

Effective cough syrups for children

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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At present, almost every one of us is familiar with such a phenomenon as a cough. It is difficult to find a person who has never been sick and has not experienced all the symptoms of coughing. Traditional medicine is sometimes unable to cope with a cough, because it is difficult to treat, and can last long enough, even after recovery. Especially painful cough in children. In order to relieve the condition, cough syrup is usually prescribed for children.

It is difficult to get rid of a cough due to various reasons. So, cough often arises as a reflex reaction, which arises involuntarily, regardless of the person. From the point of view of physiology, is considered as a natural protective reflex, aimed at the release of irritated mucosa from foreign factors. There is such a reaction in response to the influence of the stimulus, for example, when mucus passes through the wall of the throat, with excessive accumulation of microorganisms, with severe edema and inflammation. Therefore, it is often difficult to get rid of a cough. Often, treatment can be effective only if you eliminate the cause of its appearance. Then the cough also disappears automatically.

What kind of cough syrups are possible for children?

Children are prescribed various cough syrups. These can be commercial drugs that are sold in ready form in a pharmacy. They can be called differently. There are syrups, made on the basis of plant components and biologically active extracts, phytopreparations and hormones. Also produced are syrups, which are based on chemicals, for example, antibiotics, antiseptic and anti-infective agents, antiallergic components.

You can make syrup for a child according to an individual prescription, which is prescribed by a doctor. This is done in a pharmacy of the factory type by a pharmacist. In this case, the composition can include both synthetic and natural means.

And, finally, you can prepare the siro yourself at home. There are many recipes for the preparation of syrups. They can have different properties, depending on the main active substance. Most often, children are given anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-allergic syrups, syrups with antibiotics. Children can be given syrups that do not contain alcohol.

Indications Syrups for children coughing

Cough syrups are recommended for children from the age of more than 1 year. In this case, the reasons for the appointment of a syrup can be a lot. A syrup is prescribed for a dry cough, which torments the child, but does not bring relief, as there is no expectoration. It can also be effective with a damp cough, as it facilitates the transition of a cough to a deeper.

Moist cough is productive and has a more favorable prognosis, as it is accompanied by sputum, resulting in reduced inflammation, and the degree of development of the infectious process.

Syrup is also prescribed for allergic cough, with an obstructive cough that accompanies bronchial asthma, asthmatic bronchitis, obstruction of the bronchi and lungs. Can be prescribed for spasmodic cough, cough of neuro-psychic etiology. Also, the indication is a cough of bacterial, viral etiology that occurs against the background of catarrhal, allergic diseases, sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis. It is prescribed for such diagnoses as tracheitis, tracheobronchitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy. The indication is also a cough that occurs against the background of tuberculosis, various mixed infections, chronic and stagnant phenomena.

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The effect of the syrup depends on the composition, and the direction of the action. So, if an expectorant is used, it includes substances stimulating mucosal receptors. As a result, a reflex appears, aimed at removing the resulting mucus outward. Sputum is diluted, and easily removed from the body.

Many syrups include honey, propolis, bee milk, or other bee products. Honey softens mucous membranes, removes inflammation and irritation in them, normalizes metabolism in the body. The rich vitamin composition of honey is also of interest, thanks to which the organism acquires greater resistance to infections, the ability to withstand inflammatory processes. Of particular importance is vitamin C, which has antioxidant properties (purifies toxins and metabolic products, removes free radicals, promotes stabilization of cell membranes, normalizes intracellular metabolism).

The mechanism of propolis is also of interest: it has a softening effect on the body, removes irritation and inflammation. Has a significant advantage in comparison with other components: does not have a burden on the kidneys, it acts soothing to the nervous system. As a result, the overall well-being of a person is significantly improved, fatigue is reduced.

Many plant substances, especially those that are applied in the form of roots, have antiseptic properties. They disinfect the oral cavity, prevent the development of the infectious process, quickly and effectively remove the inflammation of the nasopharynx, pharynx. Such properties are, for example, the root of aira, althea, plantain, tansy, and milkweed.

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Cough syrup for children contains various active ingredients that penetrate the body through the mucous membranes, enter the bloodstream, are carried to the main organs and exerts the necessary effect. In particular, they can act on the blood and immune system, normalize nervous activity and hormonal background. As a result, all systems begin to function smoothly, and harmoniously, and there is a natural recovery of the body and increasing its endurance.

