Gastritis with high acidity
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Gastritis - the name of this disease can be found in everyday life very often. And there is nothing surprising in this, because according to statistics, gastritis is sick, almost half of the world population. Inflammation of the gastric mucosa - this is how the term "gastritis" is known to medicine for a long time. It is believed that such factors as malnutrition, bad habits, stress, etc. Lead to the development of pathology. Most often gastritis with high acidity is diagnosed - this variant of the disease proceeds with increased isolation of acidic gastric juice, which contributes to additional irritation of mucous tissues and aggravation of clinical symptoms .
In developed countries, where it is possible to clearly control the incidence of these or other pathologies, gastritis accounts for approximately 85% of all gastric pathologies found. Gastritis with high acidity can be found more often than other forms of inflammatory reactions in the gastric walls.
It is assumed that almost half of the adult contingent in the digestive system has a microorganism Helicobacter pylori, in an active and inactive state.
Causes of the gastritis with high acidity
As we already mentioned above, gastritis with high acidity is most often caused by errors in nutrition, as well as other possible causes.
Risk factors
All risk factors can be divided into internal and external, depending on the direction of their action.
Internal reasons include:
- malfunctions in the work of the autonomic nervous system, which lead to increased secretion of gastric juice;
- cardiovascular disorders in the digestive system;
- hereditary factor;
- disruptions in metabolic processes, endocrine disorders;
- autoimmune cause of inflammation.
External factors include:
- presence of infection Helicobacter pylori - a specific microorganism that affects the mucous tissues of the stomach and causes inflammation;
- regular use of products that stimulate the production of stomach acid (fatty, fried foods, spirits);
- uncontrolled food intake (alternation of periods of hunger and overeating);
- smoking (nicotine gum is an excellent stimulant for the production of hydrochloric acid, especially if you smoke on an empty stomach);
- taking certain medications - for example, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
- frequent use of "chewing gum" (causes reflex secretion of juice in the stomach);
- prolonged periods of hunger, strict diets;
- abuse of alcohol-containing beverages.
Pathogenetic features of gastritis with high acidity are complex and depend on the underlying cause that triggered the onset of the inflammatory reaction. Typically, this is a mechanical or chemical damaging effect on the gastric mucosa, in which there is a violation of its regeneration and trophism.
It is proved that the mucous surface of the stomach is one of the most qualitatively regenerating tissues in the body. In normal physiological conditions, its cellular structures slough and can be regenerated through a constant cycle of 2-6 days. Similar restoration occurs and at external damage of a mucous layer, however at constant and regular negative influence of a fabric simply do not have time to be restored.
In addition, the rate of recovery is affected by the quality of the circulation in the digestive system.
Symptoms of the gastritis with high acidity
Gastritis with an increase in acidity usually reveals itself by symptoms such as soreness in the region of the projection of the stomach, discomfort and a feeling of heaviness, nausea,
The first signs can be manifested by painful attacks between eating, pulling the sensations of spasms in the stomach. Can be disturbed by heartburn and sour taste in the oral cavity.
- Heartburn is the most common sign of gastritis with increased acid secretion, which falls into the cavity of the esophagus and causes a burning sensation in the chest.
- Nausea in most cases disturbs between meals (on an empty stomach), with a rare intake of food. Vomiting is worrisome when developing mucosal erosions, or when consuming an excessive amount of acidic foods.
- Constipation and diarrhea may occur during periods, especially when there is an additional malfunction of the microflora within the intestine. Most often, patients complain of constipation, which is accompanied by increased fermentation in the intestines, flatulence and release of gases.
- An eructation with a sour taste is another typical sign of excess acidity inside the stomach. For example, with reduced acidity there is a belch with a "rotten" aftertaste, which can be considered one of the distinguishing features of these pathologies.
- Cough with gastritis appears reflexively, after getting acid or the contents of the stomach into the upper respiratory tract. This symptom is not considered characteristic, but it is often indicated by patients with a hyperacid gastritis.
