Why and why are the palms of the hands scratched in the child, women, men
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Symptom, when the palms are itching, occurs with many pathological conditions. Consider the main causes of the problem, its types, ways of diagnosis and treatment.
Skin itching is an unpleasant and rather painful phenomenon. It can occur on any part of the body. Localized, when a certain part of the body is itching, is most often associated with various allergic reactions or dermatological diseases. One example of such a pathology is the itching of the hands. Skin covers consist of a variety of nerve fibers.
What does the palm of your hand itch?
Symptom, when the palms are itching, occurs with many pathological conditions. Consider the main causes of the problem, its types, ways of diagnosis and treatment.
Skin itching is an unpleasant and rather painful phenomenon. It can occur on any part of the body. Localized, when a certain part of the body is itching, is most often associated with various allergic reactions or dermatological diseases. One example of such a pathology is the itching of the hands. Skin covers consist of a variety of nerve endings that are located on the surface of the dermis. Since the upper limbs are most susceptible to injury, there are a lot of factors that cause discomfort.
If the palms are itching, then it interferes with the normal work and life. An unpleasant symptom can indicate the development of a disease. In some cases, the pathology may be accompanied by additional symptoms: burning, redness, peeling, rashes. In any case, leave this problem without attention is not necessary. It is necessary to consult a dermatologist and determine the cause of the disorder. According to the results of the study, a treatment will be prescribed that will help to get rid of unpleasant sensations, and prevent their appearance in the future.
There are certain signs that explain the itching of the palms. If the desire to scratch your hands is of a non-permanent nature, then this may indicate any change in life or the receipt of news. Dermatological reaction is interpreted depending on its location:
Right palm:
- Receiving money profit.
- Getting rid of financial problems.
- Nice meeting.
- Getting lime from friends or distant relatives.
Left palm:
- Improving the financial situation.
- Great luck.
- An important purchase.
In order for the alternative belief to come true, you need to scratch your hand on the edge of the dining table or scratch it against any object of red color. For the execution of monetary signs, it is recommended to hold in your hand a small change or available bills, this will attract good luck.
What does the right palate look like?
Despite widespread adoption in the past, today they are still believed. What itches the right palm - this reaction is explained by the intensity of the itch and even by the day of the week it appeared.
- Monday - an unexpected receipt of money, a meeting with a friend.
- Tuesday - payment of wages in the coming days, meeting with an old friend.
- Wednesday - will give the old financial debt, a new acquaintance.
- Thursday is a financial reward, a meeting with a loved one.
- Friday - will have to borrow money, an unexpected meeting.
- Saturday is money as a gift for close people, a romantic date.
- Sunday is a good sale, a meeting with influential people.
The same sign has several interpretations, so you need to draw an analogy with your life. To believe in signs or not, everyone decides for himself. But if itching occurs on a regular basis, then you need to seek medical help.
What does the left palm of your hand scratches?
Superstitions about the palms are the most common. Many people still compare the itch with the upcoming money chores and other events that prophesy signs. What does the left palm of your hand itches?
- Getting a big profit.
- An important transaction or purchase.
- Problems due to receiving a gift or money.
- Meetings with nice people.
Strangely enough, but the itch of both hands is more associated with various financial troubles. The desire to scratch my right hand is explained by the deterioration of weather palms. Itching can mean that you will soon have to embrace a person dearly to you. For single people, this can be a harbinger of new acquaintances and strong relationships.
If the palms are itching, then it's worth to see a doctor, and not to believe in various alternative signs. As, most likely the dyscomfort is connected with action of allergens or dermatological problems. Timely appeal for medical help will identify the cause of the disorder, and quickly eliminate it with minimal consequences for the body.
In the structure of dermatological diseases, such a symptom as itching, occupies one of the leading places. Epidemiology indicates that the frequency of its occurrence is from 5 to 47%. The pattern of development of a morbid condition depends on climatogeographical features, quality of life, the presence of chronic diseases and the general state of the organism.
Epidemiological studies have shown that in Europe, the prevalence of itching of hands caused by one or other of the causes ranges from 6 to 17%. Malaise depends on the degree and nature of environmental pollution and a number of other factors.
Causes of the itching of the palms
Many factors can lead to dermatological problems. The causes of itching in the palms are most often associated with such pathologies as:
- An allergic reaction is the most common cause. As a rule, the discomfort is moderate, but in rare cases it is acute. Occurs when in contact with various chemicals, cosmetics or medications. To eliminate it, you need to identify the allergen and take antihistamines. If you leave the allergy without treatment, then it can go to eczema or more serious diseases.
- Insect bites - it can be bed pliers and bugs, fleas. Parasites live in soft and old wooden furniture. At the same time, not only the hands, but also other parts of the body are scratched: back, buttocks, chest. Treatment consists in getting rid of infected interior items and treating the premises from parasites.
- Eczema is a chronic dermatological disease that occurs with remissions and exacerbations. Most often it develops in people prone to allergic reactions and has several forms and species. There can be a microbial, atopic, professional, idiopathic eczema. It starts with an itch, which gradually intensifies. In the lesions appear bubbles with a liquid, bursting, they leave painful wounds. Treatment is long.
- Scabies - skin disease caused by an itch mite. Dispatched when shaking hands, so it starts with itching of the upper limbs. Then a rash is formed on the skin (scabies mites). Therapy consists of disinfection of clothes and premises, as well as a course of taking medications.
- Diseases of the liver - palms are strongly itchy with cholestasis. This disease is a violation of the synthesis of bile outflow in the body and acts as a complication of various infectious lesions, prolonged drug therapy. Can occur with hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver.
- Psychoemotional stress - unpleasant sensations arise because of strong or prolonged nervous experiences. Treatment is based on the elimination of provoking factors and risk factors. Therapy is handled by a neurologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist.
- Oncology - prolonged discomfort can be a symptom of malignant processes that begin in the body. Also, it can be a sign of violations by the endocrine system, diabetes or leukemia.
Depending on the cause, these types of itching are distinguished:
- Proprioceptive - arises as a response to the stimulation of C-fibers by pruritogen.
- Neuropathic - is based on damage to the nervous system. Occurs with thrombosis of vessels, neuralgia.
- Psychogenic - discomfort appears with mental solutions.
- Neurogenic - does not depend on nerve pathologies, but has a central genesis.
- Mixed.
The disorder is also distinguished by its prevalence. Itching can be localized and generalized. In the first case, only the hands are healed, and in the second case discomfort extends to other parts of the body.
