Itching, burning and redness in the intimate area of men
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Itching on the body is not a dangerous, but very unpleasant and annoying symptom, which most people have faced more than once. Itching always causes an obsessive desire to ease your suffering by scratching the itchy place. If these are hands or face, there are no special obstacles in meeting the need to remove the itch by mechanical means, but the itch in the intimate zone of men and women is a real problem. We, people, somehow do not normally prisavlyudno scratch their intimate places, and in itself a regular itch may not be a harmless symptom of any disease. What can actually testify to the itching in the genital area and perineum and how to cope with this unpleasant symptom?
Causes of the itching in the intimate area of men
Since there are significant differences in the structure of the female and male genital organs, it makes sense in one article to address the problems of one particular gender, rather than speak in general phrases. Today we will talk about the problem of itching in an intimate place in men.
It must be said that, despite all the painfulness of the symptom, the strong sex is in no hurry to go with the problem of intimate itch to the doctor. Someone simply refers to the symptom blithely and believes that everything will pass by itself, while others experience a psychological barrier when it comes to the problems of an intimate plan. And there are those who are simply afraid that the itch will be a symptom of an existing sexually transmitted disease, which it is better to keep quiet.
In fact, there are many reasons for the appearance of itching in intimate places, but it is only the specialist doctor who can determine which of the symptoms is associated with the diagnosis, and then after certain studies. Making yourself a diagnosis is unprofessional, but to have an idea of the possible causes of itching in intimate places is even useful for general development.
Before trying to understand the factors that cause itching, you need to understand for yourself what this symptom is. Itching physicians call the body's response to certain stimuli, which can be both external and internal. It is like an intermediate stage, after which pain will follow. But I must say that it is sometimes easier to endure pain than itching, which simply forces a person to somehow affect the itchy place, namely scratching it. And since itching does not occur from scratch, the comb can only aggravate the problem, leading to the formation of wounds.
So, what can lead to the appearance of severe itching in the intimate zone in men, causing damage to themselves? The causes can be external and internal. Consider first non-pathological external causes:
- Itching is a response to the effects of irritating factors, which can be simple physiological excretions (urine, feces, etc.). If a man does not pay due attention to hygiene of the penis and perineum, it is not surprising that in the groin area, itching and irritation may appear (redness, swelling of the tissues, burning due to the appearance of microcracks on the skin).
- But itching and redness in the intimate area in men is not always indicative of unsatisfactory hygiene. Symptoms may appear suddenly after you start wearing new underwear. Perhaps the panty fabric contains synthetic threads that cause allergic reactions from the male body. Usually, in such situations, itching, redness and rashes (and they are quite possible with allergies) pass almost immediately after the refusal to wear unsuitable underwear.
- An allergic reaction can occur not only in response to the composition of the underwear, but also to the detergents that were used in washing clothes. If many powders cause an allergic irritation on the hands, let alone delicate sensitive skin in intimate places.
- Allergy to tissue and powders is only part of the iceberg. The fact is that such manifestations are also characteristic for individual sensitivity to individual components of detergents used for intimate hygiene (soap, shower gel, special products), various lubricants used during intercourse and condoms (this may be allergic to latex or additional components).
- What else can cause allergy and itching in intimate places? Of course, medicines. In case of hypersensitivity to the components of local and systemic drugs, various reactions may occur, including itching, burning, rash on the skin. If it is a question of solutions and ointments applied externally in intimate places, it is not surprising if allergic manifestations appear in this area.
- But back to the underwear. Synthetic fabrics in underwear and clothes are dangerous not only for the possibility of allergic reactions to them, but also for the "greenhouse effect" they create. "Non-breathing" linen contributes to the fact that the temperature in the genital area will be constantly increased, which can cause not only an itching in the perineum, but also a violation of the reproductive function of the man.
- It must be said that hypothermia, which reduces local immunity, is no less dangerous for intimate zones than overheating. Itching can be a kind of allergic reaction to cold, or it can be caused by a decrease in the body's defenses, and as a result, the reproduction of the opportunistic microflora on the skin. For men, it is dangerous, like excessive wrapping of the pelvic area, and its freezing, and even more so a sharp change in temperature.
Now it's time to pay attention to external pathological reasons, i.e. Diseases that affect the external skin in the intimate zone. The following diseases can be considered risk factors for the appearance of this pruritus:
- Pediculosis. It is not necessary to think that this disease is characteristic only for the area of the head. Lice can be found on any hairy part of the summer, including the pubic region. Of course, the pubic louse in appearance is somewhat different from the "lodgers" on the head (it is very small, translucent and sedentary), but the itching that it can cause a month after infection is much stronger than the itching of head lice.
