Mask for face from milk
Last reviewed: 19.11.2021
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What effect does the face mask have on the skin from milk? Certainly, positive. And milk has its own useful property for every type of skin. The main thing is to pick the right ingredients for the milk, as well as the mixture put on the face not to hold longer than 15-20 minutes.
The Benefits of Milk for Skin
To make cosmetic effects effective, milk should be correct, that is, natural. And what is the use of milk for the skin?
In natural whole cow milk, there are proteins (approximately 82%, in the form of casein), which means that there are amino acids, in particular - leucine and isoleucine, valine and tyrosine, proline and tryptophan.
Milk contains calcium phosphate, sodium and potassium salts, magnesium, iron, selenium and zinc. Vitamins are represented by thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), cobalamin (B12), vitamin C and folic acid. All this is very useful for skin cells.
In addition, fat-soluble vitamins - A, D, E and K, essential unsaturated fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic), as well as saturated fatty acids are present in the composition of milk fat. Due to linoleic acid, the stratum corneum retains moisture better, and the skin does not overdry.
Among the saturated fatty acids, myristic acid is particularly prominent, which has such high hydrophobicity that it almost freely penetrates the lipid membranes of epidermal cells. And not only does it penetrate itself, but it also "drags" useful substances behind it.
So, we offer you recipes for face masks from milk, which really give a positive result.
Mask with milk and honey
To prepare this nutritious and softening dry mask skin, you need to mix 4 tablespoons of milk, a teaspoon of liquid honey and a tablespoon of wheat bran.
And for oily and porous skin, a mixture of milk, honey and skim cottage cheese (in a ratio of 2: 1: 1) with the addition of half of the raw egg white is suitable.
Note that masks containing honey, dermatologists are not advised to do more often than once a week.
Mask made of clay and milk
Preparing the mask with clay and milk is simple: just mix the ingredients to a creamy mass at the rate of about two teaspoons of a dry powder of cosmetic clay. For oily skin, nothing else is needed.
And with dry or flabby skin, a little teaspoon of olive or flaxseed oil, egg yolk or three drops of retinol acetate oil solution (vitamin A) should be added to the mask.
Mask of flour and milk
This mask is intended for cleaning and drying oily skin. Especially well narrowed enlarged pores and removed sebaceous shine on the face.
Preparing the mixture is also very simple - by gradually introducing milk into flour, and the flour can be not only wheat, but also rye, pea or rice. The composition of the mask can be improved by adding turmeric (at the tip of the knife).
Mask for face with milk and gelatin
And this cleansing mask can be useful for all skin types, and it is prepared so. A tablespoon of gelatin is poured into 100 ml of milk at room temperature and aged for about a quarter of an hour. The mixture is then heated in a water bath until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
Cooled to + 40-41 ° C, the mixture is applied to the face on massage lines - in three layers (after drying of each previous one), kept until completely hardened and kept for about 10 minutes. Probably, it is superfluous to remind, that with such mask on the face it is necessary to sit quietly and silently or lie down.
Before applying the milky gelatin mask, it is recommended to grease the most greasy places on the skin with lemon juice in half with water, and dry with olive oil.
Mask with yeast and milk
If you have oily skin, then the mixture is prepared by their fresh baker's yeast and cool milk, for the density you can add flour or oatmeal.
When making a milk-yeast mask for mature skin, you can enhance the effect if you add 4-5 drops of essential oil of lavender, rose, patchouli or jojoba. And for thin and dry skin - as much olive or corn oil.
Mask of milk and oatmeal
For this "multifunctional" mask you need a tablespoon of ground oat flakes or oatmeal (oatmeal) and warm milk. As a result of mixing the ingredients and 5 minutes of insisting, a medium-thick gruel should be obtained.
In it you can add a teaspoon of aloe juice or 3-4 drops of essential oil of sage (if there are pimples or irritation); and if the skin is dry and wrinkles have already appeared near the mouth and on the forehead - 3-4 drops of rose oil, grape or peach seed oil.
By the way, Americans like to use not oatmeal, but almond bran.
Mask of milk and bread
You should like this unpretentious and refreshing mask: if you do it every day for two weeks, then you can not avoid compliments about your appearance ...
For skin prone to fat, or with a combined skin type, the mixture is made from crumb of rye bread and milk at room temperature. And the rest can be used as white bread, and bread with bran; Milk should be warm.
Mask of banana and milk
Nothing so moistens the skin, like a life-giving mixture of banana with milk, which is applied to the face twice a week. In addition, this mask is good for all skin types.
