Treatment of pruritus in the intimate area in men
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Since the itching in the perineum of the stronger sex can be a consequence of various factors, it is not necessary to talk about any general schemes of treatment. This became clear when we considered the dependence of the quality of differential diagnosis and the results of the therapy prescribed by its results.
For example, when it comes to genital herpes, which, although considered a sexually transmitted infection, is still not a bacterium, but a virus, treatment with systemic antibacterial agents does not make sense. The patient is prescribed the use of immunostimulants and vitamins, which increase the body's defenses to fight the herpes virus, as well as systemic and topical application of antiviral agents in the form of injections, tablets and ointments (Acyclovir, Panavir, Alpizarin, etc.) and preparations interferon. Even some budgetary funds with antibacterial action are applied, which have proved themselves well in the treatment of herpetic infection ("Levomekol" ointment, "Chlorhexidine" and "Miramistin" solutions).
Treatment of diabetes mellitus is carried out with sugar-reducing drugs (Metmorphine, Diabeton, Maninil, Amaril, Glukobay, etc.). With insulin dependence, insulin preparations are administered. But in any case, a low-carbohydrate diet is mandatory, in which sugar is absent, giving way to sweeteners.
If it is a bacterial infection, then usually prescribe antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action, taking into account the possible causative agent of the disease. True, effective treatment is possible only after the determination of this pathogen by laboratory methods. To the antibiotic treatment regimen one of the most effective probiotic drugs should be applied, which will help to restore the intestinal microflora violated by the potent antibacterial agents, otherwise the risk of dysbiosis development is high.
Bacterial infection always leads to the development of inflammation, therefore, additionally prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs (hormonal local glucocorticosteroids, less NSAIDs). If a man on the skin in the intimate zone already has not only an itch and redness, but also wounds, use wound-healing remedies (for example, the same ointment "Levomekol", antiseptic solutions).
Treatment of mycoses, including ringworm, is performed with antifungal preparations in the form of ointments (Clotrimazole, Lamisil, Nystatin, Nitrofungin, etc.). Fungal infection also causes severe inflammation of the tissues and requires the use of anti-inflammatory drugs.
Eczema on the penis, scrotum and pubic region, which belongs to the category of dermatoses, like pink lichen, requires a different approach to treatment. This disease is mostly allergic, although it can very quickly become complicated by the attachment of a fungal or bacterial infection. The treatment regimen includes:
- hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs with analgesic effect (more often hydrocortisone ointment or hydrocortisone complex + prednisolone),
- sedatives ("Sedavit", "Tincture of the motherwort", "Glycesed", etc., because the disease often develops on the nerves),
- local antiseptics ("Furatsilin", "Chloggexidine", "Betadin"),
And, of course, antihistamines that relieve allergy, including itching in the intimate zone in men.
Pubic pediculosis is treated with special insecticide solutions, lotions, sprays applied directly to the pubic area (sprays "ParaPlus", "PediculenUltra", lotions or emulsion "MediFox", lotion and ointment "Nittifor", etc.). Hair in this place should be shaved.
The treatment of various diseases that cause itching in intimate places can be said for a long time. But in addition to directly treating the detected disease, symptomatic treatment is also carried out, aimed at removing a painful symptom that does not allow for effective therapeutic manipulation and only exacerbating the situation (wound formation, attachment of infection, spreading infection to large areas, etc.). In order to moderate the itching it is prescribed antipruritic drugs.
Since itching can be considered as an allergic reaction of the body to a certain stimulus, antihistamines (allergy drugs) are considered effective in this regard, which can be used as monotherapy for allergies to tissues and detergents (however, the allergen should be excluded from use) , as well as medicines.
Antihistamines can be prescribed for internal reception ("Diazolinum", "Suprastin", "Loratadin", "Zirtek", etc.), and also locally in the form of hormonal and non-hormonal ointments. By the way, hormonal drugs (Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone, Lorinden, Sinalar, Celestoderm, Beloderm, Advantan, etc.) and complex corticosteroid medications with antibiotics (" Triderm ", etc.).
If treatment with hormonal drugs does not have an effect or is considered impossible, the doctor can prescribe one of the drugs of calcineurin inhibitors ("Elidel", "Protopic", "Tacropic", etc.) that inhibit the release of inflammatory mediators and reduce itching. Itching on nervous soil is easily removed by sedatives and tranquilizers.