- Mycosis, for example, ringworm in the groin. Foci of damage by microscopic fungi, as well as lice, can also be observed on any parts of the body covered with hair, including the area of the pubis, perineum, scrotum, anus. And one of the symptoms of mycosis of the genital organs is the painful itching and burning sensation in the perineum in men.
By the way, reproduction of fungi in an intimate place can be triggered just by wearing synthetic underwear that does not allow the skin to breathe and creates a zone in the groin with increased temperature and humidity. Namely, such conditions are necessary for fungi to reproduce.
On our skin, and especially in delicate areas, many pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms accumulate, but in order for them to multiply and cause illness, special conditions are needed. Heat and moisture are the most suitable of them, especially if, in addition, the body's immunity is not strong enough (and which of us does it have on the level?).
- Moisture and warmth are loved not only by fungi, but also by numerous bacteria. Some microorganisms live on our skin all the time and are waiting for the right moment to correct the demographic situation of their species. Others (pathogenic microflora) come to us on the skin from people who carry this type of bacteria (as transmitted sexually transmitted diseases or STIs), and also expect suitable conditions. It is only immunity to give the slack, and the living microflora accumulated in the intimate zone will begin active reproduction. This, in turn, will lead to the development of the inflammatory process, the first signs of which can be considered itching, swelling of the tissues and their redness.
In this case, the itching will not be as intense and constant as in fungal infection, and soon enough, microscopic cracks and pain may appear on the itch site. In this case, infections that tend to go deep inside the body, usually additionally manifested secretions from the genital organs, besides having an unpleasant odor.
- Eczema on the genitals. Yes, eczematous lesions are not so often seen even in intimate places. True, itching occurs mainly at night. More pronounced symptoms are pain and burning sensation in the genital area, redness, swelling of the skin and blistering in the intimate area.
So far, we have talked increasingly about external factors that can cause itching in the intimate zone in men. But there are also some internal factors that contribute to the appearance of the above symptom. Some of them, such as hormonal imbalances that affect the skin condition, or psychological moments (stresses and experiences) are not pathological in themselves, but they can become predisposing factors to the appearance of various diseases.
It is not necessary to think that hormonal failures are a purely female problem. This also happens in men, which can be seen by reducing the potency, hair loss on the head, mood swings, changes in the shape and skin. Skin (including intimate places) usually becomes more dry and sensitive, which can manifest as itching and irritation.
Psychological problems are also more common in women. Strong sex is considered more stress-resistant than weak. Nevertheless, some situations can cause strong excitement even in strong physically men. So, the sick theme for men is considered various problems in the genital area. It is not much easier to break up relations and work-related problems that reduce a man's self-esteem (demotion, lack of career growth, low salary, dismissal, inability to find a new decent job). Outwardly, a man can hold on well, but boiling inside passion undermines the nervous system. And failures in its work are often manifested by an inadequate reaction to stimuli. Such a reaction can even be itching in the perineum.
But these are all factors that are temporary and not as dangerous as some internal pathological causes. It has long been no secret that some internal diseases, sometimes even not associated with the reproductive system, can also cause "scabies" between the legs. To such diseases carry:
- anemia (low blood red blood cells, which can manifest as tingling and itching of the skin),
- diabetes mellitus (itching in the intimate area is a common symptom of the disease in men and women),
- inflammatory pathologies of the urinary system: cystitis, pyelonephritis, urinary and nephrolithiasis, etc., in which the patient can feel both burning and itching in the urethra (the urine of the patient has a specific composition that can also cause irritation and itching of nearby tissues, if there is no possibility to wash immediately after the act of urination),
- oncological diseases (at an early stage of a malignant process, doctors sometimes hear such complaints),
- intestinal parasites (they can also disturb a man at night, causing an itch in the intimate zone),
- systemic infections (pathogens of internal diseases can spread through the body with blood flow, reaching the inguinal region, plus they significantly reduce the overall immunity, which makes it possible to reproduce the conditionally pathogenic microflora that has settled on the genitals and anus),
- viral pathologies, and first of all, genital herpes (pathology is easily transmitted by sex and is manifested in the form of reddening and the appearance of itchy blisters on the genitals of a man who burst with the formation of painful sores).
It must be said that many of the above-described reasons are also characteristic of women, although their list of risk factors will be even longer. So the strong sex in some way lucky, they are alien to many of the female problems that cause such a painful symptom.
