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Tablets that remove itching: skin, in intimate places, with allergies
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Itching can accompany many diseases and conditions - allergies, inflammations, skin infections and even pathologies of internal organs. Often patients are ready for much, if only to reduce the appearance of skin itching, because such feelings sometimes become simply intolerable. Are there effective drugs - for example, tablets from itching?
Indeed, such medications exist, but they are selected individually, depending on the nature of the itch - from the main cause of unpleasant sensations.
Indications of the tablets from itching
Tablets from pruritus can be prescribed in two cases:
- at the general or common pathologies which are accompanied by a widespread itch;
- in diseases of the skin that are accompanied by localized pruritus.
The first line of diseases include:
- kidney failure with impaired metabolic processes;
- biliary congestion in hepatitis or cholecystitis, as well as in the presence of stones in the bile ducts;
- hormonal imbalance;
- blood diseases - for example, lymphogranulomatosis;
- endocrine diseases - for example, thyroid disease or diabetes mellitus.
Localized itching can accompany such diseases:
- scabies;
- damage to lice and other insects;
- eczema;
- fungal skin diseases;
- seborrhea;
- allergic urticaria and atopic dermatitis.
Itching can be observed not only on the skin, but also in the region of the anus (with parasitic diseases, hemorrhoids, etc.), in the zone of the external genitalia ( with thrush ).
Release form
We present to your attention an overview of the most common tablets from pruritus.
- Suprastin - is suitable for the treatment of allergic itching and discomfort caused by insect bites. The action of the tablets is noticeable after only half an hour and lasts for about 4 hours. Suprastin is recommended for use in adulthood and childhood. Contraindicated drug pregnant and lactating women, as well as patients suffering from bronchial asthma.
- Tavegil is a strong antipruritic drug. To a lesser extent, it may cause drowsiness, in contrast to Suprastin. The effect of Tavegil lasts about 11-13 hours from the moment of admission. Tavegil can be prescribed for adults and children from 6 years of age. Contraindications: lung diseases, period of gestation and feeding of the baby.
- Fenkarol is an antihistamine that shows its effect within 30-60 minutes after the use of tablets. The drug can cause thirst, drowsiness, pain in the head. Fenkarol appoint since 3 years of age. Restrictions: pregnant and lactating women.
- Claritin is a drug that belongs to Loratadin derivatives. Claritin is taken once a day, with the effect of tablets becoming noticeable after 60 minutes and lasting at least 10 hours. Side effects of this drug are rare. Claritin can be taken from 3 years.
- Clarotadine is another tablet of itching on the basis of Loratadin. Clarotadine does not affect the central nervous system and does not cause drowsiness, but taking tablets may be accompanied by pain in the heart and dyspepsia. The effect of the drug increases for 30-120 minutes and is observed for 10 to 24 hours. Clarotadine is not prescribed for pregnant women and children up to 2 years.
- Ketotifen is a known proven antiallergic agent that can be used as tablets against itching. Tablets are taken in the morning and in the evening, however they can cause drowsiness, blurred vision, impaired orientation, lowering blood pressure and disturbing the heart rhythm. Ketotifen is not prescribed to pregnant and nursing patients, children under 3 years of age.
- Zaditen are antiallergic tablets against itching with pronounced effect. The active effect of the drug lasts 4-5 hours. Zaditen can cause signs of sedation, dizziness and irritability. When pregnancy is taken, the drug is not recommended.
- Nalkrome - can be prescribed for atopic diseases of the pulmonary system, as well as for food allergies. Naklrom can cause a short cough, temporary deterioration of vision, dryness of mucous membranes. It is not recommended to take the drug to children under 5 years of age and pregnant women.
- Clemastin - a pill of itching, similar to Tavegil. The antipruritic effect reaches its peak 6 hours after taking the tablets and is observed for approximately 11 hours, sometimes up to 22-24 hours. Clemastine causes a feeling of drowsiness. It is not used for treatment of children under 1 year.