The reasons why the palms are itching are very diverse and complex. Therefore, their diagnosis and treatment should be handled by a doctor. Violation can occur with diseases of the blood system, due to contact with burning plants or chronic damage to the body. Sometimes, late pregnancy is accompanied by this symptom. Discomfort is observed with excessive sweating, frostbite, age-related changes (climax) with increased dryness of the epidermis or due to deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body.
Risk factors
The possibility of developing any disease significantly increases with certain risk factors. The desire to scratch your hands can occur under such circumstances as:
- Burns with plants.
- Insect bites.
- Dermatological diseases.
- Infectious lesions of the epidermis.
- Increased sweating.
- Thermal action.
- Reaction to cosmetic and synthetic agents.
These risk factors also affect the severity of the course of the pathological process. Often, the disorder occurs due to the action of several factors at the same time. The process can be complicated by the presence of chronic diseases or prolonged nervous experiences, stress.
The mechanism of palmar itching is associated with the cause of its origin. Pathogenesis indicates the absence of morphological changes in the epidermis. Very often discomfort becomes more pronounced in the morning or at night, less often in the daytime. Because of this, sleep is disturbed and insomnia can develop. Painful sensations can be amplified by the action of water or by changes in temperature. Combing leads to increased frustration and the appearance of infiltration. Against this background, neurotic disorders can develop.
Symptoms of the itching of the palms
According to medical statistics, most often the symptoms of paleness are a sign of an allergic reaction. Unpleasant sensations can cover the entire surface of the hand or appear in a certain place, for example, between the fingers. Symptomatics can be acute, manifest with a chronic course or slowly progress and affect other parts of the body.
Since all allergic reactions have a similar mechanism, their symptoms manifest themselves as follows:
- Of mast cells, when exposed to an allergen, heparin and bradykinin are secreted, which provoke skin itching.
- Heparin and bradykinin provoke swelling and flushing of the tissues, possibly a local increase in temperature.
- Chemically active substances of mast cells can cause rashes.
The algorithm described above is typical for palmar itching. Because of strong scratching, the symptoms only worsen. In this case, washing hands or applying moisturizer does not eliminate discomfort. Because of puffiness, the flexion of the fingers is difficult, the hands become hot to the touch. The epidermis acquires a red tint, rashes appear. The rash can be represented by small bubbles with a liquid that merge and burst, forming a wound. Due to the fact that the epidermis does not have time to flake, there are crusts provoking cracks.
If there was contact with a chemical stimulus, then blisters similar to burns can form. If the action of the allergen was directed only to the hands, then there are no generalized reactions. If the discomfort is accompanied by the formation of blisters with compartments, then this may indicate eczema or dermatitis. In any case, the pathological symptomatology, regardless of its intensity, is an occasion to appeal to a dermatologist. Since without proper treatment, strong combing will injure the skin, which contributes to infectious infection, suppuration and a number of other complications.
First signs
Skin pruritus can be local and generalized. The first signs of defeat are limited. Discomfort has a different degree of intensity, that is, from mild to severe (painful). The prolonged course of the pathological process leads to severe injuries (abrasions, scratches, microtrauma) due to scratching. As a result, the symptoms become more pronounced: redness, peeling, cracks. There may be infectious complications, the appearance of ulcers and other.
Palms red and itch
At some conditions there is such symptom when palms red and are scratched. The human hand acts as an indicator of various processes in the body due to its physiological structure. It consists of a variety of blood vessels that are located close to the outer skin. Any changes in blood flow affect the pigmentation of the epidermis.
Consider the most likely causes of itching and redness:
- Allergy - redness can act as an irritant to certain substances. Most often, this reaction is observed when dealing with household chemicals or cosmetics. Discomfort arises from the effects of certain drugs and foods. Without timely treatment, this condition can go to eczema and other dermatological complications.
- Liver diseases - if the upper limbs are itchy and keep the hyperemic state for a long period of time, then this indicates liver damage. In most cases, this symptom indicates that the body does not cope with the processing of toxic substances coming from food or produced in infectious processes. Such phenomena can occur in hepatitis, hepatosis, cirrhosis. Pathological symptoms are supplemented by attacks of nausea, painful sensations in the right hypochondrium and a violation of the stool.
- Psoriasis - redness can be a symptom of palmar psoriasis. On the skin appear papules or round plaques with scales. Similar rashes can be on other parts of the body.
- Hypovitaminosis - red palms in combination with itching, burning and numbness of hands indicate a vitamin B deficiency in the body. In addition, there is irritability, fatigue, hair loss and brittle nails.
- Lane's disease - redness manifests itself in the form of large accumulations of small points with itching and increased sweating.
Redness is not always a sign of a pathological process. It is possible when exposed to external factors: winding, chemical or thermal burn, freezing. With this condition, very often pregnant women face, as during vynashivaniya vascular activity increases. But if the change in pigmentation is accompanied by additional symptoms, which includes itching, then you should see a doctor. To establish the true cause of pathology, a complex examination of the body is necessary.
Blushed and scratched palms
You can determine the condition of the body by hand. They contain many capillaries that can narrow and expand, changing the color of the skin. If the palms are red and itchy, then this is a reliable indicator of the negative changes in the body.
Redness and scabies can indicate palmar erythema. This condition is not associated with inflammatory processes, but appears due to the proximity of the capillaries to the surface of the skin. Discomfort is caused by hypothermia or airing of hands. As a rule, unpleasant feelings pass independently for several days. But if the above factors are excluded, and painful feelings persist, then this can indicate such problems:
- Diseases of the internal organs - toxic damage to the liver causes these symptoms. The disorder is accompanied by weight loss, nausea, headaches.
- Disorders from the cardiovascular system - hands numb, cold to the touch, a small red rash may appear. Similar is observed in vegetative-vascular dystonia, accompanied by increased weakness and dizziness.
- Avitaminosis / hypervitaminosis - unpleasant sensations occur both in the case of a deficiency, and with an excess of vitamins. Most often, it is associated with vitamins A and B. To repair the defect is shown restorative therapy. Without timely treatment, the imbalance of microelements leads to complications.
- Allergic reactions - contact dermatitis occurs due to various reagents, cosmetic and chemical substances. Discomfort appears due to flower pollen, poplar fluff and a number of other allergens.
Red palms with itching and burning also occur for other reasons. It can endocrine system diseases, for example, diabetes, various neurological disorders, tuberculosis, hypothyroidism and much more.
Red patches on the palms of the chest are itching
Any changes in appearance with painful sensations, cause fear. If the red spots on the palms of your chest are itchy, then very often it is the reason for panic. The appearance of red spots may indicate such causes:
- Allergic dermatitis.
- Dyshidrotic, cold eczema.
- Lane disease (palmar erythema).
- Herpes.
- Scabies.