Gastritis with high acidity in pregnancy
Pregnancy often becomes a kind of catalyst for many chronic diseases in the body. In addition, a change in the hormonal level and the pressure of the growing fetus on the digestive organs can trigger a change in the composition of the gastric juice and the development of gastritis.
An additional load that can contribute to the development of the inflammatory process in the stomach can be:
- severe toxicosis with attacks of nausea and periodic vomiting;
- intolerance to food;
- binge eating;
- abuse of certain products;
- constant anxieties, fears, experiences.
Gastritis in pregnancy can not become a contraindication to the bearing of a child or labor. The disease can and should be treated by a gastroenterologist, without waiting for the birth of a child. Otherwise, gastritis can acquire a chronic course or acquire a lot of unwanted complications.
Where does it hurt?
Typically, these stages of gastritis are distinguished:
- superficial damage;
- chronic lesions with damage to the glandular system, without atrophic changes in the walls of the organ;
- gastritis with signs of dystrophy and necrosis of the mucosa;
- atrophic hyperplastic gastritis;
- hypertrophic lesion.
In addition, gastritis is classified by the nature of the painful process. This principle distinguishes acute and chronic types of gastritis.
- Acute gastritis with high acidity arises sharply, almost immediately after the effect of the provoking factor, and is accompanied by a strong and marked symptomatology.
- Chronic gastritis with high acidity, in the vast majority of situations, is the result of not cured acute form of gastritis. Often the disease occurs with regularly recurring acute gastric pathologies, or with ignoring the diet or other doctor's recommendations. Chronic course is characterized by periodic exacerbations, which proceed according to the type of acute period of the disease.
Any provoking factors can cause an exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity, and even lead to adverse effects, which we will discuss below.
The change in the degree of acidity in the stomach can lead to the development of various forms of the disease:
- Atrophic gastritis with high acidity is an inflammatory reaction in the stomach, which is accompanied by dystrophic and necrotic changes in the mucous tissue. This type of gastritis is most cunning, as many doctors consider it to be one of the precancerous conditions.
- Erosive gastritis with high acidity is a type of inflammatory disease that is accompanied by the formation of small ulcers (erosions) on the surface of the gastric mucosa. Erosive gastritis with high acidity usually has a prolonged course and is difficult to treat.
- Reflux gastritis with high acidity may be the result of an abnormal operation of the pylorus of the stomach, at which the contents of the duodenum enter the stomach. This type of gastritis is accompanied by a "reverse intake" of food mixed with enzymes and bile, which leads to additional irritation of the gastric walls.
- Ulcerative gastritis with high acidity is the initial stage of development of peptic ulcer in the stomach. If such gastritis is ignored, then a full (not superficial) ulcer is formed.
- Superficial gastritis with high acidity is also called simple, or catarrhal. This kind of gastritis is accompanied by superficial lesions of the mucous membrane, without the formation of ulcers and erosions. Superficial gastritis is easier to treat than other people if you seek medical help in a timely manner.
- Focal atrophic gastritis with high acidity is characterized by the appearance of areas (foci) of mucosal tissue atrophy, that is, the death of cells. At the same time, healthy areas begin to function vigorously, trying to compensate for the lack of secretion. As a result, the synthesis of hydrochloric acid intensifies and the degree of acidity in the stomach is disturbed.
Complications and consequences
Gastritis with high acidity in itself is not as dangerous as its complications, which can become:
- gastric bleeding caused by damage to tissues and vessels located in them;
- malignant tumors in the stomach;
- anemia, deficiency of vitamin B12, as a result of a violation of the assimilation of food;
- inflammatory process in the pancreas - pancreatitis;
- ulcer disease associated with the formation of ulcers on the damaged mucosa.
In addition, gastritis with high acidity can cause permanent dyspeptic disorders, an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity, a state of general weakness, deterioration of appetite, emaciation, dehydration.
