Alternative methods and means of treatment of gastritis with high acidity
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Regular fairly strong and prolonged pains in the epigastric region, as well as a feeling of "stone in the stomach" after each meal can indicate that it's time to visit the gastroenterologist for developing gastritis, which can occur both against a background of reduced and increased acidity of the gastric juice. When the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe appropriate therapy, which usually includes medical and alternative treatment of gastritis with increased (or decreased) acidity, physical procedures, non-traditional and phytotherapy, recommendations for proper nutrition.
What is gastritis with high acidity and how dangerous is it?
Gastritis, whatever it is, always remains an inflammatory disease affecting the gastric mucosa. Inflammation can not occur from scratch, which means there are certain aggressive factors that can cause this pathology, which is also very common. According to some reports, gastritis takes an honorable second place in terms of prevalence among various diseases to which a person is exposed.
The cause of gastritis development is very often the infamous Helicobacter pylori bacterium, which is notorious for many fans of advertising, but it's impossible to write off everything on it, especially in case of gastritis with high acidity, or else with increased secretory function of the stomach mucosa. This type of gastritis most often develops entirely for other reasons. It can be caused by improper diet with excess fried, spicy, sour or hot food, an irresponsible approach to taking medications, especially anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics, harmful working conditions, alcoholism, smoking, etc.
In addition, the development of gastritis with increased acidity can lead to metabolic disorders, chronic infections, parasites, tissue hypoxia. Sometimes gastritis develops due to a genetic predisposition or a deficiency of minerals, vitamins and amino acids in the human body.
Appearances of this type of gastritis can be considered pain in the stomach during and after meals, as well as at night, "hungry" pains, heartburn, acidic eructations, nausea, sometimes accompanied by vomiting, which are most often observed on an empty stomach. Sometimes there is bloating accompanied by stool disorders (diarrhea or constipation). Such symptoms are often accompanied by weakness and dizziness.
It should be understood that a full "bouquet" of symptoms is not present in all patients with gastritis, which makes it difficult to diagnose it. And for some people, gastritis for a long time can be practically asymptomatic, manifesting later on full force.
But whatever the course of gastritis, to treat it through the sleeves, means to expose yourself to the risk of developing ulcers and even stomach cancer, severe pathologies, which are difficult to cure. The percentage of death in these diseases, in contrast to the "harmless" gastritis, is very high.
Treatment of gastritis has its own characteristics. This is a rather lengthy and difficult process. Some medications used in the treatment of gastritis can be far from safe for inflamed mucosa, plus their action and composition may adversely affect the work of other organs and body systems. Therefore, special attention should be paid to safe alternative treatment of gastritis with high acidity.
Popular alternatives for fighting gastritis
Gastritis with high acidity, with all its prevalence is a huge field for the activities of alternative medicine, which is looking for effective natural remedies against "fashionable" disease. But already today there are many effective recipes that help alleviate the condition of patients with gastritis, which develops against the background of increased secretory function of the stomach.
Bee Products
In the first place in the treatment of gastritis is, of course, propolis, or bee glue, because this natural antibiotic also has wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, analgesic and antiseptic actions. In addition, it is rich in vitamins and minerals that promote rapid recovery. Due to the therapeutic properties of propolis, patients feel relief after a week from the start of therapy.
Propolis can be used either in pure form or in combination with other useful products. For example, you can chew pieces of propolis the size of a pea before each meal. This should be done 30 minutes before meals, washed down with water.
And you can prepare a delicious propolis milk, using for each liter of milk 50 g of bee glue. The mixture should be boiled for about 10 minutes and cooled. Half a glass of such milk, taken before meals 3 times a day, will not only bring real pleasure to gourmets, but also significantly improve the condition of a patient with gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases.
In the case of erosive gastritis caused by increased secretion of the stomach, a monthly course of taking propolis oil will be helpful. To make it, you must melt 1 kg of cream or heat 1 liter of olive oil and add a little less than 150 g of propolis, stir until dissolved and cool. Take oil before meals, enough 1 spoonful per reception.
Widespread use in alternative treatment of gastritis with high acidity has found a tincture of propolis on alcohol, which can be prepared from 1 part propolis and 5 parts alcohol (2 days insist) or buy at a pharmacy.
