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Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Ibuklin is a typical representative of a group of drugs called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. According to international classification, the drug refers to anti-inflammatory and anti-rhevetas agents that belong to the derivatives of ibuprofen and its combinations.
Indications Ibuklin
Thanks to the complex composition, the drug has a wide range of effects, which ensures its use in many areas of medicine.
So, the indications for the use of Ibuklin include pronounced hyperthermia, and fever can have a different genesis of origin. It can be either colds, and more serious infectious diseases with severe inflammation.
Ibuklin copes well with pain, but its degree should not be overly large. The drug stops the average intensity of pain in the presence of an inflammatory focus in the bones, joints and muscles, for example, at gouty or rheumatoid arthritis, ankylizing spectrality.
Indications for the use of ibuklin in the fight against pain syndrome are represented by degenerative processes in the joints and bone structures with deforming osteoarthrosis and osteochondrosis.
The drug is effective for tendovaginitis and bursita, when a periosurge capsule is involved in the process. lumbago, neuralgia, muscle pain, as well as post-traumatic damage during dislocations, stretching, fractures and bruises are also the basis for the use of Ibuklin.
Of the most common applications, it is worth highlighting heat pain, tooth pain and pain in the joints.
Release form
The main characteristics of this pharmaceutical agent are its form of release, which is represented by a tablet drug, as well as its physico-chemical properties. They include the coating of each tablet with a film shell, the shade of which varies from light orange to a more saturated color.
It is also worth highlighting the capsul-like shape on which a separation strip is applied on one side, and on the other - a smooth surface.
The form of release in the form of tablets determines the packaging of the drug. So, Ibuklin is equipped with 10 tablets in one blister, which corresponds to one package of cardboard.
Each tablet contains 400 mg of ibuprofen and 323 mg of paracetamol. In addition to the main components, there are several more additional, for example, cellulose, starch, glycerin and others.
The tablet form is very convenient to use, since thanks to a certain composition of each tablet, you can strictly monitor the dose and avoid overdose.
Pharmacodynamic properties are due to the main components that are part of the drug - ibuprofen and paracetamol.
Each of the above components has certain capabilities, which in combination with another component provides a pronounced therapeutic effect.
The pharmacodynamics of Ibuklin is a set of actions of both drugs that have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. By blocking cyclooxygenases, the drug not only reduces the manifestations of an inflammatory reaction, but also acts as an antipyretic.
As for paracetamol, it independently is not able to have a pronounced anti-palette effect, since its activity is inhibited by peroxidase. As a result, Ibuklin has additionally ibuprofen in its composition to enhance therapeutic influence.
The components of the drug, having a combined effect, ensures a decrease in the pain in the joints, which in turn leads to a decrease in stiff activity and returns the previous mobility of the joint.
The complex drug consists of two main active drugs, so the pharmacokinetics of Ibuklin is based on the combined effect of both components.
So, Ibuprofen quickly penetrates the general bloodstream through the mucosa of the digestive organs after oral use. After a couple of hours, its maximum plasma concentration is observed.
Almost 99% of ibuprofen is associated with plasma proteins, with which it spreads through the bloodstream. Ibuprofen's excretion is carried out by filtering by the kidneys unchanged or in the form of oxidized metabolites in an inactive form.
The above paths all Ibuprofen metabolites are excreted from the body during the day, and after 24 hours a person completely gets rid of the drug.
The pharmacokinetics of Ibuklin, which includes paracetamol, is due to good absorption. Half an hour after taking the tablet, the concentration of paracetamol in the bloodstream reaches the maximum value. This level has been persisted for 4 hours and gradually begins to decline.
As for the connection with blood proteins, the paracetamol is transported in conjunction with them only a partial amount (approximately 25%). After 1.5-2 hours, only half of the dosage taken remain in the human body. Metabolism occurs in the liver with the formation of glucuronids and sulfates. Paracetamol is excreted by the kidneys, gradually reducing the concentration in the blood and increasing in the urine.
