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Spray from the common cold for children
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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In winter and spring, children are most often ill for various colds. Spray from the common cold for children is better in this case than drops. This can be explained by the fact that it is dosed, allows to completely irrigate the entire mucous membrane of the nose, the procedure for treating the common cold with spray is more simple and convenient.
Indications for use
Indications for the use of a common cold spray for children are usually associated with the manifestation of a cold or other infectious diseases. Rhinitis is a very unpleasant symptom that begins immediately after the inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Babies are more difficult to bear the nasal congestion. They become difficult to breathe, they lose appetite and sense of smell, often there are headaches and noises in the ears. As a rule, the common cold begins with such diseases:
- Allergy.
- Infections (bacterial or viral).
- Too much dust in the air.
- Chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
- The body's reaction to the smoke from cigarettes.
But, of course, the commonest common cold is the most common cause of this symptom. From the nose begins to emit mucus in large quantities. It is a natural reaction of the body to infection. Spray from the common cold for children helps only to relieve the condition, the body must be completely cured by itself.
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One of the most popular sprays from the common cold for children is the drug Nazivin. Therefore, we will consider its pharmacodynamics for an example.
Since this remedy is vasoconstrictive, it helps to quickly remove the inflammation and swelling of the nasal sinuses. Thanks to this, normal breathing and aeration of the paranasal sinuses are restored. That's why you can not be afraid that bacterial inflammation will complicate the ear. The main active substance starts to act quite quickly and gives a result for 12 hours.
We will also look at the pharmacokinetics of the popular Nazivin drug.
This nasal spray for children does not have a pronounced systemic effect, if properly applied in accordance with therapeutic doses. Oxymetazoline has a half-life of 35 hours. Most of the substance is excreted in the urine and feces.
Names of a cold for children
Today in pharmacies you can see a variety of names of sprays from the common cold for children, so when you buy your eyes just start running. How not to make a mistake with the choice? First of all, it is necessary to understand what exactly caused the appearance of such a symptom, because the common cold is not a separate disease. Also it is worth to listen to the opinion of specialists. The most popular and effective sprays from the common cold for children today are:
- Tysin.
- Aqualor Baby.
- Aqua Maris.
- Nazivin.
- Derinat.
- Vibrocil.
- Sanorin.
- Rinonorm.
- Otrivin Baby.
- Nazon Baby.
Let's look at the main characteristics and advantages of each tool.
Active active ingredient of the drug is tetrizoline. It is distinguished by vasoconstrictor and anti-edematous action. Tizin is used to treat the common cold with rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, hay fever, colds. Spray is contraindicated for allergies to substances that make up its composition, with dry rhinitis and children under two years of age. Among the main side effects can be identified: flushing, itching and burning on the nasal mucosa, the appearance of chronic swelling, headaches, palpitation, weakness, tremor, increased sweating and blood pressure.
To spray the spray on the entire surface of the nasal mucosa, you need to slightly tip the head back. Press the upper part of the inhaler one or two times in each nostril. Use no more than once every four hours. Be sure to repeat the procedure before going to bed. It is applied from three to five days. To continue the course of treatment, consult a doctor. In case of an overdose, the pupil dilates, cyanosis, severe nausea, convulsions, fever, increased heart rate, cardiac arrest, pulmonary edema, and mental disorders.
Aqualor Baby
The drug was created specifically for children, it does not contain preservatives, but only natural sterile isotonic sea water. Thanks to this remedy, you can not only get rid of the common cold, but also overcome the infection and prevent it from penetrating further into the ear. Aqualol Baby is also used to facilitate breathing during feeding, helps to develop smokying skills, cleans mucous every day.
This nasal spray for children is used for colds, acute respiratory infections, flu, acute rhinitis, chronic rhinitis (especially during an exacerbation period), otitis, adenoiditis, sinusitis. Due to only natural components of contraindications, the remedy does not have, as well as side effects.
Aqualor Baby can be used for babies from the first days of their life for nasal hygiene. Daily it is necessary to carry out two to four washes of each nostril.
Aqua Maris
The active substance of this nasal spray is seawater. The drug actively cleanses the nostrils from mucus, conducts their hygiene, moisturizes, relieves inflammation. This nasal spray for children is used in the treatment of acute infectious diseases, adenoiditis, after operations on the nasal mucosa, for the prevention of diseases.
Do not use with individual intolerance to the components of the drug, and also up to one year. Among the main side effects, only a possible allergy is isolated.
