Coffee allergy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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A large number of people on our planet suffer from various forms of allergies, and the factors that cause them can vary greatly. Allergic reactions to various foods are among the most common and characteristic of humans. Among the many food allergies deserves attention and coffee allergy. Many people do not even suspect that this kind of allergy exists, so they try to refuse other products, excluding them from their diet.
Allergy to coffee can manifest itself both constantly and completely spontaneously. For some, such a reaction to coffee will not be a significant nuisance, but for coffee-makers it is a real verdict. Medicine currently does not know how to overcome such a disease, and the only effective way is to completely refuse to drink coffee.
Causes Coffee allergy
Causes of Coffee Allergies
Why can people be allergic to coffee? It contains a substance such as chlorogenic acid. According to experts, it is this component that can cause serious allergies. But this is only a substance that actively affects any organism. The cause of coffee intolerance are problems with the immune system, diseases of the gastrointestinal organs, as well as diseases of the organs that are responsible for filtering substances in the human body. These are organs such as the liver, kidneys and pancreas.
In some cases, coffee allergy causes excessive consumption of this drink. It must be remembered that coffee in itself is a highly concentrated drink that can harm the human body. The use of coffee is contraindicated for people with a heart and stomach. Therefore, the abuse of coffee is an additional risk factor.
People with intolerance to coffee may have other allergies - chocolate, cocoa, various sweet carbonated drinks, and even tea. In this situation, when choosing products you need increased caution and vigilance.
Symptoms Coffee allergy
Symptoms of a coffee allergy
The symptoms of coffee intolerance very much resemble the manifestations of other types of food allergic reactions. The most common symptoms of coffee allergy include:
- skin reactions (itchy skin, red spots on the skin, hives, etc.);
- respiratory reactions (shortness of breath, coughing, sneezing, etc.);
- digestive reactions (diarrhea, flatulence, hiccups, etc.).
In addition, an allergic reaction can manifest itself in the form of a strong unpleasant chill, rapid heartbeat, migraine attacks. In some cases, the reaction to coffee can even appear from the smell: for example, people begin to sneeze, but still, as a rule, they do not refuse the invigorating drink. And this, in reality, can only be an initial, alarming sign worth listening for, as this is the first stage of a coffee allergy. Over time, such an innocent reaction can aggravate and cause the main symptoms outlined above.
As soon as you notice any of the symptoms during or after drinking coffee, you need to use antiallergenic preparations and follow the reaction of the body. If you get better, then most likely you have this particular type of allergy. It should be understood that it will not be possible to completely get rid of intolerance, you can only temporarily reduce the adverse effects of coffee on the body.
How does coffee allergy manifest itself?
Allergy to coffee can occur as a spontaneous and unexpected reaction, and be a recurring phenomenon. Features manifestations and the nature of allergies often depends on the type of coffee. This bracing drink is primarily divided into boiled and soluble. On these types and need to dwell. Real coffee, that is, custard, as a rule, is capable of causing stronger allergic reactions.
The most common manifestations of allergy include rashes, blisters, peeling and redness of the skin, which usually appear on the face, namely near the mouth and nose. Also frequent edema, pain in the abdomen, diarrhea (indigestion), the occurrence of shortness of breath. All of these symptoms are a sign of allergic gastroenteritis. In the most serious manifestations, a coffee allergy is accompanied by a strong fever, and even angioedema (a noticeable increase in the size of the face or some part or limbs).
As a rule, after the opening allergic reaction to this drink, intolerance of its smell also occurs: as a result, there may be an attack of nausea, sudden dizziness, vomiting, a bad cold, and other unpleasant sensations.
Instant coffee allergy
The intolerance of such a drink as instant coffee is somewhat different. In the case of instant or powdered coffee, caffeine acts as the main cause of an allergic reaction. But exceptions are possible. In instant coffee, various chemical and food impurities are often found, which can also cause allergies. The thing is that the coffee itself in the instant drink is about 15 percent, and everything else is flavoring, food coloring, flavoring. These substances actively retain caffeine in the body, which is more in a soluble drink than in a cereal. Subsequently, regular consumption of instant coffee powder causes an overdose of caffeine. Drinking decaf coffee will not change the situation, since such a drink can lead to gallstone disease.
The primary signs of coffee allergy, such as swelling, skin rash, or itching, are rarely seen when drinking instant coffee, but abdominal pain, frustration and vomiting are almost always present. Quincke’s edema also cannot be ruled out.
Diagnostics Coffee allergy
Diagnosis of coffee allergy
Before talking about the fight against coffee allergy, it is necessary to definitively and unequivocally diagnose intolerance by making special tests. Modern technologies allow testing for specific allergens. After consulting a doctor, you should be offered the best possible diagnosis. Patients may be asked to pass skin tests, undergo bio-energy diagnostics on a computer or do a hair diagnostic test and blood test.