Dosing and administration
The tablet form of the drug involves taking it orally a couple of hours before or after eating. The tablet should not be chewed and swallowed with a whole with several sips of water.
The method of use and doses of medicines are selected individually, given the degree of illness, age and human health.
Since babies under 12 years of age do not have permission to take this drug, at an older age and adults can use it 1 tablet up to 3 times a day. It is necessary to observe a certain interval between taking the medication, which should not be less than 4 hours.
It should be noted that a single intake of the tablet drug Ibuklin is a maximum of 2 tablets, and for a daily dosage - a maximum of 6 tablets.
The method of application and dose must be adjusted in elderly people, as well as in the presence of a concomitant pathology of a severe degree. So, they have a break between the techniques of the drug should not be less than 8 hours.
Without a doctor’s control, the use of ibuklin as an antipyretic is approximately 3 days, and as an analgesic drug-no more than 5 days.
If the drug Ibuklin must be taken for a long time, then the functioning of the liver, kidneys and the condition of the circulatory system using laboratory research methods should be monitored.
Use Ibuklin during pregnancy
Throughout the entire pregnancy period and after childbirth, when the baby is on breastfeeding, taking any drug should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. This is due to the high probability of the drug to get to the child.
The use of ibuklin during pregnancy is allowed if the benefits for the expectant mother are much higher than the harm of the fetus. During the experiments, it was concluded that Ibuklin is not able to exert a mutagenic or teratogenic effect.
Despite this fact, it is still not recommended to take the drug with a long course during pregnancy and after childbirth.
Especially carefully, you need to use drugs in the first trimester of pregnancy, when there is a gradual laying of fetal organs. In the future, their formation and development occurs.
The use of ibuklin during pregnancy usually does not harm a woman and fetus, however, it is necessary to strictly control the dosage and duration of taking the drug in order to avoid negative effects on the fetus.
In order for the drug to have a therapeutic effect without adverse reactions and aggravation of the condition, it is necessary to know the contraindications for the use of ibuklin.
These include the age of the babies up to 12 years, the individual characteristics of the body, when the response to the introduction of a certain drug component is genetically laid. Also, contraindications for the use of ibuklin include the presence of ulcerative defects of the mucous membrane of the digestive organs and bleeding in the acute phase.
Ibuklin is not recommended for renal failure in the stage of decompensation, with a combined pathology of the paranasal sinuses with bronchial asthma, polyposis and an allergic reaction to acetylsalicylic acid.
In addition, ibuklin is not desirable for use in damage to the optic nerve, pathology of the circulatory system, in the early period after the aorticronary noise, as well as with severe liver pathology, inflammatory intestinal diseases and increased amount of potassium in the blood.
In addition to absolutely, relative contraindications are distinguished, which include a metabolic pathology, cardiac diseases, vascular disorders, the simultaneous use of hormones, anticoagulants, antiplatelets and NSAIDs.
Control is necessary when taking ibuklin for a long period of time.
Side effects Ibuklin
The main side effects of Ibuklin, as in many other cases of taking drugs, are allergic reactions. They can appear due to the individual characteristics of the body's immunity. As a result, a powerful response of the immune system, manifested by various clinical symptoms, is possible to oral intake of the drug.
Most often, you can observe a rash of various diameters and shapes, sensations of tingling, itching, up to the development of urticaria and Quincke's edema. In addition, from manifestations, pain in the stomach and abdomen, nausea, slight dizziness, vomiting, headache and visual functional can be distinguished.
The side effects of ibuklin can also touch the functioning of the kidneys, the appearance of erosive damage to the digestive mucosa and a change in the blood picture with a decrease in the amount of platelets, red blood cells, a change in blood cells, hypercalemia, hyperuricuria and azotemia.
When painful syndrome occurs in the stomach and vomiting, it is necessary to monitor the color of the gag. If it resembles a “coffee thick”, then you need to urgently call an ambulance. These symptoms signal the onset of gastric bleeding.
In addition to bleeding from the intestinal departments, the appearance of blood in the feces (the so-called Melena) speaks. Such a state also requires immediate intervention of doctors.