The method of use for children from seven to twelve years: in each nostril two injections 4-6 times a day. From one year to seven years: two injections into each nostril no more than four times a day. Treatment is conducted no longer than four weeks. If necessary, the course can be repeated after one month.
This nasal spray for children is based on an active substance such as oxymetazoline hydrochloride. The drug is vasoconstrictive. After application on the nasal mucosa significantly reduces the swelling of the nasal sinuses, improves breathing, reduces the amount of mucus. Thanks to Nazivin, it is possible to prevent the development of bacterial complications.
The remedy is indicated for use in rhinitis, vasomotor rhinitis, sinusitis, eustachiitis, otitis media. Do not use for hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, with atrophic rhinitis and zakratougolnoy glaucoma. Also it is not recommended to use children under one year old.
Children after six years are injected once in each nostril three times a day. You can use the drug for three to five days. Among the main side effects are: burning sensation, rapid sneezing, insomnia, anxiety, headache, nausea and fatigue.
The active substances of the drug are sodium chloride and sodium deoxyribonucleate. Thanks to this remedy, antiviral, antifungal and anti-infective protection of the body is activated. Spray from the common cold for children is indicated for the treatment of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory infections, and sinusitis. The drug can not be used for individual intolerance to its components. It helps to remove swelling, inflammation and helps to remove mucus and pus faster. It also perfectly fights pathogenic microorganisms, helping to restore immunity. There were no side effects from Derinat. But you should carefully use the drug for patients with diabetes mellitus.
Apply the spray from four to six times a day, injecting five times into each nostril. Therapy can last up to two weeks.
The main active components of this spray for the common cold for children are: dimethindene maleate and phenylephrine. The product has a vasoconstrictive and anti-allergenic effect. Before using Vibrocil it is necessary to thoroughly clean the nasal sinuses from mucus. Can be used from the first year of life. Children after six years should inject three to four times the spray into each nostril three times a day. Children from one to six years can only inject two times a drug also three times a day. Babies up to a year are recommended once per nostril.
There were no serious side effects from taking the drug. In extremely rare cases, allergies, palpitations, fatigue may occur. The drug is not used for acute sinusitis, chronic rhinitis, otitis media. It is also not recommended to use the spray before surgery.
This nasal spray for children is based on the active substance naphazoline nitrate. The main action is the narrowing of the vessels. It is indicated for rhinitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, eustachyte. For children after 15 years with these diseases it is necessary to prescribe one to three doses in one nostril three to four times a day. Children under two years of age have two doses per nostril three times a day. The course can last no more than three days.
In case of an overdose, the remedies may arise: swelling of the nasal mucosa, suppression of the central nervous system, fever, high blood pressure and severe drowsiness.
Among the main side effects can be identified: nausea, tachycardia, rash and itching, headache.
The main active ingredient of the drug is xylometazoline hydrochloride. It has a vasoconstrictive effect. Among the main side effects can be identified: headache and insomnia (extremely rare), burning on the nasal mucosa, excessive dryness, arrhythmia and increased palpitation (infrequently), sometimes there may be nausea and allergies. Do not use for such diseases: dry rhinitis, closed-angle glaucoma. Also, this nasal spray for children is contraindicated up to two years and with allergies to its components.
It is used, as a rule, for the treatment of bacterial and acute viral rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, chronic and acute sinusitis, acute otitis media of the middle ear.
It is used in the following dosage: children after 10 years can inject one dose of 0.1% of the drug no more than three times a day. For babies from two years, it is recommended to inject at a dose of 0.05% spray not more than three times a day.
Otrivin Baby
In the composition of this drug you can find only natural and safe for the health of the baby substances, in particular, a sterile solution of isotonic sea salt. It is indicated for use when daily hygiene of the nasal sinuses is necessary, for the treatment of infectious and chronic diseases (such as colds), for prophylaxis after surgical intervention.
It can be used from the first days of life, since this spray from the rhinitis for children has no side effects, no contraindications (except for individual intolerance of the components).
To conduct hygiene of the nasal cavity, it is necessary to inject two to three doses of the drug.
Nazol Baby
The main active component of the drug is phenylephrine hydrochloride. The course of treatment can not last more than three days. This nasal spray for children is used to remove mucus from the nasal sinuses during influenza, ARVI, colds, allergies and hay fever.
Children up to one year are recommended to inject one dose every six hours. From one to six years you can use one to two doses, and from six years - three to four doses per nostril.
The main side effects after using the drug are: headaches, nausea, sleep disturbance, tremors and dizziness, tingling and burning on the nasal mucosa, pallor and sweating, increased palpitations.
