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Lozenges from a pain in a throat
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Lozenges from a sore throat are a popular and easy way to treat, they have many advantages:
- quickly relieve pain and inflammation;
- soften the mucosa of the throat;
- prevent coughing attacks;
- eliminate the unpleasant odor from the mouth;
- destroy pathogenic microorganisms;
- well tolerated by children;
- convenient for use in any environment;
- pleasant to the taste;
- affordable.
Indications for the use of lollipops from pain in the throat
Indications for the use of lollipops from pain in the throat:
- dry or wet cough with ARVI colds;
- cough due to smoking;
- tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis;
- inflammatory pathologies of the mouth (stomatitis, gingivitis);
- reflex cough;
- preparation for the study of throat, dental prosthetics.
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Form of issue
There are several forms of release of sugar candies from pain in the throat: in the form of tablets, lozenges, dragees, caramels. Combines this diverse pharmacological group with a sweet taste, aromas of essential oils and a common name - lollipops.
Pack and sell "sweet medicines" also in different ways: as separate "sweets", blisters, contour cells, foil bags. Secondary packages (lamination, plastic cans, cartons of cardboard) are also used, they are supplied with instructions.
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
The composition of candy from the pain in the throat includes vegetable oils and extracts (eucalyptus, menthol, anise). They form a protective film in the throat, which reduces inflammation, soothes and softens the mucous membrane of the throat, mouth.
Anesthetics reduce pain, antibiotics adversely affect pathogenic microorganisms.
Pharmacodynamics of the drug Travisil. In its recipe - a variety of herbs that have a complex effect:
- Analgesic.
- Expectorant.
- Antitussive.
- Antiseptic.
- Anti-inflammatory.
- Antipyretic.
- Antihistamine.
- Restorative.
- Cold.
- Deodorizing.
Most of the components of the candy from the pain in the throat have a local effect on the resorption in the mouth. Due to the low level of systemic absorption and the multicomponent composition of information on pharmacokinetics, there is almost no information.
An exception is falimint; It is known that the active substance of the drug maximizes blood saturation about an hour later, and is excreted in the urine.
Names of sugar candies from a sore throat
The most popular component of candies was menthol first. Now use honey, sage, a variety of essential oils, additional ingredients (sugar, vitamins, plant extracts). The composition is reflected in the name of the candy from the pain in the throat.
- Ajisept - recommend to people who strain the voice device: to the speakers, teachers, artists.
- Grammidine - has antibacterial and anesthetic properties.
- Carmolis - created according to an ancient recipe, on essential oils of ten alpine herbs.
- Dr. Mom - perfectly complements the cough treatment thanks to medicinal herbs.
- Strepsils - with eucalyptus and menthol.
- Liquorice lollipops are a natural remedy with a liquorice extract, with a sugar substitute; are useful in diabetes.
- With sage extract - helps to remove inflammation, restore hoarse voice, freshen breath.
- Koldakt Lorpils with antibiotic - accelerates therapy for chronic tonsillitis, purulent angina, pharyngitis; softens mucous, reduces pain (as prescribed by a doctor).
- Travisil - is made on the basis of extracts from a half dozen grasses.
- Rinza lorcept - for the treatment of the inflamed cavity of the mouth and pharynx.
- Falimint - with antiseptic, analgesic effects; Do not dry mucous.
- Bobs candy caramel - eliminates cough for cold and SARS.
- Koflet - with a unique herbal formula (contributes to the normalization of smooth muscle cells of the bronchi).
- Lizobakt - especially useful for dental problems, eliminates inflammatory symptoms in the upper respiratory tract.
- Lozenges from a pain in a throat also it is possible to prepare independently.
Effective antibacterial agent in tablets against ENT diseases, contains active ingredient gramicidin, disastrous for most pathogens causing inflammatory processes in the mouth.
Lozenges from a pain in a throat let out in the form of tablets:
- Grammidine.
- Grammidine NEO.
- Grammidine with an anesthetic.
Tablets have antibacterial action, quickly relieve pain and relieve the condition of the patient, do not cause addiction. The variant with anesthetic provides anesthesia.
- four times a day, two tablets;
- children 4 - 12 years - one;
- up to four years and with lactation is prohibited;
- pregnant - with caution;
- not longer than 5 - 6 days;
- gromidin NEO - one tablet: children one to two times, adults three to four, up to seven days;
- after resorption, one to two hours not to drink or eat.
Other forms (ointments, sprays) - an obvious fake.
