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Creams for burns
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Indications for use
Indications for the use of creams from burns depend on the degree of skin damage. With a small impact, the most important part of the treatment is premature first aid. Immediately try to cool the skin with cold water or dry ice. Before using the cream, first clean the damaged area well. To do this, first use the ether, and then alcohol. Remember, if the burn is too strong, it takes a rather large area and blisters start to appear on the skin, it's best to see a doctor, and not to fix the problem yourself.
Read the following:
The most common cream for burns today is "Panthenol", so we will consider its pharmacodynamics. The preparation includes dexpanthenol, which is considered to be an analogue of pantothenic acid on an alcohol basis. This acid dissolves in water and takes part in various metabolic processes of the body. Pantothenic acid is an important element in the regeneration of the skin, as it enhances its epithelization.
We will consider the pharmacokinetics of creams from burns using the example of "Panthenol", since it is used in most cases and is the most effective for today. Substance, as shown by various studies, is perfectly absorbed by the skin. Metabolism in the mucous membranes and skin was not noticed.
Names of creams from burns
Today, you can find various names of creams from burns, which are sold in each pharmacy. It is necessary to choose exactly such a preparation that will deal with your problem as effectively as possible. The most popular are the following.
- Silvederm. This drug is antiseptic. In the cream, you can find such components: silver sulfadiazine, lavender essence, isopropyl myristate, ethanol. Used to treat burns, healing of postoperative wounds, abrasions and scratches. Apply a small layer on the affected area of the skin. You can use a bandage to enhance the effectiveness of the cream. Treatment lasts at least three weeks. Can not be used during pregnancy and lactation. Among the main side effects are: pain, burning, itching, allergies.
- Solcoseryl. This preparation is a biogenic stimulant that has good regenerating properties. As part of the cream - extract from the blood of young calves. Used to treat injuries, wounds, abrasions, burns, ulcers. Apply only to dry wounds. Since the cream does not differ in bactericidal effect, it is necessary to treat the burn with an antiseptic before applying it. Used once or twice a day.
- Levomekol. In the composition of this cream you can find: methyluracil and chloramphenicol. The drug is a combined and widely used for the local treatment of abrasions, wounds, burns. It has an anti-inflammatory effect. Do not use if you are allergic to any component of the cream. Side effects include rashes and itching. Apply to two times a day with a thin layer, lightly rubbing into the skin.
This preparation has excellent wound healing, regenerative and anti-inflammatory action. The main active substance of the cream is dexpanthenol. Panthenol is usually used in the treatment of various injuries of the skin, dermatitis (including diaper), nipple cracks in nursing women. Also, the cream perfectly protects the skin from the negative effects of the environment. The drug is contraindicated only if the patient has an allergy to the components of the cream.
The standard dosage of the drug is as follows: apply a small amount of cream on the affected area two to four times a day. Slightly rub into the skin. Before this can be treated with an antiseptic (for example, hydrogen peroxide). Side effects have not been found, as the cream is fairly well tolerated. It is forbidden to apply to a wet wound.
Cream Rescuer
The main effect of the drug is synergistic. In its composition, you can find milk lipids, sea-buckthorn oil, beeswax and turpentine. Thanks to this rich composition, the cream perfectly copes with burns, heals the skin, reduces inflammation and relieves pain. Often the cream The rescuer is used to treat dermatitis, diaper rash, wounds, abrasions, burns (especially chemical and thermal), acne, bruises, skin infections. Before applying to the skin of the cream, it must be well cleaned and rinsed.
It is best to use the Lifeguard under the bandage. To strengthen the effect of balm you can use an insulating layer in the bandage. Among the main side effects can be identified: allergy to drug substances, burning, itching, redness, increased inflammation. Do not use the cream if the patient has a sensitivity to the components. During pregnancy, you can apply without any problems. Do not use the drug with oxidizers (iodine, peroxide), as this can lead to negative consequences.
Baby cream
The concept of "baby cream" is broad. This term includes almost all creamy products that are used in pediatrics. The main difference of this drug is the fact that its composition includes only components of plant origin, so gentle baby skin is not damaged.
