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Tablets from gastritis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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People who often suffer from pain in the stomach, often in the medicine cabinet, there are a variety of tablets from gastritis - and not all of them are effective. Why?
The fact is that gastritis can be different, and depending on this, drugs are selected. For the same reason, it is not recommended to treat the stomach independently: the patient himself can not know what type of gastritis he has. The disease is specified by the doctor on the basis of special analyzes and studies.
Sometimes inflammation in the walls of the stomach occurs as a result of errors in nutrition, but it can also be caused by specific bacteria - Helicobacteria, which, in addition to gastritis, can provoke the development of ulcers.
Inflammatory reaction can be accompanied by both increased and low acidity of gastric juice, and all these factors largely determine the future treatment.
Indications for the use of tablets from gastritis
- Acute or chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa.
- Exacerbation of stomach and duodenum ulcers.
- Inflammation of the duodenum.
- Gastroenteritis.
- Reflux esophagitis.
- Feeling of discomfort and soreness in the area of the projection of the stomach.
- Prevention of pathological processes in the digestive system during and after therapy with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and other agents that adversely affect the mucosa of the digestive tract.
Groups and names of tablets from gastritis
Tablets and cures for gastritis |
Act |
Names of preparations |
Cementing agents |
Strengthening, preventing diarrhea |
Almagel, Smecta |
Antiemetic drugs |
Elimination of nausea and vomiting |
Motilium, Cerucal |
Vetogenic preparations |
Relief with increased gas production, flatulence |
Simethicone (Espumizan, Colicides, etc.) |
Dopamine receptor antagonists |
Stimulate the motility of the stomach and have antiemetic effect |
Metoclopramide, Bromopride, Domperidone |
Spasmolytic drugs |
Elimination of spasms of the digestive tract |
Papaverine, Drotaverine |
Enzyme means |
Improving the secretion of enzymes, help in digesting food |
Festal, Panzinorm |
Antibacterial drugs |
Neutralization of Helicobacterium |
De-naught |
Hypoacid preparations |
Reducing acidity |
Omez, Ranitidine |
Covering agents |
Protect the walls of the stomach from irritation |
Maalox, Fosfalugel |
Hepatoprotectors |
Restore liver function |
Gepabene, Liv-52, Karsil |
Probiotics |
Restore microflora and improve digestion |
Bifiform, Hilak, Bifidumbacterin |
If gastritis is provoked by a bacterium like Helicobacter pylori, then antibiotic therapy can be prescribed, using antibiotics such as ampicillin, tetracycline, etc. The treatment lasts from 7 to 10 days, with the subsequent delivery of appropriate tests.
Tablets from gastritis with high acidity:
- Omez (Omeprazole) - reduces the production of hydrochloric acid. It is taken in a dosage of 20 mg before meals twice a day;
- Pantoprazole - is administered similarly to the previous preparation;
- Ranitidine is an inexpensive and effective drug, which, however, is not suitable for long-term use;
- De-nol - a means of bismuth, protecting the gastric mucosa from the effects of damaging factors;
- enveloping and protective means - Almagel, Maalox and others;
- Rennie is a remedy that eliminates the unpleasant consequences of hyperacidity in particular, heartburn.
Tablets from gastritis with low acidity:
- drugs that replace hydrochloric acid (pancreatin, gastric juice, pepsin, etc.);
- Enzymes (Festal, Enzistal, Creon, etc.).
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
Each drug for the treatment of the inflammatory process in the stomach has its own conditioned pharmacological effect. It is this property that determines the effect of the drug.
- Antacids - neutralize or adsorb hydrochloric acid, stimulating the regeneration of tissues.
- Selective holinolitiki - suppress the secretion of hydrochloric acid.
- The blockers of histamine receptors - have an antisecretory effect due to a competitive blockade of histamine receptors.
- Inhibitors of the proton pump - directly affect the production of hydrochloric acid.