- Peritol - effective tablets against itching on the basis of cyproheptadine. The drug is prescribed to all patients, starting from the age of 2, bypassing the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is not advisable to take pills for people with a duodenal ulcer, pyloric stenosis, glaucoma, bronchial asthma. The action of Peritol lasts about 8 hours.
- Pipolphen is a known drug for systemic allergy. Tablets from itching are very effective, but can cause drowsiness, anxiety, irritability, impaired consciousness, and children may have seizures. Tablets are not allowed for admission to children under 6 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.
- Erius is an antihistamine drug based on desloratadine (the primary metabolite of Loratadine). Erius does not have a sedative effect and has a prolonged effect: to relieve the itching to take one tablet daily. The drug can be administered to children and adults, except for the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding. Of the side effects of the most common pain in the head and dryness of the mucosa in the mouth.
- Telfast - characterized by prolonged action and a low risk of drowsiness. The drug is especially indicated for patients with chronic itchy skin diseases. Telfast is not prescribed for children under 12 years old, for women in the period of carrying and feeding the child, for persons with cardiovascular, liver and kidney disease.
- Prednisolone is a typical representative of glucocorticosteroids for internal administration. Tablets eliminate the itching of allergies, autoimmune processes, mycoses and other skin lesions, psoriasis, etc. Prednisolone is not recommended to be used for a long time, otherwise unwanted effects may appear: swelling, myasthenia, blood pressure changes, peptic ulcer, seizures, etc. Tablets are prescribed only by a doctor , starting with the lowest possible dosage.
Tablets from anal itching
Tablets with anal itching are prescribed only when there is no effect of local application of antipruritic drugs - ointments or creams. Always treatment begins locally, and only as a last resort proceed to receive tablets.
Itching in the anus can be caused by hemorrhoids or anal fissures. But most often the cause of this itch is helminthiosis, or worms. In the latter case, the best way to get rid of itching is to conduct a full course of antiparasitic treatment.
With severe continuous anal itching, the doctor can prescribe opioid receptor blocking drugs, which include, for example, Naltrexone. The drug has a strong enough antipruritic effect, but has a number of side effects: it can be pain in the head, seizures, indigestion, thirst.
Tablets from itching with psoriasis
With psoriasis, the itching is, in most cases, quite strong and bothersome. Therefore, tablets from pruritus with psoriasis should have a powerful antipruritic effect. These include, for example, calcineurin inhibitor drugs. These tablets depress the properties of the enzyme involved in the transport of calcium into the cell structure - this is the process that is present in inflammation. The use of such tablets makes it possible to block the action of cytokines that cause skin itching in psoriasis. In addition, tablets from itching inhibit the production of substances such as serotonin, histamine, etc.
Tablets inhibitors of calcineurin, which will help with pruritus in psoriasis, most often present drugs such as Ciclosporin and Tacrolimus.
Antihistamine tablets from itching
Antihistamines inhibit the action of histamine, a biogenic amine, that causes an immune response in response to ingestion of an allergen. Such drugs effectively eliminate the itching associated with the allergic process in the body. Special tablets from allergic itching reduce the permeability of capillaries, reduce the severity of edema, relieve redness and, of course, contribute to the relief of itching - and this occurs for 30-40 minutes after the internal use of tablets.
The main groups of antiallergic drugs are as follows:
- Antihistamines of the first generation - Suprastin, Diazepam, Tavegil, Dimedrol. These pills perfectly eliminate unpleasant itching sensations, but almost always cause drowsiness, lethargy and decreased efficiency.
- Antihistamines II and III generations - Loratadin, Cetirizine, Fexofenad g / x. The listed tablets from an itch are easily transferred by an organism and do not cause apathy and drowsiness.
With severe itching, external preparations sometimes fail. And here come to the aid of pills from itching, which have a systemic (general) effect on the body.
To eliminate discomfort, the doctor can prescribe pills that belong to one of the pharmaceutical groups, depending on what the itch is caused by - allergies, parasites, inflammatory reactions, etc.