Diagnostics of the itching in the intimate area of men
To understand what the man is dealing with, what causes such an unpleasant symptom, without visiting a doctor can not do. Another thing is that sometimes it is necessary to consult not one doctor. For example, skin diseases are the competence of a dermatologist, and it does not matter where the affected area is located in which part of the body. When it comes to infections, several doctors can work together here: therapist, urologist or andrologist (male doctors), infectious disease specialist, venereologist (when it comes to STIs). At hormonal failures and endocrine pathologies it is necessary to receive consultation at the therapist and the endocrinologist.
But anyway, health is more expensive. This is what you need to think about first and foremost, not about how delicate your problem is and how you do not want to spread it about to different people.
Diagnosis of the causes of itching in the intimate area always begins in listening to patient complaints and examining the affected area. The doctor pays attention to such moments:
- when there was an unpleasant symptom,
- whether it was preceded by taking drugs or buying new underwear,
- whether a man regularly performs hygiene procedures in intimate places,
- whether many sexual partners have a man,
- Whether it is used during sex of a contraceptive,
- whether there are strange allocation from a sexual member,
- whether there are wounds and scratching in the intimate zone, what they have character,
- whether a similar symptom appeared earlier (for example, genital herpes can remind itself periodically and disappear on its own), etc.
The doctor necessarily studies the patient's anamnesis, because the information about the existing pathologies can explain the appearance of itching in the perineum. In principle, an experienced doctor can prescribe a diagnosis after examination of the patient. And yet there is no need to talk about the final diagnosis without tests, because there is always the possibility that the pathology is not one. Laboratory tests help to uncover hidden co-existing diseases.
What kind of tests can be given to a patient in this situation:
- standard urine and blood tests (OAM and UAC),
- blood chemistry,
- analyzes for sugar (only they help confirm or exclude diabetes),
- a smear (scraping) followed by examination on the pathogen of infection (helps to confirm or exclude the infectious nature of the disease),
- when suspected of the allergic nature of pruritus (if infection, diabetes mellitus and poor hygiene are excluded), it is advisable to conduct an allergen test.
If there is a suspicion of tumor processes, the doctor may prescribe additional studies: ultrasound and biopsy of tissues (inguinal lymph nodes, if they are enlarged) in the neoplasm. If a groin is suspected of grooming, an additional inspection of the "crime scene" under the Wood lamp is performed and the material for histological examination is taken to exclude oncology.
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis is carried out according to the results of a physical examination and laboratory tests. This makes it possible to differentiate the pruritus resulting from internal diseases, and the same symptom caused by local reactions to an infection or allergen.
In order to be able to assign effective treatment, it is very important to find out which infection caused the itch: viruses, fungi or bacteria, determine their appearance. The fact is that the virus pathologies (for example, the herpes virus) can not be completely cured, the symptoms are removed with the help of immunostimulants and special antiviral ointments. Bacterial infection requires the use of antibiotics (locally, and sometimes systemically), and fungi can be destroyed only by antifungal agents (antimycotics).
If the cause of pruritus is the inflammatory pathology of the urinary system, the infection is implied initially, so the treatment is prescribed with systemic antibiotics.
If the analysis for sugar shows a significant excess of its norm, they diagnose "diabetes mellitus." In this case, treatment implies a diet and taking special medications to reduce blood sugar.
As we can see, on the basis of how correctly differential diagnostics will be performed, the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment depends directly. To rely only on the results of external examination is very difficult, because the peculiarity of the intimate zone is that humidity is always increased there, and air access is limited, so even mycoses and dermatoses proceed specifically (with the formation of vesicles and wet wounds more characteristic of viral pathologies). Only special laboratory and instrumental studies help to establish the true cause of the appearance of pruritus in the intimate zone in men.
Complications and consequences
But it's not worth it to be too proud and relaxed for men. If you look carefully, the number of problems that cause itching in the intimate zone in men is not so little that they are neglected. Do many men regularly conduct hygiene of the genital organs, wear only natural linen, use hypoallergenic baby soap and the same powders, maintain optimal temperature in the pelvic area? Most likely, such units, but those who do not fulfill at least part of the above, millions.
And what about protection during intercourse? Let's drop the topic of allergy to latex, and talk about condoms as a means of protection from sexually transmitted diseases. How many men at the expense of their pleasure use them, because latex reduces the sensitivity of the genitals, which affects the strength of orgasm? And this is not fiction, but the opinion of the men themselves, to which they justify the reluctance to use condoms. Well, what about protection against STIs? Do we have more effective means of using the stronger sex?