Discomfort can be the result of chronic fatigue, hormonal failure or long-term stress. It should be understood that the rash just does not occur. There are a number of dermatological causes of the disorder:
- Fungal dermatitis.
- Atopic dermatitis.
- Photodermatosis (develops due to exposure to ultraviolet skin).
- Hives.
- Eczema.
- Psoriasis.
Red spots and itching appear with deprivation. Most often it develops in contact with animals. If the symptomatology is supplemented with swelling of the tissues, then this indicates scleroderma. To treat the above pathologies requires a comprehensive approach.
Cheshutsya and scaly palms
Symptom, in which the palms are scratched and flaky, in most cases indicates the development of eczema. With this disorder, the epidermis dries out, provoking peeling, the appearance of cracks and even blisters. In especially severe cases, the disease passes into the wet form, when the wound begins to fester.
Another reason why itches and flakes their hands is psoriasis. Painful sensations can be so pronounced that rashes are ripped to bloody wounds. Treatment of the disease is long, as it is characterized by a chronic recurrent course.
Symptoms can be associated with atopic dermatitis. In this case, the pain is not strongly expressed, but still require treatment. First of all, it is necessary to ensure sufficient moisturizing of hands, adhere to the drinking regime, maintain the optimal level of humidity in the room and contact the dermatologist.
The palms and feet are scratched
If the palms and feet are scratched, then this can be caused by the following reasons:
- Fungal infections.
- Scabies.
- Insect bites.
- Allergic reactions.
- Stressful experiences.
- Burning lesions.
If the symptoms are associated with allergic reactions, then there may be swelling and attacks of nausea. With scabies, the skin is more damaged between the fingers, with discomfort manifested on the abdomen, buttocks, head. In fungal infections, the disorder is accompanied by a change in the nail plate and cracks between the fingers. The main danger of this pathology is that it is contagious and without proper treatment leads to serious complications.
Cheshut palms in the morning
One of the most common diseases in which the palms are itching in the morning is microbial eczema. Very often it develops with fungal lesions, lymphostasis, varicose veins, pyoderma. The lesions are characterized by inflammatory skin changes with blistering rashes and severe itching, which is exacerbated in the morning.
In addition to eczema, the desire to scratch your hands can be associated with allergic reactions. For example, because of the use of certain cosmetics after waking up or because of the peculiarities of nutrition. Discomfort also arises from the morning water procedures. For treatment, you need to contact a dermatologist who diagnoses the true cause of discomfort and prescribes appropriate therapy.
Your hands palpate in the evening
If there is a symptom, when palms are itching in the evening or at night, then this may indicate infection with an itch mite. The disorder is accompanied by small rashes, due to which you can suspect the disease.
Another possible cause of evening discomfort is allergic pathology. It can be eczema, dermatitis or dyshidrosis. The latter proceeds as eczema, but is accompanied by the formation of intra-epidermal transparent blisters. Also, we should not exclude reactions like contact with food allergens, various cosmetic or chemical substances (household chemicals).
At night, palms are itching
A fairly common phenomenon faced by both adults and children is nocturnal itching. Most often at night, palms are itching. It delivers many painful sensations that lead to sleep disturbances, increased nervous excitability, irritability and damage to the epidermis. This symptom is not an independent disease. It acts as a sign of various pathologies from the side of the central nervous system, internal organs or a dermatological reaction to the allergen.
According to the form of manifestation, itching can be acute or chronic. Night palm damage occurs in such cases:
- Seasonal disorders - discomfort appears in autumn and winter, when low temperature and dry air prevail. Unpleasant sensations arise from the lack of moisture in the skin of the hands. Because of the constant night combing, wounds are formed, in which the infection can penetrate.
- Allergen-stimulus - it can be foods eaten before bed, various medicines, cosmetics, chemicals, dust mites or household dust.
- Infectious and parasitic lesions - the desire to scratch your hands arises from scabies. Discomfort intensifies at night, when parasites begin their active activity.
A dermatological reaction can occur when the endocrine system is malfunctioning, blood and liver diseases, benign and malignant tumors. Also do not forget about scabies, psoriasis and streptoderma. The treatment of nocturnal disorders depends on the cause, which can be established only by a doctor.
The back of the hand is scratched
If the back of the hands is itchy, then this can be caused by the following reasons:
- Allergy - irritation occurs when you come in contact with allergens or when they get inside. This can be food, medicines, cosmetics or household chemicals. In some cases, the reaction appears due to pollen, dust or dry air.
- Scabies are a common cause of itching of the hands. Occurs because of prolonged contact with a sick animal or human. The microscopic parasite most damages the tissues between the fingers, where it is easiest for it to penetrate the skin. On his hands appears papulovezikuleznaya rash, which resembles chickenpox. Discomfort is worse in the evening.
- Ringworm - in addition to itching, on the back of the palms appear scaly patches of pink. The disease is quite dangerous, since without timely and correct treatment affects other areas of the body, causes a number of complications and can be transmitted to other people.
- Dyshidrotic eczema - is associated with hereditary predisposition, mental illness, lesions of the endocrine or digestive system.
- Psychoemotional stress - very often emotional stress and nervous experiences lead to side symptoms. To treat unpleasant symptoms, you need to contact a neurologist.
In addition to the above reasons, the back of the palms can be itchy due to a weak immune system. This is observed after a cold or any other disease. Irritation is associated with low immunity. Treatment is aimed at strengthening the body.
Pryshchiki on the palms of his itches
Quite an unpleasant phenomenon - it's pimples, but if they arise on the hands, it causes severe discomfort. If the pimples on the palms are itching, then this is a clear sign of violations in the body. This occurs when infectious infections and a number of other causes, consider them:
- Non-compliance with hygiene - symptoms can arise due to lack of basic washing of hands. Any infections, wounds or scratches without timely disinfection, are an excellent beginning for itching, rash and other unpleasant sensations.
- Allergies - rashes appear due to contact with cosmetics, household chemicals or medicines. When working with aggressive substances or potential allergens, it is recommended to use gloves to prevent this pathology.
- Gastrointestinal diseases - itchy pimples appear not only on the hands, but also on the back. This is due to the fact that the system of the gastrointestinal tract ceases to cope with its functions, which are redistributed to other organs. In this case, rashes are a sign of malnutrition or damage to the digestive system.
- Fungus - most often the infection occurs because of non-observance of personal hygiene. Particularly dangerous are places of increased concentrations of people, for example, a swimming pool or public transport. Infection occurs through microtraumas of the epidermis.
- Chicken pox - with this disease pimples appear not only on the hands, but on the whole body. In addition to itching, there are marked painful sensations, fever, nausea and vomiting.