Usually in modern children's cream you can find water, some fats, bioactive additives. Due to this composition and mild effect, children's creams from burns became popular among adult patients. In addition, such a tool can be used to prevent sunburn, causing the skin before going to the beach.
This drug is used to improve skin regeneration and strengthen trophic tissue. The main substance that is part of the cream is dexpanthenol. The agent actively stimulates the regeneration of damaged tissue, normalizing the exchange in cells. Apply a thin layer on the burn. It is used one to two times a day.
There were no side effects and no overdose. What is important is that Bepanten is absolutely safe for pregnant and lactating women. Sometimes there may be an allergy to the substance of the drug. Used for burns of various kinds and degrees, for the treatment of dermatitis, dry skin, cracked nipples, cuts.
Cream Solaris helps with healing of the skin after a burn. The preparation includes: water from the Dead Sea, a special bioorganomineral complex, ascorbic acid, vitamin E, some additional components. The cream is used not only to treat burns, but also in surgery (to heal more quickly postoperative wounds), in traumatology (for the treatment of dislocations and injuries), in ophthalmology (for the prevention of cataracts, treatment of "barley"), in gynecology (to accelerate the recovery processes ), in urology (for the treatment of prostatitis), in neurology (with osteochondrosis).
The cream is applied to the damaged area of the skin with a small layer and gently rubed without pressing. This drug can be used to treat radiation burns, but by special instructions.
The main components of Clearin cream are medicinal herbs that grow in India. Among them we can distinguish: aloe vera, lodhra, kaifal, wacha, manzhishta, him, harada, turmeric. This drug is used not only for the treatment of burns, but also for stretch marks, pigment spots, pimples. Means refers to Ayurveda creams. First, prepare the skin to apply the cream. It is very important to clean it well with normal soap. After that, apply a thin layer on the skin and massage gently.
Remember, the effect will be noticeable not earlier than in four weeks. Pregnant means is not contraindicated. With its help, you can carry out the prevention of stretch marks. There were no side effects from the use of the cream. The drug is not recommended for use with allergies to its components.
Boro Cream
This cosmetic is considered universal. It perfectly copes with the care of the problem skin. In the cream, you can find only natural substances: aloe vera, sandal, lily ginger, vetiver, him, talc, turmeric. It is used to eliminate acne, acne, ulcers, to prevent the appearance of cracks and weathering.
It differs in antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial action. Boro should be applied to the cleared surface of the skin at least twice a day. Sometimes the dose can be increased up to three times. Do not use for hypersensitivity to substances that are part of the drug.
The composition of this cream includes: extract of marigold, yarrow extract, d-panthenol, vinylin, allantoin, vitamins E and B5. Thanks to the use of only plant components, the cream perfectly copes with burns of different degrees.
The drug has an excellent regenerative effect. Used to treat small damage to the skin (scratches, cracks, abrasions), domestic and thermal burns. It is not recommended to apply the cream on a wet or open wound. Use the drug once or twice a day in small amounts. There are no contraindications to use.
Cream Ambulance
The main components of the cream are: purified water, DEG stearate, emulsion wax, vegetable oil, glycerin, beeswax, dimethicone. Thanks to active substances, the drug helps to regenerate the skin faster after burns. It has no antibiotics or hormonal agents, so it is completely safe for human health. It also has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic effects.
The cream should be applied two to three times a day on the affected surface of the skin. Use a small amount of the drug. Before applying, the skin is best treated with any antiseptic (for example, hydrogen peroxide).
Cream from burns with silver
This product is characterized by antiseptic, wound healing and regenerating effect. The composition includes silver, which helps protect the skin from the negative effects of the environment. Also, the drug is actively used to treat infectious and inflammatory diseases, frostbite, bedsores, trophic ulcers, infectious dermatitis. It is applied in small amounts to the damaged areas of the skin after it has been well cleaned and dried. As a rule, the cream is applied no more than twice a day. It is recommended to use a bandage.
The main contraindications: allergy to the components of the drug, children up to two months, pregnant women, lactation. Among side effects should be highlighted: the appearance of burning sensation, itching, swelling, redness, irritation.
