Vegetables with gastritis with high acidity
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Vegetables are the basis of a healthy diet. Vegetables with gastritis with high acidity are mainly used in boiled form, or wiped to the state of mashed potatoes.
What can and what can not?
Among the allowed vegetables are carrots, potatoes, beets, cauliflower, etc. You can also eat a little green peas (at the same time it must be pretreated and crushed to a mushy consistency), and in addition, early squash with squash and non-acidic tomatoes (not more than 100g in a day).
When developing a hyperacid gastritis it is useful to eat potatoes in their raw form - you should rub it through a grater and prepare juice from it.
Take potato juice is required this way: at the initial stage, the dosage is 1 tablespoon (before eating (for 40 minutes)). For a day you need to drink 2-3 of these spoons. Over time, the dose is increased and adjusted to 100 g per reception. To get rid of the painful manifestations that accompany gastritis, you should lie down for about half an hour after taking the medicine.
The duration of the treatment course is 10 days. After this, you need to make a two-week break, and then resume treatment.
Pumpkin juice is considered the most useful and effective tool used to relieve the symptoms of hyperacid gastritis.
Juice contains many useful substances - proteins, vitamins, as well as mineral salts with carbohydrates - this mixture improves the function of the digestive tract and increases the process of bile secretion. As a result, there is a decrease in the level of gastric acidity and digestive activity is normalized.
With gastritis, you need to drink juice for 10 days once a day - enough 0.5 cup.
For the treatment of gastritis, cabbage juice can be used (it is allowed to use both colored and white cabbage). It is believed that this juice has many useful properties that allow it to be used to eliminate symptoms of gastritis. Among them we can distinguish such:
- a powerful anti-inflammatory effect that allows you to quickly eliminate the symptoms of inflammation;
- effective sorbent;
- astringent effect;
- rapid elimination of pain and discomfort (removes nausea and heartburn);
- contains vitamin C;
- accelerates the healing of ulcerative lesions;
- almost no side effects and contraindications;
- an excellent preventive against gastritis.
All these properties allow the use of cabbage juice in the development of hyperacid gastritis. But it should be taken into account that it is able to strengthen the process of gas separation, so if gastritis is also constipated, drink this juice should not be. To obtain the necessary effect when using a medicinal product, it is necessary to observe the following rules:
- you can not salt such juice;
- You can drink juice, the temperature of which is equal to the temperature of the body;
- use juice before eating for 0.5 cup;
- a day should drink no more than 1.5 glasses, i.е. Allowed a maximum of 3 reception.
Beets with a hyperacid form of gastritis can be consumed only during periods of remission - in small portions and only after the heat treatment.
It retains useful properties even after cooking - it has an anti-inflammatory effect, is an easy antidepressant, increases endurance, speeds up the healing process, and also acts as an anesthetic. That's why with gastritis it is useful to use cooked beets. But at the same time, to get the maximum effect, you need to prepare it correctly:
- the first - cook it should be exclusively in the skin;
- the second - during the cooking it is required to track the integrity of the peel (in order to preserve all the useful substances of the root crop);
- the third is to cook beets for no more than 15 minutes.
Boiled beets can become the main ingredient for various salads (they can not be filled with garlic and mayonnaise, which are forbidden when gastric is forbidden). To improve the taste of the dish, you can add to it low-fat sour cream or olive oil. But salt the beet in the process of cooking should not be - her sweetness is fully capable of compensating for the lack of salt.
After cooking, the onion is allowed to be added to salads and other snacks. It is not recommended to fry it in oil - it is better to pour the sliced vegetable with boiling water, then insist until it completely softens (this will replace the cooking process). Among the properties boiled onions: the preservation of nutrients, improve digestive function, increase appetite.
The energy value of 100 g of cauliflower is 30 kcal. In addition, it contains many microelements and carbohydrates, as well as sugars, potassium and vitamin C. In case of gastritis with an increased level of acidity, it should be used stew (either on water or steam), because in this form it does not provoke the production of hydrochloric acid acid.
The energy value of 100 g of tomatoes is 20 kcal. You should eat only ripe tomatoes, which contain a large amount of sugar. They are rich in substances such as chlorine, potassium and sodium, and in addition, vitamins A and C. In gastritis with high acidity, tomatoes are used in the form of sauces, as well as supplements to soups. Before use, you need to peel them off.
Peas contain a large amount of magnesium, as well as nucleic acids, which is why patients suffering from gastritis should consume soups with its addition. But it should be taken into account that such food is allowed to patients only at the stage of remission. In addition, it is forbidden to take dried peas - only fresh green peas should be used.
The recipe for pea soup is similar to the rules for making any dietary soup used for gastritis. It is based on broth, cooked from vegetables or skim meat. In this case, all the ingredients of this soup should be mashed to a puree state.
Add peas in the middle of the cooking process, and at the end of it you also need to grind it to a puree state using a mixer. In the end, in the already prepared soup, you should add a little salt.
Sea kale
For the treatment of gastritis, doctors recommend to include in the diet foods that contain a large amount of zinc - this group includes and sea kale. But we must take into account that it is allowed to use it only during remission of the disease. At the stage of exacerbation, it is forbidden, because it sharply increases the level of acidity, and also swells in the stomach, irritating and so damaged mucosa.
In some cases, you can use powdered dried sea kale, but before taking the product in this form, you should consult a gastroenterologist.
Corn has a very balanced composition, which allows it to ensure high assimilation of the nutrients it contains.
It also contains many proteins with carbohydrates, which makes it possible to reduce the amount of meat consumed (especially fatty), which is very useful for gastritis, because this product is contraindicated in this disease. Thanks to corn, the functional activity of the gastrointestinal tract also improves.
The above properties make it possible to incorporate corn into the nutritious diet required for hyperacid gastritis. There are her small portions in the form of soups, crushed to the state of mashed potatoes. They have a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa, providing a soothing and enveloping effect. With gastritis, you can also use corn, steamed - in this form it retains all its useful properties.
Squash, eggplant
With a hyperacid form of gastritis, it is allowed to eat aubergines or zucchini, steamed. To improve the taste of this dish, it is allowed to season vegetables with olive oil.
When the acute stage of gastritis is prohibited, there are fresh uncooked cucumbers. They can be consumed in small amounts only during the period of remission of the disease (they must be cleared of the skin).
Not all vegetables with gastritis with high acidity are useful. Among products harmful to the health of this disease, such foods as radish, garlic, radish, fresh onions. Also, you can not eat pickled, pickled or salted vegetables. The use of white cabbage is also limited (there is no raw cabbage). In addition, it is forbidden to eat fried vegetables.
In the list of contraindicated in hyperacid gastritis vegetables also appear spinach, turnip, Bulgarian pepper, rutabaga, fresh eggplant and zucchini, sorrel, fresh carrot juice. In addition, it is forbidden to eat broccoli, mushrooms and canned vegetables, used as snacks.
In the case of gastritis with high acidity, any raw vegetables should not be consumed - they necessarily require at least a primary heat treatment.