Some advise to drink tincture in undiluted form on 15 drops per reception no later than one hour before a meal (and so 2 weeks), but with this diagnosis it is better not to joke with alcohol and take tincture in a mixture with other components. For example, take a teaspoon of Kalanchoe (or aloe) juice and honey, adding 10 drops of tincture. The composition is taken before meals in the morning, afternoon and evening for 2 months.
An excellent effect with increased acidity has such a composition: a decoction of walnuts on milk plus a tincture of propolis, sweeten with honey.
Propolis tincture can also be added to herbal teas, which enhances their effect.
Propolis is an effective medicine for gastritis, but, like any beekeeping product, is not suitable for everyone. After all, this is a strong allergen, which can cause severe reactions of the immune system. Contraindications to the reception of propolis are the propensity to allergic reactions, including against the background of intolerance to beekeeping products, alcohol tincture - a child's age, as well as periods of bearing and breastfeeding.
Perga is another bee product that has proved itself in the complex treatment of gastritis. Partly this was due to the property of pergia to increase the effect of pharmaceutical medicines.
Perga is a substance obtained as a result of storage in honeycomb of flower pollen collected by bees. The composition of the Perga depends on the plants from which the bees took pollen, from the place of growth of these plants, from the conditions of storing the pollen and the processes occurring in it during this time.
Whatever it was, but perg remains one of the products with the richest composition: more than 10 essential amino acids for the normal functioning of the body, about 50 enzymes, rare carbohydrate compounds, trace elements, the optimal amount of hormone-like substances, as well as the substance responsible for the regenerative processes in tissues (heteroauxin).
What is the effect of such a valuable product for gastritis with increased acidity? It helps to saturate the body with the necessary substances and reduce the pain syndrome, normalizes the activity of the intestine, thus preventing flatulence, removes inflammation and normalizes the microflora of the stomach, optimizing the level of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice, helps the stomach mucosa to recover as soon as possible. As a result, the condition of the body as a whole improves.
You can take perga with gastritis both in its pure form and in combination with honey. Take this medicine 3 times a day. For pure perga, 1 tsp is enough. At a time, for a mixture of pepper and honey in a 1: 1 ratio, a single dose - 1 dessert spoon.
With increased acidity, the temperature of the medicine plays an important role, therefore it is recommended to add pergu or a mixture of it with honey to warm water. Take the composition you need either an hour and a half before meals, or after at least 3 hours after it. The course of treatment is usually 2 to 3 months.
Perga is a product that is certainly useful, but it, like other bee products, is a strong allergen, so it should not be taken to people with allergies and patients with intolerance to bee medicines.
It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of gastritis with high acidity and a food additive like flax seeds, which have a soothing, enveloping and anti-inflammatory effect, plus stimulating regeneration of the gastric mucosa tissues. And the effectiveness of flax seeds is proven for any type of gastritis.
Flax seeds are used for preparing decoctions of infusions, cereals, kissels and as an additive to prepared dishes: salads, soups, casseroles, etc. Such food not only gives saturation and replenishment of useful vitamins and minerals in the body, but also has a therapeutic effect, helping the stomach painlessly cope with various foods.
Decoction of flax can be prepared in various ways, depending on the ratio of water and seeds, and the dosage of intake is set. For example, if the broth is prepared from 1 tbsp. Seeds and a glass of water (boil 5 minutes), then a single dose of broth will be 1 tbsp. L. Take the decoction right before meals, so that during the meal, he could protect the gastric mucosa from food irritation.
Infusions can be prepared only from flax seeds, and it is possible to include medicinal herbs, such as chamomile, tansy, sage, bearberry, etc., into the raw material. For ordinary infusion it is necessary to take 3 tablespoons. Crushed flaxseed and brew 0.5 liters of boiling water. Drink infusion should be before each meal warm in the amount of ½ cup. If you use whole seeds, then a glass of boiling water or hot milk should take about 3 tablespoons. Raw materials.
To prepare the jelly, flaxseed is ground into flour, using it instead of starch. It is useful to use this jelly for 2-3 tbsp. L. During the time of food.
Flaxseed can be added to any fruit and berry jelly while it is still hot. Kissel acquires medicinal properties, but it can also be used as an independent dish.
A porridge of flax seeds with regular application can even cure stomach ulcers. Cooking it is very simple: 2 tablespoons of seeds are brewed with a glass of boiling water, mix and leave for 10 minutes. Salt and sugar are suppressed before consumption. In a day, it is enough to eat a couple of spoons of porridge to make the disease recede.
