
Information about doctor

Eran Hadad is one of the most revered Israeli plastic surgeons. The experience of his work is thirty years. At the moment, he has a medical degree, and is a senior physician at the plastic surgery department of the medical center.

Eran Hadad - A graduate of the Sackler School at the University of Tel Aviv. Passed a specialization in the Israeli medical center Assaf-a-Rofe.

The doctor is a recognized talented surgeon, on account of which there are already more than thousands of interventions of aesthetic, plastic and reconstructive nature. Among his most frequent operations are the removal of scars and scars, rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, lifting of the cervical and facial area, restoring skin beauty after burns and traumatic injuries. In addition, the surgeon performs breast surgery (including for men), general figure correction.

Additional specialization Eran Hadad can be called the removal of tumor formations and other defects on the face and other parts of the body using the innovative technology of MOHS. This method involves not only the specific removal of a problem neoplasm, but also the simultaneous microscopic examination of its borders. The operation is required in patients with diagnosed skin cancer.

Eran Hadad published more than 35 own articles in medical periodicals. His active participation in international symposia, regular lectures on the most interesting issues in the field of plastic surgery are noted. The doctor is a clinical instructor who teaches students of the School of Medicine. Sackler (University of Tel Aviv).

The activity Eran Hadad has been repeatedly marked by awards and prizes proving its significant contribution to the improvement of plastic surgery.

Education and work experience

  • Faculty of Medicine School. Sackler, Tel Aviv University, Israel
  • Internship at the medical center "HaGalil HaMaaravi", Nahariya, Israel
  • Serving in the Israel Defense Forces as a military doctor
  • Specialization in the field of plastic surgery in the department of plastic surgery of the medical center "Asaf-a-Rofe", Beer Yaakov, Israel
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