist who is able to isolate from the patient's complaints the most topical and paramount ones, solving them without causing damage to the health of the patient.
To date, the ongoing health reforms are trying to reshape the organization of medical care in the Western manner, introducing more qualified specialists of a broader focus, family doctors, reducing the positions of narrower specialists. It's good or bad to judge life. But the fact that an experienced, qualified therapist is responsible for and stops is not replaced by anything - it's not even discussed!
What diseases does the therapist cure?
The area of interest and influence of the doctor in question is great. Thanks to this list of diseases that are able to diagnose and stop this doctor is quite long. So what kind of diseases does the therapist cure? In his competence:
Pathologies affecting the cardiovascular system.
- Post-infarction states.
- Anemia.
- Heart failure.
- And so on.
Violation of the kidneys and the whole urinary system. O
- Pyelonephritis.
- Nephritis and cystitis.
- Many other pathologies of this direction.
Diseases of the endocrine system.
- Diabetes.
- Failure in the work of metabolism, metabolic processes.
- Goiter.
- And others.
Chronic fatigue and nervous exhaustion.
- Changes that have occurred in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Gastritis.
- Duodenites.
- Pancreatitis.
- And so on.
Pathological changes in blood.
- Leukemia.
- Hemorrhagic diathesis.
- Leukemia.
Diseases of the components of the musculoskeletal system.
- Bursits.
- Osteoarthritis.
- Stretching of ligaments, bruises and injuries.
- Osteochondrosis.
- And other.
Diseases of rheumatoid nature.
- Diseases of the pulmonary system.
- Pneumonia.
- Bronchitis.
- And others.
Diseases of ENT - organs.
- Otitis.
- Colds.
- Infectious diseases of the nasopharynx.
- And so on.
Neurological diseases.
Impaired function of connective tissue.
Therapist's advice
A district doctor, who is a therapist, is the first medical person to deal with an average person in the event of health problems. It was not for nothing that before the revolution every family (who could afford it) had a family doctor who observed all its members. And it was he who gave advice and advice to avoid many health problems.
Today, in this article, we are ready to offer you the advice of a therapist's doctor who, if performed, will make it possible to completely forget about many diseases or reduce the severity of those with which the person is already sick.
- Hypodinamy is a direct road to many diseases. Therefore, doctors recommend that their patients do not ignore sports. It is desirable that the physical loads are diverse. For example, you can walk to work, dance and swim. Such measures will raise the threshold of endurance of the human body higher, strengthen the body's defenses, improve the work of metabolic processes. Especially welcome outdoor activities. Winter sports are good outdoors.
- It is necessary to subject your body to hardening. But it must be done gradually. If a pampered person immediately decides to become a walrus, then nothing good will come of it. Most quickly such zeal will end with pneumonia or bronchitis. The methods of hardening can include:
- Cold and hot shower.
- Walking barefoot on the surface of various textures is a good massage of acupuncture points, which are great on the foot.
- Visit to the sauna and the pool.
- Wipe the body with snow.
- Dousing with ice water.
In order not to harm the body, one can turn to a specialist who will develop a hardening system individually, for a specific person, taking into account the peculiarities of his organism.
- It is necessary to revise the diet. A full-fledged rational diet is a guarantee of good health! Adhering to this statement, it is necessary to monitor what foods are included in the diet. The daily menu should be balanced. It should contain the necessary amount of minerals, trace elements and vitamins. It is necessary to withstand the optimal balancing of hydrocarbons, fats and proteins. It is necessary to abandon the "harmful" products and dishes as much as possible. Vegetables, fruits - the basis of the menu.
- You should lead a healthy lifestyle, refusing, if possible, from bad habits: smoking, consumption of alcoholic beverages and narcotic drugs.
- Do not self-medicate. Only a specialist, after establishing a diagnosis, is able to paint an adequate treatment.
- It is worth periodically drinking the vitamin course. To date, problems with the choice of such drugs practically do not exist, as the pharmacological market offers a fairly wide range of similar products.
- It is worthwhile to take as a rule a regular visit to the medical center. Preventive examination by a specialist will allow early detection and fix the problem.
- Not the last place in the protection of the body from various diseases is assigned to the psychological state of people. Constant irritability and aggression will not add health, but, on the contrary, take it away. Then, as a positive attitude, an optimistic mood will return the colors of life and allow you to cope with the disease more quickly.
Thus, it can be seen that the therapist's advice is simple and simple, but if implemented, a person is quite capable of protecting his body from many problems that can affect his health.
Having read this article, one should make one, but very important conclusion: do not ignore the body's signals about violations in his work. At the first, even insignificant, symptoms of the impending disease or the appearance of uncomfortable sensations, it is necessary to immediately seek advice from your local doctor. The therapist will help to find the cause of the ailment, establish a diagnosis, prescribe effective treatment or preventive measures, and, if necessary, send to a more specialized specialist. Only by joint efforts of the doctor and the patient can you maximize the effectiveness of treatment and expect a positive result of therapy. Trust your doctor and be well!