Diagnostics of the gastritis with high acidity
Recognition of the disease is based, first of all, on typical complaints of the patient, clinically detected symptoms and information obtained after the application of additional studies.
Blood tests (general analysis and biochemistry) may indicate the presence of an inflammatory pathology in an organ.
Instrumental diagnostics implies the use of such procedures:
- gastric tunneling with analysis of gastric secretion to the concentration of hydrochloric acid;
- pH-metry - assessment of acidity inside the stomach;
- Fibrogastroduodenoscopy - examination of the digestive system using a special device equipped with a backlight and a camera.
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis is performed with functional disorders of digestive processes, with stomach ulcers, malignant and benign tumors.
Differences of gastritis with increased and decreased acidity are determined, mainly, by characteristic complaints of patients:
Gastritis with low acidity |
Gastritis with high acidity |
Feeling heavy in the stomach. |
Aching pain after eating and between eating. |
An eructation with a "rotten" smell. |
Belching with a sour aftertaste. |
Frequent diarrhea. |
Frequent constipation. |
Flatulence, increased gas formation. |
Heartburn. |
Signs of vitamin deficiency: dry skin, brittle nails, etc. |
Periodic nausea. |
Dull pain in the stomach. |
Hungry "nocturnal" pain. |
Who to contact?
Treatment of the gastritis with high acidity
Treatment should always be comprehensive and not be limited to just taking medications. For example, a huge role in the success of treatment of gastritis is nutrition - without this link the effectiveness of the drugs taken can be reduced to zero.
Diet is the basis for the treatment of gastritis. Medications only supplement the treatment and prevent the recurrence of the disease.
Treatment regimens for gastritis with increased acidity include the administration of several drugs - usually one of each proposed pharmacological group. It can be:
- painkillers (No-shpa, Drotaverin);
- antacid preparations (preparations of magnesium, aluminum);
- means-blockers of the proton pump (Omeprazole, Omez);
- antibiotic agents, whose action is directed to the destruction of Helicobacter pylori (Amoxicillin, Clarithromycin).
For example, if a Helicobacter is detected, the following treatment regimens can be used:
- For 7 days: 20 mg of omeprazole, 1 g of amoxicillin, 500 mg of clarithromycin - twice a day.
- For 14 days: up to 40 mg of omeprazole, 750 mg of amoxicillin - twice a day. Either 40 mg of omeprazole once a day and 500 mg of clarithromycin three times a day.
Patients with gastritis against a background of increased acidity need to understand that the treatment should be done precisely during the period of exacerbation of the disease. If you take drugs often and chaotically, you can completely disrupt the process of production of hydrochloric acid, which can cause the development of atrophy of the mucosa and even malignant neoplasms.
- De-nol is a medication that protects the gastric mucosa. De-nol take 1 tablet 4 times a day, shortly before meals and immediately before going to bed. Duration of treatment - 1-2 months. The drug accumulates in the body, so long-term use should be agreed with the doctor.
- Hilak Fort is a probiotic that normalizes the balance of the intestinal flora. Simultaneously, this drug eliminates digestive disorders and regulates the acidity of gastric juice. Hilak forte is used on an average of 50 drops in the morning, before dinner and before dinner, previously diluted in a small amount of liquid. Hilak forte is safe and can be used even by pregnant patients.
- Omeprazole (Omez) is an antiulcer medication, a proton pump inhibitor. It is prescribed for serious damage to the mucosa, as well as for the prevention of ulceration. Dosage of the drug is selected individually, from 10 to 60 mg once a day.
- Ranitidine (Zantac) is an antiulcer blocker of histamine receptors, which is applied twice a day for 150 mg. Treatment continues for 1-2 months. Of the side effects of the drug most often occur dyspepsia, a sense of fatigue, headaches, tinnitus, joint and muscle pain.