To nonhormonal antipruritic drugs, you can also include ointments "Fenistil", "Dimotsifon" and some others, which should be used with caution, as they can cause irritation of the mucous membranes and tender tissues in the intimate zone.
Effective drugs for itching in the intimate area
If to speak about the most part of pathologies, in which there is an itch in the intimate zone in men, then this symptom is considered the most painful and requires rapid relief. After all, the same inflammation simply can not be removed if the patient is constantly combing the sore spot. In addition, the stronger and more frequent the combs, the more likely the formation of wounds and their infection. And then there is such an important question, what to remove the itch in the perineum?
Consider several drugs that can help in solving this problem. Let's start with corticosteroids, which in this regard are most effective.
" Celestoderm " - an anti-inflammatory and antipruritic drug based on corticosteroid betamethasone in the form of a topical cream that is used to treat dermatological diseases. The drug reduces inflammatory reactions in the tissues and itching with various types of dermatoses and age-related changes. Effective for use in places with high body moisture.
Ointment is applied a thin layer on the inflamed itchy places no more than 3 times a day. You can lightly rub it into the skin and leave it absorbed, without covering it with a cloth.
The drug is not intended for treatment of people who have allergic reactions to this drug, with viral and fungal infections of various locations, pinkheads, rosacea dermatitis, bacterial dermatoses and venereal pathologies, and for the treatment of ophthalmic diseases.
The drug should not be used for a long time and cover the treated area with airtight materials.
In the place of ointment application, unpleasant sensations can be noted in the form of burning, tingling, strengthening of itching, rashes, which indicates an allergic reaction to the drug itself.
"Triderm" is already a drug from the category of complex drugs, because along with corticosteroid (betamethasone) it contains an antibiotic (aminoglycoside gentamycin) and an antifungal component (antimycotic clotrimazole). This medication is prescribed only if there is reason to suspect bacterial (more often staphylococcal) or fungal infection, causing itching in the intimate zone in men.
With the help of the drug, dermatoses caused by microorganisms are treated, as well as in case of a later infection.
Ointment is effective on wet, wet surfaces, but it is not recommended to apply to damaged skin (wounds, scratching, bursting bubbles). In such cases, it is more expedient to use wound-healing agents and antiseptics.
The skin is applied twice a day, trying to capture also a small area of intact skin around the affected area.
Ointment is not used for hypersensitivity to its components, antibiotics aminoglycosides and imidazole derivatives. Other contraindications for the use of the drug are: skin tuberculosis, syphilis, skin reactions after vaccine administration, skin ulcers and cracks, acne, plaque form of psoriasis, skin infections of a viral nature, including herpes, chicken pox. The drug is also not used for varicose veins.
The use of the drug can occasionally be accompanied by the appearance on the skin of irritation, burning or other reactions indicating an increased sensitivity to the components of the drug. Other unpleasant symptoms can occur only against the background of long-term use of the ointment or in case of applying it under hermetic coatings that block air access.
" Elidel " - a representative of drugs that inhibit the synthesis and release of calcineurin - a substance responsible for inflammation and itching, resulting from an allergic reaction. This ointment for external use is recommended if treatment with corticosteroids is for some reason impossible or it does not bring the expected result.
This ointment should also be applied a thin layer on the reddened itchy areas, gently rubbing into the affected skin, carefully treating the inguinal folds. Treatment is carried out until the symptoms disappear.
The drug is not used for hypersensitivity to the main active substance of the drug (pimecrolimus) or its auxiliary components.
The use of the drug can trigger the appearance of allergic and anaphylactic reactions of varying severity, alcohol intolerance, the development of skin infections. There were also reports of isolated cases of skin cancer and lymphadenopathy, but there was no link between the use of Elidel and these pathologies.
During the application of the ointment to the skin, patients can feel burning, itching, and pain in the area of the affected area. Such symptoms along with swelling of the tissues, a violation of their sensitivity, a rash indicate that the use of the drug is further undesirable.
"Dimotsifon" is a non-steroidal drug with antipruritic, anti-allergic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action. Ointment does not have a negative effect on the local immunity inherent in hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs.