All the pills from itching do not work the same way, so one tablet is helped by one tablet, and the other by another. In order to correctly choose tablets from itching, given the cause and mechanism of action of the drug, it is necessary to conduct a full diagnostic examination.
As tablets against itching, you can use:
- anti-allergic (antihistamine) tablets;
- hormones-glucocorticoids;
- analgesics;
- blockers of opioid receptors;
- tablet inhibitors of calcineurin.
As a rule, tablets from itching are well absorbed in the digestive tract, and their effect is observed for 30-40 minutes, after reaching their maximum concentration in the bloodstream. Sometimes this period stretches to 60-90 minutes.
The bioavailability of the active ingredients of the tablets against itching is directly proportional to the accepted dosage of the drug.
Most drugs are absorbed longer, if at the time of intake in the stomach is a large amount of food: the clinical effect while not suffering.
Dosing and administration
Tablets from pruritus are appointed taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. Usually the treatment scheme is a doctor: if you prescribe an excessive dosage of the drug, you can cause an increase in already expressed side effects, and a small dose may be ineffective. Therefore, calculate the dosage of tablets from pruritus is necessary clearly and correctly, completely relying on the qualification of the doctor.
If the long-awaited improvement does not occur during the first 24 hours of treatment, then it makes sense to reconsider the advisability of taking the chosen drug: perhaps another, more powerful remedy should be prescribed.
It is strongly recommended not to be treated by itching independently.
Use of the tablets from itching during pregnancy
During the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding, systemic drugs, which are the tablets from pruritus, are usually not used. Pregnant and lactating women are recommended to use topical preparations, and only under the supervision of a doctor.
Tablets from pruritus may be contraindicated:
- with a tendency to allergies to the components of the selected drug;
- with violations of the liver and kidneys;
- at a closed angle glaucoma;
- with a tendency to urine retention.
Other possible contraindications should be read in the instructions for the specific preparation.
Side effects of the tablets from itching
A frequent side effect of antiallergic tablets from itching is drowsiness, but the latest generations of drugs are deprived of this unpleasant effect. However, drowsiness is not the only possible side effect. So, during treatment, the appearance may appear:
- an allergic reaction;
- dizziness, headache;
- cardiopalmus;
- dyspeptic disorders.
Accidentally or intentionally taken a large number of tablets from itching can be lethal: especially with antihistamines. For example, an overdose of Suprastin leads to the development of signs similar to atropine poisoning: the patient exhibits coordination disorders, hallucinations, seizures, athetosis. In childhood, symptoms develop rapidly and have a more negative prognosis.
When taking a large dose of Loratadin, anticholinergic symptoms first of all appear: frequent heartbeats, pain in the head.
If you suspect a large dose of any tablets from itching, you should immediately take measures to cleanse the stomach. It can be its washing and reception of the crushed tablets of the activated coal with water. Symptomatic treatment is performed under the supervision of a physician.
Interactions with other drugs
Tablets from itching are not recommended to be combined with each other if the result of their interaction is unknown.
It is not recommended to combine any tablets from itching with alcoholic beverages and alcohol-based medications. In addition, some drugs do not combine antibiotics, hypnotics, etc.
Before you start taking any pills, you should carefully read the instructions, as well as follow the recommendations of the doctor who prescribes the drug.
Storage conditions
Almost all tablets from itching can be stored in the usual temperature regime, up to + 25 ° C. You can not freeze medicines, regardless, tablets or capsules.
It is necessary to strictly control the lack of access of children and mentally unbalanced persons to the storage of tablets from pruritus - after all, the occasional reception of such drugs can result in extremely unfavorable consequences.
Shelf life
Tablets from pruritus can be stored for about 3 years from the date of release, but the exact shelf life should be specified in the annotation to a specific medication. Tablets with expired shelf life, as well as those stored in the wrong conditions, are subject to immediate disposal: taking such medications can end badly.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Tablets that remove itching: skin, in intimate places, with allergies" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.