- Stress - a negative emotional state is manifested by different symptoms, one of which is itchy rashes on the upper limbs. Treatment is aimed at eliminating nervous distress and maintaining mental health.
To establish the true cause of the pathology, it is better to see a doctor. Medical care is especially needed if the rash has spread to other parts of the body or there is additional symptomatology.
Palms itch and crack
One of the most common reasons for contacting a dermatologist is when the palms scratch and crack. This condition can occur with infectious infections, allergic reactions, diseases of internal organs, due to malnutrition or dermatological pathologies.
Most often, peeling and cracks occur when such factors act:
- Use of household chemicals without protective gloves.
- Sharply changes in temperature.
- Weathering of the skin.
- Exposure to ultraviolet light.
- Increased dryness of air in the room.
- Deodorizing, antimicrobial soap or cream, which overdry the skin.
The risk of developing a pathological condition is significantly increased in people with dry skin. In this case, the lack of moisture is aggravated by contact with various stimuli and water. A defect can occur due to prolonged antibacterial therapy, with a fungal infection, various allergic reactions and a lack of vitamins in the body.
Treatment consists of eliminating unpleasant symptoms and the cause of its appearance. During therapy, it is necessary to maintain hygiene, maintain an optimal level of humidity and protect your hands from the influence of an aggressive environment.
The palm has swollen and itches
Many people face such a problem when the palm is swollen and itches. This condition can last from a couple of minutes to several days. Ignore such a reaction is impossible, because it indicates the pathological processes in the body.
The main causes of the disorder:
- Carpal tunnel syndrome - occurs when the median nerve passes through the carpal tunnel. The syndrome can occur in patients of all ages. Most often appears from the monotonous work. For the treatment use massages, special gymnastics to strengthen the carpal tunnel and cooling the place of injury. If discomfort persists for a long period of time, then medical attention is needed.
- Seasonal puffiness - arises from the intense heat and widening of the blood vessels. Swelling and itching signal the body's attempt to cool the body. Symptoms go away on their own, but if there are pain, then it's worth to see a doctor.
- Excess sodium in the body - swelling and the desire to scratch your hands occurs when consuming fried and salty foods. The swelling also spreads to the fingers. To eliminate the defect, it is sufficient to exclude salted foods from the diet.
- Lymphedema (lymphatic edema) is a condition in which the fluid is held locally. Hands swell, tissues become dense and heavily itchy. It occurs because of a malfunction in the lymphatic system. With normal functioning, the interstitial fluid goes into the lymphatic flow, and then into the circulatory system. This can occur not only on the palms of the hands, but also on the feet. In especially severe cases, surgical treatment is performed.
- Raynaud's disease - unpleasant sensations are associated with abnormal work of the brain department responsible for the vascular tone. Typically, discomfort begins with swelling and itching of one finger, which gradually grabs the entire arm. A painful condition develops due to a sharp drop in temperature, stress, or the action of chemical stimuli.
- An allergic reaction is the response of the immune system to the action of a certain stimulus. In addition to swelling, redness, spots on the skin, or rashes may appear.
In any case, if your hand is swollen and itchy, you should consult your doctor to determine the cause of the disorder. If you leave this state without attention, then it can go into a chronic form or cause a number of complications.
On the palms appeared pimples and itch
If the pimples appear on the palms and it itches, then this can indicate one of the forms of dermatitis. Most often diagnose contact dermatitis, which develops due to contact with irritants. An allergic reaction may be accompanied by hyperemia and the appearance of spots. Therefore, in this condition, it is worthwhile to see a doctor who will help determine the cause of the disorder.
In some cases, the violation indicates poisoning with metals. This condition is typical for people working in the production of heavy metal compounds. Such poisoning threatens with serious consequences for the whole organism. Painful symptoms are observed in infectious diseases. Infringement is possible or probable at defeat by viruses, bacteria, mushrooms. Treatment is aimed at eliminating provoking factors and alleviating clinical manifestations.
Nemyut and itches palms
An extremely unpleasant condition, when palms are numb and numb, can arise for a variety of reasons. In any case, it is an organism signal about the development of certain diseases or a protective reaction to the action of stimuli.
The main causes of the violation:
- An uncomfortable position during sleep, that is, the waxing of the limb.
- Insect bites and burns by some plants.
- Infectious and fungal lesions.
- Dermatological diseases.
- Allergic reactions (intolerance of products, medicines, household chemicals, cosmetics).
- Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
- Carpal tunnel syndrome.
- Polyneuropathy (defeat of nerve endings).
- Raynaud's disease.
Numbness and itching of the hands can be associated with endocrine diseases, joint inflammation or trauma. It is very difficult to independently determine the cause of a painful condition, so it is better to see a doctor. A complex of studies is needed in a dermatologist and a neurologist. According to the diagnostic results, the optimal therapy is selected.
Cheshutsya palms and between the fingers
There are many reasons why itches the palms and between the fingers. They can differ in pathogens, severity of lesions and possible consequences for the body. Consider the main factors of the development of the violation:
- Allergies or dermatitis - allergies occur when contact with biological or chemical allergens, and dermatitis develops with weakened immunity, malnutrition and other negative conditions for the body. Treatment involves medication, which is aimed at reducing the activity of blood cells responsible for the isolation of histamine.
- Autoimmune diseases - unpleasant symptoms arise due to the active fight of immune cells with the cells of the body. In the lesions there is dryness, rashes, itching, burning. For treatment use drugs with inhibitory effect, as they reduce the activity of basophils and cleave histamine.
- Scabies - from infection with an itch mite suffer both adults and children. When infected, the skin between the fingers becomes reddish, begins to itch, can thicken and peel off. Treatment depends on the results of the tests, which are prescribed by a dermatologist.
- Fungal lesions - if the itching is accompanied by reddening of the surface of the palms and the skin between the fingers, then this can indicate a fungus. Discomfort is accompanied by desquamation and an unpleasant odor, lesions can move to other parts of the body. Treatment is long, consists of a course of medications and physiotherapy.
- Lishay - most often in humans, this fungal disease occurs due to infection from pets. Appears dryness, peeling, severe itching. Treatment is complex, aimed at strengthening immunity and combating the fungus.
- Excessive dryness of the skin - unpleasant sensations can arise from too dry epidermis. To eliminate discomfort, you need to use moisturizing and nourishing creams, drink a course of vitamins.
In any case, regardless of the cause, the disorder requires medical advice and diagnosis. As sometimes, behind superficial signs the serious disease can disappear.
