

Types and Symptoms of Allergies

Coffee allergy

Among the many food allergies deserves attention and coffee allergy. Many people do not even suspect that this kind of allergy exists, so they try to refuse other products, excluding them from their diet.

Allergy to gaskets

Despite such an abundance of choices, allergy to pads is increasingly worried about modern women and girls. It is very important to pay attention in time to the symptoms of allergy to pads, because if it is not treated, the life of a woman can become simply unbearable.

Allergy to Mantu

Mantus allergy is not a myth. This is a fact that has proven more than one generation of moms and dads. But do not rush to write angry letters to the local clinic. If your child has an allergy to manta, do not rush to conclusions. To understand what is the main problem, this article will help.

Allergy to iodine

Allergy to iodine is a type of drug intolerance and is not a common disease. Toxic effect of iodine is most often associated with an overdose of iodine-containing drugs, with the presence of chronic diseases of internal organs and systems, less often with individual idiosyncrasy.

Allergy to mosquitoes

Allergy to mosquitoes is the most unpleasant summer flaw. And someone who does not like summer - just never really rested. After all, summer is a period of holidays, vacations, beaches, ice cream, bathing, sunbathing and all other types of recreation in general.

Allergy to laundry detergent

Provocative of an allergic reaction can be anything you like - food, sun, dust, water, cold, smell, synthetic detergents. The beginning of the XXI century was marked not only by new scientific and technological achievements, but also by the appearance and development of previously unknown diseases, including allergy to washing powder.

Allergy to sugar

Allergy to sugar, according to doctors, is nothing more than fiction. Painful manifestations arise when using a variety of sweets: chocolate, confectionery, a number of fruits with a high content of sucrose.

Allergy to pollen

Allergy to pollen is a disease associated with seasonal natural phenomena, the flowering of cereals, trees, various herbs. The disease develops as a response to the secondary invasion of the allergen in those who already have a predisposition to allergies.

Allergy to chocolate

The allergy to chocolate is not exactly an accurate definition, as a lot of substances enter into the composition of sweetness. All kinds of fillers, fillings, flavors can cause food allergy.

Allergic dermatitis

Allergic dermatitis, or diffuse atopic dermatitis, is equally found in both men and women. Of the total number of all cases of referral to a dermatologist, allergic dermatitis is approximately ten to twenty percent.


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