
Information about doctor

The doctor Kobi Sade is a leading expert of the Center for Allergy and Immunology in Tel Aviv. 

His more than a quarter-century experience has allowed him to accumulate vast experience in the field of allergology and immunology, to actively participate in many studies, to have membership in various associations: Israeli medical, allergology and immunology, American asthma, allergy and immunology; to become the author of more than 30 scientific papers published in world-famous publications, to teach at the medical university and to train young professionals.

Kobi Sade I thoroughly studied a person’s immunity and know how to use it for the benefit of overcoming debilitating pathologies: allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, allergies of various etiologies, diseases of the respiratory system, systemic mastocytosis and other diseases.

This area of medicine is in great demand in the modern world, because due to the growing globalization, the further accumulation of biological and chemical substances on the planet, its steady pollution, there is a constant increase in the number of allergy sufferers.

The doctor successfully relieves adults and young patients from such problems, improves their quality of life. He speaks two languages: English and Hebrew.

Education and work experience

  • Faculty of Medicine, Technion University, Haifa, Israel
  • Specialization in the field of internal medicine, immunology and allergology at the Ichilov medical center, Tel Aviv, Israel
  • Internship in Allergology and Clinical Immunology at Hadassah Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel

Membership in international organizations

  • Israeli Medical Association
  • Israeli Association of Allergology and Immunology
  • American Association for Asthma, Allergy and Immunology
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