Effective regimens for treatment of thrush
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Treating thrush is a problem that everyone has come across. And this is not surprising, since many factors contribute to its development. Consider the basic methods of eliminating the disease, effective drugs and alternative recipes.
Candidiasis of the mucous membrane of the vagina is known literally to every female representative, with about 30% having a chronic form. Self-treatment with various medications is not always successful, as it is necessary to approach the therapy in a complex way. To do this, clinics take smears on the sensitivity of microorganisms to various antibiotics and antifungal agents. Otherwise, therapy is not effective. This effect can be explained by the fact that the active use of antimycotic, antimicrobial and antibiotic agents leads to the adaptation of pathogenic microorganisms. That is, bacteria develop resistance to drugs and the immune system weakens in the fight against them.
Unhealthy food with an abundance of chemicals, antibiotics and growth hormones, persistent stress, polluted air and many other factors gradually destroy the natural processes in the body, which simply can not cope with increased loads. Against this background, there is a decrease in the body's defenses and a thrush appears. But the pharmaceutical industry does not stand still and is engaged in the production of new drugs to combat fungi, viruses and infections.
Therapy of candidiasis implies an integrated approach, which should consist of:
- Restoration and normalization of the immune system.
- Elimination of local manifestations of ailment.
- Systemic therapy of fungal infection.
- Implementation of the whole complex of measures is possible only after examination and consultation with a qualified doctor.
Diarrhea treatment regimens
Various schemes for the elimination of fungal infection can effectively cope with the disease in the shortest possible time. The scheme is made by the attending physician, based on the results of the analyzes. It all starts with eliminating the causes that caused candidiasis and reducing the factors of its provoking (excessive use of sweets and flour products, violation of intimate hygiene, synthetic underwear and much more).
Basic conditions of complex therapy:
- Determination of sensitivity of Candida fungi to antifungal medicines.
- Restoration of the normal level of acidity and microflora of mucous membranes infected with fungus.
- Normalization of immune imbalance.
- Refusal from bad habits that cause illness.
- Treatment of inflammatory diseases and sexually transmitted infections.
Non-compliance with one of the conditions negates any treatment regimen. Because of this, the disease takes a chronic form, recurring when exposed to provoking factors.
The scheme of treatment of chronic thrush at the initial stage:
- Suppositories Clotrimazole 200 mg for 10-14 days, one per night.
- Tablets Fluconazole 150 mg for 1, 4 and 7 days of treatment.
- Irunin tablets 200 mg (antifungal agents with active ingredient Itraconazole) 1 tablet per day for a week.
Scheme of maintenance therapy:
- Suppositories Clotrimazole 500 mg for 6 months 1 candle per week.
- Tablets Fluconazole 150 mg 1 unit per week for 6 months.
- Tablets Itraconazole 200 mg - 1 tablet 2 times a day for 6 months.
In case of acute fungal infection one of the local preparations is used:
- Terjinan - 1 vaginal tablet for 6 days.
- Livarol 400 mg - 1 candle for 5 days.
Clotrimazole - 1 vaginal tablet for 6 days.
Local medications are introduced into the vagina before going to bed after douching with an antiseptic (Miramistin, Chlorhexidine) or soda solution. Duration of treatment should not exceed 7 days.
If they are not effective, then systemic drugs are used:
- Irunin 200 mg - twice a day for 1 day.
- Fluconazole 150 mg or its analogues is a tablet a day.
- Ketoconazole - for 5 days, but not more than 400 mg.
If the disease has a chronic form, then the therapy lasts from 10 to 14 days. For preventive maintenance apply a second course.
An important role in the recovery process is the methods of influencing the factors that provoke the disease:
- Candida fungus is accompanied by a weakening of the immune status, so stimulation of the immune system promotes rapid recovery and prevents relapses. It is recommended to use medicines with immunocorrecting properties and vitamins.
- Most often, candidiasis occurs in people with metabolic disorders (obesity, diabetes, thyroid gland pathology). Normalization of weight, blood glucose level and thyroid function is an important step towards recovery.
- The yeast fungus multiplies rapidly when there is glycogen in the body (formed from glucose). Abuse of confectionery, pastries and sweets leads to the accumulation of glycogen. This creates a breeding ground for the fungus. One of the main conditions for recovery is the restriction or exclusion from the diet of foods rich in carbohydrates.