The drug is prescribed for various dermatitis, eczema, herpes, allergic reactions in the form of itching and rash on various stimuli.
Apply the ointment 2 or 3 times a day, applying it to the inflamed skin with a thin layer. Cover the treated surface is not recommended for another half an hour, after which the inguinal area is recommended to be insulated for at least a couple of hours. The course of treatment with the drug is usually 1.5-2 weeks.
Strong sex application of the drug is not recommended in cases of severe inflammation, when it is more likely to use hormonal agents in intimate areas for men, and also in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the ointment. Side effects of the drug are usually reduced to mild allergic reactions.
" Zirtek " is an antihistamine drug of a new generation in the form of tablets for oral administration. All the same, an allergy is a systemic reaction, which can not always be managed with the help of local means alone.
Assign a medicine for various allergic dermatoses, the main symptoms of which are itching and rashes on the body.
The drug "Zirtek" take inside 1 tablet a day. You do not need to chew the tablets, but you must drink it.
If the patient has severe pathologies of the kidney system, the doctor should adjust the dose of the medicine. Assign in this case the drug itself is dangerous for the kidneys. If it is not just about kidney pathologies, but about the terminal (most severe) stage of kidney failure, the use of the drug is prohibited.
Other contraindications for taking medication by male patients include: glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome, congenital galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency, hypersensitivity to drug constituents, negative reaction to hydroxyzine. With care appoint a oral medicament to patients with severe liver and kidney pathologies, as well as to elderly people.
The drug affects the nervous system, so taking the drug may be accompanied by drowsiness, apathy, or vice versa aggressiveness, nervous excitement, sleep disorders. There are also hallucinations, convulsive syndrome, impaired body sensitivity, limb tremor, confusion, fainting.
It is also possible temporary impairment of visual functions, tachycardia, the appearance of a cold, urination disorders. Since Zirtek tablets are taken orally, symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, stool discomfort, dry mouth, malfunctioning of the liver are quite acceptable.
Despite the fact that Zirtek is an antiallergic drug, it is not worth excluding the development of allergic reactions to its individual components. Another drawback of the drug can be considered the probability of an increase in body weight as a result of its intake.
But there is good news. All the above-mentioned side effects peculiar to antihistamines, for new-generation drugs, to which Zirtek belongs, are very rare, and itching in intimate places for men and other manifestations of allergy disappear quite quickly.
Alternative treatment
It must be said that not all cases of itching in the intimate zone in men need to suspect a serious pathology and apply strong drugs. Sometimes for the elimination of an unpleasant symptom, knowledge of alternative medicine is sufficient.
For example, if the itching was caused by inadequate hygiene of the perineum, as a result of which tissue irritation with physiological discharges appeared, one wash with water may not be enough to quickly remove the painful symptom. To the aid will come soothing decoctions of herbs and aromatic oils.
Herbal treatment in this case is very important, because many medicinal plants have anti-inflammatory and some antimicrobial effect, helping them to quickly remove unpleasant symptoms. For example, a decoction or infusion of chamomile (1 tablespoon dry flowers per 0.4 liters of water), which can be used to wash intimate places or as a lotion in places with severe irritation, has a soothing, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect on the skin.
Another popular grass in the people, which can remove itching and inflammation, is nettle. As a medicine, use a decoction of nettle flowers (1 tablespoon dry raw materials per 1 cup of boiling water, to stand on a small fire for no more than 3 minutes). Use a decoction for washing intimate places. It can also be added to the bathing bath.
To remove the itching and discomfort in the intimate area helps also the decoction of the flowers of the viburnum. But 1 tbsp. Boiling water we take 1 tbsp. Dry flowers and insist for at least 20 minutes. We use it to wash the sick place and lotions.
If there is not only an itch, but also a strong irritation, a decoction of various herbs with an antimicrobial effect will come to the rescue. As a raw material, you can use a collection of chamomile, calendula, sage, juniper, St. John's wort, oak bark. A glass of boiling water will need to take 1-1.5 tablespoons. Collection of herbs. Insist will take a long time, at least 1 hour.