Lozenges from a pain in a throat of this stamp let out with several tastes, but the most effective - with menthol and eucalyptus. The medicine contains:
- essential oils;
- mint (reduces pain);
- eucalyptus (relieves inflammation);
Other ingredients:
- eliminate the cause of pain;
- lighten and refresh breathing.
Strepsils is packed in cardboard boxes, two blisters of 12 each. Lollipops are convenient for use outside the house, on the go.
- Strepsils Intensive relieves pain and inflammation. When resorption is distributed throughout the oral cavity, does not provoke local irritation.
It is also shown to children from the age of 12. Dose - 1 tablet in three - every six hours, the maximum daily dosage - five pieces; Apply to the disappearance of discomfort in the throat, but no more than three days.
Cough drops and sore throats
Lozenges from cough and sore throat have a complex effect, eliminating both pain and cough symptoms:
- Dr. Mom - eliminates perspiration, facilitates sputum production.
- Falimint - does not dry, eliminates an unproductive cough.
- Lollipops with sage.
- Koflet with a unique herbal supplement.
- Voksept - mint-eucalyptus.
- Chlorophyllipt.
- Ricola from a cough with echinacea.
- Jakemans c natural composition.
- From cough 36.6 anise and mint.
- Lacrimal pastilles.
- The strength of four herbs.
Lozenges from a sore throat for children
Lozenges from a pain in a throat for children need to be chosen with a minimum of dyes and flavorings, artificial additives, allergens. Carefully follow the recommendations regarding age, daily dosage, duration of use. To harmless in appearance drugs instead of help did not hurt the child.
List of Lozenges for Children:
- Carmolis for toddlers (menthol instead of honey and lemon).
- Carmolis on alpine herbs, with vitamin C.
- Tantum Verde after 3 years.
- Tharyngept after 3 years.
- Sepotlet Neo from 4 years.
- Strepsils from the age of 5 (allergy is possible).
- Agizept from the age of 6.
- Strepfen from 12.
- With sage extract, honey after 12 years.
Lozenges from a sore throat with an antibiotic
Lozenges from a pain in a throat with an antibiotic strengthen a medical effect at a cough and inflammations of the top respiratory ways:
- Falimint - acting on nerve endings, has analgesic effect, prevents vomiting.
- Pharyngept - has a bacteriostatic effect on pneumo-, staphylo-, streptococci.
- Lizobakt - with an active natural ingredient lysozyme.
- Sage Green doctor (lollipops, lozenges, tablets) - three in one: antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal.
- Dr. Theiss (with anise and fennel + vitamin C).
- Chlorophyllipt - with natural extract of eucalyptus.
- Grammidine is one of the options.
- Koldakt Lorpils.
Lozenges from a sore throat with an anesthetic
Lozenges from a pain in a throat with anesthetic are shown at strong painful sensations in an oral cavity. Thanks to this composition they provide additional anesthesia. Here are some of these candies:
- Grammidine with an anesthetic.
- Teraflyu in pastilles.
- Tantum Verde.
- Hexoral tablets classic.
- Laripront in tablets: used for infectious and inflammatory pathologies of various etiologies, before and after dental and ENT procedures.
The way of application and dose of sugar candies from pain in the throat
All forms of candy from the pain in the throat are designed for slow resorption in the mouth and distribution in the mouth, throat, pharynx. They can not be chewed, just keep in your mouth until completely dissolved.
Apply one to two pieces, with repetition in a few hours. In order not to reduce the therapeutic effect, for some time after taking (not less than half an hour) you can not drink, eat, gargle.
The way of application and the dose of sugar candies from pain in the throat:
- Adizept: 1 tablet every three hours (for both children and adults).
- Travisil: adults 2 to 3, children over 6 years - one or two candies three times a day (or as prescribed by a doctor).
- Falimint: one dragee every 2 to 3 hours. It is not recommended long-term use (more than five days) without consulting a doctor.
The permissible duration of application is usually 3 to 5 days, the maximum - 8.
Lozenges from a pain in a throat at pregnancy
Information on the indications and contraindications of lollipops from pain during pregnancy should be indicated in the annotation. In doubtful cases, in the absence of such studies, it is better to refrain from eating, to choose a safe option or a completely different therapy.
- Allowed during pregnancy - Lizobakt, Pharyngosept, pectoral collection 4 in tablets, Strepsils (in the minimum amount - due to possible unwanted reactions); Doctor Mom - according to the instructions.
- According to the individual permission of the doctor - Bob.
- Contraindicated - Vicks, Strepfen, Falimint.
Especially dangerous are candies with phenol, negatively affecting the nervous system of a woman.
Travisil - the effect on pregnancy and lactation has not been studied.