Like any "medicine", flax seeds require some caution in their application. For example, when treating them, the amount of fluid consumed should be increased, otherwise the effect may be directly opposite.
In addition, this treatment is not suitable for everyone. Choose a different medicine for patients with gallbladder disease, neoplasms in the uterus, hepatitis, inflammatory bowel diseases, thyroid gland and prostate diseases. Undesirable use of flaxseed during pregnancy and lactation, exacerbation of pancreatitis, as well as with intolerance of this product.
Oils for gastritis
The inflammatory process in the stomach causes patients to adhere to certain dietary rules, which in turn are components of complex treatment. Diet in gastritis with high acidity provides many restrictions, both the amount of food eaten, and in its quality and ways of preparation.
A dual opinion among dieticians and about the use of oils. Nevertheless, all of them agree that completely to refuse this foodstuff is by no means worth, but the preference should be given to vegetable oils. They should not be subjected to heat treatment.
True, butter, although a product containing lactic acid, which increases the acidity of gastric juice, is not excluded from the diet of patients with gastritis, but its use should be limited to 25 g.
And they say, if in the morning and in the evening to eat an empty bowl of a mixture consisting of equal parts of butter and honey, then the gastritis will gradually recede.
Of the vegetable oils, probably the most unhelpful is palm oil, which can only add cardiovascular diseases to gastritis. The use of it for the stomach is negligible.
But flaxseed oil made from flax seed, due to its protective, anti-inflammatory, softening and regenerating properties, will only benefit. This oil also has the ability to normalize the production of gastric juice and relieve pain in the epigastric region, enveloping the gastric mucosa and protecting it from irritation.
The main thing in the treatment of gastritis with linseed oil is to use a fresh product without sediment and various impurities. Such oil, as an independent medicine, you can drink on an empty stomach, starting with a teaspoon per reception, gradually increasing the dose to 17 g (1 tablespoon). And you can simply add to various dishes that do not require further heat treatment, since heating linseed oil leads to the formation of carcinogens, harmful to health.
If you have difficulties with buying ready-made flax oil in a store or pharmacy, you can prepare it yourself using the cold-pressed method. For this, the ground seeds are folded into a sieve pre-coated with gauze cloth and oppression is applied from above. Under the weight of oppression, oil begins to be extracted from the flour, which is collected in the dishes installed under the screen.
Flaxseed oil is a popular remedy used in alternative medicine for the treatment of gastritis with increased and decreased acidity, but it will not be useful for everyone. Very often against the background of gastritis, other abnormalities of the gastrointestinal tract, such as pancreatitis, stomach ulcer, cholelithiasis, develop. Flaxseed oil, having a noticeable choleretic effect, can cause an increase in the symptoms of these diseases.
With low blood coagulability, linseed oil can provoke bleeding, including gastric bleeding, and in pregnancy, cause uterine contractions leading to premature birth or miscarriage.
Sometimes, against the background of taking linseed oil, diarrhea and unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen are observed. Such side effects of the oil are a signal to reduce the dose and pass during the first 5 days.
Glystoynnoe action is also in some way a side effect of flaxseed oil, but it will go to the body only for good, because the presence of parasites significantly reduces the therapeutic effect of medicines, including the effectiveness of alternative treatment of gastritis with high acidity.
In various dishes of the everyday menu it is recommended to use flaxseed oil mixed with other vegetable oils. Most often, olive and sunflower oils are used for this purpose.
By the way, there is an opinion that the acidity of gastric juice can be normalized by daily resorption in the morning on an empty stomach of sunflower oil (preferably refined) in an amount of 1 tbsp. L. Do this slowly, for 15 minutes. After a month, the symptoms of increased acidity no longer disturb the patient.
Olive oil, due to its availability and useful properties, quickly became one of the most popular means of treating gastritis with both increased and decreased acidity. You can buy it in any supermarket. True quality product and it is not cheap, but buying it, you provide your stomach with reliable protection, and yourself a comfortable food.
The thing is that olive oil has an anesthetic, enveloping and wound healing effect, which makes it effective not only for gastritis, but also for intestinal diseases, intestinal colic, ulcerative gastrointestinal lesions.
For medicinal purposes, fresh olive oil should be applied strictly before meals. Do this for half an hour before the start of the meal. The daily dose is 3 tbsp. L., which must be drunk for 3 hours.
Such treatment is carried out for 2 months, despite the fact that a noticeable reduction in symptoms of gastritis is observed after a couple of weeks of regular intake of oil.
