
Masks for face

Milk mask for face

Milk face masks are cosmetic masks that contain milk or milk products.

Mask for the face from wrinkles from succinic acid: recipes

Thanks to this remedy you can get rid of many cosmetic problems, improve the condition of the skin, and also detoxify it.

Coffee Face Mask

As the morning cup of freshly brewed coffee gives the person a charge of vivacity, so the mask from the coffee grounds perfectly tones the cells of the epidermis and at the same time is suitable for all skin types

Face masks from lemon

Being a rich source of vitamin C, lemon juice - and it is part of homemade masks, lotions and scrubs - has many advantages when applied directly to the skin.

Mask of chocolate - cosmetic trend

Cocoa is considered a rich source of antioxidants, such as procyanidins, polyphenolic flavonoids and catechins. Cocoa powder contains potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, iron, copper, selenium and zinc.

Fruit masks for face and hair

Fruit masks help saturate the skin with useful ingredients. Fruits are especially important for human skin.

Mask for face from milk

What effect does the face mask have on the skin from milk? Certainly, positive. And milk has its own useful property for every type of skin.

Masks for combination skin

Homemade masks for combination skin will help solve many of the problems characteristic of mixed skin type.

Masks made from peas: good for any skin

Many may seem unexpected pea masks, but the use of this popular bean is completely natural, because home skin care products include almost all products of plant origin.

Paraffin mask: health and skin rejuvenation

The paraffin mask is made from molten paraffin, an oil distillate, which is a mixture of solid hydrocarbons (alkanes), which are converted to a liquid state when heated to + 45-60 ° C.


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