
Correction of age-related skin changes


Cryotherapy (Greek krooq-ice) is a complex of physiotherapy related to exposure to the skin of low temperatures. Local cryotherapy and general hypothermia are used.

Ozonotherapy: the mechanism of action, the technique of conducting, indications and contraindications

Ozone therapy stimulates the synthesis of proteins, including its own collagen and elastin, increases the regenerative capacity of the germ layer of the skin.

Oxygenotherapy and oxygen microdermabrasion

Oxygenotherapy (oxygen therapy, needleless oxime-therapy) is a modern technique for saturating the surface layers of the epidermis with oxygen fed not to the skin under pressure in a concentrated form.

Light and heat therapy (LHE-technology): mechanism of action, technique, indications and contraindications

Light-thermal therapy (LHE-technology) - Light (light) and Heat (thermal) Energu (energy), - or light-thermal therapy, implies the use of both light and heat energy of the flash lamp radiation.

Application of general ultraviolet irradiation for tanning

The appearance of tan in the form of a pleasant golden brown ("bronze") skin color is associated with sun bathing, which was widely used in Europe practically throughout the 20th century.

Irradiation of the skin with ultraviolet rays

Ultraviolet irradiation is a therapeutic application of UV radiation. Like many physiotherapy methods used in cosmetology, UV irradiation was initially used for therapeutic purposes (including treatment of acne, alopecia, vitiligo, etc.) and only after a while they began to be used for aesthetic purposes (as an alternative to natural tanning ).

Infrared irradiation: mechanism of action, technique, indications and contraindications

Infrared irradiation is the application of infrared radiation with therapeutic or cosmetic purposes.

Controlled microdermabrasion

Controlled microdermabrasion - skin resurfacing under the action of inert crystals of a powder based on corundum (alumina crystals), with the help of which the layers of tissues exfoliate at different depths.

Phonophoresis: mechanism of action, technique, indications and contraindications

Ultraphonophoresis is a complex effect on the body of ultrasonic vibrations and active cosmetic means.

Ultrasound therapy

Ultrasonic therapy (UZT) is a physiotherapeutic method of exposure, using high-frequency mechanical vibrations of particles of the medium. Ultrasound is the elastic mechanical vibrations of particles in a medium with a frequency above 16 kHz, that is, beyond the audibility of the human ear.


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