Although olive oil is a fairly common food, it has certain contraindications to its use for medicinal purposes. So its use is undesirable for intestinal disorders or allergies to this product. Choleretic effect of the oil makes it impossible to treat it if, along with gastritis, the formation of gallstones is diagnosed or there is occlusion of the bile ducts.
No less common medicine for gastritis is the sea buckthorn oil, in terms of useful vitamins and trace elements, superior to many other oils. Many people have heard about its wound-healing properties and various uses in medicine. In addition, sea buckthorn oil can remove inflammation and pain, as well as stimulate the recovery processes in tissues.
Due to these properties, oil has found wide application in the treatment of gastritis with high acidity, stomach and duodenal ulcers, when it is required to restore the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract after erosive damage.
It does not matter what kind of oil you will use: pharmacy or cooked yourself on the following recipe using olive oil.
The recipe for sea buckthorn oil. Fresh berries of sea-buckthorn should be washed and dried, then squeezed out juice from them in any way. The remaining cake to dry and a few times to grind in a meat grinder, and then pour olive oil, heated to a temperature of 60 degrees. Composition for ten days stand in a dark cool place, then filter. The resulting oil is poured once again into a freshly prepared cake and left for another 10 days. Preparation of oil takes slightly less than 3 weeks, but you get a 100% quality product, if, of course, in the process, natural olive oil was used.
By the way, the remaining juice with gastritis with high acidity of the stomach is strictly prohibited!
Sea-buckthorn oil can be used as a remedy for exacerbations of gastritis or drink through a preventive course during the remission of a chronic form of gastritis.
With exacerbations, take 1 tablespoon oil in the morning, at lunch and in the evening for a quarter of an hour before eating. Such treatment should be spent about a month.
The monthly preventive course consists of regular intake 1 time per day for 30 minutes before eating sea buckthorn oil in the amount of 1 teaspoon.
When treating sea buckthorn oil, it is necessary to adhere to a strict dosage, since dose fluctuations can negatively affect the health and effectiveness of the treatment as a whole. Especially dangerous is an overdose that causes headaches, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, and in some cases even convulsions and shock.
Sea buckthorn oil is not a food product, so its use should be approached with caution. Consultation with a doctor is simply necessary in the treatment of children and pregnant women, however, and the rest would not hurt to notify the attending physician about taking this natural medicine. It is undesirable to take sea buckthorn oil, if there is a suspicion of the development of inflammatory processes in the liver and gall bladder, as well as in the pancreas.
The benefits of pumpkin, which can reduce the acidity of gastric juice, many have heard. But that's not enough to know about the fact that it's possible to get one more effective medicine for gastritis from her seeds, as well as the existence of such a product as pumpkin oil.
Like the pumpkin itself, and the oil from its seeds, they have many necessary nutrients for the body, which, due to the need to adhere to a fairly strict diet with gastritis, enter the body in a limited amount. We are talking about vitamins A, C, B1, B2 and useful microelements: phosphorus, iron, magnesium, cobalt, not to mention potassium, calcium and copper.
Useful pumpkin oil in diseases of the liver, stomach and intestines, as well as to improve reproductive function in the stronger sex. In the case of gastritis, it is valued for its softening, enveloping, anti-inflammatory, improving stool and healing properties. But it is recommended to take it in combination with linseed or sea-buckthorn oil. The effectiveness of such a composition is much higher than the pumpkin oil itself.
Pumpkin oil in its pure form must be taken, strictly adhering to the time of reception. For 20 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner you need to drink a teaspoon of pumpkin oil. This is not difficult to do, because the oil has a pleasant enough taste.
In a mixture with other oils, it is enough to take 1 tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach.
Decided to be treated with pumpkin oil? Do not rush to run to retail outlets, stock up on homemade pumpkin, so useful for gastritis, and use sunflower seeds to prepare medicinal oil. Let this oil not have such a pleasant taste. As a store, but it will have the same useful properties, and on the table you will always have fragrant gruel and casseroles from the "sunny" pumpkin.
There is such a simple recipe that you can prepare pumpkin oil at home. The number of seeds is taken from the calculation that to get a glass of oil you need 1 kg of pumpkin seeds, which were previously dried and peeled. Seeds are poured with water, so that it only slightly covers them, and cook for about 5 minutes. The cooled mass is ground using a blender and decant by folding the gauze into 2-3 layers.