Cream for sunburn
Sun burns are a frequent and unpleasant companion of any vacation on the beach. Therefore, in order not to overshadow the rest of this problem, you need to take an effective sunburn cream. Among the most popular means can be identified: Panthenol, Bepanten. This medication perfectly cope with the protection of the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays. Among the cosmetic products, Eveline Sun Care SOS cream special attention is used - it perfectly eliminates any problems that can arise after a long stay in the sun. The composition of the cream includes natural ingredients, so skin regeneration occurs fairly quickly.
Cream for burns with boiling water
Burning with boiling water is a fairly common problem among all housewives. It is very important to reduce pain after receiving such an injury, and also to strengthen the regenerative properties of the body. First of all, it is worth knowing that burns with boiling water can have different degrees. At the first and second you can solve the problem yourself. The most common treatment for household burns is the cream "Pantenol". In addition, Solcoseryl is considered to be a very effective drug, which has a good regenerative effect. If the skin begins to heal after the burn, then it is better to treat the wound first with any antiseptic, and then apply the cream from the burns. If the defeat is too serious it is better to consult a specialist.
Cream from chemical burns
Timely treatment of chemical burns strongly affects the result. This type of skin injury is quite complex and serious. That's why you need to pick the right cream from chemical burns. It is very important that the drug has a regenerative effect. Among the most popular remedies in the case of a chemical burn should be allocated cream "Solcoseryl". This drug has in its composition deproteinized components, which are obtained from the blood of young calves. Also in it you can find the necessary nucleotides and amino acids, so the treatment of a chemical burn occurs quite quickly.
Cream from burns oil
Burning with boiling oil is a fairly common household injury. It has a high depth of damage, as well as the difficulties that arise when it is necessary to remove oil from the surface of the skin. As a rule, the burn from boiling oil happens 1 and 2 degrees. In order to avoid injury, it is necessary to use a special cream from burns with oil. The most popular in this case is "Fusiderm". This drug has an antibacterial effect. Often the cream is also used to treat paronychia, impetigo, folliculitis, erythrasma, acne. Adults are usually applied to the affected area two to three times a day in small amounts and lightly rubbed. The therapy lasts a week.
How to use the cream from burns
Usually the cream from burns is applied in a thin layer, slightly rubbing into the skin. Typically, these drugs should be used two to three times a day, sometimes under a bandage, to achieve the most effective result. The course of therapy lasts from a week to three weeks. In individual cases, the doctor may prescribe a different dosage and duration of use of the cream.
Use during pregnancy
Creams for burns can be used during pregnancy in most cases. Moreover, such preparations as "Bepanten", "Panthenol" and some others are recommended to apply on the nip cracks even during lactation. But it is worthwhile to understand that such creams can be used only from the fourth month.
Contraindications for use
The most common contraindications to the use of creams from burns are: allergy to the main active ingredients of the drug, children's age (only in some cases). As a rule, the cream from burns has no special contraindications, since it does not cause negative effects.
Side effects of creams from burns
Creams from burns are created on the basis of natural components, so they rarely cause any side effects. But sometimes they give out: allergies, burning on the skin, redness, itching, irritation, skin rashes.
Numerous studies have shown that there are no overdoses from the use of creams from burns. Such drugs can be used without fear to treat burns in children, the elderly, during pregnancy and lactation.
Interaction with other drugs
It is not recommended to use different creams from burns at the same time, as this can lead to negative consequences and increased side effects. For more information, you should carefully read the instructions for the drug or ask your doctor.
Storage conditions
Cream from burns should be stored in a dark, dry place, at an air temperature of no more than 25 degrees Celsius. It is very important that the packaging does not get direct sunlight. About the storage conditions of a cream can be read in the instructions. Remember that the tool that was stored incorrectly can not be used, as this can exacerbate the negative effects.
Shelf life
As a rule, the shelf life of the cream from burns is no more than three years. Use the drug after the expiration of this period is not recommended. The expiration date is usually written on the medical packaging.
Best cream for burns
Of course, you can not talk about which cream for burns is the best, because different drugs are helped by different drugs. The greatest number of positive reviews received the cream "Panthenol", which turns into pantothenic acid after it gets on the skin. This acid is an important substance that takes part in the regenerative processes of the body. Cream "Pantenol" perfectly fights with inflammation, redness, pain.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Creams for burns" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.