

Types and Symptoms of Allergies


Cross-allergy is an additional property of a common allergy. The fact is that many allergens have their "counterparts": if one allergen causes allergic reactions in a person, then it is quite possible that its "double" or even a group of "doubles" will provoke it.

Allergy to tea

Allergy to tea refers to food allergies and is one of their species. An allergic reaction can be caused by an individual tea allergen - a specific protein F222. However, it is often not the tea leaf that causes allergies, but all sorts of aromatic, flavoring, coloring, synthetic fibers that are ubiquitous in almost all varieties of modern tea.

Allergy to beer

An allergy to beer is a disease over which many laugh, because they consider it non-existent. Meanwhile, this kind of allergy happens, and although it can not be called ubiquitous (as, say, an allergy to pollen or chocolate), it still persuades some people.

Allergy to tobacco smoke

Everyone knows about the dangers of cigarette smoke, the mass media do not get tired of publishing threatening statistics, but smokers do not get any less. The list of risks of smoking, complications and pathologies right up to cancer is great, relatively recently it was also included in the allergy to tobacco smoke.

Allergy to vitamin D

If an allergic reaction to medications is a widespread phenomenon, then vitamins cause allergies very rarely. Last years cases of complaints of parents on an allergy on vitamin D at their children have become frequent.

Allergy to lactose

Allergy to lactose (or, in medical terms, lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency) is an unpleasant phenomenon that, contrary to popular belief, affects the adult population no less than newborns and preschool children.

Allergy to flowers - the solution to the problem is!

In a scientific way, an allergy to flowers is called pollen. This is a chronic disease that causes irritation of the mucosa due to the pollen of flowers. Allergy to flowers affects the work of many organs and systems - respiratory, digestive, nervous systems, as well as the mucous membrane, skin and some internal organs.

Allergies to pomegranate

Allergies to pomegranate at first glance may seem strange, because it is a very useful product that helps increase hemoglobin levels in the blood. The pomegranate strengthens the hair and cleanses the skin. But there are people with an individual intolerance to this fruit - an allergy to a pomegranate.

Allergies to cottage cheese in adults and children

Allergy to cottage cheese - a phenomenon quite common. In our daily diet there can be many factors for not perceiving a particular food.

Coffee allergy

Among the many food allergies deserves attention and coffee allergy. Many people do not even suspect that this kind of allergy exists, so they try to refuse other products, excluding them from their diet.


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