


Allergies to cottage cheese in adults and children

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Allergy to cottage cheese - a phenomenon quite common. In our daily diet there can be many factors for not perceiving a particular food. Someone can not drink milk, someone does not imagine eating meat, someone has convulsions at the sight of freshly prepared zucchini or eggplant.

Despite the fact that cottage cheese is one of the most useful products, there are still people who have an organism struggling with those very useful elements. It is worth noting that in the daily diet of an ordinary person, in a variety of products there is milk or its components. They help not only to help saturating the body with useful substances, but also give strength and endurance.

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Whether there is an allergy on cottage cheese?

What is cottage cheese and why is it allergic? Cottage cheese is nothing more than compacted proteins, boiled from fresh cow, goat, sheep or somebody else's milk. If we talk about the composition of cottage cheese, it is 80% milk protein, and the remaining 20% of milk protein remain when digested in the serum. When the body takes a dose of pure protein in the form of cottage cheese, it can perceive it not as a useful well of vitamins, but as a harmful substance. The body begins a riot - produced a large number of antibodies. Because of the increase in their content, the body produces histamine, which causes external and internal allergic manifestations.

Causes of allergy to cottage cheese

Allergic reaction in the human body can appear due to the use of any product. However, the most frequent cases of manifestation of food allergy are manifested when using protein, rather than fat or carbohydrate, product groups.

The most common cause of allergies to curds is called heredity. In this case, usually, parents notice this in a child of a very young age.

The most unsafe food allergens are: cow's milk and its derivative - the same cottage cheese, seafood and river fish, eggs, soy and various nuts. There are cases of so-called cross-allergies, when a person who tolerates an allergy to one of the products may not perceive such foods (for example, an allergy to cottage cheese may be parallel with an allergy to milk, and an allergy to melon will capture both pumpkin or cucumber).

Symptoms of an allergy to cottage cheese

The allergy to cottage cheese, as it was written earlier, can manifest itself both externally and internally. Symptoms of allergy to cottage cheese can be noticeable on the skin, by the internal sensation or by the physiological reactions of the allergic organism.

An allergy to cottage cheese can be manifested on the skin - you will be told about this by small reddened pimples called "rashes". Do not exclude reactions that manifest edema of the oral cavity or lips or eczema of the perioral territory.

Not the best way there is a reaction to cottage cheese in an allergic person in the gastrointestinal tract. Due to the use of a product unacceptable to the body, painful spasms, nausea or vomiting, dizziness, or diarrhea may occur.

The most dangerous can be an allergy to cottage cheese, manifested in the respiratory system. If at the initial stages of its manifestation it is difficult to guess that this allergy is a runny nose, the appearance of tears or some itching in the eyes is rarely associated with an allergy to cottage cheese - but with the aggravation of the situation, the allergy to curd can inflate the internal airways, which can lead to anaphylactic shock.

Cottage cheese allergy

The most common phenomenon - allergy to cottage cheese in a child of infancy or infancy. So, as cow milk is one that contains particles of proteins, from the most commonly causing allergy in infants, doctors recommend refraining from switching to artificial food as long as possible.

Up to one year it is not recommended to include in the diet of the child such products as: fruits and berries of red color, as well as containing a large amount of vitamin C, fish and cow's milk. The most favorable for psycho-physical development, maintenance of immunity, as well as for the correct growth of the baby is called continuous breastfeeding of the mother.

In order for a child to receive quality and healthy breast milk, Mom should also eat well and fully. So, mothers are recommended to use products of vegetable and animal origin, natural and freshly prepared.

Allergies to cottage cheese in babies

Not surprisingly, a young child who is only being taught to another, except for mother's milk, has allergic reactions to food. After all, the baby's body does not perceive other elements yet and considers them to be alien. Therefore, even with an insignificant amount, you may experience an allergy to the baby's curd.

In order to exclude the allergic reaction of the child's organism to various, including dairy products, it is necessary to choose hypoallergenic mixtures for complementary feeding.

The allergy to the curd "Agusha" and "Theme"

It is not uncommon for babies to have an allergy to a certain producer's curd. So, for example, often parents turn to professionals with questions: "What to do if the child has an allergy to the curd" Agusha "or" Theme "?

First, doctors recommend to introduce in the diet of children milk and sour-milk products containing cow protein, after a year of life.

Secondly, if your baby has an allergy to the curd "Agusha", "Theme", or any other, prepared by your own hands while observing all proportions, technologies and instructions, you just need to change the starter for home-made cottage cheese, or consult pediatrician.

Most of the dairy products presented on the shelves of stores or pharmacies may not fit your baby, because they have not quite natural ingredients. Therefore, children are advised to give only natural, dairy products prepared by their own hands.

Cottage cheese allergy in adults

Over time, allergies in adults to certain groups of foods can be transformed into allergies to completely different foods. Such reactions of the body can signal the operation of all internal systems of the human body.

In order to manifest allergy to curds in adults, you must either watch it from childhood, taking it from your parents, or oversaturated them one day, so that the body will remember the beneficial substances as harmful. The first symptoms of allergy to curds in adults, as well as the perception of other products, appear somewhere in 5-10 minutes after their use, or after assimilation of useful elements and screening off harmful - 3-4 hours after eating the product.

Usually, allergies take place after 1-2 days, when the products are completely eliminated from the body.

Diagnosis of allergy to cottage cheese

At the beginning of the article it was indicated which symptoms of the occurrence of allergy to curds are the most common. Diagnosis of allergy to cottage cheese in both children and adults occurs quickly enough, especially if you are examined by a doctor. Allergy can be identified and in the very first stages, however, in order to classify the product that caused the allergy, it will take more time. You should remember that in the main allergic reactions are observed in people after taking protein food.

The fact that you have an allergic reaction in the body, you can tell the general weakness of the body, the heat, or vice versa, chills, diarrhea and aches in all limbs. Also characteristic are pressure drops accompanied by a discoloration of the skin, small wounds can appear on the mucosa. Swelling of the oral cavity, respiratory tract, arrhythmia begins, acute shortage of air, which can lead to loss of consciousness. The work of the kidneys and organs that produce blood is also disrupted.


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Treatment of allergy to cottage cheese

In order to avoid allergies to cottage cheese, you need to exclude it from the diet, at least for a period - for a week, a month or longer. It is necessary to establish the cause of the allergy and medically tighten your own health by curing the gastrointestinal tract, kidney disease or by removing parasites from the body.

In order for the body to get used to entering into it the beloved cottage cheese, which causes allergies, it is necessary to eat it in small doses, so that the antibodies lose their sensitivity to this product. However, it is better to conduct such experiments under the supervision of an allergist, otherwise irreversible side effects may occur.

How to prevent allergy to cottage cheese?

Naturally, the prevention of allergy to cottage cheese is much better and preferable to the treatment itself. In order to prevent the appearance of an allergic reaction to cottage cheese, you should always use it in small doses and do not part. Instead of using the same kind of dairy because of the fermented milk product, it is desirable to alternate it with other species. That is, if you have an allergic reaction to cottage cheese, try sometimes to consume cheese instead of it, or simply eat yogurt, drink kefir or milk. From the change in consistency, the digestibility of the product can change significantly.

Treat properly and do not put yourself at risk. To establish a more accurate diagnosis and the appointment of a course of treatment, we recommend that you consult a doctor. He will be able to pick up an anti-allergic program that is right for you. Remember that self-medication can cause irreparable harm to your health.

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