- Nolpaz (Controls) is one of the drugs, blockers of the proton pump. The standard purpose of the drug is 40 mg per day, for 1-2 months. Elderly patients are shortened to one week. Taking the drug may be accompanied by pain in the abdomen, headache, dizziness.
- Allochol is a drug that improves liver function. It can be used as an adjuvant, 1 tablet three times a day. The standard course of therapy is 1-2 months, with the possibility of a repeat after 3 months. Prolonged use of the drug may cause diarrhea.
- Linex is a means for normalizing the balance of intestinal microflora. It is used to improve the functioning of the intestine, since with increased acidity, biobalance disorder often occurs. The medication is taken after a meal, 2 capsules three times a day. Linex is usually well tolerated, side effects are rare.
- Ursosan (Ursofalk) is a remedy for the protection and improvement of liver function. Ursosan is especially relevant for the treatment of reflux gastritis - it is taken 1 capsule daily, at night. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor and can range from 2 weeks to 6 months. Sometimes, admission can develop side effects in the form of constipation, diarrhea, back pain, exacerbation of psoriasis.
- Ascorbic acid is a well-known vitamin C, which is necessary for the normal processes of tissue repair. Dosage of ascorbic acid is taken after meals, 1-2 pcs. Per day. Do not take more than 1 g of the drug daily, as this can cause increased heartburn and diarrhea.
- Phosphalugel is an antacid agent based on aluminum phosphate, which effectively eliminates heartburn and reduces acidity. The gel can take 1-2 packets up to 3 times a day. As a rule, the drug is well tolerated, and only occasionally it can cause constipation.
- Activated charcoal will provide additional help in digestive disorders, with increased gas production. The drug should not be used if ulcers or bleeding occur in the stomach. As a rule, take 250-750 mg three times a day.
- Valerian (tincture of valerian root) will help with insomnia and spasmodic pains in the stomach associated with gastritis. Tincture is taken before meals, 25 drops to 4 times a day. During the treatment with the drug, fatigue and drowsiness may occur.
- Enterosgel is an enterosorbent preparation, the use of which is appropriate for intestinal infections, intoxications, poisonings. Enterosgel taken inside between meals, with water, about 1.5 st. L. Three times a day. The drug rarely causes side effects and is well tolerated by patients.
- Trimedat (Neobutin) is a medication that is prescribed to normalize the peristalsis of the digestive system. The usual dosage of Trimedate is 100-200 mg three times a day. Sometimes this drug causes allergies.
- Folic acid is often necessary for the treatment of chronic gastritis, which is accompanied by a violation of absorption of substances necessary for the body. As a rule, for treatment enough to take 5 mg of folic acid per day, if there is no allergy to this drug.
- Trichopol (Metronidazole) is a drug used to treat Helicobacter infection, which is prescribed in combination with antibiotics such as Amoxicillin. Trichopol take 2 tablets three times a day for a week. Trichopolum is not used in pregnancy and lactation, as well as with a tendency to allergy to the drug.
Antacids for gastritis with high acidity
Antacid preparations are medicines that create protection on the mucous membrane, which prevents the negative effects of irritating components of bile and gastric juice. Antacids prevent heartburn, the formation of erosion on the surface of the gastric mucosa. Modern means lead to the neutralization of hydrochloric acid and the formation of insoluble salts that are excreted from the body with the feces.
- Almagel - antacid in the form of a suspension, which is taken orally within an hour after meals and at night, 5-10 ml to 4 times a day. With prolonged use, Almagel can cause constipation and a metallic taste in the oral cavity.
- Smecta is a drug against diarrhea, which also eliminates heartburn and bloating. Smectu is taken after a meal, no more than 3 packets per day. Treatment lasts no more than a week in a row: otherwise, constipation may appear.
- Maalox is an antacid agent in the form of a suspension with mint flavor. The drug is effective against heartburn, acidic eructations, stomach pain. Usually take 15 ml of the drug between meals and overnight, but not more than 90 ml of suspension per day.