- Cytoprotectors - stimulate the production of mucus in the stomach, increase the release of bicarbonates.
- Antibacterial agents - destroy the bacteria Helikobakter Pilori.
Tablets from gastritis can be an absorbed and nonabsorbable digestive system. Depending on this, the kinetic properties of the preparations are formed.
Tablets from chronic gastritis
Treatment of chronic course of gastritis involves the introduction of changes in nutrition, as well as taking drugs that destroy the bacteria Helicobacter. Usually, several drugs are combined to make the treatment more effective. These can be hypoacid preparations, antibiotics and protective agents (for example, bismuth preparations). Often combine antibiotics and the drug De-nol - this helps prevent the development of Helicobacter resistance to antibacterial tablets, increasing the chances of the patient for a speedy recovery. Standard treatment lasts 1-2 weeks, after which the patient tests, so that the doctor can follow the positive dynamics of therapy.
After the end of antibiotic therapy De-nol continue to take some more time. This is due to the cytoprotective and anti-inflammatory effect of the drug. Thanks to this treatment regimen, gastritis symptoms are eliminated, and damaged mucous tissues are completely and qualitatively restored.
Tablets from superficial gastritis
Superficial gastritis is the initial stage of a full inflammatory process. However, this does not mean that it is not necessary to treat such a disease. Quite the opposite: if treatment is ignored, the consequences will be rapid and unfavorable, with the destruction of deeper layers of gastric tissues.
Often, with a superficial gastritis, dieting can be sufficient. However, tablets with this type of gastritis are also an integral part of therapy.
- To destroy the bacteria that cause the inflammatory reaction, prescribe a treatment regimen with antibacterial drugs. So, such schematic variants as Clarithromycin + Metronidazole, or Clarithromycin + Amoxicillin are popular.
- With increased acidity, you can take Omez or Ranitidine. This will stabilize the acidity and protect the mucosa from damage.
- It is not excluded and the use of enveloping drugs - it's Almagel, Fosfalugel, and so on.
Tablets from erosive gastritis
Erosive gastritis is characterized by a particularly pronounced course resembling a peptic ulcer. The disease is characterized by the appearance of erosion, which is accompanied by considerable morbidity and other unpleasant symptoms.
What should be the treatment of erosive form of gastritis? The therapeutic scheme should pursue the following objectives:
- Stabilization of juice production in the stomach;
- stabilization of the composition and acidity of gastric juice;
- improvement of the digestive process;
- restoration of the function of the digestive system;
- elimination or prevention of bleeding erosion;
- destruction of bacteria that triggered the development of gastritis.
To normalize the digestive processes, it is advisable to take antisecretory drugs: histamine-receptor blockers (Kwamatel, Ranitidine) or proton pump inhibitors (Omeprazole, Controller, etc.).
To restore normal acidity widely used enveloping, anti-acid and adsorptive agents (Maalox, Gaviscon, Almagel).
Improve digestive processes are possible with the help of drugs such as enzymes: Creon, Festal, etc.
To restore digestive function and peristalsis appoint Motilium, Metoclopramide.
With bleeding, the use of injections of Vikasol or Dicinone will help.
Antibacterial therapy in the presence of Helicobacter pylori can be supplemented by complex means, for example, Klatinol or Pylobacter.
Method and dosage of tablets from gastritis
Drugs that reduce acidity, usually take 4 p. Per day for 1-2 tablets. Wholly, 1 hour after meals and at bedtime.
Selective holinolitiki take 50 mg twice a day, 30 minutes before meals.
The blockers of histamine receptors are prescribed according to individual schemes, based on the severity of the inflammatory process, the presence of erosive bleeding and the patient's condition.
Inhibitors of proton pump are adopted according to the following schemes:
- Omega - 20 mg once a day, in the morning, on an empty stomach;
- Lansoprazole - 30-60 mg once a day, in the morning or at night.
