
Diet for weight loss

Interval fasting 16/8

Intermittent Fasting (IF) is a method of nutrition that involves alternating periods of eating and fasting.

40-day diet

The problems of excess weight bother people both from the point of view of aesthetics and health. Excess weight is a strain on the spine and joints, high blood pressure, varicose veins, liver problems, and the risk of diabetes.

The 90-day split meal diet

This is the title of a book by two journalist friends from Slovenia working in the field of gastronomic news. Based on their journalistic and gastronomic experience gained from working in magazines, the girls have created their own system called "The 90-Day Split Diet".

English diet for 21 days

Among the many ways to lose weight, a special place is occupied by the English diet for 21 days. Changes in nutrition involve alternating vegetable and protein diet, which helps to accelerate metabolism and, accordingly, get rid of extra pounds.

Six petals diet: menu for each day, recipes for dishes

The diet of the diet six petals consists of six products of different categories. This is not so little, because the list includes almost everything: fish, meat, fruits, vegetables, cereals, dairy product.

The Six Petals Diet.

This method of weight loss has several synonyms. By the name of the author - Anna Johansson's 6 Petals diet. In fact - monodiet 6 petals. According to the imaginary picture - diet chamomile.

Effective diets after the age of 40

Features of nutrition in general and diet after 40 years for weight loss in particular are associated with the peculiarities of the body. During this period, a woman is very active in her personal and social life

Types of rigid diets for fast weight loss

Many people who dream of losing weight with minimal effort resort to rather extreme methods. These include a tough diet for quick weight loss.

The toughest and most effective diets

One of the radical ways to improve the body and fight overweight is a rigid diet. Consider the principles of nutrition, types of diets, menus, contraindications.

Drinking diet for 30 days

The phrase "drinking diet for 30 days" seems to uninitiated people a way to lose weight using ordinary water. It is with water that the words "drink" and "drinking" are primarily associated.


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