The use of pumpkin oil can be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. For example, a chair can be several times a day and at a consistency less often than usual or burp starts to bother more often. This suggests that the dose should be reduced, after consulting with a doctor.
Cholagogue action of pumpkin oil does not allow it to be used for gallstones, which impede the movement of bile. Do not take risks with such treatment and people who are allergic to this product.
When using any oils with a therapeutic purpose, you must adhere to this dosage and do not use oils that are heated.
Soda with increased acidity
It's not a secret for anyone that soda, by entering into an acid-alkaline reaction with acid (including hydrochloric acid, which is referred to in connection with the acidity of gastric juice) extinguishes it. Thus, getting into the stomach, it in theory should reduce its acidity, alleviating the symptoms of gastritis, in particular nausea and heartburn. In principle, this is the case if the soda is used correctly.
To remove heartburn, 1 tsp is sufficient. Soda diluted in a glass of warm water. You need to drink such a drug after eating, which stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid. This tool can be used 2 times a day.
Soda in a larger dosage may adversely affect the condition of the inflamed mucosa of the stomach, further inducing its irritation. In addition, greatly reducing the acidity of the stomach, soda can provoke the onset of such unpleasant consequences as the severity and pain in the stomach.
It must be understood that treating gastritis with the help of soda is meaningless. She is able to give relief, but not recovery. In addition, the use of soda to relieve heartburn symptoms is more an emergency measure than a regular procedure.
Mummy with gastritis with high acidity
Since the useful properties of the mummy, a mineral substance resembling resin, have been discovered for more than a century, their relevance has not lost its power to this day. Mumiye is considered to be one of the most effective means for treatment and prevention of gastritis. And its use gives positive results in the treatment of gastritis with different types of acidity, the difference is only in the ways of using this medicine.
Alternative treatment of beginning gastritis with high acidity implies the use of mummies according to the following scheme: 0.4 g of mineral resin chew 3 times a day (can be dissolved in a glass of water). This should be done 1.5 hours before the start of the meal. The duration of treatment ranges from 2 to 3.5 weeks, during which the secretory function of the stomach is completely restored, stomach pain disappears, the wounds on the mucosa tighten, the general condition of the patient improves.
At high acidity, it is recommended to combine mummies with milk, dissolving 1 g of "resin" in a liter bank of boiled cold milk. This composition should be taken by a glass three times a day. You can eat not earlier than half an hour after taking the drug. Such treatment is carried out for 10 days. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated up to 5 times.
The mummy is generally harmless if the patient does not experience hypersensitivity reactions to it. Nevertheless, the rich composition of the mineral resin can adversely affect certain processes in the body, therefore before starting treatment of gastritis with the help of a mummy, it is necessary to be examined by a doctor and get advice about the possibility of using this gift of nature.
In addition, you need to take a real Altaic mummy, and not a drug in the form of tablets, which will be of little use.
Caution should be observed and in dosage. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 1.5 g, since in large quantities the mummy can provoke a rise in temperature to critical values, as well as provoke an increase in sweat secretion.
Birch mushroom and gastritis
When it comes to treating gastritis with fungi, many become perplexed, because mushrooms do not have the appropriate properties that can alleviate the condition of patients. So it is, but not with a black fungus, settled on the branches of a birch, with the unusual name of a chaga.
This unattractive externally fungus is successfully used in alternative treatment of gastritis with increased acidity in remote villages where the supply of medicines is inadequate, and people are leaning towards medicines given by mother nature.
To prepare the medicine, use a dried mushroom, which is poured with boiling water for 4-5 hours to soften, then the swollen black mass is ground and poured again with boiling water in a 1: 5 ratio. After the mixture has been infused for a couple of days, it is filtered and used as a medicine. Store infusion can be no more than 4 days.
Drink the drug for half an hour before meals 3 times a day. Single dose - 200 ml.
Treatment with chaga is quite a long one of 3 or more months. Courses are periodically repeated with small interruptions. Nevertheless, the result is worth it, because chaga acts as a biogenic stimulant, mobilizing the body's strength to fight the disease, normalizing the secretion of the stomach, stimulating the immune system, inhibiting the degeneration of gastritis in the ulcer and then into stomach cancer.
In urban conditions, where it is problematic to get the mushroom itself, you can use its pharmacy tincture called "Bifungin", diluting 3 tbsp. L. Of the drug in 150 ml of pure water. The medication is taken in the same way as the home infusion, but at a lower dosage (1 tablespoon per dose).