Strong palms are scratched
If your hands are very itchy, then you should consult a doctor. An unpleasant symptom occurs with various body lesions on the part of many organs and systems. Itching can be acute or chronic. By the degree of prevalence: local and generalized. Discomfort arises from the cascading of neuro-reflex and humoral reactions. As a rule, it is connected with such factors:
- Frequent drying of the epidermis.
- Infection affecting the upper layers of the skin.
- Allergic reactions of varying severity.
- Parasitic diseases.
If you scratches not only the hands, but also other parts of the body, then this indicates a generalized itch. It occurs with diseases of the endocrine system, stress, allergic reactions, liver damage (diabetes mellitus, hepatitis, jaundice), blood diseases, mental disorders and xeroderma.
For easing of unpleasant symptoms, it is possible to conduct a number of pre-hospital activities. Discomfort weakens after taking a cold shower, wet cold compresses. Anesthetic, soothing and cooling skin actions are possessed by lotions and hand and body creams based on camphor and menthol. If there is a suspicion that the disorder is associated with nervous experiences, then it is worth taking sedatives. It is also recommended to avoid increased physical exertion, sunlight and minimize the effect of heat on the skin.
Dry and itch palms
Hands are most susceptible to the negative effects of various environmental factors. Most often this leads to the fact that the palms are drying and itching. Unpleasant sensations can be caused by such reasons:
- Nutritional irritants.
- Contact with household detergents or cosmetics.
- Reaction to a sudden change in temperature.
- Reaction to ultraviolet radiation.
- Reception of medicines.
- Deficiency of vitamins in the body.
- Skin diseases.
- Failures in the work of the endocrine or hormonal system.
- Tendency to increased dryness of the skin.
- Different genetic factors.
Treatment is based on the establishment and elimination of causes that cause skin dryness. If an allergic disease is detected, the patient is prescribed antihistamines for internal and external use. If the disorder is associated with fungal pathologies, then antimycotic agents are used. Also shown is local therapy, that is, moisturizing, nourishing and anti-inflammatory creams, ointments, lotions, gels.
After the bath, palms are itching
Many people are faced with a problem when the bath after the bath itches. This can occur due to contact with too hot or cold water. This is observed because of the cosmetic products used during bathing or for skin care after. Often, itching arises from the increased sensitivity of the body to water elements: the presence of chlorine, stiffness and other.
If the relationship between unpleasant sensations and water procedures is established, this indicates an aquatic allergy. Its appearance is associated with the production of histamine with a cholinergic reaction. In addition to allergies to water, pain can be caused by tissue causes:
- Endocrine diseases.
- Defects of the hematopoiesis system and progressive blood diseases.
- Liver pathology.
- Oncological diseases.
- Dermatological lesions.
The desire to scratch the palms after a bath, which occurs very often, requires medical advice. Since it is associated with the risk of developing various pathologies. In addition, the dermatologist will prescribe a treatment that will eliminate unpleasant symptoms.
Burning and itching palms of hands
If your palms are burning and itches, then you should not look for a sacred meaning in this, because it is a clear sign of a dermatological problem or some kind of disturbances in the body.
The main causes of the pathological condition:
- Diseases of the liver - it's burning hands, doctors called hepatic. The disorder develops due to prolonged use of medications, alcohol, abuse of fatty or spicy food. These factors affect the condition of the hands, causing severe itching and a feeling of heat.
- Allergic reaction - the action of a strong allergen can trigger a sensation of burning hands. A similar reaction is observed after contact with cosmetic or chemical substances that contain hazardous components. The reason may be in food or medicine.
- Deficiency of B vitamins - this phenomenon is most often observed during pregnancy and because of strong nervous experiences. Vitamin B is responsible for the normal functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Its deficiency worsens the general state of health, there is weakness, various violations of the hormonal background and reactions from the skin.
- Endocrine diseases - a dermatological reaction is observed in diabetes mellitus. This is due to an increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood. The patient complains of headaches, a thirst, a strong appetite.
- Carpal tunnel syndrome - palms not only burn and itch, but also sweat. Unpleasant sensations arise because of regular flexion-extensor movements with a brush. There may also be numbness in the limb or a slight loss of sensitivity.
Regardless of the cause, pathological symptoms require medical attention. Without proper treatment, the painful condition will progress and may lead to unpleasant consequences.
Palms sweat and itch
Quite a common problem when the palms sweat and itch. This gives a lot of inconvenience, leads to nervous experiences and stresses. Maintaining water-salt balance and stabilizing body temperature, moisturizing and protecting the skin are the main functions of sweat.
According to medical research, even under normal conditions and without physical exertion, the human body can release up to 700 ml of fluid per day. With hyperhidrosis and various diseases of the body, including dermatological amount of sweat can reach 1.5 liters per hour. In combination with severe itching, this leads to traumatization of the tissues due to their combing.
The main causes of excessive sweating of the hands:
- Allergic reaction to food, cosmetics, household chemicals and other reagents.
- Neurological disorders.
- Various psychogenic factors.
- Diseases of internal organs.
- Hormonal changes in the body (pregnancy, menopause, transitional age, old age).
- Dermatological diseases.
If the causes of unpleasant symptoms are not identified, then this may indicate idiopathic hyperhidrosis. This condition is manifested by excessive sweating of the palms, feet and underarms. The patient complains of severe itching and burning, skin cracks and infections can appear. Treatment is complex and depends on the cause of malaise.
The palms of the child are scratched
If the palms of the child are itchy, then it causes cause for concern for the parents. The problem can be local or spread throughout the body with additional pathological symptoms. In this case, combing can be either acute or permanent. Due to the regular trauma of the tissues, wounds appear that are prone to infection.
The main causes of itchy hands in children:
- Enterovirus infection - affects not only the organs, but also the skin. When the epidermis is infected, viral exanthema arises, which is manifested by hyperemia of the tissues of the hands, the upper half of the trunk. Also, there may appear blister rashes that go away in a few days, leaving behind pigment spots.
- Allergic reaction - occurs on food, hygiene products, medicines, pet hair and much more. Painful symptoms can be caused by poor environmental conditions or poor water, in which the child washes his hands, drinks and bathes.
- Dyshidrosis - dyshidrotic eczema is manifested not only by combing the skin, but also by a small rash in combination with hyperemia.
- Fungus - itching in combination with peeling and increased dryness of the epidermis. In this case, not only the palms suffer, but also the fingers, the nails darken and begin to separate. The disease is quite dangerous, as it leads to an increased concentration of toxins in the child's body, which increases the risk of other diseases.
In addition to the above-described reasons, unpleasant sensations can be associated with vitamin deficiency, insect bites, plant burns, various mechanical injuries, malfunctions in the nervous system and severe stress. If the palm of the child is itching at night, the disorder does not pass for a long time or spreads to other parts of the body, then it is necessary to consult a dermatologist.
