Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Lumbago (Failure) - an attack of lumbar pain as a result of the development of intervertebral hernia.
Causes of the lumbago
Doctors distinguish such causes of lumbago: an intervertebral hernia, in which the nerve roots, hypothermia, cold, bruises are pinched. In response to pain, the muscles tense, back pain and headache occur. Often, the background is combined with such an unpleasant disease as Ishias. In this case, the pain along the nerve trunks is transmitted in the leg. It can last several hours.
Symptoms of the lumbago
You can find, in addition to lower back pain, the inability to straighten up. Pain can be given to the buttock. Ask your home to put a few pillows on the floor and raise your legs. If you do not help the patient in time, in a month the pain will become chronic, and it will be much harder to cope with it. Pain occurs when tilted forward, for example, when cleaning snow.
The lying position significantly reduces the pain. The pain at lumbago shooting, and extension is limited. This condition lasts several hours, the patient is helpless during the fire, he cannot cough and sneeze, any tension causes intense pain.
Where does it hurt?
Lumbago with Ishias
Lumbago with Ishias is most often caused by osteochondrosis of the lumbar region. Cystitis, pyelonephritis and kidney stones - a consequence of problems in the lumbar spine. Injuries, scoliosis, obesity lead to osteochondrosis. Other factors: physical strain, infection. You can fight osteochondrosis at an early stage by strengthening the surrounding muscles. It relieves the tension of the muscles of the back of the embryo.
Ishias - inflammation of the sciatic nerve. The methods are most often as follows: acupressure and manual therapy. Carefully choose a manual therapist! Lumbago treatment with Ishias should be aimed at improving muscle trophism, cleansing tissues of toxins and healing the legs.
Not only pains may occur, but also impaired sensitivity, a burning sensation, numbness. The patient takes the forced position of the body with flexion of the spine forward. Ishias affects the functioning of muscles and can cause paralysis and paresis.
A fit of lumbago
A lumbago attack can provoke a sharp jerk and weight. If you have a firefight, even once, do not pull with medical help to your body. The doctor will prescribe an X-ray to identify signs of osteochondrosis - the most frequent culprit of this misfortune. Medicine has safe conservative methods of treatment and rehabilitation after an attack of shift. As a result, blood circulation and nutrition of damaged discs improves.
To prevent a lumbago attack, do not be in one position for a long time, do not raise too hard burden, be careful in the gym.
What happens during the shift? The intervertebral disk in structure resembles a jelly. It can lose elasticity if there are pathologies of the spinal column, especially osteochondrosis in the lumbar region.
The first attack of Lumbago and Ishias sometimes occurs during pregnancy. Contact a neuropathologist, he will prescribe a course of treatment for your baby, because if you run this condition, the departure can bother you after childbirth or aggravate during childbirth, which is very dangerous. Preparations that relieve spasm of the back muscles and warming ointments are prescribed. In no case do not appoint them to yourself. An effective tool is also a patch of dorsaplast. It effectively relieves cramps and the inflammatory process around the resulting spinal disk, allows you to reduce the dosage of anti-inflammatory. It must be glued for the whole day for 10 days. Very convenient to use, does not require a prescription, is sold in many pharmacies of Ukraine. If you are pregnant, wear a special bandage. You can’t hypothermia.
Diagnostics of the lumbago
The diagnosis of lumbago is primarily in assessing the appearance of the patient, a characteristic pose that he takes. A sharp pain testifies to the bastard, a person cannot straighten up, walk, freezes in place. With difficulties, a spine can be prescribed. The most modern and reliable method is magnetic resonance imaging. The doctor can send you to her to clarify the condition of the intervertebral disc. In each third case, the cause of the background cannot be set.
How to examine?
Who to contact?
Treatment of the lumbago
During treatment, anti-inflammatory drugs, peppers are used (applied to the sore spot daily, it improves blood circulation and has a absorbable effect), vitamins and manual therapy. Recommended bed rest for 14 days. An exercise therapy with flexion and extension exercises is also performed. Swimming in the pool is very useful for unloading the spine. Salt and smoked dishes that delay water in the body are excluded from the diet. Eat more vegetables. If necessary, can be prescribed spine or lesson on special simulators. Sanatorium treatment is shown.
Work in the office, improper nutrition and hypothermia, even in middle-aged people can cause lower back pain - a background. Lumbago is a consequence of osteochondrosis of the spine and scoliosis. The treatment consists in the prescription of physiotherapy and manual therapy. The doctor will also prescribe gels and local creams for you. For example, this is Fastum Gel. The drug is attributed to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory local agents. The gel is applied to the skin once a day and rubbed. The duration of treatment is up to 20 days. Carefully appoint to pregnant women. Eczema, purple, urticaria, edema and stomatitis are possible. Do not apply to wounds and abrasions, do not use in children.
Ibuprofen, an analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug, can be prescribed for pain relief. Available in the form of tablets. The daily dose is 800 mg. One tablet contains 200 mg of ibuprofen. Side effects such as nursing, heartburn, dyspepsia can spin such side effects. Allergy is possible. Very rarely - aseptic meningitis. In childhood, with ulcerative colitis and impaired kidney and liver, the drug is not prescribed. It is necessary to control the composition of the blood.