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Dosing and administration

For children, syrups can be used from birth. So, if a newborn has a cough, you can give him a few drops of syrup to the tip of the tongue. You can dilute the syrup with a few drops of water (boiled) and give the baby. It is also possible to add the syrup to the milk, or to the mixture for feeding. You can also lubricate the lips with syrup.

Older children, after 1 year, can give about a third of a teaspoon to 3-4 times a day. Children from 1 to 3 years can already be given a teaspoon of syrup, and finally, children aged 3 years and until they grow up are recommended to take a tablespoon.

However, this is not a universal recommendation. Each individual syrup can have its own characteristics, its unique properties, and, accordingly, the features of the application. It is recommended to take the syrup according to the factory instruction, which is applied to each syrup.

If there is no instruction, or you are preparing the syrup yourself, it is recommended that you follow the above dosage. But it is even better to consult a doctor, as he can precisely select the optimal treatment regimen, calculate all the risks, and conduct analyzes that will allow us to formulate prognostic parameters.

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Expectorant cough syrups for children

The mechanism of action of expectorating syrups is to soften the sputum and its escape from the mucous membrane. Also, the reflex reduction of the mucous membrane is stimulated additionally, as a result of which, by contracting, it pushes the phlegm to the exit, facilitating its withdrawal and excretion outside. As a result, bronchi and alveoli are cleared, breathing becomes easier, the inflammatory process is eliminated, recovery is faster. In the beginning, many get the impression that the condition is getting worse. But this is not so, since cough becomes productive, sputum escapes more effectively, removing the inflammatory process.

Children are prescribed ready-made pharmaceuticals, or syrups, which you can prepare yourself at home. At the heart of these syrups are expectorants.

  • Recipe number 1. Syrup from root aira

Roots, rhizomes and leaves of the aura have long been used as an expectorant, which quickly dissolves phlegm and promotes its excretion outside. Syrups, cooked on the basis of calamus, act gently, quickly, practically do not cause allergies and side effects. They can be used even in infants. The main effect can be achieved due to the high content of essential oils, glycosides and alkaloids. Has a specific smell and bitter taste.

In addition to the expectorant, the roots of the aura tone up, soften the mucous membrane, and act as a general restorative, which increases the immunity, endurance and resistance of the body, as well as its ability to withstand infection.

Syrup is most often prepared on the basis of honey, as it enhances the action of the plant, and also softens the skin and mucous membranes, nourishes and provides antiviral and antibacterial protection.

There are several options for making syrup. The easiest way is to take finely chopped or grated roots of aira, cover them with a quarter of a liter of can, top up with warm water. Insist for an hour, then add 5-6 tablespoons of honey. I insist for another day, after which I drink a third of a glass 3-4 times a day.

The second option is even simpler - take in equal parts grated roots of aira and honey (about half the mayonnaise jar), mix, give the opportunity to brew for a day, then use inward on a teaspoon for each cough, but at least three times per day.

  • Recipe number 2. Anise syrup

For the preparation of syrup, fruits are used. They contain a large amount of fat, which provides softening of the mucous membrane and effective removal of the inflammatory process. In addition, a high content of essential oils provides an antiseptic effect. In addition, it removes inflammation, removes pain, relieves irritation and burning, eliminates the runny nose.

Take about 100 grams of anise fruit, fill it with a glass of sugar and put it in a dark place in a closed form. Withstands no less than a day. The resulting liquid is drained and drunk on a tablespoon three times a day. Gradually, the bank will be liberated place, it is filled with sugar.

  • Recipe number 3. Syrup of badan

Leaves, roots, rhizomes are applied. Especially effective are old, blackened leaves that contain a large number of tannins, phenols, which quickly remove the inflammatory process, provide antiseptic action. It is used for various diseases of the nose, pharynx, for eliminating cough and removing irritation. The syrup is most appreciated, prepared from blackened leaves, which lay all winter under snow, soaked in a lot of vitamins, which have a general strengthening effect, stimulate immunity.

To prepare the syrup, prepare a regular broth. Take a few leaves of the pan, pour it with hot water, insist, then filter and drink twice a day. It is possible with honey.

  • Recipe number 4. Syrup from mother-and-stepmother

It is used for non-productive coughs and colds. Often appointed for the treatment of a protracted cough after a number of illnesses. Has a powerful expectorant effect. Take 15-30 ml at a time, the frequency of the receptions can be up to 3-4 times a day. Keep it in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.