It can be said for a long time that it is almost impossible to insure against all factors that cause itching from an intimate area. You can only reduce the risk of such a symptom, which in many cases may not be so harmless.
It would seem that the terrible, if itching is caused by a lack of hygiene? In fact, this symptom causes an irresistible desire to deal with him once and for all, scrubbing the itchy place thoroughly. And the mechanical effect on the skin causes such relief, close to euphoria, which simply does not allow you to stop in time.
But the skin on the hands and in an intimate place is very different. If the skin is dense in the arms, rough with air and sun, then on the genitals it is more tender and sensitive, so a rough attack can cause damage to it (wounds, scratching), and even more so if there is already an inflammatory process indicated by swelling , redness, rash.
Any micro- and macro damage on the skin causes burning and pain, and this is an additional concern. The appearance of the wound in a place where moisture is regularly present is a rather big problem, because such injuries can heal for a long time, and their location is such that there is a high risk of getting an infection inside the wound that constantly nests in the anus and genital area. I must say, the prospect is not the most pleasant.
In principle, all of the above is applicable to allergic pruritus, and to such factors as external and internal pathologies, which manifest themselves with the same painful local symptom in the delicate area. But pathological factors are also dangerous because some of them, in addition to discomfort, also bring some complications in sexual life. If the combs are fraught with painful sensations during movement and sexual intercourse, then infections, hormonal disorders, diabetes, oncological diseases and some other pathologies can already seriously affect a man's potency.
Itching in the intimate zone may be the first sign of just such a disease in a man. And the earlier the cause of the symptom is identified, the more likely it is to correct the situation without leading it to serious problems in sexual life or a critical condition with a life-threatening condition (as in cancer and anemia).
It must be understood that itching can be a symptom of a venereal disease, and then the man will already be a danger to his sexual partners. The shyness, reluctance to take out your problem for the review of a specialist and relatives, fear of conviction are not a valid reason not to go to the doctor for examination and treatment, while continuing to join the ranks of patients with STDs. Men, if you do not worry about yourself, think of at least those who surround you.
Those who have once experienced all this horror, associated with itching in intimate places, will no longer want to repeat it. And although most pathologies and conditions accompanied by the above symptom are not particularly dangerous, and the prognosis of their treatment is generally favorable, few will want to go through it again.
What should be done to prevent itching in the intimate area never appeared, what preventive measure will help to avoid a painful symptom:
- As we know the basis of the health of the skin - their purity. Clean the entire skin, but intimate places with their secret folds, specific secretions and proximity to the anus should be given special attention. It is not necessary how during the treatment to conduct intimate hygienic procedures 2 or more times a day. It is enough to wash the perineum area daily with water with natural soap plus additionally taking a shower after sexual intercourse.
- For hygienic procedures, you need to choose hypoallergenic detergents on a natural basis. An excellent option is any baby soap.
- When buying underwear, you should always pay attention to its composition. Ideally, the composition of fabrics for such clothes should not have synthetic fibers. The best variant of fabrics is cotton and linen.
- For washing underwear it is better to use household soap or safer children's powders. This will reduce the likelihood of an allergic reaction to detergents.
- If the skin in the intimate areas is very tender and sensitive, it has microdamages and irritation, it is desirable to limit bathing in open water to avoid infection.
- In the event that the drug prescribed for medicinal purposes causes an allergic reaction, it must be canceled and several days to take antihistamines.
- Do not overdo your genitals, if it's not too cold outside. Overheating of the intimate zone will negatively affect the condition of the skin and the reproductive system, and if the man also has to undress in a cold room, a sharp change in temperature will further complicate the situation.
- If a man notices the appearance of itching and eruptions in the genital area, his first thought may be the desire to burn wounds with alcohol, iodine, zelenka. This should not be done in any case, since a tender, hard-healing burn can form on the delicate skin.
- Itching in the perineum can be a temporary phenomenon (it was not washed on time, used someone else's soap that caused an allergic reaction, etc.). Usually this symptom, in the absence of an irritant factor after effective hygienic procedures and the use of alternative agents, disappears within a couple of days. If this does not happen, you need to seek the advice and help of specialists.
Itching in the intimate zone in men is a delicate problem, which many males prefer to hold back, resorting only to the help of prescriptions for alternative medicine and pharmacy drugs that they designate themselves. This approach to solving the problem is fraught with the appearance of new unpleasant symptoms. In addition, as a result of ineffective "home" treatment, the time during which one could get rid of the disease without consequences for men's health may be lost. Time heals, but not in this case.