Taking chagi means eating without the addition of meat and seasonings. Side effects during treatment with chaga are usually not observed, except that allergic reactions in patients with hypersensitivity to chaga or products of beekeeping.
The simplest pharmacy products and dietary supplements
Let's start a conversation about alternative treatment of gastritis with high acidity with the help of pharmaceuticals from the well-known disinfectant - hydrogen peroxide. The external reception of this remedy does not arouse any concern, but there is a lot of controversy about taking the solution inside. Nevertheless, even some doctors insist on the benefits of peroxide for the stomach and its effectiveness in the treatment of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
The thing is that peroxide is able not only to restore the acid-base balance in the stomach, but also saturate it with atomic oxygen, which promotes proper digestion of food and prevents stagnant and putrefactive processes in the digestive tract. But in order to achieve this effect, it is necessary to apply hydrogen peroxide correctly.
It starts with cleaning the liver and the whole gastrointestinal tract from undigested food particles and food toxins formed as a result of food processing. After this, it is time to choose high-quality hydrogen peroxide, which does not contain impurities, which often happens with a drugstore.
Found the purest 3% solution? So you can start treatment. It is recommended to start with a minimum dose of 1 drop, diluting it in 2 tablespoons of clean water. Drinking solution during the day can be 2-3 times.
The next day, the dose is increased by 1 drop, and this is done until the single dose is 10 drops with a 3-hour dose. This is the maximum permissible norm.
An important condition: the drug should be taken strictly on an empty stomach, not earlier than 2-3 hours after eating. And after taking peroxide with eating, you have to wait, you can eat after 40-50 minutes.
After 10 days, take a short break and again repeat the course, adhering to the achieved dose.
The onset of hydrogen peroxide may be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms of intoxication (nausea, rashes and inflammation on the skin), which will adversely affect the overall condition of the patient. Despite all the unattractiveness of the situation, such manifestations are not a cause for concern, but, on the contrary, indicate that the process of purification from toxins and saturation with oxygen is proceeding successfully.
Treatment of gastritis with hydrogen peroxide is a rather aggressive method of therapy, causing some controversy among doctors, so it is not recommended to practice in childhood, during pregnancy and lactation, in cardiovascular pathologies, in particular arrhythmia, if the patient has transplanted donor organs or there is intolerance to the drug.
Fish oil is a drug that can be safely attributed to both medicines and dietary supplements. The unique composition of the preparation, rich in vitamins A and D and polyunsaturated fatty acids, necessary for the human body, makes it indispensable in the therapy of many diseases. But here concerning a gastritis around of this preparation there are disputes to this day though till now nobody has brought proofs that cod-liver oil can somehow do much harm.
On the contrary, fish oil can reduce pain sensations due to enveloping and protective action on the stomach mucosa, reduces inflammation in the digestive tract. In addition, fish oil is considered an excellent antidepressant, which gives the body the strength to fight the disease.
Just take fish oil with gastritis with extreme caution, because it is able to reduce blood clotting, so it is not suitable for the treatment of erosive gastritis, which is often diagnosed against the background of increased acidity of gastric juice. With this form of gastritis, as well as gastric ulcer, the intake of fish oil can provoke gastric bleeding that pose a danger to the life of the patient
Decision on the acceptance of fish oil must necessarily be preceded by a full examination of the gastroenterologist, helping to identify the tendency of the mucosa to form erosions and ulcers.
A lot of disputes are also going on around the fiber. The question is whether to include it in a diet with gastritis. On the one hand, the fiber helps the stomach and intestines to process food, but on the other hand it can have an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa. It turns out that from fiber in the form of dietary supplements, provided as a help of the gastrointestinal tract, with gastritis will have to be abandoned.
And how to be, after all the sick stomach especially needs help, not to stuff it constantly with medicines that improve digestion? A good way out of this situation is the use of cereals, which are easily digested, and the intestines help in the assimilation of other foods. True, with increased acidity will have to abandon pearl barley, barley and even more pea porridge, causing a violation of the secretion of gastric juice. But oatmeal, buckwheat and rice porridge will only benefit such patients.
All recipes of healers are recommended to be taken only after a full examination and consultation with a gastroenterologist. Otherwise, the responsibility for the negative consequences of such treatment lies entirely on the shoulders of the patient himself.