  • Recipe number 5. Honey-berry syrup

Promotes the enrichment of the body with essential vitamins, antioxidants, soothes pain and eliminates cough. To prepare the syrup, you need about a glass of honey, and half a glass of sea-buckthorn, cranberries, and viburnum. Honey needs to melt in a water bath. In a separate bowl, knead the fork with a fork until it forms a puree mass. Add to melted honey, mix until smooth, remove from heat. When you have coughing attacks, you can drink and with every fit. You can add to hot milk, other drinks.


Anti-inflammatory cough syrups for children

Many herbs and herbal extracts have anti-inflammatory properties. For example: chamomile, calendula, cornflower, plantain, mother-and-stepmother, bird mountaineer, sage.

  • Recipe number 1. Marigold syrup with chamomile

To make this syrup you need to take 10-15 grams of chamomile, 30 grams of calendula baskets, pour 500 ml of boiling water. Insist for 30 minutes, add honey to taste, drink in preheated form. For the day you need to drink the whole broth, in the morning brew a new one.

  • Recipe number 2. Honey and honey syrup with honey

Allows you to quickly get rid of a cough. Usually such a syrup helps with prolonged cough, dry and unproductive. It promotes the transition of this cough to the wet one, at which the sputum goes away. Slime and sputum very quickly clear the bronchi, are out. Accordingly, the inflammation and the infection process are removed. For cooking take a single fig, pass through a meat grinder, pour honey until it is covered from above.

  • Recipe number 3. Syrup of hips with aloe and honey

It has antioxidant properties, removes toxins and free radicals, and saturates the blood with oxygen and nutrients. In the dog rose contains a large amount of vitamin, especially vitamin C, which increases immunity and contributes to faster recovery. It is also able to enhance the activity of honey and aloe juice, which also have the main (anti-inflammatory) effect.

For cooking, take about 200 grams of aloe leaves, finely chopped, or passed through a meat grinder. All this is placed in a jar with a lid. Add a glass of honey. Mix the mixture for 3 days in a dark place, we give the opportunity to brew. After that, top up the syrup with rose hips.

  • Recipe number 4. Syrup from an extract of Eleutherococcus and Echinacea

To make the syrup, take the finished extract of these plants, in equal parts (approximately 50 ml), mix in a separate vessel. Add about 2-3 tablespoons of honey, mix, give the opportunity to brew for an hour. Drink a tablespoon 2-3 times a day.

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Homeopathic cough syrups for children

At the heart of homeopathic remedies lie various substances of natural origin - animal products, plants, minerals. They are mainly aimed at relieving inflammation and contribute to sputum discharge.

  • Recipe number 1. Mummy with sage broth

Together, these substances allow you to quickly get rid of a cough. They relieve inflammation and stimulate the body's immune defense. First, prepare a decoction of sage: a tablespoon of chopped leaves pour a glass of boiling water, insist. Then in the resulting broth dissolve about 1-2 grams of mummy. I drink half the glass. It is better to drink in the morning, being in bed, and in the evening, before going to bed.

  • Recipe number 2. Syrup from plant collection.

Take a tablespoon of each component: linden flowers, mint leaves and chamomile flowers. Pour 500 ml of boiling water. Allow to cool for 20 minutes, after which filter. In the resulting broth add 5 tablespoons of honey, drink a glass a day.

  • Recipe number 3. Cough syrup vitamin

For preparation take a three-liter jar, put there about 100 grams of mountain ash, 50 grams of hazelnuts. Add 2-3 tablespoons of plantain, chamomile and raspberry leaves. Pour up to the very top with vodka or alcohol. Add 100 grams of honey, mix thoroughly, allow to stand for a week (minimum). Can be stored for several years. After the drug has been infused, drink a teaspoon before meals, 2-3 times a day.


The drug is available as a syrup. Refers to homeopathic remedies. As active components are active substances such as pulsatila, rumex, bryonia, ipeka, stikta. These are all plant components. Also as active substances are and plant components such as elephantiasis, sticta, antimonium, myocardium, coccus and drosera. As auxiliary substances are such components as syrup Tolu, ethanol, caramel, benzoic acid, sucrose. It is the high content of sucrose that indicates that the drug should be taken with caution to patients suffering from diabetes.

Syrup is a syrup of transparent color. A light light yellow or brown shade may be present. Refers to the pharmacotherapeutic group of homeopathic remedies. It is prescribed as a means of symptomatic treatment of various etiologies. Indication for the purpose of this medication is cough of any etiology - dry, wet. It is prescribed even for coughing of infectious and allergic origin, which accompanies bronchial asthma, allergic bronchitis, cough against infectious diseases, including pertussis, tuberculosis.

Contraindication to the use of the drug is increased individual intolerance of the drug and individual components.