In addition to herbs, indoor plants can also be used to combat pruritus and irritation: aloe vera, aloe tree (agave or rennel), Kalanchoe. Juice leaflets of these plants need to lubricate the affected area, which will help get rid of the painful itching, and the wounds on the skin will be tightened faster. You can lubricate the itching area with essential oils of menthol and tea tree, which has an additional strong antimicrobial effect.
With regard to other drugs that can be used to combat itching and inflammation, they can include:
- solution of soda and salt (for 1 liter of water we take 1 tablespoon of granular substances), used for frequent washing of the intimate zone,
- honey (in the absence of an allergic reaction to the products of beekeeping), is applied to itchy, inflamed skin for a while,
- freshly squeezed lemon juice, whey or a weak solution of natural apple cider vinegar (effective means for suspected fungal infection, create an acidic environment that is unsuitable for reproduction of fungi and bacteria), used for frequent washing and lotions.
By the way, natural soap is considered an excellent antibacterial, caring agent. It is better, of course, to take economic or tar soap, which is characterized by a noticeable antimicrobial and antiparasitic effect. In extreme cases, for hygienic procedures, you can use normal baby soap with a turn, aloe or chamomile or without fillers.
All of the above means can be used with the permission of the doctor as an additional treatment. Infusions and decoctions of herbs will also help those whose itching has become unbearable, but the ability to quickly seek help from a pharmacy or hospital is missing.
What else can be used to combat itching if it is not a serious pathology? Any body creams with soothing, hypoallergenic action (can be inexpensive based on chamomile, marigold, turn, etc.), ointment type "Rescuer", or "Boro plus", spray "Panthenol" and other similar products.
Homeopathy with itching
It would seem, what can homeopathy help with such a strange symptom as itching in the intimate zone of men? It turns out that it can and does help, even before the final diagnosis is established. That is, the doctor-homeopath can appoint a symptomatic treatment taking into account the patient's complaints even before carrying out special laboratory tests.
In homeopathy regarding a symptom such as itching, it is more important to know not the cause of its appearance, but the characteristics of the symptom itself: when it appears, from which it increases or decreases. On the basis of this information, the homeopath can already prescribe some drugs, the patient will receive the rest of the prescriptions after the completion of the diagnostic procedures after the establishment of the final diagnosis.
So, what kind of drugs can be prescribed for complaints of patients on the itching in the perineum:
- If the patient is concerned about the itching in the genital area, the skin turns red, the itching is combined with pain and tingling, vesicles may appear, but the patient does not get relief from mechanical treatment of the itchy skin, he is most likely to be prescribed Rhus toxicodendron.
- This medicine along with such drugs as Graphites, Mercurius solubilis, can be prescribed with prickling pruritus in intimate places, when any rashes are absent. If the itching of carding is only intensified, Pulsatilla and Rhus toxicodendron are prescribed , and when Sulfuris, Calcium carbonicum, Thuja decrease, it is useful. Phosphorus is prescribed regardless of the skin reaction to carding.
- If it is a question of a strong (burning) itch against the background of the experiences and unrest of the sexual plan, the homeopathic remedies Causticum, Arsenicum album, Phosphorus will come to the rescue.
- If the itching in the intimate zone in men is intensified by exposure to cold air (for example, when a person takes off his clothes) effective medicines will be:
- Rumex crispus (there are no rashes or they are allergic to blistering),
- Kalium bichromicum (in the presence of skin diseases),
- Natrium sulfuricum (if internal diseases occur),
- Oleander (if there is an eczematous or herpetic rash on the genitals).
- In the event that there is an improvement from the cold, the following can be appointed:
- Alumina (unbearable itching and burning, the appearance of cracks in the inflamed skin),
- Sulfuris (itching is not very strong, it becomes nice to scratch),
- Psorinum (with herpetic rashes, unpleasant odor in the place of itching, intensifying the painful symptom in the heat).
If the doctor has doubts, the duty option for a different nature of the itching is the appointment of three drugs simultaneously: Sulfuris, Calcium carbonicum and Lycopodium.
Do not be afraid to take homeopathic remedies before the final diagnosis is made. All of the above drugs have a complex healing effect on the body, which can not cause any complications. There are practically no contraindications and side effects in homeopathic remedies, which once again speaks about the safety of such treatment.