
Correction of age-related skin changes

Nasolacrimal furrow correction

During the preliminary preparatory examination before the correction of the nasolacrimal sulcus, the patient should tell the doctor about his lifestyle.

Endoscopic lift of the lower, middle and upper third of the face

Today, there are many different cosmetic procedures that help to restore youthfulness, fresh appearance to the skin, and prevent skin sagging. One such procedure is an endoscopic facelift.

Ultrasonic non-surgical facelift: HIFU SMAS-LIFTING

An ultrasonic laser is understood to mean devices that emit pulsed ultrasonic waves. For aesthetic purposes, they are used for non-surgical rejuvenation of the skin. The principle of operation is as follows.

Face creams after 40 years

In the fifth dozen years, the face changes even in women with wilt-resistant genetics. Time is relentless, and care for youth should be yesterday. But today it is not too late if you use cosmetics correctly. First of all - special facial creams after 40 years.

Exercises for the facelift of the face

We often look with envy at the tightened figures of athletes, young people, swaying in the gyms - they do not hang their belly, and on the arms and legs the relief of muscles is clearly visible.

Threads Aptos for facelift

It's no secret that with age, the skin, including the face, loses its elasticity, elasticity. First, shallow mimic wrinkles appear, then they become more pronounced, the oval is blurred, the expression of the face is sad and dull.

Effective vitamins to prolong youth

The first signs of aging make themselves felt after 25 years. Scientists associate these irreversible changes with the action of free radicals. Deficiency of macro and microelements, this is another reason for deteriorating appearance.


Nature did not take care of the absolute perfection of people, most of them would like to improve something in themselves.

Facelift and facelift: types, results, rehabilitation, reviews

Facelifting is an operating or non-surgical correction of the face and neck by affecting soft tissues, the so-called facelift.

Thermolift Facial

Each self-respecting woman dreams and in 40, and in 50 years to look as attractive, as in a youth. It is clear that looking at 18 even in 30-35 years is almost impossible, it will be something from the field of fairy tales.


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