Skin allergy tests involve the introduction of an intolerable substance under the skin in small doses in order to test the reaction. Allergy symptoms will definitely manifest if antibodies are present in the body. In the event that an allergen is detected, the enzymatic desensitization technique can be used - this is a special procedure for minimizing the allergen sensitivity to drugs.
When analyzing hair, a small number of immunoglobulins (that is, antibodies) are added to the patient's hair. After this, it is necessary to establish whether a reaction has occurred or not. You can detect an allergic reaction using a computer examination or a special microscope. When diagnosing by blood, it is necessary to take into account all immunosorbents. Such diagnostics is quite complex, during the procedure they determine the competition of natural and specific immunoglobulins that are in the body.
With this diagnostic method as radionics, you must be very prudent and cautious. Such a method can be used only in the case when other diagnostic procedures described above are carried out previously.
Who to contact?
Treatment Coffee allergy
Coffee allergy treatment
Following the determination of the diagnosis comes the stage of counteracting coffee allergy. Regardless of the causes of allergies, it should be treated as a normal digestive disorder, that is, it is necessary to take antihistamines.
As a medicine that should be on hand for this case, stands "Suprastin." This drug is prescribed for adults one tablet (25 mg) three to four times a day. The dose can be gradually increased if the patient does not have side effects, however, the maximum dose of the drug should not be higher than 2 milligrams per kilogram of the patient’s mass. Tablets "Suprastin" must be consumed during the meal, drinking plenty of water, not chewing the medicine itself. If after taking the pills "Suprastin" does not become easier or the symptoms of coffee allergy recur, you should consult a doctor. A specialist can add intramuscular injections of this drug to Suprastin tablets. In more complex cases, intravenous injections of Suprastin are prescribed, as well as other antihistamines.
Also, if you are allergic to coffee, it is recommended to drink sorbents, for example, activated charcoal (1 tablet per 10 kilogram of patient's weight). The course of this treatment should be 30 days. It is necessary to use active coal in 2 hours prior to the first meal. It should be understood that such measures can only partially alleviate allergic reactions, and not completely eliminate the problem.
For food allergies, including coffee intolerance, the following alternative medicine compositions can be effective:
- Tincture celandine. For cooking, you need to brew a tablespoon of the plant in 2 cups of boiling water and then insist for four hours. You need to eat before eating (15-20 minutes), a quarter or ½ cup in the morning and evening;
- Infusion of meadowsweet. To prepare this infusion (also this plant is called spirea), you need to pour a small glass of spirea flowers with 2 cups of boiling water and insist a little. Drink cooked infusion should be 3-4 times a day, the recommended dose - one tablespoon. Short-term use of the infusion can give only a slight decrease in coffee allergy, and a lasting effect is possible only after 2-3 months of permanent treatment.
- One of the most effective alternative drugs in the fight against food allergies is mummy. It should be diluted in a concentration of one gram per liter of warm water. A quality product should instantly dissolve without any signs of turbidity. It is necessary to take the medicine only once a day, for children under three years old - 50 milligrams each, from 4 to 7 years old - 70, and for children from eight years old and adults - 100 milliliters of solution.
- Also, according to alternative beliefs, it is believed that for complete healing from allergies, it is necessary for a long time (several years) to use a decoction of the train, and not the usual morning drinks - coffee and herbal tea. Brew broth should also be like tea, allowing it to infuse for 20 minutes. An intermediate decoction should have a golden color, if it is greenish or cloudy, then this sequence is not suitable for human consumption. Keep the sequence is not worth it, for the decoction you need to use only freshly picked plants, and the sold dried briquettes of the series will not give any effect.
Also, for the effectiveness of the treatment of coffee allergy, it is necessary to exclude it from the diet and use other drinks or coffee substitutes. At the same time, cosmetic procedures with the use of coffee, which are quite popular and popular among women in spa salons, will not have to be abandoned, unless the coffee smell has a negative effect on the body.
More information of the treatment
Prevention of coffee allergy
To protect yourself from allergies to coffee and possible negative manifestations due to the use of this drink, you need to completely eliminate coffee from the diet. If allergy is caused by caffeine, then other products, such as cocoa, chocolate, cola, tea, can cause an allergic reaction. If you are completely unable to get away from these products, then you either have to always carry anti-allergy medicines with you, or reduce the doses of coffee and caffeine-containing products to a minimum, and thus practically deprive yourself of the usual pleasure.
Also, scientists proved that the presence of allergic reactions to coffee sometimes contributes to the development of cross-allergy to legumes, so that the use of these foods will also have to be limited. Another necessary caution is the moderate use of meat and smoking cessation, since nicotine and purines (components of meat) are related to caffeine in their chemical composition.
Correctly limiting your diet, and giving up coffee, you can protect your body from untidiness and health problems.
In conclusion, it should be noted that coffee allergy is not so common. If it so happens that this is also your problem, you cannot present your morning without coffee, that is, the way out. Replace coffee with a glass of fresh orange juice after a contrast shower. This complex of morning activities will have a more positive impact on your body. Remember, you can always find an even more pleasant and useful alternative.