Cheshut palms during pregnancy
Often the itching of the hands complain about future mothers. If the palms of the hands are itchy during pregnancy, this can be a symptom of bile stasis, especially during the last gestation period. In this case, there are no rashes, but the color of urine changes, it becomes darker. Painful sensations can be caused by such reasons as:
- Cholestasis - itching of pregnant women occurs due to disruptions in the liver. This is due to the sensitivity of the body to hormonal changes. Gradually, scabies spread to other parts of the body. In the risk zone are women with high cholesterol and chronic diseases of the biliary tract. As a rule, the disorder passes by itself, after childbirth.
- Dermatological diseases - it can be eczema, dermatosis, fungal lesions, scabies and other pathologies, which are accompanied by scratching of the skin, its peeling, numbness, swelling or rashes. Similar is observed in allergic reactions.
- Increased sweating - many women complain of excessive sweating of the palms and whole body during pregnancy. This is due to hormonal changes in the body. To eliminate discomfort, it is recommended to wash your hands more often and take a shower, wear clothes made from natural fabrics.
During pregnancy, your hands can be itchy due to hepatitis, diabetes and other serious illnesses. To maintain a normal state of health during the waiting period of the baby, it is necessary to minimize the factors that can lead to a health disorder. When the first symptoms of a disorder should be consulted a doctor.
Complications and consequences
The possible consequences and complications of itching, as well as the likelihood of their development, completely depend on the causes of the disorder. Most often, patients face such problems:
- Wounds due to scratching and scars.
- Change in the pigmentation of the epidermis.
- Atrophic changes.
- Dyschromia.
- Purulent processes or infection with a bacterial infection.
- Psychological disorders.
The most common complication is the attachment of secondary infection and atrophy of the skin. Combing the epidermis adversely affects the protective properties of the skin, which contributes to the introduction of pathogenic microflora. This leads to the formation of purulent complications, the development of pyoderma and other conditions in which the overall well-being deteriorates.
Diagnostics of the itching of the palms
The success of treating dermatological diseases largely depends on their correct and timely detection. Diagnosis of itching in the palms consists of different research methods. The first thing the doctor does is collect an anamnesis:
- How long ago there were unpleasant sensations.
- Under what circumstances there was an itch, which became a provocative factor.
- Whether there are contacts with potential allergens: household chemistry, cosmetics with aggressive substances and other.
- Does the patient take medications.
- Whether there are changes in a habitual diet.
- Presence of chronic diseases and hereditary predispositions.
After collecting an anamnesis, the doctor gives a referral to the tests. Laboratory diagnostics consists of clinical and biochemical blood tests, urinalysis, feces and a number of other tests. If the itching is accompanied by rashes, flaking, skin cracks and other concomitant symptoms, then instrumental diagnostics is indicated. The patient undergoes a different ultrasound, can take a scraping from the lesion and a number of other tests.
Difficulties during diagnostics arise when examining elderly patients. This is due to the fact that the hands can itch because of the age-related changes in the internal organs that wear out, and the whole body as a whole.
Errors of diagnosis are possible with psychogenic itching, when after therapy with antihistamines, discomfort weakens, but after 2-3 days they return with renewed vigor. In this case, a comprehensive comprehensive approach of different specialists is needed, both to diagnosis and treatment.
Laboratory diagnosis of dermatological reactions is necessary to establish the cause of the pathological condition. Analyzes consist of such procedures:
- General analysis of blood and urine.
- Blood test for sugar.
- Biochemical blood test for bilirubin, glucose and other components for the determination of cholestasis, renal failure or diabetes mellitus
- Analysis of feces for the presence of eggs of worms.
- A coprogram.
- Analysis for thyrotropic and thyroid hormones for suspected hypothyroidism.
The results of the analyzes are taken into account in the formulation of the final diagnosis. If there are no organic pathologies after laboratory tests, then a neurologist should be examined. This is associated with a risk of disorders from the nervous system, which can cause the desire to scratch your palms.
Instrumental diagnostics
The identification of the causes of itching of the hands consists of different methods. Instrumental diagnostics is performed with the appearance of rash, flaking, hyperemia, edema and other unpleasant symptoms. For this, scraping is taken from the skin.
Also perform ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity organs. This is necessary to identify pathologies from the pancreas and liver, which can provoke itching and burning hands, feet. According to the results of instrumental studies, a definitive diagnosis or additional tests can be made.
What do need to examine?
Differential diagnosis
Many dermatological reactions are accompanied by additional pathological symptoms. Differential diagnosis can identify the true cause of the disorder and make a plan for treatment.
Since itching most often occurs due to allergic reactions, it is necessary to identify a possible allergen. Skin tests and provocative tests are carried out for this purpose. Also differentiations are carried out with psoriasis, fungal and bacterial infections, scabies. Mandatory symptomatology is compared with manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis. Diagnosis involved dermatologist, surgeon, allergist, neuropathologist.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the itching of the palms
The successful treatment of pruritus in the palms largely depends on its cause. Therapy is based on the results of diagnosis, which allows you to determine whether the itching is a symptom of any serious illnesses of the body or this temporary violation. Both diagnostics and treatment are performed by: therapist, dermatologist, neurologist, gastroenterologist and other specialists.
- If the desire to scratch your hands arose against the background of allergies, then to reduce the painful symptoms I prescribe antiallergenic drugs.
- With various dermatological diseases, corticosteroid and hormonal ointments, biostimulants, cytostatics are used.
- If discomfort is associated with disorders of the nervous system, then sedative and sedative oral preparations are indicated.
- With senile itching, lipotropic and hormonal drugs are used.
Local treatment consists of corticosteroid ointments, creams and lotions that contain menthol and other soothing substances. Also, various physiotherapy and diet therapy can be prescribed, which speed up the healing process.
To date, the pharmaceutical market presents a variety of drugs that quickly eliminate itching of various origins. Medications are best used for medical purposes, as this is a guarantee that the pathology will be eliminated without side effects. Self-medication is unacceptable, since progressive pain can lead to serious consequences and complications.
Consider the most effective medicines:
- Itching and redness
- Levomexol
Combined drug, which includes an antibiotic and an immunostimulant. It is used for the treatment of inflammatory processes. It helps with itching, hyperemia, purulent wounds, burn injuries, boils and other dermatological diseases. Ointment is applied externally. To eliminate discomfort, the drug is applied on the palm 2-3 times a day with a thin layer. When using a lot of ointment, allergic reactions are possible. The only contraindication is the intolerance of the components of the remedy.
