Allergy to gaskets
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Practically every modern woman does not represent her life without pads (everyday or ordinary, if she does not use tampons): today their choice is great, ranging from inexpensive ordinary to elite ultra-thin, absorbing odor, not leaking, holding a shape, etc. ...
Nevertheless, despite such an abundance of choices, allergy to pads is increasingly worried about modern women and girls. It is very important to pay attention in time to the symptoms of allergy to pads, because if it is not treated, the life of a woman can become simply unbearable.
Causes of Allergy to Pads
Allergy to pads can occur both in women who constantly use gaskets (for example, dandies), and those who use once a month (or even less often). The reason for this is often the perfume of the top layer of gaskets, as well as the fact that any, even super-modern gasket does not give air access to the intimate areas of the woman. As a result of lack of ventilation, gentle intimate skin sweats and preet, and this environment favors the proliferation of pathogens and all kinds of infections of the urogenital tract of a woman. That is why modern gynecologists and urologists first of all ask patients at the reception whether they use gaskets, and whether their current problems (for example, cystitis, thrush, inflammation of the ureters) are connected with the wearing of sanitary napkins.
Choosing sanitary napkins today, a woman is faced with the fact that along with ordinary, really hygienic means, the supermarket shelves are gilded with pads with ultrastable perfume compositions, with dyes (for different color shades), and so on. Manufacturers, thus, attract the attention of customers, but in pursuit of trendy and super-stylish girls forget that this is still a hygienic product, which should change every 3-4 hours.
The main symptoms of allergy to pads
- The sensation of itching and continuous burning of the external genitalia of a woman.
- Edema of the labia of the woman and the zone around.
- Redness of intimate areas.
- Pain in the intimate zone of a woman.
So, noticing any prolonged (more than a day) redness, accompanied by itching or even swelling, immediately remove the sanitary napkin, and better consult a gynecologist. Most likely, you are allergic to pads.
Precautions for Allergies to Gaskets
Here is a list of things that should / should not be done, so as not to get an allergy to gaskets:
- Change the gasket every 3-4 hours. If you wear a gasket longer than the specified time, it can lead to the development of pathogens on the body of the gasket, and if you directly contact women's intimate areas, it can cause vaginitis, cystitis, thrush, etc.
- Always wash (or disinfect with a special gel) hands when changing the gasket.
- If possible, do not use gaskets with dyes. As already mentioned above, dyes are chemicals that, when exposed to the body for a long time, decompose in a favorable warm environment, causing itching and irritation of the delicate skin.
- Give your preference to gaskets made of natural material with natural filler.
- Do not use daily pads at night (except for critical days or other selections).
- If you just need a daily routine (especially at night) because of the abundant secretion of an unclear nature - be sure to see a doctor, because this is not normal.
Treatment of allergy to pads
Treatment is often carried out at home, because only serious consequences (eg, edema of the female genital area) will require medical intervention. Allergy to pads is not a verdict, and coping with it is simple enough.
First of all, it is necessary to remove irritation and itching. For this purpose, ordinary cool running water is the best, reducing itching and blood flow to the problem area.
Also, itching can be reduced with alcohol (vodka, for example) or any alcoholic infusion (well suited for calendula tincture 5%). It is not recommended during the period of pruritus and reddening to use funds to wash away intimate places, since the chlorides, however, contained in them, during the period of inflammation only aggravate the situation. In this case, the tincture of camomile chamomile (you can use tea from camomile: you can brew 2 packets of a liter of boiling water, allow to cool and rinse the reddened intimate zones). Also, a compress with a chamomile on the reddening zones helps (for half an hour before going to bed, after a compress wash out with cool running water).
If you do not have time or it is not very convenient to carry out medicinal dentures or compresses, you can use antihistamine ointments. Almost any ointment from the class "antihistamines" is suitable, the pharmacist will help you choose the right one for you.
Today, there are also medical pads (sold only in pharmacies), soothing itching and redness of the skin. Using medical hygiene pads for the treatment of allergy to gaskets, do not forget to change them as often as usual (every 3-4 hours). When changing the gaskets, do not forget about washing under cool running water (if not possible, use hypoallergenic wipes for intimate hygiene).
During the treatment of allergies to pads, sexual abstinence is strongly recommended. If the sexual act still occurs, use condoms and necessarily lubricants.
In the makeweight, it is recommended to apply Purelan and Solcoseryl ointments externally, as well as Arnica ointment (instructions for ointments in the package insert, use one of the above ointments for treatment, because the active substance in them is the same).
Tampons with Bifidumbacterin
If the cause of itching was vaginal candidiasis (thrush), it is recommended to use the drug Bifidumbacterin (ask in pharmacies). Ordinary tampons for menstruation wet in a solution of Bifidumbacterin, enter into the vagina for 2-3 hours. It is better to carry out the procedure before bedtime.
Treatment of allergy to pads by alternative methods
Do not neglect the grandmother's recipes in the treatment of pruritus itching from allergy to pads. Here are a few medicinal recipes:
Douching with infusion of Veronica officinalis
30 grams (tablespoon of dry medicinal medicinal (chopped in a mortar) pour half a liter of boiling water and leave to infuse for two hours.To tincture - strain the broth. Take in half a cup of tincture 20 minutes before meals. This recipe is the same, only the other dosage: 6 tablespoons of herb per 3 liters of water.
Diet in the treatment of pruritus in the perineum from allergy to pads
When allergic to pads accompanied by itching, you must exclude from the diet all fatty, fried, spicy and spicy. Do not change your diet much, change the way you prepare your usual dishes. Eat on the principle: instead of fried potatoes - boiled, instead of carrots in Korean - a salad of grated carrots with apple, honey and celery, at night - a glass of low-fat kefir, in the morning - cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream and weak tea. Do not abuse coffee during the itching period from allergy to pads. Drink more liquid, better water. Avoid sour juices: apple, grape, orange, currant juice.
Tips for selecting gaskets
We suggest you use the advice of gynecologists when choosing the pads, in order to minimize the possible allergy to the pads:
- Prefer the gaskets with a natural cotton surface (without perfumes, dyes and patterns on the surface of the gaskets).
- Since the inner absorbent ball contains chemicals aimed at copious absorption and odor absorption (which often causes allergy to gaskets, irritating the delicate skin of the genital organs), choose natural gaskets (for example, wood pulp). Information on the filler is on the back of each pack of gaskets, regardless of the manufacturer.
- Preferably, the lower adhesive layer has more than one sticky band, but several. Thus, the gasket is more securely attached to your laundry, avoiding leaks and slipping during socks.
- It is better to use gaskets with wings, as this is an additional factor of protection against leaks. In addition, choose gaskets with wide wings, or double. Often, the wings are planted on an adhesive base, (which causes rubbing and scraping of the skin), so choose gaskets with a natural coating of the wings.
It is important to choose the pads for your type of menstruation (if you have a sparse monthly, do not take gaskets for 5-6 drops and vice versa).