In the case when the dosages and duration of the reception are not observed, the probability of developing an overdose is increased. In this case, according to certain non-specific symptoms, you can suspect the effect of accumulating the drug and strengthening its side effects.
An overdose of ibuklin can manifest itself in the form of digestive disorders with nausea, vomiting and pain in the epigastric zone. Clinical signs of hepatotoxic syndrome, consciousness disorders, headache, reduction of blood pressure and turning the skin are also possible.
When observing such symptoms, it is necessary to carry out some procedures that will remove metabolites and the remains of the medication.
So, first you need to rinse the stomach so that the part of the drug that has not yet had time to suck can be removed from the body. In addition, it is necessary to take activated carbon, which is a sorbent. It will also help block the further intake of the drug in the bloodstream.
An overdose in some cases requires hemodialysis and control over a blood picture. In case of violations of the balance of electrolytes, the shortage should be replenished and the indicators are normalized.
Interactions with other drugs
People who abuse alcohol, do not simultaneously use ibuklin in view of the fact that the probability of liver damage increases.
The interaction of ibuklin with other drugs, for example, affecting the coagulation of the circulatory system, is undesirable, since the risk of erosive damage to the mucosa of the digestive tract and the development of bleeding increases.
With the simultaneous use of ibuklin with digoxin, the concentration of the last medication can increase in the blood. In addition, ibuklin is able to potentiate the therapeutic activity of insulin and oral drugs that affect the blood sugar level.
The interaction of ibuklin with other drugs, such as colchicin, methotrexate, probenecid, lithium and gold preparations, can provoke an increase in the manifestation of the toxicity of the listed drugs.
With a joint technique with diuretics, their reduced action (diuretic, sodium, antihypertensive) is revealed. Long-term intake in parallel with paracetamol can lead to clinical symptoms of kidney damage.
Storage conditions
In the production of a medication, the manufacturer must indicate the storage conditions in the instructions, thanks to which the drug retains certain therapeutic properties for a certain time period.
Ibuklin storage conditions provide for the temperature regime without sharp fluctuations, humidity and illumination. So, the temperature of the room where the storage of the drug should not be above 25 degrees. Higher indicators can violate the structure of the drug and make it harmful to humans before the expiration date.
The place where the medication will be located over the expiration date should not be excessively lit by the sun's rays, which is also unacceptable for storage.
Ibuklin storage conditions provide for the lack of access to the baby to the location of the drug. Its intake can be complicated by laryngospasm or poisoning, which is unacceptable in childhood.
Special instructions
Ibuklin, thanks to its composition of several main components, is a combined tool. Its main components are ibuprofen and paracetamol.
The first is able to reduce the intensity of the inflammatory reaction, thereby reducing the severity of hyperemia, swelling and pain. In addition, he has antipyretic properties.
The mechanism of its action is based on the inhibition of the activity of cyclooxygenase 1.2 and a violation of the transformation of arachidonic acid. The number of simpleclars, which are mediators of an inflammatory reaction with the formation of hyperthermia and pain, also decreases. Similar phenomena are observed in the lesion and healthy tissues, where the exudative and proliferative inflammatory stage is suppressed.
In turn, paracetamol, blocking the COO in the structures of the central sections of the nervous system, to a lesser extent affects the exchange of water and trace elements, as well as the gastric mucosa.
As a result, an analgesic and antipyretic effect is observed, and to a small extent - an anti-inflammatory effect. In combination with ibuprofen, the drug has an analgesic effect, thereby reduces the stiffness when moving in the morning, the swelling around the joints and restores physical activity.
Shelf life
In addition to storage conditions, the shelf life should be observed, at the end of which the drug loses its positive effects and becomes harmful to the human body.
The shelf life implies the preservation of the therapeutic effect of the drug, provided that the rules of storage are observed. Ibuklin can be useful for 5 years, starting from the date of its production.
The date usually the manufacturer indicates the cardboard packaging outside for faster access, as well as on each blister so that in case of loss of the box, shelf life could be available to a person.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Ibuklin" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.