Enzymes with gastritis with high acidity
Enzyme preparations are more appropriate for gastritis with low acidity or with atrophic gastritis. However, in some cases, with a decrease in the enzymatic activity of the digestive system, such drugs may be prescribed to patients with high acidity of the stomach.
When treating a chronic form of gastritis, it is recommended to take enzymes in the form of gelatin capsules. Such drugs pass the stomach and dissolve in the intestines, thus modeling the natural digestive process.
- Pancreatin - is used for chronic pancreatitis, inflammatory-dystrophic changes in the stomach. The standard dosage is 150,000 units daily. Pancreatin is not recommended for use in acute pancreatitis.
- Mezim is an enzyme preparation based on pancreatin, the actual analogue of Pancreatin. Usually take 1-2 tablets before meals, squeezed with a small amount of liquid.
- Festal is an enzyme agent based on pancreatin, which can be used in disorders of the formation and secretion of bile, with chronic gastritis, duodenitis, cholecystitis. Adult patients take 1-2 pills to 3 times a day.
Antibiotics for gastritis with high acidity
The main treatment for Helicobacter pylori infection in gastritis with high acidity is carried out with preparations of such groups:
- preparations of clarithromycin (Binoclar, Clarexide);
- preparations of amoxicillin (Amoxil, Amoxiclav);
- preparations of omeprazole (Omez, Promez, etc.).
In order to achieve the optimal effect in treatment, antibiotics are combined with a medication such as Metronidazole: this is the only way to completely get rid of Helicobacter, because this bacterium possesses extreme resistance to antibiotic therapy.
The dose of antibiotics and the duration of the treatment course are determined by the doctor, who takes into account the age, condition of the patient, as well as the presence of additional pathologies of the digestive organs.
Immunomodulators in gastritis with high acidity
Immunomodulators are drugs that improve and activate the functioning of the immune system, interacting with its cells. As a rule, immunomodulators are prescribed as part of complex treatment simultaneously with taking antibiotics.
The use of immunomodulating drugs should be carried out under the control of the blood picture, taking into account the dynamics of the disease.
The most common and safe immunomodulators are:
- extract of echinacea;
- tincture of ginseng;
- tincture of magnolia vine;
- rhodiola rosea;
- mistletoe.
Immunomodulators should be prescribed only by a doctor, since only he can evaluate the appropriateness of taking these medications, and also control their effect on the body.
To fully and quickly restore the gastric mucosa and to normalize high acidity, a sufficient amount of ascorbic acid, vitamin PP, A and B vitamins is required.
Vitamin A provides normal processes of cell division and growth, strengthens the immune defense of the stomach. This vitamin is considered fat-soluble, so it must be taken with foods that contain fats. For example, it is known that a large amount of vitamin A is found in carrots: for a full assimilation of nutrients, carrots should be flavored with vegetable oil.
Nicotinic acid improves blood circulation in the tissues of the digestive system, which leads to faster healing of the inflamed mucosa.
Vitamins of group B are involved in all metabolic processes.
Ascorbic acid strengthens the immune system, accelerates the healing of ulcers and other mucosal integrity disorders.
In addition, with increased secretion of acid, it is very important to have a vitamin U in the body, which is in sufficient quantity contained in white cabbage. Vitamin U stabilizes the release of hydrochloric acid and accelerates the healing of damaged mucous tissues.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
Methods of physiotherapy are applied after the acute stage is completed - mainly for the prevention of repeated exacerbation of the disease and acceleration of mucosal healing.
With gastritis with high acidity, it is important to use electrophoresis with novocaine, platyphylline or antispasmodics, as well as applications with paraffin, ozocerite, therapeutic mud.
Additionally, ultrasound therapy, DMV therapy and other procedures can be prescribed.
Physiotherapy methods eliminate spasms of smooth muscles of the stomach, alleviate pain, improve blood circulation in the epigastric region, accelerate the course of recovery processes.
The most important is the appointment of physiotherapeutic treatment for a chronic form of gastritis.
