

Treatment of burns

Burn treatment with brilliant green

Greenish is called a 1% or 2% aqueous or alcoholic solution. Zelenko is a disinfectant that helps to eliminate the infection, and besides it sterilizes the treated area of the skin.

Treatment of burns solcoseryl

According to statistics, burns are an actual global problem. They hold leading positions in the list of types of injuries; the prevalence of burns is second only to road accidents.

Treatment of a burn with olazol

The drug is used in medical practice in the complex therapy of superficial burns, wound surfaces, ulcerous and erosive lesions.

Levomekol with burns

Ask any doctor if Levomecol ointment can be used for burns, and you will get an unambiguously positive answer.

Panthenol from burns

Ointments, cream and Panthenol sprays from burns are effective external agents that promote the regeneration of burned tissues in areas exposed to destructive effects of high temperatures, chemicals or sun rays.

Gels from burns

The effect of such improvised tools is doubtful, and so many still prefer pharmacy products: creams, ointments, aerosols.

Creams for burns

The burn, which occurs on the skin under the influence of high temperatures, is perhaps the most common trauma in the household.

Aerosols from burns

Burned once or twice, you can involuntarily think: maybe it's time to pick up the aerosol in the home medicine chest. Why aerosol?

What should I do with thermal burns?

Thermal burns are widespread in everyday life, for example, from iron, steam, boiling oil, etc., in addition, thermal burns are due to too long exposure to the sun.

What to do if a jellyfish is burned?

Everyone can relax with a jellyfish, as the jellyfish often throws into the coastal zone, but not everyone knows what to do with a jellyfish.


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