The drug can not be used in patients with hypertensive crisis, diabetes, allergy to the components of the spray, patients with angina pectoris, thyrotoxicosis and coronarosclerosis.
Children's nasal spray
A nasal spray is used if it is necessary to quickly and effectively remove mucus from the nose, improve breathing and relieve inflammation. Particularly popular are the products that are distinguished by vasoconstrictive action, as they help small vessels to narrow faster, which leads to a decrease in swelling in the sinuses and improvement of respiration. Usually a positive result of using a common cold spray for children can be seen within two to three minutes after the injection. In this case, the duration of the action can be different and directly depends on the severity of the development of symptoms and active substances of this or that remedy.
Spray from allergic rhinitis in children
Spray from an allergic rhinitis in children is the most popular form of medicines to date. This can be explained by the fact that such drugs are easiest to use. Due to the special tip of the vial the drug is very easy to spray, so getting an overdose of the drug is quite difficult.
In modern medical practice, nasal sprays for children are often used also because their active substances can not penetrate the bacterial barrier and do not enter the blood. The most well-known sprays from an allergic rhinitis are the following drugs.
- Allergodyl. The main active substance of this spray is azelastine hydrochloride. It differs anti-allergic effect. Can be used by children from six years old. Among the main side effects are: rash and other allergic reactions to the skin, dizziness, headache, nausea.
The dosage of the drug is as follows: children from six years inject one dose of a spray into each nostril twice a day (preferably in the morning and in the evening). Apply until all symptoms of the disease have passed.
- Nazonex. The main active component of the drug is mometasone furoate. Used to treat seasonal or persistent allergic rhinitis. Can be used from 12 years. Usually appoint two inhalations once a day. To maintain the condition and prevent allergies, you can reduce the dose to one inhalation. Sometimes, on the recommendation of a doctor, you can use it for children from two years old. In this case, the dose is 50 mg of the drug once a day.
Among the main side effects are: headache, nosebleeds, burning on the nasal mucosa, pharyngitis, irritation, taste disorders.
Can not be used after surgery.
Dosing and Administration of Cockroaches for Children
Usually, the way of administration and dose of the colds for children depends on the age of the patient, the main active components of the remedy, the severity of the disease. Usually, one or two doses are injected into each nostril from one to three times a day. To spray hit the entire nasal mucosa, you need to tilt your head slightly back. To small children, the spray is injected in a prone position.
Contraindications for use
Some sprays from the common cold for children do not have any contraindications to use (Aqualor Baby, Otrivin Baby), others can not be used for children under six (Nazivin, Aqua Maris). Also among the main contraindications can be identified: angle-closure glaucoma, atrophic rhinitis, individual intolerance of components.
Side effects
Sometimes after applying a spray from the common cold to children, the following side effects may occur: nausea, dizziness, allergy (burning, rashes, urticaria), headache, high blood pressure, arrhythmia, tachycardia, insomnia, irritation, sleep disturbance, fatigue.
If you notice at least one of these symptoms, stop treatment immediately and contact your doctor.
Some sprays from the common cold for children are completely safe, because they consist of natural active ingredients (most often sea water), so cases of overdose by them have not been established. Others, on the contrary, should be used with the utmost care, following the instructions carefully. Sometimes an overdose of such drugs can lead to dizziness, nausea, arrhythmia, headache, high heart rate, insomnia. Be sure to monitor the dosage of the drug and read the instructions that are attached to the spray.
Interactions with other drugs
Since the common cold nose spray for children is usually used for colds or ARVI, and the common cold is only one of the symptoms, the interaction with other drugs has no side effects. But do not use other vasoconstrictors with sprays, as this can lead to an overdose.
Storage conditions
Usually, a spray for the children's nose should be stored in a dark place at a temperature of no higher than +30 degrees. Make sure that the drug is safely hidden from children. It is very important to follow the conditions that are usually described in the instructions to the drug. Incorrect storage may result in the spray becoming unusable.
Shelf life
Typically, these drugs can be stored for up to three years. Do not use after the expiration date, as this can lead to negative consequences. To see the expiry date, take a look at the spray package.
Effective spits from the common cold for children
If you think that the runny nose is better not to heal, but leave it to itself, then this is a wrong decision. Especially if it manifested itself in the child. The fact is that the infection can go further and hit the nasopharynx and ears. In addition, a runny nose leads to loss of appetite, headache, bad sleep. It is best in such cases to use special sprays, since they are better absorbed, easier to use and have virtually no side effects. Effective sprays from the common cold for children we described above. It is very important to choose a drug that best suits your individual case.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Spray from the common cold for children" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.