
40-day diet

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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The problems of excess weight bother people both from the point of view of aesthetics and health. Excess weight is a strain on the spine and joints, high blood pressure, varicose veins, liver problems and the risk of diabetes. Many diets for weight loss are invented, but it also requires the will to realize them and achieve results. Among them there are extreme ones for rapid fat loss and of a longer nature, providing for gradual weight loss up to 15kg, without much harm to the body. Among them is the diet for 40 days.


Diets for such a long period of time developed a lot, but the common indications for their use is to get rid of unwanted pounds, general recovery of the body, optimization of metabolic processes, normalization of the functions of the endocrine, cardiovascular, nervous system, reducing the "bad" cholesterol. This is the undoubted benefit of such nutritional systems.

General information 40-day diets

Each of the following diets has its own mechanism of influence on the chemical reactions of the body, leading to weight loss and cleansing from various impurities in the form of toxins and toxins. The duration of the diets coincides with the Lent before the Easter of Christians. True believers endure such a long restriction in food, so a 40-day diet is possible for those truly seeking to lose weight. [1] Let's consider the essence of some of them:

  • fasting diet for 40 days - excludes meat, eggs, fish, dairy products, mayonnaise, baked goods, candy, alcohol. The menu includes only fasting food, including plant foods: some cereals (rice, oats, buckwheat), legumes, vegetables, fruits, vegetable fats in limited quantities, nuts, mushrooms.

The frequency of meals - 4-5 times, plenty of drinking to ensure the processes of cleansing the body (tea, preferably herbal, compote, ouzvar, plain or mineral water without gas);

  • rice diet for 40 days - the beginning of this diet is preceded by a preparatory stage, which lasts 4 days. It is necessary to prepare 4 jars, stick numbers on them. Put in the first 3 tablespoons of brown uncooked rice and pour 6 spoons of water. The next day move this rice into jar number 2, and put a new portion into the first one. Transfer the grain until all the jars are filled. Only on the fifth day after such manipulations the diet begins.

Rice from the 4th container is boiled without adding oil and eaten for breakfast. After it, nothing is taken for 3 hours - neither food nor drink. The rest of the meals consist of any food, it is reasonable to refuse harmful food, do not abuse flour, fat, spicy;

  • drinking diet 40 days - is based on a low-calorie liquid diet. It "turns off" the chewing reflex from participating in food, thereby numbing the body to snack on stress. The menu includes dairy products with a fat content of no more than 3%, broths, strained soups, vegetable smoothies, abundant drinking and excludes sugar. Anything that can be converted into a puree can be eaten;
  • Malysheva diet - designed for a shorter period - 28 days. For her, a unique set of products is made, which are ready-made dishes for 4 times full meals, including frozen lunches and dinners. The breakfasts include granola, cereals that are brought to a boiling point with boiling water. All meals are low in salt and sugar. Supplement the set can be supplemented with low-fat kefir. With a good perception of the body and real results, it can be extended for all 40 days;
  • Advocate diet, minus 15 kg in 40 days - this system of nutrition is a course divided into 4 10-day blocks, each of which has the same products with some variations. An important role is given to kefir.


What would you recommend cooking, say, during a Lenten diet? Here are a few recipes:

  • Lenten borscht with mushrooms - soak beans and dry, preferably old, mushrooms overnight. Put the beans and cut mushrooms to boil (do not pour out the liquid from the mushrooms, but strain it and add it to the pot). At this time, saute onions and carrots in sunflower oil, add grated beets, mix everything, pour tomato juice and stew over low heat under a lid. After checking the beans close to full readiness, put the potatoes cut into straws, then shredded cabbage. After 10 minutes of boiling, add the contents of the pan. After 20-30 minutes the borscht is ready;
  • variant of lobio - boil beans. Fry onions, carrots, mushrooms, tomatoes, put beans in the same place, keep on the fire stirring for a while to combine the flavors;
  • stewed cabbage - shred cabbage and cover with boiling water. Prepare dressing in the form of poached onion, carrot, sweet pepper, tomato or tomato paste. Combine and stew until ready;
  • salad - marinate onions, grill eggplant slices. Chop fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, combine with the preliminary preparations, season with vegetable oil, sprinkle with sesame seeds and chopped herbs.

What can and what can not?

What can be eaten? Here is a detailed menu for each day in the table. In the first decade you can eat the same amount of vegetables every day as on the first day. In addition, daily consumption of a liter of mineral water "Narzan" is recommended.

Days / cycles






Boiled baked potatoes (5 pcs.), vegetables (250g)

Buckwheat (500g)

1 liter kefir

- " -


1 liter kefir

1kg of apples

0.5kg of apples

1kg of apples


0.5kg cottage cheese

- " -

400g cottage cheese

0.5kg cottage cheese


4 hard-boiled eggs

0.5kg of boiled meat

5 eggs

0.5 kg of meat


1 liter of milk

0.5kg chicken

1 liter kefir

1kg chicken


1kg boiled chicken

1.5 liters kefir

250g cottage cheese

1.5 liters kefir


1.5kg of apples

1kg grated carrots

- " -

- " -


0.5L kefir

1.5kg of apples

4 bananas

1.5kg of apples


Buckwheat (not more than 0.5kg)

- " -

- " -

- " -


5 potatoes

6 eggs

5 eggs

6 eggs

What can't you eat? No sugar, no salt, no alcohol, no oil.


Any diet for weight loss suffers from "one-sidedness" and can not provide the body with everything necessary for the harmonious functioning of all organs. Not for nothing all of them warn about the need for preliminary medical examination. And they are contraindicated for people with various chronic diseases, primarily with pathologies of the digestive tract, liver, kidney, cardiovascular disease. Possible complications and health risks are associated with their exacerbations, especially if we are talking about such a long period of abstinence from nutritious food. [2]


It's not easy to endure 40 days of dieting - everyone agrees on that. It is especially difficult for those who have to stand at the stove and cook for family members. Singles liked Malysheva's diet, but note its high cost. According to reviews, most of all want to eat while on a liquid diet, it is more often broken from it than from others.


Undoubtedly, there are results. Strict restriction in calories, carbohydrates, fats brings its results: people lose 7-15 kg. If it is right to gradually come out of diets, not to pounce on food at once, to adhere to a healthy diet in the future, it is possible to keep the achievements for a long time.

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