Medication Lumbago treatment
After you helped relatives with the move, you felt the pain in the back that riveted you to bed? In a week, if you follow the bed rest and the recommendations of a doctor, which must be called to the house, only a terrible memory will remain from the attack.
How to alleviate suffering with a lumbago attack? Taking anti-inflammatory local gels and ointments and pills. For example, voltaren in tablets can serve as such a medicine. Take 2 tablets per day. Side effects such as stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, bloating, ulcer, stomatitis, glossitis are possible. It is not prescribed for stomach ulcer, blood coagulation and blood formation, and on the 3rd trimester of pregnancy.
Injections with lumbago
With very severe pains, injections in lumbago, for example, voltaren in the form of injections, can be spelled out. Voltaren is administered intramuscularly 1 ampoule, 1 time per day. Side effects: your stomach may get sick, you may feel sick and tear or enter the enterocolitis, ulcer and gastric bleeding. If you already had something like that (stomach problems, ulcer), it is better not to use Voltaren into an injection, but to consult a doctor to prescribe another medicine.
Ointments with lumbago
An effective remedy for lumbago is the Bystrum gel. Bystrum Gel is our analogue of the German Fastum Gel. Contains ketoprofen and essential oils. It is enough to apply it to the skin and rub it once a day. It is usually well tolerated, but during pregnancy is contraindicated. Do not apply a Bystrum gel to open wounds.
Painkillers with lumbago
With Lumbago, nimesulide is effectively anesthetized - anesthetic - sulfananilide. Inside, 1 t. 1 time per day after eating, or 100 ml of suspension. There is also nimesulide in the form of a gel, it is applied and gently rubbed 2 times a day. Do not use during pregnancy and in children under 12 years of age, in patients with severe liver, heart and renal failure. Drowning, nausea, vomiting, urticaria, allergies, anemia, lengthening the time of bleeding, impaired hematopoiesis are possible. It is especially dangerous to prescribe the drug in the last months of pregnancy.
Folk treatment of lumbago
The treatment of lumbago by traditional medicine is, first of all, banks on the lumbar region, infusion of plum plum bones (30 g of nuclei pour 200 ml of plum tincture) and insist 4 days. Use for rubbing.
Mix 1 root root in a proportion of 1: 1: 1 with flour and salt and make compresses, holding 1 hour in a sore spot.
Brusnika leaf, Diaghil root and nettles, take in equal parts, pour the collection into a thermos (1 tbsp. L. 500 ml of water) and insist night. Drink 0.5 cups on an empty stomach in the morning.
Lumbago treatment at home
The best treatment of lumbago at home is to comply with bed rest. You can return to active life, on average, after 10 days. In the acute period of the disease, a bath, exercise therapy is prohibited.
Clean the radish, rub, spread on the fabric and apply the compress to the lower back.
Make compresses from tinctures of valerian.
Make an ointment from the leaves of the American agave, grating it on a grater and rub it overnight.
Rub 2 times a day of pepper extract for 14 days.
Massage with lumbago
With lumbago, a common warm-up massage with creams and ointments is used. The masseur strokes and kneads the back muscles for 10-15 minutes. Massage effectively relieves pain and restores the function of the spine. To remove increased tone, patting and stroking are used. The tissues of the vertebrae are obtained by the nutrients necessary for their regeneration during the treatment session. Electrophoresis is also used that activates local metabolism and protective forces. Also, acupuncture is successfully used for the treatment of departure.
Lumbago exercises
Gymnastics with lumbago in the acute period:
- Bend the feet in the ankle joints 5 times.
- Bend your legs in your knees, lying in bed, 4 times.
- Raise your hands up 4 times.
- Dilute and reduce knees, lying in bed, 5 times.
- Bend your legs and pull your knees to your stomach 4 times.
- Lying on the side, raise your hand, roll over to the other side and raise the other hand 6 times.
- Lying on the side, bend and straighten the leg in the knee 6 times.
Gymnastics that need to be performed when acute symptoms subside:
- Put one hand on the chest, the other on the stomach, inhale and drag out the stomach, exhale (6 times).
- Hands along the body, pull the feet over yourself (8 times).
- Lie on your back, bend your hands in your elbows, put on the floor and make rotational circular movements with your hand. Repeat 12 times.
- Lying on your back, bend and straighten your legs in your knees 12 times.
- The left hand to the side - look at the hand - the right hand to the side.
- The bicycle with the left foot and right foot is 10 times.
- Circular movements alternately with every foot.
- Raise your arms up and press your knees to your stomach. Straighten your legs. And first. Perform the exercise 4 times.
More information of the treatment
The prevention of lumbago consists in changing lifestyle to more mobile, excluding weights, treatment of scoliosis and osteochondrosis. Do not overcool your back. Avoid injuries, follow the weight. During pregnancy, you need to wear a bandage.
Lumbago forecast is positive with timely adequate treatment. After 14 days, the patient returns to normal life, to the usual activity.