- Levosin
Anesthetic and anti-inflammatory agent with antimicrobial properties. It is used to treat allergic and suppurative skin lesions of varying severity. Ointment can be applied directly to the skin or with gauze bandages. The drug is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to its components.
- Fenistil
Antiallergic agent, which reduces the permeability of capillaries and stops painful sensations. It is used to treat itching and redness with various forms of allergies, insect bites, dermatitis and other epidermal injuries. The product is applied to the skin 2-3 times a day. In case of an overdose, allergic reactions become more severe. Not prescribed for patients with hypersensitivity to the drug.
- Itching, dryness, peeling, cracked skin
- Bepanten
Ointment for the treatment of cracks, peeling, itching and increased dryness of the skin. Can be used to care for newborns and for older patients. Accelerates the healing and regeneration process of the skin. Ointment is applied to the skin 1-2 times a day, the duration of therapy depends on the severity of the painful symptoms. Side effects occur in rare cases and manifest in the form of urticaria. Since the agent is indicated for topical use, an overdose is not possible.
- Fucidine
Bacteriostatic agent for topical application. Used for infection of the wound surface, that is, with severe itching with trauma to the tissues due to their combing. Produced in the form of a suspension, cream, ointment and gel. The medicine is applied to the palms and other lesions 2-3 times a day. The duration of therapy is determined by the attending physician. Side effects are manifested by local reactions. The main contraindication is intolerance of the drug components.
- La Cree
Anti-inflammatory non-hormonal cream based on plant components. Moisturizes and softens the skin, accelerates the regeneration process. The medicine is used for skin diseases with inflammation and itching, burning. Removes irritation after insect bites and plant burns. The cream is applied to clean skin 1-2 times a day until the disappearance of unpleasant symptoms. Adverse reactions occur extremely rarely and are manifested in the form of increased itching.
- Itching and rash
- Advantan
Local anti-inflammatory drug, reduces allergy symptoms. Eliminates itching, burning, rashes, redness and other reactions from the skin. Produced in the form of ointment, cream and emulsion. It is used for dermatitis of various etiologies and various types of eczema. The drug is applied 1 time per day, the course of treatment should not exceed 12 weeks for adults and 4 weeks for children. Side-effects are extremely rare, but can manifest as skin atrophy. The possibility of an overdose with prolonged use of the drug is excluded.
- Triderm
Combined drug with anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antipruritic, antibacterial and antiexudative properties. It is used for various forms of eczema and other dermatological diseases. The medication is applied to the skin 2 times a day, lightly rubbing. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks. Possible adverse reactions: a change in pigmentation, irritation, increased itching. Contraindications: intolerance of the components of the drug, tuberculosis and syphilis of the skin, chicken pox, skin reactions after vaccination.
- Belosalik
A combined agent that slows the release of inflammatory mediators, which reduces the production of cytokines and prevents the accumulation of neutrophils. It stops the inflammatory process, reduces itching and eruptions, creates an unfavorable environment for reproduction of a fungal or bacterial infection. It is prescribed for hives, ichthyosis, neurodermatitis, dyshidrosis, red flat lichen, abnormal dry skin, keratosis and a number of other diseases. Ointment or lotion is rubbed lightly into the lesion. On the prescription of the doctor, the remedy can be used for occlusive dressings. The course of treatment should not exceed 3 weeks, the medicine is applied to the skin 1-3 times a day. Possible side effects: dryness and itching, irritation, burning. It is not used for pustular diseases, open wound surfaces, fungal lesions, skin tuberculosis.
- Itching and swelling
- Panthenol
A medicine containing an analogue of pantothenic acid. It is used to accelerate the healing of the skin and mucous membranes. Helps with abrasions, burns of various origins, bullous and bubbly dermatitis. Effectively removes puffiness, eliminates the inflammation and itching sensation. Produced in the form of a spray in an aerosol can. The drug should be applied to the skin 2-3 times a day. Side effects develop with increased sensitivity to the drug and manifest as allergic reactions.
- Vital
Wound healing and regenerating agent with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antimicrobial action. It is used for various dermatological reactions and skin diseases. The agent can be applied directly to the wound site or used under the bandage. The medicine is used 2 times a day for 5-7 days. As a rule, edema and itching come off on the 2nd day of treatment.
- Itching and sweating
- Zinc ointment
Antiseptic agent for external use with astringent and drying properties. It helps in the treatment of itching of various etiologies, relieves edema and other painful sensations. Helps normalize sweating. Ointment is applied to the skin with a thin layer 1-2 times a day. Side effects and risk of overdose are not established.
- Formalin ointment
It is used for excessive sweating of the palms and itching caused by this factor. The drug is applied on the palms and in the interdigital folds 1 time per day. In some cases, adverse reactions are observed - irritation at the site of application. It is not used for inflammatory lesions of the epidermis.
- "Burning" palms, burning and itching
- Boromentol
Antiseptic with analgesic properties. It is used for the treatment of skin with itching, severe burning, neuralgia, inflammatory lesions. The agent is applied a thin layer on the skin 1-2 times a day. Side effects and contraindications are not revealed.
- Menovazine
Topical preparation. Used as a local anesthetic. Helps with a strong itch and a sensation of burning palms. It is prescribed for various dermatoses, myalgia, articular pains and as an antipruritic agent. It is available as an alcohol solution. Painful areas are treated with medication 2-3 times a day. Its long-term use can cause side reactions: dizziness, general weakness.
- Psylo-balm
Antiallergic agent topical. Reduces the permeability of the vascular wall of the capillary, reduces swelling and flushing of the tissues. Has a pronounced antipruritic effect. It has local anesthetic and cooling properties. It is used for various dermatological reactions. The gel should be applied a thin layer on the cleansed skin 3-4 times a day. The drug is well tolerated, so side effects are extremely rare. The gel is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to its components. In case of overdose or application of the funds on extensive skin areas, systemic absorption and signs of intoxication are possible. Symptomatic therapy is indicated for their elimination.
If the palms are itchy due to allergic reactions, the patient is prescribed antihistamines, which facilitate his condition. Most often for the elimination of painful sensations use such medications: Tavegil, Loratadin, Suprastin, Cetirizine. If unpleasant symptoms are associated with stress and other neurological factors, then sedatives are used. To reduce the severity of painful symptoms and calm the nervous system, you can use: Persen, Valerian, Glycine, Tenoten, Motherwort, Magne B6 and other drugs.
Palms are itching for a variety of reasons, one of them is avitaminosis. Vitamins are necessary for the normal functioning of the whole organism. Regular reception of useful micro and macro elements will help to avoid problems with the skin.