It is enough to turn a piece of ripe banana in puree and add a little fresh milk (with a high percentage of fat content).
By the way, except for a banana, such useful masks are made with the pulp of a peach, apricot, pear and melon.
Mask with dry milk
We'll tell you the "secret": packing milk powder (which is made from regular milk) will solve the problem of having a fresh product in your refrigerator for a long time. Mask with dry milk means replacing the fresh by diluting the powder with water at room temperature in a ratio of 1: 2.
And all the recipes of such masks were given above. Just in case, we warn that the condensed milk for cooking masks is not good!
Masks of sour milk
Since in the process of souring milk (lactic acid fermentation) up to 2.2% of lactic acid is formed, the masks from sour milk excellently purify, moisturize and tone the skin. All other useful milk substances do not go away, moreover, biochemists claim that the content of amino acids in acidic milk increases.
But the main merit in preserving moisture in the epidermis, purifying the pores, smoothing the skin tone and exfoliating the dead cells belongs to lactic acid.
Recipe for deep cleansing of oily skin and lightening of pigmentation:
- two tablespoons of sour milk (or curdled milk) plus a tablespoon of flour;
- 50 ml of sour milk, a tablespoon of clay and half of raw egg white.
A recipe for cleansing normal skin: sour milk and oatmeal (1: 1).
A recipe for cleansing and enhancing the elasticity of dry and fading skin: sour milk, oatmeal and raw egg yolk (or a little olive oil).
Mask from goat's milk
Goat's milk is a long-deservedly recognized product of the cosmetic industry, and any goat's milk mask promotes deep nourishment, moisturizing and regenerating facial skin.
Goat's milk contains many vitamins and minerals, as well as coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone) and glycerol containing essential lipids - practically the same as in skin cell membranes.
If cow's milk has 17% fatty acids, then in the goat, they average 35% and over seven dozen unsaturated fatty acids. And thus, thanks to a low melting point (+ 37 ° С), fats are more easily absorbed by deeper layers of our skin. A moisturizing derivatives of pantothenic acid increase the strength of collagen fibers, make the skin softer and younger.
The simplest mask recipe consists of the actual milk (4 tablespoons) and the oatmeal, which can be replaced with ordinary flour or starch. If the skin is very dry it is useful to add 3 drops of jojoba oil or macadamia.
And for normal and fat-prone skin it is recommended to prepare a mixture of milk with cosmetic or blue clay.
Mask of camel milk
For women in North Africa, the Middle East and East Asia, a camel milk mask is an ordinary home remedy for keeping beautiful skin.
As you know, camels give very little milk - no more than two liters per day, but it is very nutritious due to the large content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (especially linoleic).
In camel's milk, there are three times more vitamin C and 10 times higher iron content than in cow's milk; micro- and macro elements in it, too, more, but vitamins A and B2 less. Milk camels were examined and found to suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria, which is promoted by a high concentration of lysozyme, lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase and immunoglobulin.
Camel's milk, rich in alpha hydroxy acids and vitamins, not only softens the skin, but also dissolves dead cells of the epidermis, helps remove the pigmentation spots from the face and smooths the skin tone.
In Europe, camel's milk is produced since 2006 - in the Netherlands, on a dairy camel farm; in the same place they produce milk powder (which can be ordered).
And you can try the mask of Moroccan Lava & Camel's Milk Softening Nomad's Secret Facial Masque (Shea Terra Organics, USA) with a Moroccan clay of volcanic origin or Chamelle Anti-Stress Facial Mask (Le Soie Cosmetics, United Arab Emirates).
Mouse with elk milk
You understand that it is problematic to prepare a mask for moose milk (as well as camel) at home: where can you get the moose milk, which is milked at two specialized farms in Russia, as well as in Canada and Sweden ...
In addition, the elk period lasts only two months (from June to August), but its milk is four times more nutritious than cow, so elk grow quickly and gain 1.3-1.4 kg per day.
So it remains to tell about the finished product "Face mask rejuvenating on elk milk" trademark "Banka Agafia" (RF).
Judging by the manufacturer's description, this anti-aging agent includes only natural ingredients: milk, white clay, beeswax, rhodiola extracts of pink and Sakhalin mulberry, well-as it should: cerateate and benzyl alcohol, benzoic acid (preservative E210), emulsifiers, stabilizers and other
Reviews of facial masks from milk elk, very contradictory: some praise, others after applying this mask had skin allergy ... And some express doubts about the content of a fairly exclusive ingredient in an inexpensive product, packed like ketchup.