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Treatment of thrush in men
Therapy of candidiasis in men is carried out by the same pharmaceutical means as in women. In representatives of the stronger sex, this disease is rare and can be asymptomatic. This is possible with a weakened immune system and various chronic diseases that undermine the body's defenses. The thrush most often appears on the penis and is diagnosed as balanitis. If the foreskin is involved in the inflammatory process, then this indicates a balanoposthitis. When progressing, the ailment affects the skin of the scrotum and inguinal region, transforming into prostatitis or candidal urethritis.
Most often, a fungal infection occurs after unprotected sex with an infected woman. The provoking factors are pathologies of the endocrine system, that is, diabetes mellitus, metabolic disorders and any other infectious diseases. Excess weight and increased sweating are favorable conditions for reproduction of the fungus.
The course of therapy should be completed by both partners, since without this the disease will recur and become chronic. In addition to medical methods, the patient is prescribed a special diet and medicines to strengthen the immune system.
Cheap treatment of thrush
Expensive treatment is not always a guarantee of recovery, we will consider cheap methods of therapy of thrush.
- Alternative methods - this category includes medicinal plants and other non-traditional medicine. The main advantage is maximum security and minimum purchase money. For example, tampons with kefir, syringing with soda, chamomile, oak bark perfectly help with candidiasis. A tea tree oil not only relieve the discomfort, but also contribute to the normalization of the microflora of the vagina. The truth before their use is not superfluous will be a consultation with the attending physician.
- Diet - balanced nutrition is the guarantee of a healthy body. Sweets, confectionery, flour, salted, spicy and fried provoke the growth of the yeast, causing itching, burning, the emergence of cheesy discharge. If the diet contains more fresh vegetables, cereals, a minimum of fat and spices, this will not only help get rid of the fungal infection, but will also act as an excellent preventative for many diseases and will normalize weight.
- Medicines - when buying a drug, pay attention to its active ingredients. Very often expensive antifungal medicines contain substances that cost a penny. For example, the antimicrobial and antifungal medicine Diflucan costs from 200 UAH., Its active substance is fluconazole, which is manufactured in tablets and costs about 20 UAH. Vaginal suppositories Livarol will cost 150-200 UAH., They contain ketoconazole, which costs about 60 UAH. Packaging. Solution for external use Miramistin costs from 70 UAH., And its cheaper analogue Chlorhexidine, also a solution - about 10 UAH.
Recovery after treatment of thrush
The process of recovery after a course of therapy of yeast fungal infection is very important, since the results of treatment are largely dependent on its effectiveness. The first thing to do is to find out the state of the vaginal microflora. Acidic environment is the norm for the mucous membrane and acts as a kind of protective barrier against pathogenic microorganisms that cause inflammatory and infectious processes in the genitourinary system.
If the microflora is broken, the patient suffers from a burning sensation that causes discomfort after intimacy and urination, itching, irritation, dryness, cracks and discharge. In this case, a laboratory analysis is required for the vaginal flora. If the results of the study showed a decrease in bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, then it is necessary to start their recovery.
These procedures are performed only with the corresponding results of the analyzes, since in other cases the therapy will lead to an excessive activity of bacteria that secrete lactic acid. The patient will suffer from irritation and burning, the discharge will become acidic. If the recovery begins before the complete destruction of the fungal infection, it will lead to its recurrence. This is due to the fact that Candida reproduces well in the acidic environment, which is created by lactobacilli. Therapy is necessary for a condition that in medicine is called vaginal dysbiosis.
This requires probiotics with bifidobacteria. Useful bacteria have anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and antimicrobial properties. Probiotics are released in the form of vaginal suppositories, capsules and tablets that contain lacto and bifidobacteria. Most often used drugs such as: Vainorm C, Ecofemin, Bifidumbacterin, Lactrobacterin and others. Full recovery is possible only after passing the entire course.
New in the treatment of thrush
The pharmaceutical industry and medicine do not stand still, so new directions and methods are emerging which often make it possible to get rid of yeast fungal infection. A wide range of products makes it possible to quickly eliminate the infection and restore normal health. Patients are assigned new systemic drugs with antifungal prolonged action. Typically, it means a one-time taking a capsule. Such medications have a minimum of contraindications and nullify the possibility of relapses.
Very often combine systemic and topical drugs. This allows you to get rid of the disease from both partners at once. Thus, vaginal creams and suppositories can remain on the walls of the vagina and gradually release the active substances. This has a disastrous effect on the fungi and inhibits their reproduction. Medicines of the new generation are safe, therefore, are allowed for use during pregnancy.
Treatment of thrush should be comprehensive. That is, you can not rely solely on tablets or suppositories. It is necessary to review your diet and lifestyle. Since very often, bad habits, stress, hypothermia and chronic diseases are the root cause of the disease.