The drug is prescribed inside. Children are advised to take a teaspoon 2-3 times a day. Also appoint children over 12 years of tea, less often - a dessert spoon 3-4 times a day. The duration of application is determined by the doctor based on the results of laboratory and instrumental analyzes. There have been no reported cases of drug overdose. It is also known that the drugs interact well with various drug components. The possibility of using syrup and other medicinal components is not ruled out.

The instructions have specific instructions that indicate that the drug should be taken with caution to people suffering from diabetes, since it contains a large amount of sucrose, glucose. It is known that 5 ml of syrup contains approximately 0.31 XE. This should be taken into account when observing diet therapy. The drug has no effect on the nervous system: does not cause drowsiness, does not reduce the concentration of attention. It is dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription, but it is necessary to consult a doctor before starting reception.

Dry cough syrup for children

From dry cough, such grasses as immortelle, marigolds, cowberry are well recommended themselves. Also, honey promotes the transition of dry cough to wet, productive. When dry cough is recommended to use syrups, which include fatty and oily substances that soften irritated mucous membranes, quickly remove inflammation.

  • Recipe number 1. Syrup from marigolds

Take 3-4 tablespoons marigold, pour them about 500 ml of boiling water, and then allow to stand for an hour. Add 3-4 tablespoons of honey, drink a glass a day.

  • Recipe number 2. Syrup from walnut seeds

For cooking, take a teaspoon of walnut, thoroughly grind in a mortar, pour a glass of boiling water and allow to stand for an hour. Gradually introduce small portions of honey, stirring it thoroughly. After the honey is completely dissolved, we place the syrup in the dishes, with a dense, hermetically sealed lid. Drink a tablespoon 5-6 times a day.

  • Recipe number 3. Sea-buckthorn syrup

Take a 1 liter jar, fill it with sea-buckthorn and cover with sugar. Close, put in a dark, but not a cold place. Will appear juice, which must be gradually drained. The bank with sea-buckthorn is again covered with sugar. Syrup is drunk on a tablespoon three times a day, or added to tea, milk.

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Syrup from barking cough to a child

It will require emollients, with the composition of which will include substances that have an enveloping effect, for example, starch, oat broth. It is also recommended to use such syrups, which are created on an oil basis. Quite effective syrups containing oil components, for example vegetable and fatty oils, oleic acids. Well-proven syrups based on sea buckthorn oil, which additionally stimulate the immune system, normalize metabolic processes, the state of the mucous membrane.

  • Recipe number 1.

For cooking, take about 50 ml of ready-made sea-buckthorn oil, or grind in a mortar 200-250 grams of sea buckthorn fruit until the oil forms. Separate the oil, add to it 3 tablespoons of honey, mix thoroughly until completely dissolved. If honey is poorly soluble, you can warm the mixture in a water bath. Then add a teaspoon of cinnamon, a slice of lemon. Insist an hour, drink a tablespoon three times a day.

  • Recipe number 2.

For cooking, you need about 200 grams of butter. It is melted on low heat, add 5-6 tablespoons of sugar, mix until completely dissolved. After that, add about 2 drops of fir essential oil, mix, allow to freeze. Before drinking tea or any vegetable broth is brewed, a tablespoon of the prepared preparation and 2 tablespoons of honey are placed in it, thoroughly mixed, drunk before going to bed.


Most cough syrups are safe. Proof of this is the possibility of their appointment even to newborn children. But it is necessary to understand that they can also contain a certain danger. So, syrup with antibiotics is contraindicated for children under 1 year.

Syrups containing plant extracts, components, herbs, essential oils, homeopathic remedies, are contraindicated for individual intolerance, a tendency to allergic reaction, especially if it is an immediate type of hypersensitivity reaction in which anaphylactic shock develops.

Precautions should be taken for children in the presence of serious diseases and functional disorders of organs and systems, with kidney and liver dysfunction, prematurity, low body weight, serious immune disorders. Before starting treatment, consult a doctor. Self-medication can be dangerous.


Side effects Syrups for children coughing

They are observed in rare cases. Most often these are various allergic reactions, which manifest themselves as a reaction of immediate or delayed type. With immediate type hypersensitivity, an immediate reaction develops in the form of an attack of suffocation, edema, obstruction, and impaired airway patency. An immediate reaction can develop in the first 10-15 minutes after taking the drug. The most dangerous form of reaction of immediate type is anaphylactic shock.