Recommended vitamins and minerals:
- A - protects the epidermis, accelerates regeneration processes. It has antioxidant properties, supports elasticity and tissue health. It is necessary for elderly patients, as it slows down the senile degenerative changes.
- B5 and zinc - support the immune system, stimulate the fight against infections and bacteria. Microelements regulate metabolic processes in the body, improve the condition of tissues.
- Selenium - is involved in the process of building new cells. Accelerates the healing of wounds, scratches, acne. Removes irritation, participates in regenerative processes.
- C, E and P - antioxidants, protect the body from free radicals, which are formed in the skin due to UV radiation and toxic substances. Reduce the risk of allergic reactions, prevent dryness, cracks and wrinkles. Vitamin E is responsible for the health of the skin of the hands, so it is especially necessary for itching and other painful symptoms.
- D - protects the body from various dermatological diseases, prevents dryness, peeling and cracking of the skin.
- H and PP are the basic microelements responsible for the health and beauty of the skin. Participate in the process of collagen formation. Deficiency of these substances leads to dermatitis, eczema and ulcerative lesions of tissues.
If the itching of the hands accompanies the ecdysis, then it is recommended to take vitamins B, F, A and PP. Useful substances can be obtained from foods or consult a doctor who will prescribe a suitable vitamin complex.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
Another therapeutic method used in many diseases is physiotherapy. Physiotherapy treatment with palmar itching can eliminate pain and prevent tissue infection due to their damage.
Popular physiotherapy for hands:
- Therapeutic baths with sea salt and essential oils.
- Acupuncture.
- Ionophoresis with novocaine.
- Phototherapy.
- Darsonvalization in the area of itching.
The above procedures improve the barrier functions of the body, protect the epidermis from various irritants. Some procedures are carried out with exacerbation of unpleasant sensations, that is, to reduce the itching, others are necessary for its prevention. For example, when rashes on the palms are used ultrasound or they are affected by a weak electric current (darsonvalization). Physiotherapy is performed according to the doctor's prescription.
Alternative treatment
Methods of alternative medicine are used for various diseases. Alternative treatment for itching of the palms and other dermatological reactions, allows to stop painful sensations and restore the skin. For the treatment of plant substances, consider the popular antipruritic recipes:
- Take the container in which you will place your hands. Type warm water in it, preferably boiled, add a handful of sea salt, lemon juice and a couple drops of olive oil or essential oil. Put the palm in the tray and support for 20-30 minutes. After the procedure, rinse your hands with warm water and gently wipe off with a soft towel.
- In a water bath, heat olive oil, add to it a capsule of vitamin A, E and a couple of drops of essential oil. Put your palms in a container with a solution for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, wash your hands with warm water.
- Mix a glass of sour cream with the juice of a whole lemon and one egg yolk. Put all the components on the bandage and attach to the palms, from above wrapped with polyethylene and a towel. After 20-30 minutes, rinse the mask with warm water.
- Pour into a bowl of curdled milk or whey and heat. Add a teaspoon of starch, stir well. Put your hands in the bath for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, apply a nourishing cream.
- Pour a handful of oatmeal flakes with warm milk or water. As soon as the flakes swell, put them on your hands with rubbing movements. After the procedure, wash your hands with warm water.
- Rub on a small grater a couple of tubers of potatoes, overlay his hands and put on rubber gloves. After two hours, wash off the mask and treat the skin with a moisturizing lotion.
Before using alternative methods, you should consult your doctor and determine the causes of discomfort.
Herbal Treatment
The methods of alternative treatment are based on the treatment of herbs. From them prepare broths, infusions, compresses and lotions. Consider effective herbal recipes from itchy hands:
- 2 tablespoons of dill seeds pour hot water and let it brew until completely cooled. The drug must be filtered and taken a couple of sips during the day.
- Antipruritic properties are infusions of nettle, dill, mint, violet, melissa and burdock root. To prepare the medicine, take 1-2 tablespoons of raw material and pour 250-300 ml of boiling water. After cooling, strain, and take a drink during the course of the day.
- Dried flowers of chamomile medicinal fill with boiling water and wrap. Once the infusion has cooled, it must be filtered and used for baths or lotions. Chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties, relieves irritation, burning and other unpleasant symptoms.
Some herbs may increase itching or cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, before using herbal therapy, it is worth consulting with a dermatologist.
Skin itching is an unpleasant phenomenon that occurs with various diseases. Homeopathy helps to eliminate painful sensations without harm to the body. To do this, use special granules, ointments and drops.
Consider the popular homeopathic antipruritic drugs:
- Allium - the desire to scratch your palms is accompanied by their swelling and redness. Helps with discomfort due to sudden temperature changes.
- Aloe - a strong itch of the hands of any origin.
- Anacardium - increased dryness of the skin, cracks, burning, rashes.
- Arnica - itching with swelling and strong redness of the palms. It is used for eruptions with damp wound, crusts.
- Calcarea carbonica - strong itching, the skin is dry and compact. Helps with frustration caused by psychogenic factors.
- Hepar sulfur - scratching of the skin, redness, puffiness, small rashes.
The type of preparation, its dosage and duration of use is selected by the homeopath, individual for each patient, guided by the causes of the disorder.
Any disorder is much easier to prevent than cure. Prophylaxis of paleness is based on the following recommendations:
- If you are addicted to allergic reactions, you should follow a hypoallergenic diet. Do not use household and cosmetic products with substances that can trigger pathological reactions.
- When handling aggressive substances and potential allergens, use protective gloves. When cleaning the house with household chemicals, be sure to ventilate the room.
- Before using any makeup, test it. Apply a small amount of funds behind the ear or on the ulnar fold. If during the day there were no side symptoms, then the drug can be used.
- Observe personal hygiene, wash your hands thoroughly after going to the toilet, after being in public places and before eating. If necessary, use an antiseptic. Wipe only with your own individual towel.
- In the cold season, wear gloves or mittens. Apply a protective cream to the skin, which will prevent it from dryness and itching.
Also, do not forget about the prevention of chronic and seasonal diseases, since any disease can provoke painful symptoms. At the first signs of itching, burning, redness or rashes on your hands, you should consult your doctor.
If the palms are itching, it causes discomfort and even painful sensations. The prognosis of this symptom depends entirely on the reason that it provoked. If this is an allergic reaction, then it is necessary to eliminate the allergen and conduct drug therapy with antihistamines and other drugs.
If the disorder is associated with dermatological diseases, you should consult a dermatologist and take the prescribed course of therapy. When itching is associated with lesions of internal organs, it is necessary to cure the underlying disease. In most cases, the disorder has a positive prognosis. But if you leave it without attention, it can lead to a number of negative consequences, the treatment of which is long and painful.