Duration of treatment - from 7 days to one and a half months, at the discretion of the attending physician.
Use of tablets against gastritis during pregnancy
Preparations based on bismuth, aluminum and magnesium are strictly contraindicated to pregnant and lactating women.
Enzyme preparations are allowed for use for short-term treatment.
Any drug, including tablets from gastritis, should be prescribed only by a doctor, with careful comparison of the possible risks and benefits of each particular drug.
Contraindications for use
Tablets from gastritis are not prescribed:
- with probable hypersensitivity reactions to any ingredient of the drug;
- in most cases, during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- in childhood (under 12 years).
Caution in the appointment required:
- with malfunctioning of the kidneys;
- with severe violations of liver function;
- in acute porphyria.
Side effects
- constipation or diarrhea;
- hypophosphatemia;
- osteomalacia.
Selective anticholinergics:
- dry mouth;
- violations of accommodation;
- dyspepsia;
- pain in the head;
- cardiopalmus.
Histamine-receptor blockers:
- gynecomastia, impotence;
- increased transaminases;
- neutropenia, thrombocytopenia;
- pain in the head, anxiety, fatigue, depression.
Proton Pump Inhibitors:
- headache;
- fatigue;
- dizziness;
- dyspepsia.
- spastic pain in epigastrium;
- rashes on the skin;
- increased intestinal peristalsis.
- diarrhea, nausea, vomiting;
- change in stain color.
Overdose Symptoms
When using dosages that are certainly higher than those prescribed by the doctor, there may be some undesirable symptoms. Most often they are manifested by increased side effects. To eliminate signs of overdose, the doctor cancels the drug and prescribes appropriate treatment, since antidotes of tablets from gastritis usually do not exist.
In most cases, excess dosages do not lead to conditions that threaten the lives of patients.
Interactions with other drugs
Antacids significantly worsen the absorption of most drugs in the digestive system, which, in turn, reduces their bioavailability when taken orally. To a greater extent, this applies to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, benzodiazepines and anti-tuberculosis drugs.
The combined use of selective cholinolytics and histamine-receptor blockers enhances the antisecretory effect of the drugs.
The blockers of histamine receptors worsen the absorption of ketoconazole.
Omez is able to slow the elimination of certain drugs - in particular, diazepam, phenothoin.
When taking other drugs, along with the treatment of tablets against gastritis, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Simultaneous intake of certain drugs may worsen the course of the inflammatory process and delay the recovery.
Storage conditions and shelf life
Any tablets, including those from gastritis, are stored in specially designated places, inaccessible to children. If the child finds the medication and takes it unnecessarily, this can lead to unpredictable consequences.
All medications should be stored in dark and cool places, at a temperature of + 18-24 ° C, away from direct sunlight and from heating devices.
The shelf life of tablets from gastritis should be specified in the instructions for each specific drug. It can vary from 2 to 3 years, subject to all storage rules.
And yet, what tablets are better to choose - the most expensive, which are massively advertised in the media, or cheap tablets from gastritis?
It's no secret that many advertised products are those inexpensive drugs, but under a different, brand name. For example:
- Domestic omeprazole is an analogue of all known and more expensive tablets, Omez and Losek;
- Famotidine is a cheap representative of histamine receptor blockers, which is equivalent to drugs such as blockade, gastrogen, or kwamatel;
- Ranitidine is a drug similar to that of Ranigast, Zantak, Acilok, etc .;
- Gastro-norms are a means, at times cheaper than popular drugs De-nol and Bismofalk.
Nevertheless, the best tablets from gastritis are those that are prescribed by the doctor on the basis of the results of the patient's tests and examinations. You can not diagnose gastritis yourself, just as you should not prescribe your own treatment.
Tablets from gastritis are sold without a prescription, but this does not mean that they can be taken alone and chaotically. The best solution to this question is the timely access to the doctor. After a neglected disease in the future will require a longer and more expensive treatment.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Tablets from gastritis" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.