With delayed-type hypersensitivity, the reaction may occur within a few days after taking the syrup up to several days. Usually peak response occurs on the second day after taking the drug. It can be manifested by deterioration of the condition: by burning, burning in the throat, coughing up, pain in the throat, which is worse when swallowing. It can also manifest as a rash, hives, irritation, redness of the skin and mucous membranes.

More rarely, as side effects occur such manifestations, nausea, vomiting, dyspeptic disorders. Some can cause neurological reactions, in which the child becomes overexcited, or vice versa, sluggish, apathetic. There may be drowsiness, or hyperactivity, a violation of mental processes, reaction speed, reduced concentration of attention.

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Cases of overdose are rare. Usually, in an overdose, reactions such as a rash, redness, and irritation are observed. In most cases, it is enough to cancel the drug so that the side effects disappear.

Dangerous cases of overdose with syrups that contain toxic components, for example, various chemicals, antibiotics, or plant extracts such as celandine, can be dangerous. Overdose by such potent components can cause poisoning. Such poisoning can be extremely dangerous, as in the absence of emergency care often end with a fatal outcome.

Poisoning with chemicals, or plant extracts that make up the product, is accompanied by a violation of the heart, respiratory system. We need to provide emergency care as soon as possible, otherwise the poisoning will progress. To do this, it is advisable to induce vomiting to clean the digestive tract from poisonous substances. Immediately call an ambulance, provide the child with fresh air, and give plenty of drink.

When an overdose means, which do not include toxic agents, may develop an individual intolerance, an allergic reaction, a rise or vice versa, a sharp drop in blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, indigestion. All this can be accompanied by collapse, loss of consciousness. It can develop retardation of reaction, weakening of muscles, palpitations.


Interactions with other drugs

Most syrups are well combined with medicines. But it is necessary to take into account that many of them contain in their composition plant components, herbs, which can not be combined with other herbs, homeopathic remedies. Also, syrups containing antibiotic are not combined with other antibiotics.


Storage conditions

The drug should be stored in a dark place, protected from direct sunlight. The optimum temperature is about 25 degrees. In summer it is better to store in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. In winter, you can store in the room, but the temperature should not exceed 25 degrees. It should be stored in the original packaging, including in a box. It must also be taken into account that the place should not be accessible to children, since syrups have a pleasant taste and aroma, and children often drink it, which leads to an overdose.

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Inexpensive and effective cough syrup for children

You can cook at home on your own. Various components can be used as active components. Most often, plant and homeopathic components are used, because they are the most effective, and the least dangerous for the body. They are especially useful for a child's body. As an additional stimulate the immune system of the body, contributing to an increase in the protective properties of the body.

  • Recipe number 1.

A syrup of pine bushes and honey. To prepare the ointment take about 50 grams of honey, melt in a water bath, add 5-10 grams of gum, stir until a uniform mass is formed, allow to freeze. Before each use, approximately one teaspoon of ointment is diluted in warm water. Drink recommended 3-4 times a day for a glass.

  • Recipe number 2.

Bee honey and cinnamon quite quickly eliminates inflammation and reduces the manifestation of pain, coughing attacks. To do this, put a teaspoon of cinnamon into a small pial of honey melted in a water bath, mix thoroughly. Drink a teaspoon three times a day.

  • Recipe number 3.

For the beginning prepare oil from a grass of a sage and a lavender. It helps to eliminate cough in a short period, to remove the inflammatory and infectious process. Take 2 tablespoons of herbs and pour 5 tablespoons of boiled hot sunflower oil. Allow to stand under a tightly closed lid for 2-3 hours. After that, separately prepare the honey syrup: 3 tablespoons of honey for a glass of warm water. Stir until completely dissolved. Before using the syrup mix 2-3 tablespoons of honey syrup and a half teaspoon of oil, drink 3-5 times a day.

  • Recipe number 4.

Salvia officinalis is suitable for oral administration as well as for external application. Add one tablespoon of herbs to a glass of boiling water. Brew for an hour. Add 3 tablespoons of honey, drink three times a day.

  • Recipe number 5.

First, the oil is prepared from an extract of fir and oak bark and jojoba oil. Approximately 50 ml of oil is heated in a water bath, add 2 drops of essential fir oil, or 1 teaspoon of natural extract. Stir thoroughly, allow to infuse. Then mix with the prepared syrup (3 tablespoons of honey for a glass of warm water).

Prepared home cough syrup for children is usually safer, because you know exactly what ingredients are included in its composition. So it is always possible to exclude unwanted reactions.


To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Effective cough syrups for children" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.

Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.

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