Stopangin: forbidden to both spouses when planning a pregnancy.
Do not take self-medication during pregnancy. In each case, only a doctor can recommend the most useful tool.
Contraindications and side effects
Lozenges from a sore throat are an effective addition to the basic therapy. This is an easy way to get rid of unpleasant sensations: pain, persnia, hoarseness, loss of voice, cough or coughing. But candies are not shown to everyone and not always.
- Travisil - hypersensitivity to individual components, age up to 6 years.
- Falimint - during pregnancy.
- Dr. Mom is 18 years old and pregnant.
- Grammidine - with breastfeeding.
Septolette Neo is recommended for use with caution in pregnancy and lactation.
Diabetics need to consider the presence of sugar (for example, 1 dragee faliminta equal to 0.03 bread units) and caloric value (Bobs - a fairly high-calorie means).
Children are not recommended to give a sweet medication without consulting the pediatrician.
Side effects of sugar candies from pain in the throat are rarely recorded, but they are possible with overdose and hypersensitivity of the organism to individual components. It is known that the allergy from travyl is manifested by a rash and itching.
Possible adverse effects of other candies:
- burning and strengthening of negative processes in the throat;
- urticaria on the skin;
- nausea and indigestion in the form of diarrhea or, conversely, constipation.
Some chemicals (dyes, fragrances, taste simulators) can adversely affect children, pregnant women, patients with chronic pathologies.
Overdose and interactions with other drugs
An overdose of sugar candies from sore throat can cause side effects and allergic reactions, for example:
- adhessept - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
- travisil - intensifies adverse reactions;
- falimint: cases of intoxication are not fixed.
To prevent overdose, it is necessary to take candy according to the instructions; The daily norm of sugar candies (dragees, lozenges, tablets) for adults does not exceed eight - ten pieces, for children - a little less. For them, lollipops without sugar, because of the sweet children lose their appetite, grow stout, and healthy teeth spoil the caries.
In therapeutic doses, lollipops from the pain in the throat are safe and in most cases are normally tolerated by the body (for example, travisyl).
Dr. Mom does not combine with antitussive drugs and stimulates sputum production.
Interactions with other drugs of many kinds of candies from pain in the throat are little investigated.
Storage conditions and shelf life
Lozenges from a pain in a throat are well saved at room (but not above +25 degrees) temperature, in a dry place, protected from sun rays and inaccessible place for children.
The shelf life of different candies from pain in the throat is from 3 to 5 years. Do not use overdue medications.
Best lollipops for sore throat
The ratings of the best candies from pain in the throat can be formed by several indicators: efficiency, price, the presence of additional and a minimum of undesirable properties.
- Homeowax - effective with laryngitis, loss of voice, hoarseness.
- Grammidine - quickly relieves discomfort, has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial properties.
- Sepoplet Neo is an excellent remedy against pain and inflammation in the throat.
- Lizobakt is a natural preparation against fungi, viruses, bacteria.
- Pharyngocept - a powerful remedy for pain, inflammation of bacterial etiology.
- Chlorophyllipt - a natural composition, effective and inexpensive, are shown to children and pregnant women.
- Sage (lozenges, tablets for resorption) - complex action, including expectorant.
- Lorseppt is a very fast action, after two days the pain completely disappears (but other medicines are needed for coughing).
- Breathe with honey and cinnamon - completely natural composition, essential oils quickly restore the hoarse voice.
Inexpensive lollipops from a sore throat
There is a huge competition of candy manufacturers from the pain in the throat, so it's not easy to choose a product that perfectly combines in efficiency, taste and price. Many are convinced that expensive drugs always have analogues cheaper, as a rule, domestic production.
The list of inexpensive lollipops from pain in the throat is made according to the reviews of regular consumers:
- Chlorophyllipt (with eucalyptus).
- Strepsils.
- An asterisk (menthol and eucalyptus).
- Tonzipret (homeopathic preparation).
- Septeflely.
- Farington.
- Teraflu.
- Kerr Drop.
- Neo-angina.
- GlaxoSmithKline Sebidine.
- Lizak (analogous to Lizobakt).
- Anti-angina.
- From cough 36.6 anise and mint.
- Planetary Herbals stippery elm lozenges.
Lozenges from a pain in a throat are popular because of availability, simplicity of the use, pleasant taste. With their help you can eliminate unpleasant symptoms and do without visiting the clinic. However, pharmacy sweets are also a medicine, and it is better to choose them together with a pharmacist: in order to avoid overdose, allergies and other undesirable consequences.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Lozenges from a pain in a throat" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.