Alternative treatment of gastritis with high acidity
Alternative recipes for gastritis with increased acidity include the use of plants with enveloping properties. In most cases, they use camomile, dandelion, plantain leaves, ivan-tea, calendula, mother-and-stepmother. Of the listed herbs are prepared infusions, decoctions, teas.
In addition to herbs, with increased acidity it is useful to use honey, carrot and potato juices.
In the early stages of the disease, alternative treatment in combination with a diet can lead to a complete cure for gastritis. But with an average and severe course of the inflammatory process, it is necessary to connect the medication.
Operative treatment
Surgical interventions for gastritis with high acidity - laparotomy and gastrectomy - can be prescribed only in a chronic form of pathology with suspected malignancy. Most often, the operation is performed with polyps in the stomach, as well as with rigid and hypertrophic gastritis.
Usual acute gastritis with high acidity is usually treated conservatively, with the use of certain medications, against the background of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.
Massage with gastritis with high acidity
With gastritis with high acidity massage should be performed gently, shallowly, gently, without intense shaking movements. The massage should not last more than 15 minutes. The course of treatment implies carrying out 14 procedures, once every two days.
Massage of the epigastric zone begins with circular strokes, after which they connect a soft grinding, grit-like strokes on the left upwards.
Complete the massage with stroking movements from left to right and down towards the sigmoid colon.
It is not recommended to carry out shaking, active vibration, tremors and intense rubbing.
Massages are carried out outside the stage of exacerbation, between meals.
Gymnastics with gastritis with high acidity
Sometimes the cause of gastritis with high acidity experts call the scourge of residents of large cities - hypodynamia. From the lack of physical and motor load, not only the digestive processes, but also the condition of the whole organism, can suffer. Of course, the load should not be excessive - it's harmful. But the dosed motor activity is just right.
The essence of this treatment is that the intensive work of the muscles leads to an acceleration of metabolic processes, improvement of energy metabolism in cells, and the establishment of evacuation function of the intestine.
Gymnastic exercises are performed outside the attack of exacerbation of the disease, starting with small loads, gradually increasing the intensity of the exercises.
With gastritis with high acidity, exercises are performed at a slow pace, repeating monotonous movements several times - this approach acts on acidity in a decreasing manner.
It is desirable to combine gymnastics with breathing exercises under relaxing music. It is better not to conduct exercises to strengthen abdominal muscles or reduce them to a minimum.
Yoga with gastritis with high acidity
If you perform the following exercises (asanas) daily for 8-10 minutes, you can eliminate the negative manifestations of gastritis with increased acidity, and even completely get rid of it.
- Gehujang-asana: we lay down on the stomach, put our hands on the chest level. With emphasis on the hands, we rise, we bend in the waist and throw our heads backwards. We return to the original position. We repeat the asan about 5 times.
- Dhanur-asana: we lie on our backs, our legs bend at the knees, we focus on the surface of the floor. We take brushes for the ankles, we bend our back, trying to strain the musculature of the abdominal wall. In the beginning, the legs in the knees can be arranged.
- Prustha valita khanum-asana: stand straight, legs together. We divert one leg forward, bending at the knee, while the second leg stays straight. Turn the body to the left and right. We perform the exercise in one and the other way 10-14 times.
More information of the treatment
Initial prevention is a lifestyle change in favor of healthy, ensuring quality and proper nutrition, getting rid of bad habits.
An important role is played by timely treatment to the doctor for the treatment of other diseases of the digestive system: dysbacteriosis, helminthiases, liver pathologies, pancreas.
Recommended periodic course mineral water use, mud cure, climatotherapy, physiotherapy.
It is necessary to establish proper nutrition:
- Eat every 3-4 hours, in small portions;
- it is desirable to give preference to healthy food, plant products cooked on steamed or boiled, as well as porridge and non-fat meat and fish;
- You can not overeat, starve, eat dry-soup or fast food.